fall for Harry Styles

By justsome_fangirl1D

2.8K 103 0

Allyssa Cahill, who always dream of meeting One Direction, had come true because she had became a very famous... More

1: me
2: Life at school
3: badly offended
4: thinking out loud
5: missed the time
6: some bad luck
7: meeting one direction
8: first talk
9: meeting the boys
10: the offer
11: new introduction
12: the tour with Harry
13: favourite
14: a good morning
15: where's Harry?
16: sweet talk
17: hanging out
18: Liam's room
19: call of an old friend
20: a big mess
24: burn out
21: something different
22: another day
23: much more
25: another time
26: wise choice
27: girls day
28: the truth
29: is she a friend?
30: not a coincidence
31: stupid flashback
32: the amazing gift
33: the feels
34: busted
35: go Louis!
36: things changed
37: last day
38: a conflict
39: first date
40: did i saw what i saw?
42: haircut
43: being pranked
44: gossips
45: holiday!!
46: help me
47: birthday gift for Niall
48: goodbye.
49: memories, memories, memories

41: the dream

21 1 0
By justsome_fangirl1D

*dream start*

I went to school. Today is special day. It's intramurals day. Intramurals means sports day. Our school would divide all of the students into big groups.

I'm thankful that im one team with Nicholas. Its really a small world.

"Hey Nic!! Great that we're in the same team!!" I give him a brofist.

"Me too!! What sports did you chose?" He asked. Each student needs to join at least one sport. The purpose of this sport day is to show the talents of the students.

"Well, i chose badminton women single and basketball single. What about you?" Basketball was my hobby and i love badminton so apparently it'll be easy.

"Volleyball and dart." He said.

"Wow. You're amazing!! I can't even do volley or dart. Played once, but wasn't good at that."

"That was the most easy sport i could chose. The rest were mostly hard, you know i hate to play basketball and i'm not that good at sports." Nicholas always did that. Everytime we had PE subject he will sit down and doing nothing, while me, trying to play any sport games i could get.

And then suddenly, he was smiling.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLYSSA!!!" He suddenly hug me. Wow. Is it my birthday?

"Thanks Nic. But is it my birthday?"

"Yeah. You'll be getting one year older than me." He smirked.

"How old am i now?"

"19. You're acting strange today." He scan me. Yeah. I don't even remember it was my birthday. I felt like, i should've been older.

"No. I'm just too shock. I forgot it was my birthday. Do you forget something? You're suppose to give me present right?"

"Yeah. But i forgot to bring. Gotta go. I have match to play. I'll give the present later on." He went outside.

So i stay in my room. Talking to my friends. And then suddenly i could hear all shrieking everywhere.

Yeah, the match must have gone well. I thought.

But then everyone went outside and i eventually followed them.

Before i even get to take a sneak peak from these hundreds crowds, i hear a voice saying in irish accent:

"Hey guys. I wonder if anyone know Allyssa?"

Could it be? So i ran and try to push everyone whose blocking me and yes. It's Niall Horan.

"NIALL HORAN!!!!" I shouted so excited.

"Yes. I'm 1/5 of one direction! And i'm look for Allyssa Cahill."

"You're looking for me?" I look so shock, completely wordless.

"Yeah. We were going to wish you a happy birthday." And they sang.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to YOU!!!

Then all of the students came rushing forward. Asking for selfies.

I thought i was the only one who loves them, but why are they asking selfies?

And why are they wishing me a happy birthday to me? And how do they know my birthday?

I wanted to ask them but too much students were rushing forward, so i went to my room instead.

The room was silent. With no one inside. When things happen like this, i would always get crazy with myself.


I was playing my guitar with my badminton racket. I know i must look completely insane.

Then the door open rushly. I was shocked. It was them.

"Hey Allyssa, we wanted to talk more with you." Niall offered.

"My.. Am i dreaming?" I pinch myself and it hurts.

"No babe, you're not, we're here. And we know you're a big fans of us." Harry put his hands on my shoulder. My face could be blushed now.

"You have a nice voice." Zayn said as he come closer.

"And, nice guitar." Lou added. I felt embarrassed. They must have seen me singing and playing this "dreamy" guitar.

"So, i thought you were all busy taking selfies with the .. With them..." I'm confused what to say because they aren't a fan.

"Yeah but it's strange if they were our fans. They barely know our names." Zayn looks annoyed.

"Some people are just for fame. They knew you were boybands." I said.

"Yeah. Let's take selfies with the birthday girl." And we did. We give bad look, ugly face etc.

"Hey. How do you know it's my birthday? I have completely forgotten it actually." I laughed.

"I don't know. Someone just paid us to come and see you. And wish you a birthday."

"I think his name was Nicholas."

"Oh my. Nicholas?" I almost choked out. My friend really think of me.

"Yeah." Zayn said.

"So tell about yourself." Liam asked. We sit on the floor.

"I'm Allyssa. I'm 19 now. I can play guitar and i love to sing."

"Yeah. Pretty obvious. The way you sing and strum your badminton." Niall smirked. I blushed.

"So you'll be having your match later?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. Come and watch me."

"We will. We can even join you play. Can we?" Liam asked.

"Yeah definitely!! But not badminton because it's single. But you could join us play basket. Yeah?"

"Yeah!! We'd love it!!"

We talk a lot and it was the time for my badminton match.

My opponent was a 2 years girl older than me. She give a bad look. She even wore pierce earing. Is that allowed at school?

"Go go Allyssa!!" The five boys cheered. Zayn even made a big poster saying "Go Go Allyssa!!" When did he even made that?

First round was bad. She was using smashing technique. Then i learn to adapt her way. And i won.

"WOHOO!!" The boys were cheering.

I try to find Nicholas presence, but he wasn't here. Where could he be?

"You were great!!" Harry put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, curl hair."

"Curl hair?" Louis laughed.

"Yeah he was." I put a tongue out at him. He was just smiling. Cute xx.

"We have basket after this." I said to them.

"Let's find something to eat!!" Really? Niall is still happy to eat.

We sit on a tables in the canteen and most girls were just staring at us.

"Can you just stop eating, Niall? We have match to go." Zayn was already annoyed.

"That's okay. Let him eat." I put my hands on my chin and i watch him eating. Eating might be the most happiest thing in the world for him.

"Let's go!!" Liam said excitedly. He was pretty good at basketball.

Then the MC shouted: "next we have team One stars versus Bold Bird!!"

"Really? We are bold bird team?" I give Lou bad glare. What an ugly team name.

Basically it was 6 vs 6 people. And i'm the only girl in the game. The rest were boys. This will be tough.

Liam was really good. He was very kind because he passed me the ball and i shot it. Goal!!!!

Lou wasn't really good at it. Maybe he's better at soccer.

Harry was quite good and Zayn too. Niall wasn't playing. He's like my guard. Because everytime Liam would passed to ball, the opponents of the team would catch after me and Niall is helping me to defense. Thanks Niall. He knows i needed it.

"Good game guys! Thanks Niall for defense!" I give him a brofist.

"Anytime, loves." He winked. Whoa. He's calling me loves.

"You have another match to go?" Zayn asked.

"No. I'm done."

Then suddenly Liam's phone vibrate.

"Yeah? No!! 1 hour please!! Thanks!" He closes it.

"What's going on?" Lou asked.

"Simon is asking us to leave now. But i told him we'll be leaving one hour later."

"No." I give him a sad face.

"Let's just play something. Don't get time wasted." Harry pulled me.

I played guitar with Niall and he taught me lots of new things. Harry told me that girls would flirt a lot and try to be another Harry. I think Harry is pretty adore. Zayn told me about the drawing collection he is keeping. And he said that he's sucks in drawing. I think he's pretty good. Lou told us all funny jokes. Lou is pretty funny. Cute, adorable and mad. Liam share to me about the cute moments of the boys. When Niall slipped out of the room and the boys founds out the next day he was in front of the bus wearing only underwear! Niall was like giving a shy look.

"Guess we should go." Liam stuttered.


"Bye Allyssa. We will miss you." The boys gives me hug.

I could feel the tears streaming down on ma face.

Then just in instant, i could hear Nicholas's calling me: "Allyssa!! Wake up!!!"

*dreams end*

I'm dreaming. I woke up and i saw all the boys were in my room. What are they doing here?

"Are you okay, Allyssa?" Nic gets closer as soon as i woke.

"Yeah. And what are you all doing here?" This is supposed to be my private rooms, not boys coming around.

"You were screaming. So happily." Really?

"Like you were saying 'I know you're Niall Horan. And I'm Allyssa." Zayn smirked. Busted. I'm done. They must have heard every word i said.

"And just suddenly you laughed so hard and you mention Louis's name." Harry give me a sly smirked. Is he jealous or what?

"And you suddenly said bye guys and you cry." Nic added again. I think i felt my eyes watery as soon as i was awaken.

"That's why we were trying to wake you up. We were afraid something might happened." Harry is being to nice. Or was he just trying to ruin my sweet dream?

I told them everything about my dream. It's weird how i could remember every single detail, like it was real.

"Whoa. I think it seems fun." Liam laughed.

"Definitely!! And someone just ruin it down." I give a smirked at Nic.

"Sorry girl, we were just watching you laughing and suddenly you cry." Seems odd but funny.

I look at the clock and it's 3.45 in the morning.

"You don't want to go back to sleep?" I told the boys.

"No. I can't sleep. We'll leave now." And they leave. Except Harry.

"Hey." I hit his arm playfully.

"Hey." He hit me back.

We were just staring for quite long and he break the silence.

"Babe, we have an interview to go on the noon. You need to go."

"What? It's not me who they want to see, it's you and the boys. Me and Nic will just stay here." I really don't like to go for another show.

"Babe, they wanted to see how we goes~" Okay. The way he says 'we', i could feel something.

"Fine." I mumbled.

"Let's take a selfies, babe!" Harry said. First time ever he ask for selfies. Couple selfies. So sweet. We are definitely the sweetest couple ever.


"Welcome One Direction." The interviewer said happily. He wasn't shocked when he saw me. The interviewer told them to sit down on the chair that was prepare for them, but unexpectingly, they did not prepare on for me.

Harry saw this and he bring me over to let me sit on his lap.

"This certainly must be Harry's girlfriend, what's your name?"

"Allyssa Cahill." I said, trying to be sweet and polite.

"You both look cute with each other." Just as soon as the interview said that, the audience were cheering.

"We're definitely are. We're so cute together that no one could resist." Harry said. Wow. Audiences were cheering more.

"So tell us boys, what do you really wanna do this weekend?" The interviewer asked.

"I will love to visit my mum and my sister." Liam was the first one to say.

"I wanted to get back to my mum and i wanted her to make me lots of breakfast." Definitely Niall.

"Well, Niall, there are certainly thousands of girls who are willing to cook you something." Niall just blushed.

"And i will just stay at my home, watching Tv and relax." Zayn added.

"Lou will be with Hazza all the time!!" He screamed. And he's trying to give cute voices.

"Yeah, but i would really love to be with my girlfriend all the time." Hearing this makes me blushed even more.

"Hazza's now a bad boy. He doesn't want to cuddle with me anymore." Lou is giving the audience sad face.

"That means he choses more on his girlfriend than you, Louis." The interviewer laughed.

And he continued. "And Allyssa must be really lucky to be dating with Harry Styles of One Direction."

"Yeah. But it wasn't because he was part of One Direction, it was because he's Harry Styles." After hearing this, the audiences clapped even more and the interviewer smiled.

"Love you." Harry whisper to my ear. First time to hear that.

"You both certainly is the cutest couple ever!" The interviewer laughed.

"Yeah we are! We got some random pictures of our selfies." Harry take out his phones and he showed the audience our selfies together just before the interview.

That's why he was asking for selfies. To show it to everyone.


"We look perfect before, aren't we?" Harry suddenly put his hand on my shoulder as we walk back to the bus. He smirked and i know he was trying to tease me.

"Yeah. I can't believe you were showing all those selfies. I thought it was suppose to be secret between us." My face was pretty awful and i never have thought he would show it to everyone.

"But you're extremely cute, although i'm prettier than you." He gives me a tongues out.

"HEY!! I'M THE MOST PRETTIEST THAN ALL OF YOU!" Louis suddenly cut our conversation.

"Yeah. You are the prettiest Lou." I laughed. If he'll turn to a girl, i think he suited.

"Oh, we all know Allyssa is the most prettiest." Zayn shook his head. Here comes the serious Zayn Malik.

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