Soulmates - George Weasley

By xcoldestqueenx

943K 27.7K 33K

in a world were soulmates can hear the other one singing, and hazel has no idea why there's a sweet, loving v... More

meet the characters


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By xcoldestqueenx

"Dad!" Ron whined as he tried to keep up with the group. "Where are we going?" he asked, looking around the woods, not seeing anything but trees and green.

"Haven't the foggiest!" Hazel and George looked at each other with confusion. "Keep up!" Arthur turned around, waving his hand over to Ron, who picked up the pace.

"Arthur! It's about time, son," their heads turned at the sound of a new voice. Hazel saw a man and standing a few feet ahead. Is that Cedric Diggory... in a tree? He was the seeker and captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team. The man approached Arthur, patting his back in a friendly way.

"Sorry, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start," chuckled Arthur, patting Amos' back in return. "Everyone, this is Amos Diggory, we work together at the ministry," they all waved at the grown man, who replied with a court 'alright?'. Suddenly, Cedric jumped off the tree, landing on his feet. "And that strapping young lad, must be Cedric, am I right?" George's grip on Hazel's hand tightened, making her look up at him with wonder.

"Yes sir," Cedric replied, a grin on his face as he stared Hazel. Oh.

"These are all your kids, Arthur?" The man asked as they continued to walk.

The ginger man shook his head with a laugh. "Only the redheads," he responded, Amos nodding along. "That's Hazel Fenwick, my son's soulmate," he pointed towards Hazel, who smiled, raising her hand so Amos could tell who Arthur meant.

"Nice to meet you, young lady," Amos said with a grin.

Hazel smiled back. "Likewise, sir," she squeezed George's hand reassuringly when she saw Cedric was still staring at her.

"And that's Harry-"

"Harry Potter!" Amos exclaimed, looking at the boy with admiration. "It's a pleasure to meet you," the man shook Harry's hand eagerly, who shook it back with a tight smile. "Cedric has told me a lot about you!" The man went on about how Cedric beat him during the quidditch game, which was awkward to say the least. 

Fred and George began making fun of Amos behind his back, which luckily he didn't pick up on. Cedric was too busy staring at Hazel to even realise what was going on. Finally, they began walking up a hill, and Hazel could hear Amos saying they were getting close. Hazel, George and Fred stood still for a while before looking at each other competitively and sprinting up. Fred and George obviously beat her, she had shorter legs after all.

In a fit of giggles, Hazel took George's hand when he offered it to her, pulling her up the last bit. "Why are we standing around an old boot?" Hazel asked George as the rest of the family reached the top.

"That's a portkey," Cedric replied before George could. "C'mon," they all laid down on the floor, holding onto it. Hazel placed her hand on the boot as Amos began counting down from three. Harry and Hazel chuckled at their actions, both of them clearly having been raised in the muggle world.

"This is so weird," as soon as those words came out of her mouth, they started falling. Everyone began screaming excitedly, except for her and Harry who's screams were full of fear. 

"Let go, kids!" Amos' voice made Harry and Hazel's eyes widen.

"WHAT?" Hazel shook her head repeatedly.

"Let go," George removed his hand, making Hazel do the same with a loud screech.

I'm dead, I'm dead. "Oof," she grunted when her body hit the ground. "What the hell was that?" She mumbled, sitting up on her elbows. She noticed George, Fred, Ron, Ginny and Harry had all fallen next to each other. "Are you okay?" she asked them all, who nodded and groaned in response.

She looked up and noticed Cedric, Arthur and Amos were walking down from the sky. What the fuck? Cedric approached her and offered her his hand so that she could stand up, she smiled at him friendlily before taking it. "Thanks," she mumbled, quickly pulling it back. George glared at Cedric from the ground, standing up as fast as he could. He walked over to Hazel, putting his hand on her lower back.

"Yeah, thanks," Cedric nodded at him, turning around and continuing to walk. Bill, Percy and Charlie had been standing near by, waiting for the rest of the family. They began laughing quietly at their George's reaction to Cedric, shaking their heads and walking up another hill. Hazel blushed, following the rest. "He'll learn to keep his eyes to himself," George muttered, clearly angry. Hazel bit her lip as she looked up at him.

"He's just trying to be nice," Hazel dismissed, shrugging. George scoffed, cursing the Hufflepuff under his breath, making Hazel chuckle. Her attention shifted to the sight in front of them.

"Well kids," Arthur began, extending his arms. "Welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" There were so many people! Hazel couldn't believe her eyes. Wizards flying around in brooms, flags of every country competing being waved high up in the air and lots of tents.

They began walking through the people. Hazel was mesmerised, taking it all in. She'd have to write about this to her mother, how fantastic. It reminded her a lot of hockey season, somehow. The crowds, the painted faces, the energy in the air. "Parting in the waves, I think, old chap!" Amos shook Arthur's hand, who nodded with a smile.

"I'll see you at the match!" Arthur responded. "Cedric," the man shook hands with the boy, who nodded.

"See you later," Cedric smiled at Hazel, who only nodded back. Fred chuckled at George's face.

"See you later," George said in a high pitched voice as they made their way to their tent. "Who says that?" he was clearly jealous, but Hazel had to admit it was amusing more than anything else.

Arthur stopped in front of a tent. "Home sweet home," he said cheerfully, opening it up and walking in, the rest of the family following suit.

"What?" Harry and Hazel chorused, walking behind them. Hazel gasped when she saw the inside of the tent. It was spacious, even more than the Burrow, perhaps. There was a living room, a kitchen, a dining room and several bunks for them to sleep in. "I love magic," Hazel heard Harry say as she walked over to the bunks.

"Girls, choose a bunk and unpack," Arthur said as Ginny made her way there too, leaving her bag next to Hazel's. "Ron, get out of the kitchen we're all hungry! -"

"- yeah, get out of the kitchen Ron! -" the twins chorused, sitting down and resting their feet up on the table.

"- feet off the table! -" Arthur said pointedly.

"- feet off the table! -" they pretended to take them off, only to put them back on once Arthur was out of sight. Hazel walked over to George after unpacking, looking at him with a smile on her face. "Hi darling," she leaned down and pecked his lips softly.

"Wanna go explore?"

The twins and Hazel left the tent, but it seemed like Fred and George knew exactly where they wanted to go. George held Hazel's hand as he walked, not wanting her out of his sight. "Why are we here?" Hazel asked as they approached the place where people were placing bets.

"We're gambling," Fred and George chorused. Hazel chuckled, shaking her head.

"Your mum doesn't know, does she?"

"What do you think?" George replied with a laugh.

"We're betting thirty-seven Galleons, fifteen Sickles, three Knuts," said Fred, as he and George quickly pooled all their money, "that Ireland win – but Viktor Krum gets the Snitch. Oh, and we'll throw in a fake wand."

"That's oddly specific," Hazel told them as they left the stand.

"We're risk takers," Fred said simply.


Before the match, the twins asked Hazel to paint their faces which she did graciously. She even tied their hair back so it wouldn't get covered in paint as she did it, a smile appearing  when she was done. "There you are."

They looked at themselves in the mirror and nodded approvingly. "Wicked," they chorused. Right after that, Arthur called them over, he was already standing by the door with the rest of the family. As soon as the twins and Hazel got there, they began making their way to the stadium.

It was enormous, they'd never seen anything quite like it. Everyone was cheering already and the match hadn't even began. "Prime seats!" The person checking their tickets said. "Top box, straight upstairs, as far as you can go," she said. Hazel groaned internally, there would be so many stairs. They began making their way up. By the time they were halfway there, everyone was whining out loud.

"Blimey, dad," Ron grumbled. "How far up are we?"

"Well put it this way," a voice interrupted, making them all turn around. Lucius Malfoy. George felt anger boiling up in his stomach. "If it rains, you'll be the first to know," he said with a smirk. Hazel felt like throwing up, she couldn't believe this man had the guts to even come near her after what he'd done. Draco walked up behind his dad with the same smug look on his face.

"Father and I are in the minister's box," he said with a pompous attitude, walking behind his dad. "By personal invitation of Cornelious Fudge himself," his dad placed his cane on Draco's chest.

"Don't boast, Draco," Lucius spoke. "There's no need with this people," George's put his arm around Hazel's waist protectively. Hazel turned around, beginning to walk back up the stairs. "Oh, and Miss Fenwick," the man stopped her, making her look back at him. "Mr. Bole sends his regards," Hazel's breath hitched while George glared at Lucius with pure hatred in his eyes. "Do enjoy yourselves," he added with a sneer. "While you can," he said, looking directly at Harry.

They resumed their walk after that disgusting encounter. "Are you okay?" George asked Hazel in a quiet voice, not wanting to draw attention to her.

Hazel nodded slowly. "Yes, it's okay," she replied in the same way, a small grin on her lips. "He will get what he deserves," she said, sure of herself. George nodded in agreement.

Finally, they reached the top, all of them standing near the rails. Hazel's mouth dropped when the Irish team made its entrance, fireworks popping all over, one of them forming a leprechaun that began dancing in the air. "There's Troy!" Fred screamed excitedly.

"And Mullet!"

"And Moran!"

Hazel laughed at their ability to recognise the players from so far away. The crowd began chanting the country's name with pride as the team made a triangle formation in the sky. "Here come the Bulgarians!" The red and black team flew through the leprechaun and the Irish team, making them scatter.

One Bulgarian player, dared to pick his feet up off the broom, only using his hands, almost doing a handstand. "Who's that?" Ginny asked in surprise.

"That, sis, is the best seeker in the world," Fred replied just as the crowd began chanting 'KRUM, KRUM, KRUM.' "KRUM!" The twins screamed happily as he was showed on screens all around the stadium.

"Good evening!" The minister's voice boomed. "Welcome to the 422nd, Quidditch World Cup! Let the match begin!"

It was an amazing game. Everyone screamed and cheered during the whole event. While Hazel had no personal preferences, she still got excited every time the Irish would score, because that's what she knew George wanted. The Irish chasers were fantastic to watch, passing the quaffle around and scoring almost every single time, something she'd never seen before.

Honestly, most of the time she couldn't even understand what was going on, but just seeing the look on the twins' faces was enough for her. Either way, George tried to keep her up to speed by telling her who was winning and what was going on.

"He's seen the snitch!" Harry screamed, pointing towards Krum and the Irish seeker. "Look at them go!" He yelled excitedly, making Hazel's smile widen. "He's got it! - Krum! He's got the snitch!" Harry jumped up and down with excitement. The twins had won their bet!

"They've still lost," Hazel said softly, looking at the scores.

"WHAT?" Harry gasped, staring at the scores dumbfounded. 

"Yeah, the Irish are still up by ten," Hazel said with a chuckle. "They were a hundred and sixty points up."

After the match, the twins made their way to the stand to collect their winnings before they made their way back to the tent, all of them high on energy. "Krum, Krum, Krum, Krum!" The twins were yelling and dancing around the living room, along with Hazel and Ginny. "Du du du du du du du," they sang, moving their feet as if they were doing the Irish dance. Bill and Charlie watched the show unfold.

"There's no one like Krum!" Ron spoke all of a sudden, jumping up on a chair.

"KRUM," the twins began moving their arms around Ron, making fun of him as he continued. Hazel's gaze was fixed on George as he made fun of his brother with a wide smile.

"He's like a bird! The way he rides the wind!" Harry leaned against a column, trying not to laugh at his friend and the twins' antics, same as Hazel. "He's more than an athlete -" Fred covered Ron up with an Irish flag. "- He's an artist!" Percy scoffed from his seat.

Ginny made his way towards her brothers with a smug smile. "I think you're in love, Ron," she giggled.

"Shut up," Ron breathed out.

"Viktor, I love you!" George sang, pulling Ron down to the ground.

"Viktor, I do!" Fred continued.

"When we're apart, my heart beats only for you!" the twins sang at the same time before breaking into a fit of laughter at Ron's expression. Harry laughed along with them.

George skipped over to Hazel, wrapping his arms around her waist, leaning down and kissing her shortly. They were interrupted by the sound of fireworks, making them turn around and move closer to the door. "Looks like the Irish have got their pride on..." George said.

As soon as those words were uttered, Arthur walked in with a worried look on his face. "Stop! Stop it!" He grabbed the pillow that Fred and Ron were throwing around. "That's not the Irish," Hazel's heart dropped, looking at Arthur with concern. "We've gotta get out of here," the man walked over to his daughter, grabbing her hand quickly. "Now!" They followed Arthur's instructions, leaving everything behind and walking out as quickly as possible.

Outside, everything was mayhem. Hazel's lips parted as she watched some tents be consumed by fire, people running around in distress, screaming and crying. "What the hell happened?" She asked loudly, looking over at George, who shook his head, not knowing what to say.

Charlie pulled Ginny's hand from his father's, taking it on his own. "We have to get to the portkey!"

"Stick together. Charlie you're responsible for Ginny," Bill commanded. "Dad and I will stay and help - we'll meet you there," they both pulled out their wands, walking away quickly.

The group was being pushed towards the portkey by swarms of people. As she walked, Hazel tried to check on everyone: Charlie, Ron, Percy, Ginny, Fred and George, who was obviously holding her hand. Where's Harry? "Harry!" Hazel screamed, turning around for her friend, she saw him being pulled away by a group of people. Without thinking, she let go of George's hand, ignoring him calling her name. "Harry!" George tried to run behind her but the people wouldn't let him through.

"Hazel! Shit!" He yelled when he could no longer see her.

"George, don't!" Fred stopped him, grabbing his shirt tightly. "She's going to meet us by the portkey - she'll be fine -"

"Shut up!" George snapped, pushing people away. "If that were Angelina, you'd be long gone." Fred thought about it for a second before letting go of his brother.

"I'm coming too," was the only thing he said before following George.

Hazel saw Harry falling on the floor, being pushed down by people running around him. "Harry!" the boy snapped his head towards her, before getting hit on the head by someone's knee, effectively knocking him out. "Fuck!" Hazel walked over to his body, shaking him, trying to wake him up. "Harry," she finally decided to pull his body towards a place were less people were running, sitting down next to him, placing his head on her lap. They'd have to stay there until Harry woke up, there was no way she could carry him. Her mind was erratic, no spells came to her in that moment.

After what felt like forever, everything finally died down. Only the ghost of the place remained, no longer happy and light, but dark and cold. Harry's eyelids began fluttering. "Harry?" Hazel whispered. The boy sat up with a soft groan. He was about to say something, but Hazel put her hand on his mouth, noticing a man standing a few feet away from them. He raised his wand and uttered a spell that made a green skull with a snake appear in the night sky. For some reason, that petrified both of them.

Hazel removed her hand, standing up slowly, helping Harry up. As Harry stood, the man turned around, looking directly at them. "Run," Hazel grabbed Harry's hand, running away as fast as Harry could go.

When Harry couldn't go any longer, they stopped, looking at the man with fear. "Hazel!" George's voice made him go still. "Where are you?" George screamed. "Harry!" The mention of Harry's name, the man turn around and run off on the opposite direction. "Hazel!" George and Fred came into view, rushing over to the two. "Why would you run off like that, what's wrong with you?" George pulled her into his chest, feeling his heartbeat in his ears, sweat rolling down his forehead. "Merlin, don't do something like that again," he murmured into her hair.

"You alright, Harry?" Fred asked when he saw the boy holding on to his scar.

Suddenly, Hazel realised there were people standing around them. "Duck!" she screamed pulling George down with her.

"STUPIFY!" It was the minister and the others that had stayed behind.

"Stop!" Arthur rushed over to where his sons stood. "That's my sons!" Fred and George helped Harry and Hazel up once again. "Are you alright?" His voice was full of concern.

Bill approached in a hurry, "I told you to go straight to the portkey!"

"Harry went missing - " Hazel began explaining, holding on to George.

"Which of you did it?" The minister asked them, wand pointed at them, making Hazel flinch. "You've been discovered in the scene of the crime!"

"Crime? What crime?" Harry asked bravely, raising both of his hands to show he didn't even had his wand on him.

The minister lowered the wand. "It's the dark mark," Arthur explained. "It is His Mark," he defended the kids.

"Voldemort?" They all looked up at the sky in shock. Hazel's blood ran cold, her greatest fear was coming to live. Knowing this, George circled his arms around her protectively.

"Death eaters?" Hazel murmured, gaining everyone's attention.

"Follow me!" And with that, the group of men were gone, leaving the Weasleys, Harry and Hazel on their own again.

AN: hiiii <3<3 hope u liked the small modifications (which include harry not singing lol)

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