Pokémon Fool's Gold | Orre...

By kingrufus

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When Leon's son Fayiz defeats Champion Raihan, his sister Amber isn't impressed. She was born amidst tragedy... More

Chapter 1: History Repeated
Chapter 2: A Bad Start
Chapter 3: Hitchhiking
Chapter 4: First Opponents
Chapter 5: Wilderness
Chapter 6: So Much Trouble for One Van
Chapter 7: April
Chapter 8: Gateon Colosseum
Chapter 9: Challenger Zane Vs. Gym Leader Emili
Chapter 10: Triumphant Challengers
Chapter 11: Disappointing
Chapter 12: The Net Badge
Chapter 13: Evolutions
Chapter 14: Weakness
Chapter 15: The Pickaxe Badge
Chapter 16: A Familiar Name
Chapter 17: Stalker
Chapter 18: The Lava Caves
Chapter 19: A Rare Catch
Chapter 20: Catching Up
Chapter 21: Discovered
Chapter 22: Gym Leader's Guidance
Chapter 23: A Cheating Challenger
Chapter 24: Followed
Chapter 25: Good News
Chapter 26: Gym Leader Cail's Challenge
Chapter 27: Like Fool's Gold
Chapter 28: Cipher's Return
Chapter 29: Five Prisoners
Chapter 30: Shadow Trainers
Chapter 31: Escape Day
Chapter 32: Choice
Chapter 33: No Friends
Chapter 34: Reunited
Chapter 35: Elite Company
Chapter 36: Storming the Lab
Chapter 37: Never Loved
Chapter 38: The Under
Chapter 39: Life Resumed
Chapter 40: Let the Music Play
Chapter 41: The Boat Badge
Chapter 42: Another Kidnapping
Chapter 43: Successors
Chapter 44: Thief
Chapter 45: The Road Badge
Chapter 46: Cipher's Grand Master
Chapter 47: Disarmed
Chapter 48: Hysteria
Chapter 49: The Last Laugh
Chapter 50: An Order
Chapter 51: An Unsuspecting Relative
Chapter 52: The Ultimate Shadow Trainer
Chapter 53: Family Feuds
Chapter 54: Cipher's Enemies
Chapter 55: A Bittersweet Reunion
Chapter 56: Happy Family
Chapter 57: Threats
Chapter 58: Wishes
Chapter 59: Disobedient
Chapter 60: History Repeated... Again
Chapter 61: Doomed
Chapter 62: Jovi's Journey
Chapter 63: Decoy
Chapter 64: Cipher Lives
Chapter 65: Father Vs. Son
Chapter 66: Father Vs. Son, Act 2
Chapter 67: Invaders
Chapter 68: XD006
Chapter 69: Hope
Chapter 70: Father Figure
Chapter 71: Love
Chapter 72: XD005
Chapter 73: Gym Leader's Duty
Chapter 74: XD004
Chapter 75: XD007
Chapter 76: Champion Vs. Grand Master
Chapter 77: Apology
Chapter 78: Sensational
Chapter 79: The Truth
Chapter 80: The Grand Master's Last Words
Chapter 81: A New Beginning
Chapter 82: Gretchen's Victims
Chapter 83: The Real Rosen
Chapter 84: Free
Chapter 85: Laila's Story
Chapter 86: Living a Lie
Chapter 87: The Trial Begins
Chapter 88: The Verdict
Chapter 89: New Life
Chapter 90: Time Restarted
Chapter 91: Coming of Age
Chapter 92: Eclo Canyon
Chapter 93: In Years to Come
Chapter 94: Content
Chapter 95: The Skyscraper Badge
Chapter 96: Last Stronghold
Chapter 97: Zane's Fears
Chapter 98: Greatest Performance
Chapter 99: Bait
Chapter 100: Closure
Chapter 101: Goodnight
Chapter 102: Challenger Cassia Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 103: Challenger Seth Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 104: Challenger Amber Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 105: Elite Four Wes Defends His Title
Chapter 106: Path to Citadark Isle
Chapter 107: Victory Road
Chapter 108: Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 109: The Elite Four
Chapter 110: Zane's Challenge
Chapter 111: Champion Michael
Chapter 112: Decisive Battle
Chapter 113: The Hall of Fame
Chapter 115: Cipher's Remains
Author's Notes: General
Orre Pokédex

Chapter 114: Seeing the Back of Orre

29 4 4
By kingrufus

No-one managed to defeat Champion Zane. Bianka made it past Seth, but she returned to Gateon Port a challenger. Zane's photo joined those of the most esteemed residents of the Pokémon HQ Lab: Michael, Jovi, their parents Lily and Jude and Professor Krane. Lily's praise was as rare as ever. She still managed a smile and 'congratulations' for Zane. Her harsh schedules were Lumir's unexpected new challenge, but he didn't mind. He could barely believe he was seeing his own reflection when a content young man in a lab coat smiled back at him.

Blusix's title was officially handed over to Wyatt. As Gym Leader of The Under, he would give out the Crystal Ball Badge. Miror. B was distraught. He thought this was finally the end for his disco. Blusix was exasperated.

'Why d'you have to torture Gym Challengers?! Can't you just open a proper disco? My brothers can help you. They run their own business in Phenac. Hexagon Coffee.'

Vana had a better idea. She entrusted the Desert Lab Gym's keys to his most promising student – Cassia. Before long, every bulky Rock-type Pokémon was dancing. Cassia trained with Vana and Olivia to develop a Gym Leader's team as challenging as their predecessors. Fans eagerly awaited the Gym's Rotogram updates posted by Raihan.

The experienced Elite Four were mentors to Seth. He climbed Mt. Battle, sleeping between areas in the break rooms, until he won 100 battles in a row to be awarded the fifth star on his Trainer Card. After all... that new Rock-type Gym Leader was gunning for him. He couldn't let Cassia get ahead.

A new Gym Challenge was beginning when Amber sat in the back of Trip's new car with Camden. They drove to Phenac. Lyndon awaited them with a shopping trolley. Amber already called him 'Dad.'

'Did you steal that trolley, Dad?'

He winked. 'You don't think the ex-Grand Master of Cipher is pure and innocent, do you?'

They piled it high with their belongings and sent it up in the elevator to be pushed in to a cramped flat. The Phenac Falinks coach met them in the parking lot.

'So you've played a few games with Pangoro since the injury, yeah?'

'Yeah. I've done pretty well... but I'm not gonna lie, I have a long way to go.'

'We all do. Don't you worry, #11. We'll get you back in shape.'

They shook hands. Trip broke down in Amber's arms once they locked the door. Every time someone asked why he dropped out, he told them he'd rather play football, but he wasn't sure until then that he ever could. Amber secured two jobs. She didn't tell her barista bosses, Yellosix and Browsix, that the second one was as a sewage worker. Her friends were aghast.

'Is that really the only job out there?!'

Cassia shook her head. 'Why don't you become a Gym Leader? Or nab that title off Chobin? You're strong enough.'

Amber was baffled. Trip laughed. He knew she wanted that job more than the one at Hexagon Coffee, because it was an experience. Besides, without a fearless Trainer to keep the increasingly strong Grimer invading the sewers at bay, Phenac City had a problem.

'You know what?' Cassia told Trip, 'I was jealous back in the day, but you can keep her.'

Trip watched with a smile when she and Charizard took off in their stained hard hats and overalls. That was the girl he fell in love with. He didn't want it any other way.

Not everyone remained in high spirits. Fayiz barely left his room. Whether a Cipher member escaped with Inteleon or its body was decomposing somewhere, his beloved Pokémon and best friend was gone. His friends put up 'missing' posters. ONBS even offered a reward for its return, but the posters faded and the appeals became redundant. No-one knew where Inteleon was. Luke defeated four Gym Leaders at Wyndon Stadium to win Fayiz's abandoned title. It only took three weeks of fame for him to email otherwise unreachable Fayiz, apologising for dismissing his friend's distress, but he never received a reply. Fayiz wouldn't answer anyone. Leon and Abbey packed his Ice Face suitcase for him. He didn't care whether he returned to Galar or not. Once he sat against the wall at the airport gate, surrounded by chattering friends, he was so annoyed by the noise he wished he'd stayed in his room in Orre.

Rui was well enough to make the trip she'd always dreamed of. Abbey and Amber would show her, Wes and Seth around Galar. Then they'd head for Kalos, but not before Wes and Seth teamed up to take on Abbey and Leon at the Battle Tower. Leon had his work cut out. Lyndon was determined to beat him this time. It was Bianka's first trip out of Orre. She gazed, fascinated, at the Air Orre plane. Everyone else at the gate gaped at something else.

'You might not be facing me,' Leon told his aspiring challengers when they met in the departures hall, 'Because we'd like to spend more time with our grandson, but we can't keep leaving our Battle Tower short-staffed. Not to worry! I've thought up the perfect community service job for Mr. Addison.'

Alfie's old clothes were too big for him. He no longer carried himself with any of his actor's confidence. He sat hunched and avoided everyone's gazes. It wasn't really community service. He didn't need any money and a job as a battle facility boss was what he always wanted – even if it did mean being employed by Leon – but the rest of the world knew that as well as he did and he didn't believe he deserved it. Leon just smiled.

'If they don't think me bossing you around is a punishment, that's their problem.'

'Fuck off, Fetid Fayed.'

'See? We're best friends already!'

Wyndon's cluster of city lights was a contrast to the sprawling lights of Phenac. They glimmered like the moon to pair with the Orrean stars as the plane descended. Seth's camera flash illuminated Rui beaming before a red Wyndon bus. They all crammed on. Jasmine was already at Abbey and Leon's house. They were greeted by the comforting smell of a homemade feast. There wasn't enough room on the living room floor for everyone. Sleeping bags, blankets and pillows spilled into the hall and kitchen. Jasmine handed her keys over to Leon. The only place for a private conversation was outside, so he led Amber out into the garden.

'I was going to give Trip these keys, but I wanted to ask you first.'

'Oh, uh... yeah. Of course you can. But I was actually thinking of asking you...'

'You don't have to say yes, Amber. I like him and he's obviously a wonderful dad, but I'd never want you to be uncomfortable.'

'No! You can give him whatever you want. I love him. I was just... I thought I could ask you, because you went out with Malcolm and stuff...'

'Oh, yeah?'

'I thought... before I met Trip... I was thinking I was gay. I was planning how I was gonna come out. And I'm still attracted to women, more so than men, so I don't want to identify as straight... but if I identify as anything but straight, I feel like a fraud because I've settled with a guy.'

Leon shrugged. 'You're bisexual. So what? I'm no less bisexual because I married a woman. I still think Justy's a 10/10 and Wes is pretty cute, too.'


'What? Are you cringing because they're men or old men?'

'Old men! Of course I don't care that they're men!'

'Well, that's my point. You're not questioning that I find those guys attractive. And while we're at it, that doesn't invalidate how you feel about the person you've chosen to spend your life with, either. Your mum will always be number one to me. But I find guys attractive regardless. Your mum still has a glint in her eye for Alfie, you know.'


'Really. She's even told me. Look at them chatting up a storm in there! Have you talked to Trip at all?'

'Yeah. A lot. He's been really nice. And basically said what you've said, how it doesn't make me more or less bi or faithful to him.'

'Exactly. Good lad. It's no-one else's business.'

'Can I ask you... a really personal question?'

'Fire away.'

'Did you ever... you know? With a guy? Do you ever still want to?'

'Of course I did. I don't want to act on it, because I'm happy with what I've got, but that's not to say I never think about it. If your mum happened to be a guy, well, obviously that wouldn't change anything.'

'I promise this is my last question... but... you've never felt it's, like, a fetish or a side thing or whatever? Like those thoughts aren't the same as thoughts about a woman?'

'Not at all! Gender doesn't decide whether love is real. Intimacy is intimacy. Love is love. Who put that homophobic bollocks in your head, Amber? I hope it wasn't any of your friends.'

'No! People online. I joined a forum, once, anonymously. Everyone was really supportive when I thought I was gay, but as soon as I thought I was bi, they acted like I was a fraud and I was fetishising women.'

'I'll rephrase that, then. Biphobia. It exists, unfortunately, but it's far more common online than in the real world. If you do end up around people like that in real life, then of course distance yourself if they won't change their minds. You'll find they're not so brave without their keyboards, though. And you don't hear from the decent people when you read that crap online because they distance themselves from it, too. Like Malcolm! He's the gayest of gay. He's not biphobic.'

Amber smiled. 'Yeah. You're right. I mean, I knew all that... but it helps to hear it from someone else. Thanks, Dad. I love you.'

The door knocker frantically rapped when the doorbell went unnoticed. Jasmine clambered over suitcases, hanging halfway over Raihan's, to prise it open.

'Hello? I can't see you, but hello...?'

An unfamiliar man spoke. 'Mrs. Fayed?'

'Yes? That's me.'


'Are you looking for Mrs. Hawthorn Fayed?'

'Oh. Aye. Whoever. I just need to–'

'Can I pass your message on?'

'I need to...'

He tried to reach through the gap, but it wasn't big enough. 'I need to give this to one of ya.'

'I'm sorry, but Leon and Abbey can't accept gifts from fans here. Security and all. I'm sure you understand.'

'No, no! It's not a gift! And I'm not a fan. Well, I'm not that kind of fan. I just don't want to give this to the wrong person. Can you get Leon? Or Abbey? Or one of their kids?'

'I'm Leon's mum.'

'Look, I really don't want to be rude, but I can only give this to someone I recognise.'

She sighed. 'Leon! Come here!'

He didn't hear. Abbey pushed past the suitcases instead.

'Who is it?'

'Ah! Mrs. Fayed! I'm really, really, really sorry to have to show up at your house...'

Abbey recognised that voice. It was the man who shouted after her when she and Fayiz were chasing Cipher in Motostoke.

'...But I've got your lad's Inteleon!'

Footsteps thumped the stairs. Fayiz leaned over the bannister.


'This bloke says he's got Inteleon.'

Jasmine shrieked when Excadrill hurled the suitcases over their heads to make room. Fayiz yanked the door open. He was barely eating. His vision was blurry... but he knew that face from somewhere. Then it clicked. It was the old bartender – the bartender who directed him to The Thirsty Thievul. He held out a Poké Ball. Fayiz would have recognised those scratches and sticker marks anywhere. He weakly accepted and threw it. Inteleon charged at him.

'Inteleon! Where were you?!'

'That woman – the serial killer – she tried to get him but he was too much for her. I'm no Trainer. I've just got six Indeedee, but we 'ave been together a long time. We managed to get her away from him, all together. I tried to shout your mum but she didn't hear. I didn't know what to do. I tried to ring up Rose Tower, even tried the lab in Wedgehurst, but they all thought I was a stalker. I've kept him well fed. Feel like a right weirdo showing up at your house, but...'

'No! You're my hero!'

'Nae. Just a bloke in the right place at the right time. Glad you're back together. I'll leave you be now.'

'Wait! What's your name?!'

The old man was already gone. Inteleon was indeed in good health. It wasn't depressed. It never stopped believing it would one day be reunited with Fayiz. Abbey was moved to tears as she watched them hug. She felt more useless when she couldn't do anything to help him or Inteleon than she did even when he cut his family off. Jasmine proclaimed it was time for an even bigger celebration – especially now Fayiz was actually eating – but as overjoyed as everyone was, they were all jet lagged. Amber, Trip and Camden were already fast asleep upstairs. Seth and his family settled in to their blankets on the floor.

The kitchen was still noisy. Abbey stepped out into the garden. Gentle rain pattered from clouds obscuring a crescent moon. Back when she took off to attend university in Alola, nothing seemed more grating than the chorus of Galarian suburbia: barking Yamper and Growlithe, rumbling wheels, crying babies and muffled children's TV. Now that chorus with microwave meal-scented views of faded terracotta fences was all she wanted. She could see, though, that just like her, it didn't satisfy her inquisitive daughter. The door opened. Leon sat beside her on the patio. She sighed.

'I've had it with that bloody place. I feel like moving to a barn in the Crown Tundra surrounded by walls and scary Pokémon. With no phone signal, so no-one can ask us if we'd like to say hi to Cipher's new Grand Master.'

'Me too, but I don't think we'll be seeing the back of Orre...'

A light flickered on upstairs. Camden was crying. The light, tinted orange by the Charizard lampshade, illuminated a #11 Phenac Falinks jersey, but it wasn't Trip's. It was a copy Amber wore.

'Not by a long shot.'

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