Soulmates - George Weasley

By xcoldestqueenx

953K 27.8K 33K

in a world were soulmates can hear the other one singing, and hazel has no idea why there's a sweet, loving v... More

meet the characters


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By xcoldestqueenx

During the night, Angelina and Hazel ended up sharing a bed because the new girl was having trouble sleeping. Angie gracefully laid next to her, and they talked in whispers until very late at night, giggling at memories of Fred and George (or Gred and Forge, as she had called them). It all made Hazel smile, forget about Lucian, finally giving her brain a much needed break. They also talked about Sirius Black, and how he'd apparently gotten into Hogwarts, which made them both anxious. After all, he was a mass murderer.

In the morning, they both woke up at the same time, with Alicia looking over at them, frowning. "You had a sleep over and didn't tell me?" The Gryffindor chaser grumbled, narrowing her eyes at them playfully.

"We're so sorry, A," Angie spoke up first, stretching her limbs with a chuckle. "It was very out of the blue," she added truthfully.

"You were just in such deep sleep - we didn't want to be a bother," added Hazel, turning to the side and smiling at her friends. "I- I would love if we had another one tomorrow night," she said hopefully, looking at them, relief washing over her as they both agreed. "Great! It will have to wait until after my date though," she said, knowing the response she would get.

"DATE?" They both squealed at the same time, making Hazel nod with a big grin on her face. "Oh Merlin, did George finally tell you?" Alicia rushed over to Hazel's bed, jumping in between them. "This is so exciting! How was it? Tell me everything, spare no details," Alicia held Angelina's hand tightly, not being able to contain her excitement.

Angie chuckled and looked over at Hazel as she began to tell the story she'd told her the night before. She didn't mind listening to it twice, knowing it was good for her to have good memories, talk about things that would help her forget. Hazel's eyes glimmered with happiness and love as she spoke, hand gestures and facial expressions galore. She continued telling the story as they all got ready to go and watch the game. The night before, George had given her his jersey to wear, which had caused her turn redder than a tomato.

"Oh Merlin! You guys are just so adorable," Alicia gushed as Hazel fixed herself up a little more, straightening the shirt with a grin. "Red's your colour," she added as she finished getting ready for the game. Since both girls were chasers, they had their uniforms on.

"He's going to lose it when he sees you in that," Angie giggled, putting on her cape, making Hazel smile wider.

"You think?" She was wearing a long sleeved shirt under the jersey, because of the cold. She also put on a scarf, gloves and a beanie, knowing it would probably rain.

"Definitely," Alicia agreed, nodding along. "Let's go - they're probably about to go into the field, Oliver must be freaking out because of our absence," she chuckled as they exited the dormitory, making their way out of the Common Room.

On their way out, they spotted Hermione and Ron chatting amongst themselves. At the noise, Hermione turned around, tilting her head. "Why are you still here?" Asked the curly haired girl pointedly, walking beside them towards the pitch.

"Well we would have left earlier, we just wanted to learn all about the lovebirds," Alicia retorted, a smirk on her face when Hermione noticed the jersey Hazel was wearing. As soon as she did, questions began flowing out. Hazel laughed and answered most of them to the best of her ability, her British-Canadian accent slipping every once in a while because of her excitement.

"Oh shit," Angelina cursed when they finally arrived, noticing their teammates were already on the field. The girls shared a look before racing over there, leaving Ron, Hermione and Hazel to find their places in the stands.

There stood the Gryffindor team, standing near the pitch, planning, strategising. As soon as Oliver spotted Alicia he let out a big exhale in relief, shaking his head as Angie chuckled nervously. "Where were you? It's about to begin!" He screamed in frustration.

"Sorry, Wood, girl problems," lied Angelina. Oliver's eyes almost popped out of his head, but nonetheless, she continued to make it more believable. "You may not know this, but sometimes our periods synchronies and when that happens -"

Before Angie could finish speaking, Oliver raised his hand, forcing her to stop. "Alright, I get it! Just - just try to be prepared for the... occasion next time." With that, he continued speaking as the girls stifled a laugh. It became impossible to hide, however, when they saw George and Fred imitating him, making fun of him behind his back.

Oliver turned around and gave them a death glare as the twins pretended they were innocent, looking at him with fake smiles. "We are ready, Ollie, don't even worry," Fred patted his back firmly, causing the captain to groan out loud.

"If you weren't such good beaters, I swear on Merlin I would -" he was interrupted by loud thunder, forcing them all turn around as rain began pouring. "This is why Slytherin didn't want to play... Damn this bad weather," he grunted, everything was falling apart in his world.

George suddenly spotted Hazel in the crowd, she was wearing a raincoat over his jersey but the number and name was still visible. She grinned when they made eye contact, waving at him with a sweet smile. He returned the wave before being interrupted by a broom whacking against his head. "Oi! Weasley! Stop that - head in the game!" Everyone laughed and made their way to the centre of the pitch as the referee appeared there.

Hermione and Hazel watched as George got hit in the head, giggling quietly as the game was about to begin. Lee's voice soon boomed all over. "Hello, Hogwarts! On this rainy day we have a fantastic game between Hufflepuff..." followed by cheers. "And Gryffindor!" Hazel cheered loudly while clapping. "Good luck to both of you!" The sound of the whistle indicated the start of the game. "And the Quaffle is immediately taken by non other than Gryffindor chaser, Alicia Spinnet! What an amazing chaser that girl is, and very attractive too -"

"JORDAN!" Professor McGonagall stopped him as the crowd erupted in laughter.

"Sorry Professor, just a fun fact - another fun fact, she's taken, so all of you boys better back off," Ron, Hazel and Hermione cheered as they saw Alicia throw the quaffle and score. "And she scores! Fantastic, already 10-0 for Gryffindor!"

Quidditch was nothing like Hazel expected. It was rough, aggressive, even brutal. She felt her heart tightening every time a bludger made its way to George, yelling in relief every time her soulmate would hit it perfectly. The game continued for a long time, it was getting colder and colder, the sky almost dark. Everyone was waiting on Cedric and Harry to find the Snitch. Hazel frowned when she couldn't spot Harry.

"Mione, where's Harry?" she asked, turning to face the younger Gryffindor who shook her head, not knowing where he was either. Suddenly, she saw Ron's eyes widen as he pointed to the pitch, causing them all to turn. "Oh, God!" Hazel gasped, covering her mouth as they saw Harry fall from the sky.

"Arresto Momentum!" Dumbledore's voice interrupted the game compelling Harry's body linger a few feet above the ground before dropping slowly.

After that, Hazel joined the rest of the team in the Hospital Wing, along with Hermione and Ron, who couldn't wait to see their best friend. She took off the coat, leaving it on the chair next to Hermione's. At the sight of Hazel wearing his shirt, George felt his chest flutter. Merlin, she was so beautiful - she looked even better wearing his clothes. He had to resist the urge to kiss her right then and there.

"Hi," she pulled the ginger out of his sinful thoughts, a pure smile on her face.

"Hi, gorgeous," George replied, kissing her head gently as she hugged his waist. "You look beautiful, by the way. You can keep that," he murmured against her lavender smelling hair, making her blush.

"I'm sorry you guys lost," she whispered, not wanting the rest of the team to feel saddened by their loss. "You played way better than them..."

George shrugged, his arm draped around her shoulders. "We know that - let's just hope Oliver doesn't kill us all" he said with a chuckle.

"He looks a bit peaky," Ron spoke, leaning in as he saw Harry's eyes fluttering. George and Hazel made their way over there.

"Doesn't he?" Retorted Fred sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Peaky... what did you expect?"

"He fell over a hundred feet!" Hazel added, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, c'mon Ron," George piled on. "Let's walk you off the Astronomy tower..."

"And we'll see what you look like!" Fred joked as Ron turned to him with a fearful look on his face.

"Probably better than he already does," Harry muttered, letting everyone visibly relax at the sound of his voice.

"How're you feeling?" Asked Hermione, placing her hand on his, comfortingly as he tried to sit up. Neither of them noticing Ron giving them the side eye.

"Oh, brilliant," Harry responded sarcastically as the girl handed him his glasses.

"You gave us a right good scare there, mate," Fred sat down beside Harry's bed, looking at him with concern masked with a grin.

"What happened?" Hazel frowned at Harry's question, opening her mouth to respond when Ron interrupted.

"You fell from your broom, mate..." He said, holding out the artefact, which was broken in half.

"Really?" Hazel bit her lip to stop herself from laughing at Harry's sassiness. "I meant the match, - who won?"

The rest of the group shared a worried look, not wanting Harry to feel guilty. "No one blames you, Harry," Hazel almost cooed, dreading the upset look on the boy's face. "The dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds, Dumbledore was furious..."

Harry's eyes widened suddenly. "Where's Wood?" his voice was slightly shaky, not wanting to get yelled at.

"Still in the showers," George replied with a snort.

"We think he's trying to drown himself," Fred finished, making the rest of them chuckle.

Poor Harry.


A day later, all of the girls were 'helping' Hazel get ready, even Hermione. She sat there giggling along as they talked about George, Fred and Lee. Hazel asked the younger girl about Ron but she only blushed and shook her head, saying he would never notice her or see her in that light.

"He will," Hazel said confidently, putting on her mascara. "I am pretty sure he already does - just by the way I've caught him looking at you," she added, winking at Hermione as she blushed a deep shade of red.

"If it's anything like the way George looks at you, then she's a winner," Angie giggled at Hazel's reaction, a loud gasp leaving her lips. "Where's the lie?" She joked, throwing a pillow at the back of Hazel's head, making her laugh.

"You're one to talk," interrupted Alicia, setting down the small mirror she was holding up as she plucked her eyebrows. "Fred stares at you so much I think he could draw you with his eyes closed," she mumbled, raising the mirror back up and continuing her quest.

The girls erupted into laughter once more. Hazel's eyes shifted from the mirror where she was applying her make up, to the clock on the wall and she stood up quickly. "Oh my God! I don't even know what I'll wear!" She sprinted to the closet, looking around for a good outfit, groaning when she noticed it would be too cold for dresses. Angie and Hermione joined her by the closet door, helping her find something that would match.

"I love this jumper," Hermione pulled out a grey, fuzzy sweater, handing it to her. "The turtleneck would suit you perfectly," she said with a grin as Angie nodded in agreement.

"And you can wear these," she proposed, pointing to a pair of black skinny jeans. "Your ass would look fantastic on them," Angelina wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Hazel chuckled and grabbed both of them, putting them on top of her body. "Shoes?"

Hazel hummed, as she looked around the floor. "I think I'll just settle for boots, it's snowing," she pointed out, making them nod. She put on a white tank top and then the jumper, loving how it hung loose around her. Then, she put on the jeans, liking the contrast between the fabrics and also the tightness of the garments. "This would look good with my brown coat on," Hazel noted as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Alice gasped when she saw the new girl. "You look amazing!" She exclaimed, nodding at the sight. "Yes, brown would go great with that," she stood up to grab the coat from the rack. "First dates are always so exciting."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It was Katie Bell, a girl from a year below Hazel. "Hi girls," she waved when Hermione opened the door. "George is waiting for you downstairs," she told Hazel before going to her own dormitory.

"Oh my God, okay - do I look okay?" Hazel began freaking out, spraying herself with perfume one last time.

"Yes!" They chorused, almost pushing Hazel out the door. "Go," Angie said encouragingly, closing the door behind her friend so that she couldn't get back in.

Oh my God, Oh my God, Hazel made her way down the stairs, seeing George sitting down on the sofa, staring at the fireplace. He was wearing the cutest hat she had ever seen. "Hey," he looked up at the sound of her voice, a smile appearing in his face.

"Hello, there," he stood up, taking her all in. He really had gotten lucky. Hazel was easily the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. "You look lovely," the compliment made Hazel glow red once again. He was always so quick to make her blush, it was almost embarrassing.

"You look handsome," she retaliated, biting her lip gently.

"Thank you, darling. Shall we go?"

The couple made their way out of the castle, chatting quietly as they left, ignoring the rest of the group that was going with them. Hazel knew Angie, Alicia and Hermione would all be going too, just later, to give the pair more privacy. They walked down the hill, holding hands and making jokes about falling or pushing the other; around the Shrieking Shack and into the village.

Hogsmeade was a beautiful town. Hazel really loved the magical ambiance. Just being there was enough to make her smile, but being there with George Weasley... there was nothing better than that.

"You like sweets, don't you?" George asked Hazel as they entered the village. It was beautifully lit, snow covering most of it in the prettiest way.

"Are you kidding? Who doesn't?" Hazel laughed lightly, feeling George's hand give hers a squeeze, making her do it back.

"Let's go to Honeydukes!" Her soulmate said eagerly. "They have the best sweets ever, I bet you'll love them," Hazel adored George's child-like spark. She just smiled and nodded at his suggestion, walking besides him to the shop.

It was an adorable sweetshop, tall and quite old-looking. As soon as they walked in, Mr. Flume, the owner, waved at George with a grin. "Weasley!" It was pretty obvious he didn't know if this was Fred or George, that made Hazel laugh. "What can I do for you on this fine evening?" He asked while the girl's eyes wondered around the colourful store.

"Mr. Flume," George nodded at him. "I'll have a couple of chocolate frogs, a few salt water taffies and a sugar quill, please," he said before turning to Hazel. "Would you like anything else?" With wide eyes, Hazel shook her head.

"How's the family?" The owner asked as he put the items in a bag. "That'll be four sickles," George quickly took the money out of his pocket before Hazel could even react and gave it to the salesman.

The ginger boy grabbed the bag and smiled. "Mum's good, she's dying to meet this one," he said with a grin, making Hazel look up at him with a noticeable blush. "My soulmate, Hazel," he introduced proudly.

"Oh, Merlin's beard," the older gentleman took off his glasses, taking a look at the smaller girl. "Godric, you're in for a crazy ride, young lady," George resisted the urge to snort at the double meaning, earning a subtle elbow to the abdomen by Hazel.

"I'll enjoy every minute of it," she said with vague traces of flirtation, making George's breath hitch. "We're meant to be for a reason, no?" She fluttered her eyelashes innocently at George, who cleared his throat and nodded.

"Of course, darling," he murmured, feeling his neck and ears heating up.

"Well, look at that," Mr. Flume nodded, putting his glasses back on. "Seems like you have him under control, he's quite the troublemaker, that one-"

"Okay, thank you, sir, see you later," George cut him off, walking out of the shop a few seconds later. As soon as they stepped outside, Hazel began laughing loudly. Oh, she'll pay for that one eventually... "You're hilarious," he settled on saying sarcastically, rolling his eyes in a playful manner.

Hazel's laughter eventually died down as they continued strolling past the shops. "Why, thank you," she joked back. "Same as you, we're meant to be for a reason," she repeated, half-joking. George chuckled as he looked down at her. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," she said honestly, after a few seconds of silence had gone by.

The taller boy chuckled. "You didn't," he said honestly. "My imagination just got me little flustered," he admitted as they found a place to sit, making Hazel bite her lip, trying to stop her own mind. As they sat on a bench just on the outside of town, where no one could see them, she noticed Harry, Hermione and Ron walking around. George handed her a chocolate frog.

"I thought Harry wasn't allowed to come this weekend," she pointed out, grabbing the candy from George's hand. They both took off their gloves and placed them on their laps.

"Fred and I gave him the map," George told her with a shrug, opening the box and eating a bite of the chocolate, causing it to stop jumping. "He deserves to relax, don't you think?"

Hazel opened the box and quickly took a bite so the frog wouldn't jump out. She looked up at him with a grin and a nod. "You're always so thoughtful, and you don't even realise," she murmured, taking another bite.

George felt his heart melt at the compliment. He had always been known as 'the prankster' and nothing else. He liked it, there was no denying that, but he also had so many more characteristics that others seem to overlook. Not Hazel though, she somehow managed to find even more. He turned to look at her after finishing his own chocolate, a soft smile on his face when he noticed she had chocolate in the corner of her lip.

"What?" She gazed up at him with confusion as he stared back.

"You have uh-" he reached over and wiped the chocolate off her mouth with his hand. At first, it was chaste, until he noticed how close they were sitting and how Hazel's breath was getting more ragged by the second. George realised then, his thumb was on top of her bottom lip. It felt so soft under his touch, made him want to have a taste.

Hazel's eyes were clinging to George's for dear life as her lips parted. They really were impossibly close. Is he leaning in? Oh my God. "Kiss me," she whispered, knowing George wouldn't do anything without her consent.

As soon as she uttered those words, he placed his other hand on her cheek and leaned down completely, closing the gap between them. Their lips touched, both of them slightly colder than usual, chocolate flavoured. George guided the kiss, making it slow and gentle, wanting her to be able to stop him if she wanted to. People always said there was nothing like kissing your soulmate, and now he knew that. Slowly, he traced her bottom lip with his tongue, making her gasp in pleasure, opening her mouth for him. George wouldn't have been able to tell this was her first kiss. The way their tongues danced with each other it made his heart soar. Hazel wrapped her arms around his neck, caressing the hairs in the back of his neck, making him groan in desire before pulling back. It was hard for both of them to think straight.

They let their foreheads rest against each other, panting for breath with their eyes closed. George's eyes opened first, and the expression on Hazel's face, made him want to kiss her again. He pecked her lips once more, not being able to resist. Hazel opened her eyes and smiled giddily at him.

"Hi," he chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Hi," she giggled back, biting her lip. "That was a perfect first kiss," she said in a soft voice, making George's face break into a smile.



"How about an even better third kiss?" He mumbled, pulling her closer by the waist, tightening his arms around her. Hazel laughed, looking up at him, throwing her arms around his neck once again, nodding, leaning up.

What a perfect trip to Hogsmeade.

AN: hi all! most of this chapter was left as is, but the first half changed a little, i hope you're okay with it.

anyway, love you! i'll be uploading soon - i just have one of the biggest tests of my career coming up and im stressssinggg.

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