Only For Him {COLLINS #2} 🔞✓

Por RehaJacob

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"I hope you do realize that I am old enough to be your father." ~ Aoran Collins, a business tycoon, lost his... Más

Only For Him [Collins #2]


6.1K 237 13
Por RehaJacob

"Stop moving. It'll be ruined." Levi scolded me. I gasped when I felt the burning sensation on my waist again. I was already regretting getting tattoo. I couldn't say no when he asked me to be his canvas.

"Okay, now this will hurt. The iliac crest is really close."

No! I wasn't ready for this. "Can we do it some other day?" I asked.

"It's almost done. Just five minutes more. I already love it on you." He said, pushing me go on my side. I laid sideways and he started doing it again. The pain was making me shake badly and he kept on reminding me time and again to stay still.

What felt like hours of torture finally came to an end when he said, "It's done." I got up from the couch and went to the mirror. A huge smile formed on my lips when I saw my mother's portrait inked on the left side of my waist. It looked so realistic as if I had stuck her picture there. Levi had paid attention on even the minute details. He was so perfect.

"It's so beautiful." I turned to look at him. He was keeping his inking instruments in his bag.

"Is it?" He asked.

"Yeah, thank you. I just can't wait for it to heal. She'll be very happy." I was excited already.

He smiled back and collected his things to go but I didn't want him to leave yet. I didn't want to be surrounded by four wall again. Rose was busy at work and would come back by six in the evening. I would go mad, thinking about stupid stuffs and my stupid love.

I didn't want useless notions to occupy my head. I didn't want to reply to endless messages of sugar daddy's daughter or think about the déjà vu moments. I needed Levi with me. We could have so much fun together.

"Can't you stay for more?" I asked.

He looked up at me with a amused grin. "You'd lose again."

"This time you'll lose." I betted.

"We will see tomorrow. I have to go for an interview." He replied.

"Interview? For what?" I asked.

"I'm thinking of leaving my current job. My employer makes me work overtime and he doesn't even pay me for that." He sighed. With that nature of his, I was sure he wouldn't have ever said no to his employer. He could never say no.

"And what if you don't get a job?" I asked.

He twisted his lips while thinking. "There'll be no worries. I have many sources to earn from. But, till then, I'll give my interview at Perforar. Let's see if they like my designs and take me in." He said, picking up his bag.

"When is the interview?" I asked.

"At four." He replied.

"Then, stay for lunch. You can leave at three." I pleaded.

"You want me to stay?" He asked.

"Yeah. We can play or watch Netflix." I suggested. He agreed and kept his bag on the table. We played Helicopter airfight and as challenged I won this time.

I ordered burgers and fries for us. I was very lazy to prepare lunch and the game was really getting interesting. At the last level I lost the match.

"I had told you. You can't win with me." He said relaxing back on the couch.

"Let's play again." I said.

"No! I'm tired of focusing already." He said. "And yeah, please keep applying the cold gel on the tattoo. And do not wash it for next forty eight hours." He instructed.

"Okay!" I replied. Soon, our order arrived and I collected it. He groaned as soon as he saw my choice of lunch.

"Do you really want me to gain weight? I'm sure you don't like chubby boys." He said. He had been having his lunch with me since two weeks and it was mostly the junk food.

"I'll cook you something good tomorrow." I said. He nodded his head with a weary smile. He looked really sleepy.

"If you want you can sleep post lunch. I'll wake you up at three."

"No! I am really groggy for an hour after I wake up. We can watch Netflix." He suggested.

"Sounds cool." I replied.

We had our lunch. It was so delicious. I licked the whole sauce sticking on my fingers. When we were done, I went to my room and asked him to come. He was such a nice person. He was really going to be a great boyfriend. He had all the qualities that a girl needed. Sadly, I did not deserve him and I knew it very well.

We both were on friendly terms now. He was okay with us being just friends and nothing serious. I wasn't sure whether it was cool to have him close but he was really nice person and always motivated me. And I needed to be close to people who stuck to me in my bad times. It had been one month since we fucked and I was happy that my Levi was learning to be just friends with me. He was okay with all my mood swings and I loved him for this.

I laid on my bed and turned off the lights, rubbing my stomach which was slightly bigger than before. He turned on the TV. I groaned when it said 'Your account is on hold because of a problem with your last payment'

"Don't tell me it didn't collect funds. I recharged last night." I groaned in frustration.

"Obviously. I didn't." He said.

I reached for my phone and checked the payment I had made. Wow! My payment was few penny less and the transaction had failed.

"Well, I'll use other card. Wait." I said.

"Want Netflix for six dollars only?" I turned my head at light speed.

"Yes! Yes! But, how?"

He winked at me and asked me to bring his laptop. I rushed to the living room and got his things. He sat on the bed and I settled next to him leaning on his arm.

"It's easy. Tor will work it's magic." He said looking at me. I couldn't understand him but kept looking at the screen. Wow! It was too slow.

"It's painfully slow but you have a genius boyfriend. I'll tackle it." He said. I frowned and hit his arm.

"You're not my boyfriend."

"Oh! Yeah, I forgot to add ex in between." He said typing something on the screen. He opened a site pirateworld.onion, He clicked on many categories and many options dropped down.

"You can always get n number of things from dark web." He said clicking on the categories searching for something.


"You can buy a lifetime Netflix premium account at just six dollars. You can buy a credit card with a worth of fifty thousand dollars for just five hundred dollars. You can buy seven to eight prepaid debit cards for just six hundred dollars. And many more." He replied.

I gasped looking at the website in front of me. "Isn't it illegal?"

"Dark web isn't. But the business is and the most amazing hack about it is that Tor routes the web page requests through a series of proxy servers and your IP address is then magically undetectable and untraceable. Nobody can track your activity. And whatever you do on dark web is done anonymously. So nobody can catch you." He said.

I was staring at the screen with a dropped jaw. I wanted that lifetime Netflix subscription and prepaid debit cards.

He looked at me, made me close my mouth and chuckled.

"It's really easy. And I'll teach you if you want to learn this illegal but legal hack."

"Yes! Yes! I want to." I replied.

"You see this section." He pointed at the screen. I nodded my head. "You can buy cannabis for your joints without ever getting caught." He showed me how I could place order for it.

"And here you can buy all types of firearms. From small revolvers to big futuristic rifles. You can buy assualt rifles, bullets and many more. And all are hundred percent real." He said.

I recoiled in my position, staring at the firearms on the screen.

"How do you know all this?" I asked.

"I know. My classmates keep doing this and I have learnt it from them." He replied. I frowned. He was too young to learn drugs and firearms things.

"No! You should not know this. This is bad. If I see that you are surfing web for cannabis and firearms, I swear, I'll never see you again."

"C'mon, it's just something every programmer knows. I am not buying something from it. Why would I even buy?" He gave me a confused look.

"So you don't want lifetime free subscription?" He asked.

Fuck no! I was greedy enough. "No! I want it. You're sure, it would work?" I asked.

"Of course! I have supplied it for twenty times the price to the girls in my class. It works like crazy." He looked so excited as he generated the Netflix new credentials only for few dollars. It really took a lot of time as the server was too slow.

"What's the time by your watch?" He asked.

"Quarter to three." I replied.

He almost jumped out of the bed and started arranging his things inside his bag. "I will leave now. I need to visit Perforar."

I nodded my head and wore my slippers before accompanying him outside. He hugged me tightly. He looked nervous, but I knew he would excel. He was really a talented boy.

"Good luck! Mommy is wishing you luck already." I patted his back.

"Oh! I love MILF." He placed a quick peck on my lips.

"Levi!" I pushed him away.

"Sorry! Nothing serious right? I remember." He smiled briefly.

"Are you forgetting our deal?" I was now annoyed at him. I didn't want to get distracted again and jump at this little boy and get his hopes high. He needed to find a new girlfriend but he preferred staying near me and I partly liked it that I was at least getting someone's attention.

"No! Sorry. I'll see you later. Bye!" He said and wore his helmet before riding his bike away from me.

I looked at him going away and I realized I was all alone now. I couldn't go to sleep. I couldn't stay up because I didn't want to think about mean people. I shook my head and turned around to return back but then I saw someone on my right.

I got a long glare coming my way. It was not really heart warming. I stood at my place as she approached me. I inhaled sharply. I didn't want to see this girl again. She would really haunt me in my dreams like she did everyday.

She was still glaring me with those hazel eyes which made me think what the fuck did I do! I just decided to stay away from her and her dad. She stopped right in front of me and something inside me really wanted me to run away in the opposite direction. And the other part wanted to stay and gaze her pretty face.

An involuntary smile broke on my lips as I realized how she looked the Xerox copy of that little infant. But, the eyes, her eyes were so kind then and today they radiated fire.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" She yelled as soon as she stopped in front of me.

I stared at her in shock. Why was she even lashing out at me?

"Why didn't you pick up my calls?" She yelled. What the fuck! Was I her slave or what? I did not like her yelling at me at all.

"Stop bossing around! I am not here to pick up your calls and satisfy your silly ego." I glared at her. I really wanted to teach her a good lesson for daring to talk to me in such a rasp manner.

"Oh Yeah! I see now what a fucking bitch you are! Approximately one month ago you were drooling over my dad and now you already have a new boyfriend." She was really barking like a mad bitch and it was really infuriating me.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that?"

"Or else what? I really didn't think you'd turn out to be such a bitch! You said you were serious about my daddy. You loved him and when you got fired because of your mistakes, you turned bitter on me too. Why? Because you lost your chances with him? You were being nice to me just because you could get close to him-"

I couldn't take it. I really wanted to slap the shit out of her. How could she say this!

"I got fired because of my mistakes? Did I ask your dad to- to...He's one arrogant shit. He doesn't deserve love. I'm glad your mom didn't have to bear with such a blameshifter." Before I could stop myself, I had already spoken what I shouldn't have.

She looked at me with such a big scowl as if she would pounce over and beat the shit out of me.

"My daddy doesn't deserve love?" She chuckled. "He doesn't even date after my mom passed away. He doesn't even look at other woman. Truth is that you don't deserve him. You're one despicable person. Fuck you!" She was breathing fast and her face was all crimson in anger. She pushed me so hard that I fell on ground on my butt.

I winced in pain and anger surpassed me. I wanted rush and push her on ground to but I didn't want to hurt her. Just then he so called despised bodyguard came running to her. She went inside her car and left soon. I on the other hand kept staring at the car laying almost flat on the ground in living daylight.

I got up and gathered myself together. I couldn't believe what came over her. She was sweet girl. What the fuck just happened to her? I looked around and there were few people looking at me as if they had seen an alien. I rushed back to my apartment and when I reached, I shut the door behind.

I laid down on the couch as I caught my breath. I felt so disrespected. I didn't like it at all. I was right. They both didn't deserve me. They both fell in one category, so alike! I couldn't stop my tears from falling. They both were making me feel like a trash. She even went physical on me! Nobody treated me like this ever before.

I laid there for hours thinking about if I was wrong. What wrong did I do? I loved her dad but he didn't want me. He threw me out of his company not caring about my career, not caring how would I even meet finances. He didn't even provide me a notice period. He didn't care about me at all!

I couldn't stop crying when I realized that I was being bitter about both of them. If I loved him then why was I holding grudge against him? Because I hated that he didn't even have basic human ethics. I didn't want him to love back. I just hated the fact that he didn't even give a thought about me. He made me bleed, and he didn't even care to know if I reached home or if I was alright. It made me feel like a whore.

On the other hand, his daughter made it worse. I didn't mean to tell her that her father didn't deserve love. I didn't mean it that way. She didn't care too. She didn't care about how I was doing. All she cared was if I had a boyfriend. I knew now, she only befriended me because she wanted her daddy to date. She never cared about me. All she cared about was finding a nice girl for her daddy!

They both were mean. And if I ever wanted to be mean, I was painted as bad guy. I wiped my tears and washed my abrased palms. I applied disinfectant and it burnt like hell. I felt sleepy. I wanted to wait for Rose but I didn't realize when I drifted off to sleep.

I felt free as I swam across the river. It was raining and I loved it. It was really getting chilly. I wanted to reach the bank as soon as possible. My sexy boyfriend was waiting for me. He had his back facing me and he was changing his clothes.

He asked me to come soon. I wanted to reach him but the waves had become really rough. He looked at me with cute smile on his face and asked me to hurry up. He wanted to take me out afterwards.

I tried my best and made my way toward him. He was packing our things and pulled out our umbrellas. Suddenly, I felt a hand trailing down my waist. I turned my head to look at the person, but nobody was there.

I shivered as a big wave washed over me. I swam near my boo and looked up at him. He gave me his hand and pulled me to the bank. When I looked up, he wasn't my boyfriend. It was someone else and before I could know I was already choking.

"Stop! No!"


My small nap was broken when I felt my breath leaving me. I frowned when I looked in front of me. I couldn't understand if I was still dreaming.

"Levi?" I called.

He immediately cupped my face and looked deep into my eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head not able to understand what happened. My brain was still into the dream.

"Bad dream?" He asked.

I nodded. "I keeping seeing such dreams these days." I sighed.

"What kind of dreams?" He asked.

"I get killed either by drowning or I fall from the highest floor. Sometimes, I am stabbed while sometimes I am choked." I said. I was sick of such dreams.

He smiled. "Who dared to choke you? I swear I'm gonna hack his bank account."

"I don't know. I have never met anyone from my dreams." other than two people.

"Okay! Let's sketch him." He said. I looked at him. That wasn't a good idea.

***To Be Continued***

Hi all,
How is the plot going? Do you think anything can be altered?
What do you think about, well, our female lead? Her sugar daddy? Her sugar daddy's daughter? Her ex boyfriend?

Don't forget to comment your views. I'm bored. I want your views too.


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