Messed Up I Guess

By imdadestroyer-

1.9K 253 212

Chanyeol wasn't supposed to love a guy again, he swore that to himself but he never promised it. Yet, he felt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter note

Chapter 21

36 5 9
By imdadestroyer-

Fuck this shit I'm in.

Baekhyun didn't know what to do. Pull Chanyeol now? That would make the latter suspicious. Think of another fake scenario? Jimin might deny and that would literally raise Chanyeol's suspiciousness again. Run? Things might get weird. Think Baek, think of something before Jimin says where he saw you--

"Baekhyun hyung! It is you!" Jimin instantly threw his arms around the startled man and hugged him tightly. Baekhyun hesitated but melted in the embrace, wrapping his awkward arms around the pink hair. Chanyeol was confused as hell, but he didn't let the two read his face.

"Ahh! After 5 years we get to see each other again!" Jimin jumped so happily that Baekhyun can't help but coo at how cute he was, almost forgetting about the crisis he is currently in.


But this guy in front of him is making things worse. All he can do is smile cuz damn it it's rude not to smile, plus he feels a bit safe and he'll deal with the problem later.

"O-oh! Jiminie! It's been a while huh?" Jimin nodded his head.

"Ahh! We have so much catching up to do, hyung! Did you know how I struggled so hard in my college when you weren't there?? Urgh! It was frustrating", Jimin pouted at the memories of him scratching his head all the time whenever he doesn't get a topic in class. Baekhyun laughed, he remembered clearly the times Jimin would rush over to him and ask how to solve an equation during their breaks. It was a nice memory.

"At least I was there", a man popped up with a plastic bag that Chanyeol assumes the Ryan merchandise.

"Oh right! Guys, this is Namjoon, someone who-"

"His boyfriend, in short."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol tried not to laugh at the younger. His face is similar to the color of his hair.

"Who will become his ex", Jimin's eyes widened, and couldn't help but almost tearing up, "because I will be his husband soon."

And that was the final blow, Jimin smacked the taller's arm and ran away from the three, his face redder each time he hears them laughing. The duo couldn't help but fall over at how cute their interaction was. Namjoon smiled widely at the effect he gave to his lover, his dimples visible and eyes almost disappearing. Since it was a chilly day, Jimin brought up his scarf towards his face, afraid to meet the eyes of the two crackheads who kept on teasing him.


The four decided to hang out and get to know each other more, additionally exchanging numbers as well. Chanyeol got to know that Namjoon does rap which he praised him for. Baekhyun, being the king of memes he is, said gibberish and pretended to rap, which Chanyeol laughed, his deep voice echoing in the latter's ears, sending a tingling sensation in his heart.

I love how I can make you laugh.

They stopped by a stall and bought the tornado potato, one for each of them. However, Baekhyun asked for another, along with Chanyeol. Jimin stared at them in confusion and judged them hardly. Namjoon on the other hand was busy finishing his stick. The two looked at each other competitively fiery eyes. Baekhyun smirked at the taller, which made Chanyeol scoff but a sneer crawled up onto his lips. 

The vendor gulped at what these two are planning to do.

But he was thankful since they said they're gonna pay, which made him shrug. So he continued selling his cooked potatoes.

"3, 2, 1", once Jimin said go, the two munched on their potato swirl. the game was supposed to be whoever gets to eat a lot of the tornado potato. Chanyeol's motive was to intentionally lose the game but would love to watch his foe's cute frustrated face and eyes full of desire to win. 

But then Chanyeol asked himself what will Baek get if he won? He doesn't know what the guy wants yet he thinks it worth it. If he's happy then he's contented.

I sound like I like him. 

Chanyeol continued chewing the potato he has. In the end, he loses to Baekhyun who ate a total of 6 potato swirls. Chanyeol chugged on his water, refreshing his salty taste buds. Meanwhile, a certain puppy was jumping around pulling silly faces towards his opponent cheerfully. He couldn't wait for his prize later on.

"He's so happy he won", Namjoon snickered.

"I know right, I bet he has a plan in mind", tittered the younger.


It was an exhausting day. Chanyeol went to wherever rides Baekhyun takes him, Jimin and Namjoon tagging along behind them. Since it was an amusement park, strolling is out of Baekhyun's list. He told them it's boring, why not do something more adventurous.

Now the four sat by a bench, watching the park glowing on the night sky. Their chests heaving and breathing was ragged, but their marathon was worth it. It didn't take them too long before they started mesmerizing the lights gleaming in a pattern catching their eyes in delight. Baekhyun then stood up.

"Say what would yall like to eat? My treat."

"What would you like in that stall?" Jimin asked, pointing his small finger at a food stall on their right.

"Burger would be fine plus soda", Chanyeol suggested. Baekhyun nodded and went in the line.

"Hey, Joon, I think there's a Kkokkal Corn over there", he pointed his candle-like index yet another stall beside the stand Baekhyun's in. Namjoon and nodded and went to get his boyfriend's request.

"... Now that we're alone, I could finally tell you what's been bugging me", Jimin said and looked at the taller who had confusion written all over him.


"... You seem to not know who you're with, ya know?"


"I'm talking about Baekhyun hyung. Don't you remember him?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you really think I didn't read your face when I hugged him? Hyung, you're better than this. I don't know what's he hiding right now from you, but I bet what I'm gonna tell you here and then is the very secret he's hiding."

Chanyeol was now beyond confused with the latter's serious words. He didn't know what the hell is going on and what the hell is this kid blabbering about. He didn't know who was in a misunderstanding. Was it him or was it the guy before him?


"W-wait, before you jump to a conclusion, he told me the first time we met that he studied in a different school. So I bet it ain't him", Chanyeol cursed he stammering.

"Oh my, hyung. You're so dense."

"What do you mean?"

"He wouldn't look so panicked the very time he saw me earlier. I didn't wanna ask him why since he was trying a different motive."

Chanyeol didn't know what to say. Stop? That wouldn't look too good plus he wanted to also know something. Let Baekhyun explain to him? He doubts the little man would open to him.

"What are you now, a detective?" Chanyeol asked, wanting to lighten up the heavy atmosphere.

"No, I'm not as dumb as you hyung."

This kid... Chanyeol tried very hard not to smack him in the head. Though, he wanted to make sure, as well as a straight answer even if he wouldn't be able to carry that burden on their way.

"Hey Chim, well it's a fact that I'm dumb with these kinds of stuff but... tell me honestly what you really know about Baek."

"... You want me to tell you now?"

"Duh, plus you told me it's been bugging you lately, so why not say it out loud?"

"You're such a dopey", Jimin murmured.


"Baekhyun hyung is your first and last crush, wait that didn't sound right. You may have had a puppy love back then, but you seemed to be much brighter now. He isn't some different guy, c'mon now hyung. He's the very same guy who you liked- wait scratch that now- loved back when we were in high school. I remembered crystal clear the time when you were so glum, you fucking beat up yourself to it. I didn't know what to do to you but continued what I would always do whenever I'm with you. I even thought it was hopeless since your friends were so dejected by you. Hyung, I didn't even know you can be this bright, brighter than before."

Chanyeol didn't know what to say. His mouth may open, but he knew very well words won't leave his dumbstruck state. He licked his bottom lip and blinked, feeling the beat of his heart at a rapid speed, fearing his friend might hear the loud thumps in his chest.

"... But I can't like a guy anymore."


ayieieie wat is dis


did you get till the end? nyehehe

this wasn't supposed to be a long chapter

but, here I am eheh

another cliffhanger u ask?

ofc it is!

stay safe!


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