Messed Up I Guess

By imdadestroyer-

1.9K 253 212

Chanyeol wasn't supposed to love a guy again, he swore that to himself but he never promised it. Yet, he felt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter note

Chapter 19

34 5 10
By imdadestroyer-

"Should I tell him who I really am, Soo?" Baekhyun suddenly asked out of the blue. Kyungsoo looked at him, his eyebrows already meeting at the absurd question his best friend just made. 

"Why do you even bother telling him? It's not like you're a criminal right? I mean, will there be any difference if you told him who you really are?" 

"Maybe... Maybe not... I don't really know, Soo. I feel like I am hiding something from someone precious to me or something. I feel so much guilt like what the hell? But it's not like he knows me, right?"

"... Don't ask me I'm not even close to that once pink-haired giant. Ask Luhan or someone else he is close to" Kyungsoo suggested, wanting to end this pointless conversation yearning to finally continue watching the series he started yesterday night. It had a catchy plot (and a handsome lead actor) that made him even interested in the drama. Right now, his top priority is the series before him, and obviously not his friend who continuously had a large pout on his lips, wanting attention.

Baekhyun huffed, his pouts seems to be no use as he observed the latter's eyes glistening in excitement whilst watching the series. Kyungsoo mentally rolled his eyes after noticing his supposed hyung watching him intently and was pleading for attention from him. He couldn't believe this man is older than him however his brain seems to be younger than he expects.

"You even put your drama first before me", Baekhyun slouched his back and mumbled with a pout.

"That's 'cuz you are not worth it", the latter rolled his eyes once more and continued yet again the series he so wanted to just watch all day.

"Yow! Junmyeon and Jongin will be dropping by later", Minseok shouted from upstairs causing the innocent huge-eyed latter to look up from his laptop. His attention averted towards the older. Baekhyun quietly snickered at his dongsaeng's enlightened face upon hearing his boyfriend arriving.

"More like staying the night over here", Jongdae corrected after coming out from their shared bedroom. Kyungsoo could feel his heart beating rapidly. He tried to suppress his smile, he really did but his lips just wanted to curve from the tingling feeling he feels. He even blamed his stomach for feeling hungry from those sparks erupting. Hearing that his lover is staying the night in this huge house, he couldn't help but make small plans for their little get together. Jongin may have not told Kyungsoo his visit, but who cares about that at least he is coming, right? The series playing is now disregarded as thoughts kept popping in his imaginative mind. 

Baekhyun triumphantly hid his silent chuckles from Kyungsoo, who wouldn't have a second thought to kill you. Plus he never failed to notice that small grin and distracted eyes.

How envious.


Chanyeol couldn't believe his ears. Luhan and Sehun? Been together for 3 years already? Even before Chanyeol knew about Luna? What kind of sorcery is this! It was such a puzzling moment. He was slightly mad when the two hid this from him, but he knew very well it was for a good cause. Still, it's not like Chanyeol's gonna tell them about their little lie. He knew very well their father wants them to marry women and have grandchildren. This made Chanyeol groan in frustration upon remembering his father's words of wanting them, but mostly forcing them to get themselves their future wives.

But what can Chanyeol do? It's not like his heart would listen to him. He even convinced himself it was only puppy love, he was sure. Nothing sure lasts with him, huh? Chanyeol sighed heavily. 

He glanced at his wristwatch and sighed once more. He was lying on his bead for more than an hour already, ruminating on everything that just happened.

 He sat up and ruffled his hair from frustration. He went into his bathroom and set his eyes on his reflection.

It may be disheveled, but damn do I look hotter.

He shook those thoughts laughing as he did. He fixed himself before going out of his childhood bedroom, going off somewhere along the way.


The doorbell rang. 


Kyungsoo internally screamed but didn't say a word, hoping that he wasn't too suspicious to the others his excitement that's bubbling in his tummy. He continued his series, wishing that nobody noticed his tensed body. 

Baekhyun wanted to smile teasingly, noticing the younger's stiff body but decided against it, not risking a hard hit on his head. He went towards the oak door and opened it, surprised that the two has plastic bags in their hands. Suho shrugged and went in with Jongin smiling endearingly at his hyung who was confused.

"Of course we gotta need a refill before your ref is empty", Jongin explained with a cheeky laugh. Baekhyun took the other plastic without a word and went to the kitchen counter where Junmyeon placed them.

Jongin immediately, with an excited smile, went towards Kyungsoo who was busy "watching" his drama in the spacious living room on his laptop. Kyungsoo flinched, surprised someone hugged his back, yet gave his most vivid beam afterward knowing who it was from the baby powder scent that his nostrils are taking. 

"Jongin!" he said in delight, but it was less audible for the others in the kitchen. Jongin gave a toothy grin. He went around the couch and sat beside his lover. His face was scrunched up when Kyungsoo told him he was watching a drama, and even added the part where he told him the main lead looked handsome.

"But I'm more handsome right?" he asked in a pleaded tone. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and placed his attention once again on his laptop. The younger puckered his lips. Kyungsoo noticed this and pinched his puffy cheeks, telling him he's cute in his eyes either way. That was enough for Jongin's eyes to spark with passion once more.

Damn the things love can do.

"You're just salty", Xiumin commented. Baekhyun didn't realize he said that aloud. Junmyeon and Jongdae chuckled at the baffled look on Baekhyun's face.

"I said that out loud?"

"Yuh, why would I tell you that?"

"I mean it is obvious how you're always looking sulky", Junmyeon stifled a laugh.

"Says the one whose boyfriend isn't here", Baekhyun retorted in a mocking manner.

"Now why are you dragging Yixing here?" Jongdae tried not to laugh out loud at where this conversation is going. It was random, nonetheless entertaining. 

"I dunno, he might be cheating or something in Chi-"

"A-HUSH CHILD. I don't want to hear any more words from you ungrateful kid", Junmyeon said in a huff making hand gestures as he said so. The three sensed their friend's possessiveness causing them to titter at his behavior. It's not every day you can make the older in a jealous fit.

While they were busy with their fun conversation, laughing here and there plus teasing Junmyeon about the absence of his lover who could be out there doing whatnots, there was a couple who quietly went upstairs and towards the penguin's bedroom. The younger od the two sat on his bed whilst the penguin sat on the latter's lap, having a heated make-out session. Clothes were slightly being taken off from one another, their lips still lock against each other as their garments are slowly meeting the cold floor.



I will say nothing about the last sentence .-.


even a heart is enough for me <3

stay safe!


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