Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran...

By myrakkuran

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Her mother Reira Hanadagi was the youngest daughter of the Hanadagi pureblood clan. She was given to Rido Kur... More

Prologue- Her Birth
Life with the Kuran Family
Chapter 3 Life in the Shiki Household
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Kaname's perspective)
Chapter 8
Special Chapter 7.5
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 31

1.5K 61 37
By myrakkuran

Hanabusa was on the couch, drinking the faux blood, with his mind lost in deep thought and Akatsuki just stepped out of the bathroom, taking a shower.

The cousins haven't left their room all day.

Last night was quite eventful for the night class—Aiyora's injury, followed by Shiki's blood spill at the hands of the vice president. Two fishy incidents back to back in one night yet no proper explanation was provided for either of the cause. On top of that claims made by the night class president didn't seem to fit the scenarios right. And that left most confused.

Akatsuki cast his cousin a look. Hanabusa was still processing everything. Even though he was acting like he believed everything, Akatsuki knew deep down even a blind follower like him, didn't buy a word of what their dorm leader claimed.

"Akatsuki... aren't you a least bit curious? Earlier there was the smell of blood, then another one hours later... what were the causes? We weren't even given a proper explanation." Hanabusa was playing with the liquid inside the glass, freezing and unfreezing the substance.

"Quite honestly I don't care." Akatsuki bluntly responded drying his hair with the towel that was around his bare shoulder. Then proceeded to taunt. "Besides, the dorm president already told us that Aiyora-sama accidentally injured herself."

"...Yeah, I know. But a part of me finds it hard to believe that. A pureblood cannot pass-out from a simple injury..." he paused suddenly to master the courage to voice out his suspicion.

"...Do you think Kaname-sama did something with her?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"Hey! Kaname-sama isn't like that."

"Make up your mind on what you want to believe Hanabusa. More importantly didn't the dorm president ask us to not concentrate too much into the matter." The Kain heir reminded his curious cousin to not invest too much into the purebloods' lives.

"Sometimes you just can't... help it. Especially when everything that we were told last night doesn't add up."

"At least now you know why I don't trust that guy. Do you think anyone believed the dorm leader last night...? ...We all know who bit Shiki. But out of respect for both the purebloods everyone is keeping their mouth shut."

Aiyora woke up to the sudden sound of commotion. Her senses became alert and fully aware of the surrounding while her eyes still remained shut. Irritated, she gritted her teeth and turned the other side, hoping to fall back asleep. She was really looking forward to having a good sleep this morning. Ever since she started modelling, chances to sleep during the morning hours became a rare thing. Most of the time she has to force herself to sleep at night because of her work during the day.

The moment her senses picked up Yuuki's presence, the pureblood grew worried. She opened her eyes and sat up slightly, balancing her weight on her elbows.

Why is she here at this time? Although Aiyora kind of guessed the reason for Yuuki's visit. But she highly hoped she was wrong.

The thought of leaving her bed and personally checking out the matter crossed her mind multiple times, but exhaustion and laziness got the best of her. So, instead of leaving the bed herself she called upon her favourite familiar— the black cobra and sent her to check whatever was taking place in the lobby, while she slumped back on the bed.

By the time her familiar reached its destination she saw Hanabusa getting smacked across the face by Kaname.

"Who asked you to do this?" He demanded angrily.

"Sorry, I was out of line." Getting on one knee the blonde apologized before quickly excusing himself from there.

With Hanabusa's exit Aiyora thought about calling her familiar back. However a second thought at the very back of her subconscious mind made her do otherwise. It told her firmly to observe her siblings in their alone time.

And Aiyora was someone who no longer preferred to ignore her intuition. Therefore she stayed.

"I'm sorry Yuuki, that was entirely uncalled for."

"Oh no... it's fine... really." Yuuki responded to his apology by vigorously shaking her hands and was completely taken aback when Kaname cupped a portion of her face.

"It's alright, all that I ask is that you just be yourself."

Aiyora, who was witnessing the interaction rolled her eyes. Of course you want her to stay the way she is! The idiot she remains, the easier you can manipulate her.

"You're so different from all the others I have surrounding me. ...Yuuki, you're a warm hearted girl and that is something I treasure."

Aiyora face palmed herself. You're hopeless onii-sama. You can't be cheesy, even when you're trying to be.

Yuuki got herself lost into those deep wine coloured eyes. In that moment all she could think was how mesmerizing these dark set of eyes were, how handsome Kaname himself was... and totally forgot the main reason she came here, running out of an ongoing class.

"Now then, you should go... I believe you have class going on right now." Kaname reminded, as he guided her to the door. " future do not come here by yourself. But if you do wish to come, I suggest you have Zero accompany you. Considering the amount of blood he took from Aiyora, he would have enough strength to fight off if any vampire here tries attack you."

Hearing the silver haired boy's name a bulb lit up on the girl's head. She finally remembered the main purpose of her visit.

Yuuki turned around and snapped. "That isn't fair to him! Why are you saying things like that?"

"You really want to know why...? The answer is quite simple, he bit someone dear to me. And I'm sorry, I just can't ignore the fact that she got bitten by someone else."

Yuuki stood there dumbfounded at how bitter his voice turned toward the end. Aiyora too was shocked. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nervousness down.

"Kaname- sempai... I actually came for a reason, I have a request— please don't put Zero in the night class!"

"Why not?"

"Because for the last four years Zero's been battling this battle all by himself... and I didn't know anything about it despite living so close to him this whole time. ...For me it was a huge shock to learn that Zero is a vampire. But yesterday... I really hurt him..."

"Yuuki..." Kaname wiped away the tears that started to pour out of Yuuki's eyes and explained his reasoning.

"You must understand, this is one request I cannot honour, even if it's from you. Every human that's turned into a vampire will eventually turn into a level-E."

Yuuki's eyes widened at the revelation. Her mind went back to the monster with the face of a child she encountered in the clock tower. And she took a step back in disbelief before running out of the moon dorm. Kaname remained there silently watching Yuuki's retreating figure keeping his signature blank face.

Just as the door closed after Yuuki, Akatsuki spoke up, making his presence known.

"Listen, I have no idea why both you and Aiyora-sama are so attached to that girl. As it is, you two are the only remaining members of the Kuran family and that girl lives under the same roof as that hunter Kiryu Zero does. ...and we're all a little confused by it." Akatsuki stated.

"You want to know why...?" Kaname asked running a hand through his tresses as he walked past the fiery haired noble. "...that girl is the last responsibility I have left."

"And Aiyora-sama?"

"My feelings in her matter are too personal to talk about."

"I see... is that why you accused the vice president of committing something he did not do? Just so that you can cover for Aiyora-sama?"

The pureblood paused and looked over his shoulder to glance at Akatsuki.

"Wouldn't you do the same for Ruka... Akatsuki?" And with that remark he walked away.

Back in her room— Aiyora grew more uneasy. She chewed onto the comforter. A certain part of her regrets the spying she just did. As it is opening up her eyes to things she no longer wishes to see.

"How soon are you moving Zero into the night class?" Takuma asked his friend while helping him out in his office. As Kaname continued to sign papers after paper, Takuma on the other hand arranged the signed and unsigned sheet according to order.

"He won't be coming here. Yuuki came here yesterday and requested not move Zero."

The blonde paused in his action. "You accepted?"

"How could I deny Yuuki?"

This made no sense. Akatsuki was present during the exchange and he told Takuma how firm Kaname appeared in his decision that time. He even told Yuuki that he would not be able to keep her request... so what changed in a matter of night? Why is he going back on his words?

"But, you do realize the risk of keeping Zero in the day class."

"I have worked that out with the headmaster. He is making arrangements for the spell through which Yuuki will be able to tame him."

"It still doesn't lift up the risk. If the thirst is too intense, that spell won't work. And you know that well— so why are you taking such risk, especially when Yuuki-chan's safety is involved?"

"Zero did not bite Yuuki... he bit Aiyora." Takuma was surprised by the kind of argument Kaname was presenting.

"That's because she jumped in! If not for Aiyora-chan's bravery, then who knows what would have happened to Yuuki-chan."

"Yuuki will be fine. The headmaster will keep a careful eye on him. More importantly taking Zero away from the day world will make Yuuki lonely."

"Isn't that perfect... you can fill up the void."

The pureblood looked up from his paper-work and was about to respond but got cut off when a series of laughter floated in. Kaname immediately got up and faced the window whilst Takuma peered over his friends shoulder.

Aiyora was in the garden, training with the familiars. Kaname's familiar in the form of the black wolf was there and Aiyora was using her python.

"To answer your previous question Ichijou... I have different priority now." The brunette mused while his finger kept tracing the outline of Aiyora's figure on the window.

Even before he realized what he was about to say, the words already left his mouth. "Does your current priority prioritize you?"

"She will... I will provide her every reason to."

"If her priority does not change... then?"

"Then... tie me up and throw me into a dungeon."


"... because without her I will not be able to withhold my sanity."




The morning after...

Takuma lay on his bed, awake. Despite the tiredness there was no ounce of sleep in his eyes. Then again how can someone sleep with so much tension over their shoulders. He sighed again and by now he lost count of the numbers.

From the corner of his eyes, he observed his roommate. Senri was also awake, on his phone, going through pictures of himself and Aiyora from their childhood.

He wanted to start a conversation with the younger vampire but turned away, since there wasn't much to talk about.

The problem presented itself clearly before the Ichijou heir. He sort of understood everything that's been going on — Yuuki was born to be Kaname's destiny. She's the only person in this world that he wanted to protect. And in order to protect Yuuki, he was using Aiyora. While doing so, unbidden, he fell for her. From there everything is happening so fast that Kaname is unable to balance out his emotions and feelings. If this is how everything goes, soon there will be no turning back... and this is what Takuma fears the most.

Given Kuran families history, it is common for getting involved into complex relationships. The trendsetter of such activity was Kaname's grandfather Kuran Eyato, who is famously known for impregnating his younger sister despite being married to his twin. Then there's Kuran Rido who was madly in love with Kaname's mother Kuran Juuri.

Takuma doesn't know these stories in much depth. Only heard them from his grandmather as his bed time tale. However his grandmother did tell him this much, that neither these stories had a happy ending.

And unfortunately from the looks of it, it appears as though Kaname's is also walking on their footsteps. Who knows what is awaiting on his path...?

Maybe I should talk to Aiyora-chan and make her aware before situation slip out of hand.

Aiyora chose to spend the Saturday hanging out with Takuma. The only person who has been normal with her and currently provided her a sense of comfort. According to plan Takuma showed up on set and after her pack up the duo went try out to a brand new diner in town which opened just last week.

After gossiping and bitching about bunch of nonsense all evening, at one point during their dinner Takuma decided to address the elephant in the room.

"So... you and Kaname are spending a lot of times together these days."

"What choice do I have, especially when everyone around is ignoring me." No attempt was taken to hide the hurt in her voice. And Takuma couldn't argue, she had a valid point after all.

"Can I ask you something Aiyora-chan?"

"Go ahead."

"It's about the hostile relationship that you two shared during your childhood-"

"You mean how I was totally non-existent for him back in the days...?" Aiyora did not give him the chance to finish his sentence. "...yes that chapter has been cleared. I've forgiven him— more so... I don't really care about the past."

The revelation took the blonde aristocrats by surprise. He has been meaning to ask Aiyora for sometime but felt uneasy about bringing up the bitter past, especially now that the two seemed over that phase. However the way Kaname has started to act, Takuma knew it would be unwise to just mind his own business. Hence why he made this arrangement today. So he could speak to her privately. Without having to fear someone eves dropping on them.

"So what made you forgive him?" He didn't want to poke nose into her personal business but could not conceal his curiosity at any cost. He simply had to know. "After all, he treated you quite unfairly..."

"Like I said— i don't care about the past. I have a fantastic present, so why go back into those times and brood over for nothing. Besides ...I promised Kaname onii-sama sometime back, that I will forgive him the day I understand his reasoning for abandoning me. And I don't intend on going back on my words."

Takuma threw her a questioning gaze. Trying to make sense of where this was going. Does this mean she figured it all out...about Yuuki?

And as if she read his mind, Aiyora answered his unasked queries.

"...yes I have sort of cracked the puzzle. I now know why he abandoned me, why he never really visited me until your grandfather got us engaged and more importantly why he missed my birthday and to whom those presents and cake which you purchased, went to... I know everything."

"And you're going to forgive him just like that? Not even make him earn it..."

"What's the point?"

Ichijou was baffled. "But– "

"Takuma-nii, what do I do with all his hard work...? What good are they to me now...? Actually now when I look back, it brings a smile to my face. Staying with the Shiki family was not that bad. Most importantly it gave me the chance to know Rii-chan..." she smiled fondly recalling some of the wonderful memories of her stay at the Shiki residence.

"...if not for him abandoning me, none of these would have happened." Once more she hinted on knowing the Shiki heir personally and getting close to some members of the night class, including himself, personally.

"...For which I will forever remain grateful to Kaname onii-sama. Even to this day I don't know what the real purpose for those ignorance was, but if it was to break me, then surely he did not succeed. Because of what he did, I learned to survive on my own and make wonderful friends like you all."

"Can we make up the void Kaname has left behind?"

"Why not!?"

Ichijou was beyond words. After a minute long struggle he finally formed a sentence that made some sense. "...You feel nothing for him? Kaname I mean."

"Nope." she said while also nodding her head, in order to double confirm.

"Senri told me you broke apart after your birthday-"

"That was the vulnerable child Aiyora!" she exclaimed. "...Who knew no one in this world aside from him. To that little Aiyora her Kaname onii-sama was everything. He was her world, her beginning and the only family that she could remember. But things are different now... He no longer matters. He lives, he dies neither makes a difference to me."

Takuma looked at her understandingly. And somewhat proud of how she has groomed herself on her own.

" see, his very existence have been wiped out from my heart... So tell me why waste both of our time by making him earn my forgiveness when in the end it would mean nothing!"

"Is it so easy to forget someone you so deeply cared about...?" Takuma was finding it quite hard to believe. "I was there by Kaname's side, I have seen and heard everything. All of your phone calls, all your desperate pleas to see him. You used to call him everyday Aiyora-chan. Despite his ignorance, you never gave up."

Aiyora chucked, "No it's not easy to forget someone just like that. Feelings don't build up or drop over night. It always takes time. However I have another analogy about feelings - they are quite like the toothpaste in tube. Once you squeeze them out you can never put them back in. Same goes for the heart...once it closes, never reopens."

"You mean to say-"

"The child Aiyora waited for him with open heart but the adult Aiyora...has closed all doors. She has no need for Kuran Kaname in her life..."

"But what about Kaname's feelings?"

"He's in a great place. Yuuki-sempai is an excellent person."

"What if he no longer wants Yuuki. What if someone else is starting to occupy his thoughts."

"..." Now she had no words to comment on the matter.

Takuma expected Aiyora to charge with the words 'what do you mean!?' That way it would have easily paved the way for him to further explain on his current concerns— which happens to be Kaname's growing obsession with her and what dangerous turn it's taking.

But her silence put him in a slightly difficult situation.

"That's impossible! Kaname onii-sama loves Yuuki. There is nothing in this world that can change it." When she finally adrressed the matter, her words were picked quite diplomatically.

"People can change Aiyora-chan. Heart can change. Anything is possible."

"I won't buy it!"

"Why not? Is it wrong of Kaname to want someone else?"

"Kaname onii-sama loves Yuuki period."

"Why an I getting the feeling that you're being intentionally stubborn.

"I'm not interested in this topic of conversation." Aiyora shot up from the chair ready to leave. But Takuma grabbed hold of her hand before she could even take a step.

"Aiyora-chan, please sit down. This is important..." Aiyora shot him a look, to which the blonde responded. " you not wonder why everyone in the night class is so distant with you all of a sudden? ...Why do you think Senri is avoiding you?"

Aiyora's blood ran cold thinking of the possibility. The idea passed her mind several times but she was too scared to believe that as the reality.

"...Kaname onii-sama?"

The blonde nodded his head, confirming. He then proceeded to narrate her the details of everything that happened the morning after St. Xocolotto Day whilst Aiyora carefully listened, not missing out on a single detail.

"Wait... where was I when all this was happening?-"

"You were asleep... in his arms."

"What? That doesn't make any sense... even if I was asleep, the presence of so many people in my room would have woken me up."

"I know... even I found that very unnatural. The kind of deep sleep state you were in wasn't normal. That was until I realized that Kaname had forcefully put you to sleep. ...Tell me something Aiyora-chan what do you remember off St. Xocolotto Day?"

Aiyora was about to tell him, only to realize she has no recollection of that particular day.

"You don't recall making chocolate for Shiki?"

"Did I?"

"Do you remember getting punished with the rest of the night class for cornering Zero?"

"What kind of punishment?"

"Yours was particularly to fill up for Seiran and accompanying Kaname outside for the night. As for the rest, Senri filled in for the gatekeeper, Aidou had to clean the entire dorm, Ruka was in charge of the kitchen and Akasuki had to take care of the garden."

"I can't remember any of this." Aiyora said squeezing her temples. Trying her best to recall whatever best of it she could but only to be met with vacant in the end.

"That means he erased your memories of that entire day." Frankly Aiyora did not want to believe this.

"But why would he do that? I'm sure you know, our engagement is fake. I'm playing the fiancée till Yuuki returns to his side."

"Aren't you paying any attention to your surrounding? Or Kaname, as to how he's been watching you? ...Aiyora-chan I've seen him enter your room at the morning hours and watch you sleep. Just two weeks back, a maid walked in and saw Kaname sleeping with you. She also mentioned he was holding you so tightly that it seemed like you were having difficulty breathing."

Aiyora gulped nervously and took a sip of water to soothe her drying throat.

"And last week, I saw the two of you on the terrace, talking. I did not hear what you both were discussing about but during that conversation Kaname leaned in multiple times. Even someone blind would be able to sense those as his attempts to kiss you. Then, your friend Himura Sayomi told me about this particular incident where she saw Kaname biting your earlobe. Kawasaki Haru, your other friend saw him licking his lips while secretly watching you from the shadows. Akatsuki saw him perversely eyeing your... rear."

Aiyora choked on the cake she was munching. No... no... no... it can't be true. It shouldn't be.

But Takuma wasn't done talking.

"Aiyora-chan, he keeps a photo of you with him at all times... I found two different pictures of yourself inside his wallet. One from your childhood and other from the present. This isn't how Kaname normally behaves. Something is surely going on inside of his mind."

The pureblood pushed aside her plate, no longer having the appetite to eat.

"Put all the pieces together and look— the Kaname who barely even acknowledged your existence few years ago, has become completely obsessed with you today. The way his feelings have turned it's not just unhealthy but also dangerous. Keep in mind, Purebloods have the tendency to easily lose their sanity. And at the situation we're in its too risky for Kaname to fall to such state. We'll all be in danger. You'll end up raped while those of us who'll stand on his way will end up dead."

"Yuuki loves Kaname! She's his responsibility. Our parents wanted them to be together, there's no going back from there."

Takuma was amazed by how she turned her statement around despite keeping the same meaning. After everything that he just said, she was still playing the same tune? Seriously!

"But in order for Kaname and Yuuki to be together, Kaname must get over his obsession with you."

Instead of giving out a quick response Aiyora bit her bottom lip. Now she can't just blurt out whatever comes into her mind. She must think carefully before making a statement.

The next few minutes passed in absolute silence. Sitting over there, Aiyora utilized this time and gave his words some careful thoughts before finally coming into a conclusion. She assured him with a confident smile, once again returning to her plate after finally gaining back her appetite.

"Don't worry... I have a plan."

Even though she boasted to Takuma about having a plan to handle all this, truth is she didn't actually have any concrete plan. She simply said those in the heat of the moment to avoid the topic they were discussing.

Aiyora grumbled again, leaning back on the bath tub. This was her fifth time making such noises since she stepped into the bath. She was clearly annoyed with everything. She gathered some soapy foam into her palm and blew bubbles in hopes that it would calm her nerves down. Bubble bath have always helped clear her head and give her the ability to think clearly. But tonight it wasn't doing its magic. And the only possible explanation for this she found was— back then her problems weren't as complicated as they are now.

Currently the situation has taken a risky turn. Time to act oblivious is running out.

Kaname is trying to take control over her life. He tampered with her memory, pushed away her friends and is trying to draw a wedge between her and Senri. If he isn't stopped now later it will become increasingly difficult to get out of his clutches.

I have to break free from this engagement... but how? She thought about this again and again and again. Each time it resulted in nothing. There seemed no proper solution— other than running away. But that involved way too much risk. If caught, the penalty would be severe. Higher chances her Ri-chan would have to pay the price.

Then suddenly her brain opened up and just like that provided her the solution to the problem— get the unwanted pest out and everything will fall back into its order.

Zero was bent over the sink placed in the corner of his room, coughing roughly, after spitting out the blood tablet. A substance which his body's been rejecting badly.

Even though at first when Cross handed him a case he refused, but since biting that vampire he has come to terms with his new reality— he has to take them and curb his thirst down. Otherwise next time he will end up hurting Yuuki.

He was about to take another attempt to drink the tablet water but a subtle knock on his door interrupted him. With a grunt he went ahead and answered the door, only to come face to face with the last person he was expecting.

"You! ...What are you doing here." he hissed like a viper. Clearly not happy to see her.

"Nice body." Aiyora commented, flirtatiously pointing at his toned chest. "Without clothes you're a piece of art my friend."

"Go back to your dorm or i'll drag you there."

"Step aside." The pureblood said calmly with a smirk. The command in her voice made the former human obey. Therefore despite his wish otherwise Zero cleared the way.

Aiyora walked in, scanning the room with judging eyes. "Is this where you live...? It looks like a dungeon... your room in the moon dorm would certainly have been ten times better."

"I don't care, now get out."

"Is this a way to speak to a girl... no wonder you're still virgin. Keep up the attitude and you'll die a virgin too."

"Are you done?" Zero was on the verge of losing his patience. Good thing that his gun was out of his reach otherwise by now he would have put a bullet or two in the arrogant pureblood's head.

"Why are you so adamant on kicking me out, when I actually came to help you."

"I don't need your help!"

"Actually... you do." Aiyora smirked crossing her arms over her chest. "Listen to me carefully, I came to rescue you from the pathetic mess you're about to walk into..."

Zero looked at the vampire confused. Not understanding a word of what she just said.

"I'm not your friend but I'm also not the enemy. But my older sibling is a whole different story and same could be said for the girl you hold in your heart."

"Don't drag Yuuki into this!"

"Too bad, she already involved." She added with a pout. Her expression turned serious next moment.

"My brother loves her. Do you think he'll ever give up on her...? No never."

Zero noticed the determination in her voice clashed with the hesitance reflected in those royal blue eyes. For some add reason it appeared like she was trying to convience herself than him.

"Think about it... there was definitely a reason as to why he saved her that snowy night all those years ago."

"What reason?"

"That's not important for you. What is important and probably the safest option for you at the moment is to leave this place."

"What?!" Zero looked at her like she grew another head.

"Go to the Hunter's Association, I'm sure they'd provide you shelter. After all, you're the only remaining Kiryu. Oh wait you're a vampire now, so they might kick you out. Well... if that place makes you uncomfortable in your current state, then go somewhere else. Any place away from here is a safe heaven for you, Prefect-san. So take my advice— pack up your belongings and take off from here before night ends."

Zero simply stood there looking at nothing in particular. Thinking about the option that was just offered to him. Is it truly the best option? Would Yuuki be safe if he leaves?

As if reading his mind Aiyora answered. "Don't worry about Yuuki, no harm will come her way as long as my brother and I are here. She's far safer in our presence than she's with you. More importantly why do you care so much about Yuuki? It's not like you have a future with her. She'll run into my brother's arms the day he calls her and your existence will be kicked out of her life that instant."

The silver haired hunter felt a tug in his heart. But the sane part of his brain somehow agreeded with her. She has a point.

"Are you convinced? Or need I say more?... prefect-san? ...hunter-san? ...Kiryu-san?"

Zero turned around ignoring her calls and after a moment of deep thought he agreed.

"I'll leave..."

"Perfect!" Aiyora clapped her hands like a happy baby. "Now start packing. On a second thought— I'll lend you a hand."

Without seeking his permission she went ahead and opened the wooden drawer beside the bed and pulled out all the clothes from inside...




Mission Accomplished!

She sighed with relief. It went a lot smoother than she expected. Kiryu is quite intelligent and occasionally very understanding. Too bad that he'll be gone before sunrise. However that's best for everyone, including him. With Zero out of the way Yuuki and Kaname will find a way back into each others lives. Similarly Aiyora can have all the obstacles between herself and Senri removed. As for Zero— he is a guy with great potential. Aiyora firmly believes he won't fall into level-E, and will eventually find a way to fight through this battle. But that's only possible once he's away from the academy, Yuuki and Kaname. He needs a fresh start in order to live his life to full extent.

Her footsteps came to a pause, she stopped by one of the windows and watched Zero march on with his bag. From the depth of her heart she wished him all the best in his new beginning.

Aiyora smiled. All these years she carried the burden of not helping Fuuka but tonight she felt different. Watching Zero leave the academy and towards a better future made her feel a lot lighter. It felt as if some heavy burden have been lifted off of her shoulders. Finally she has been able to help a vampire in need.

However that happiness was cut short when Yuuki suddenly ran up to the hunter and tightly hugged him from behind.

No! No! No! Zero don't give in. Just don't! Keep going...

But her prayer wasn't heard. The bag from the hunter's hold dropped to the ground. Signalling all her hardwork just went down the drain. All thanks to Yuuki and her pleas. In the end he chose to listen to her.

Well... in cinclusuion— Zero isn't as intelligent as she expected him to be earlier.

Aiyora groaned in frustration. Pathetic loser! Go die in Kaname's twisted game for all I care!

"Ichijou is not here."

Senri spoke up, keeping his voice the usual monotone and calm, even though he had every reason not to be in that state, at the given moment.

"I'm here to speak with you, actually." Kaname slowly came out to the shadows and calmly walked towards Takuma's empty bed and sat down.

"What topic could we possibly have, to talk about... cousin?" Senri mocked. Forget paying respect, the Shiki heir didn't even bother look at the pureblood, just continued to flip through the magazine acting like his presence was no big of a deal.

Kaname took notice of this insolent behaviour but remained quiet reminding himself constantly that it was only for short time. Once Aiyora becomes his, personally he will discipline this bastard.

"Oh there's a lot. But I'm not here for idle chatter, so let's go straight to the point— Aiyora..."

The younger vampire visibly stiffed. "What about her?"

"Her closeness to you is starting to bother me." Kaname said directly looking at him in the eyes. His gaze appeared all the more intimidating.

"Don't blame me... I can't defy her, just the way I can't defy you. After all, both of you are purebloods."

Kaname bit the inside of his mouth. His hands were practically itching to strangle the aristocrat. Oh he couldn't wait... the day he falls out of Aiyora's favour Kaname will take care of him for good— tear him apart limbs by limbs and feed his remains to street dogs. But for now he must hold everything in.

"You want Aiyora don't you ...Shiki?"

Senri gave him no verbal response but his silence translated to 'yes'.

"Deep down you have the confidence that somehow you will end up with her... am I correct?"

Once more the silence confirmed his positive response.

"Let's say you get Aiyora. But have you ever given a thought, as to how you would keep her by your side? ...keep her safe? ...protected? ...and free from all harms way? Or is it in your plan to rely on her, since she's a pureblood."

Senri wanted to throw in a fitting response but unfortunately... couldn't find one. So he just closed the magazine and sat up.

Noticing his hesitation the brunette smirked, now he felt more confident than he was earlier.

"I see... so you are planning to live the rest of your life as a burden on her shoulder... how tragically pathetic."

He paused to watch the other's reaction before blurting out the rest. "A plan that your mother made all those years ago but we all know where that led her to."

Senri grabbed a fistful of the bedsheets in order to keep his growing temper in check. Just because he barely ever showed emotion doesn't mean he have none. Like everyone he also felt hurt, love, comfort, rage. For example now the urge to punch this pompous pureblood was becoming too urgent.

"Even if you are the son of my uncle but it still doesn't change your status to a pureblood. Whereas with Aiyora, she has the blood of two pureblood families running through her body. ...Have you ever given the slightest thought as to how you will ever match up to her?"

The younger vampire's jaw tightened and the older one was enjoying every bit of it. A twisted smile curved up the end of Kaname's life.

"She's yet to realize her full potential and once she does, what value would you have, to present yourself before her?"

"I get it!" Senri had enough with the insults. It was time for him to speak up.

"You've made your point clear that Ai-chan and I will never be compatible. What's next? What do you need from me? The fact that you made time to personally visit me, means you need something in return. So just spill it."

"I want you to make her understand..."

"Make her understand what?"

"That she should be with the right person— which clearly isn't you."

"So who is this right person then? You?! The one who abandoned her in her childhood? Wanted to do nothing with her existence?"

"I cannot change the past, it is why I wish to make her present better."

"Why...? ...Bored with your human toy?" The aristocrat taunted.

"If I were you, I would keep that tongue in check." Kaname warned casually standing up. Now that he has delivered his message, there was no point lingering around.

"If you truly want the best for Aiyora, then you better start to make her understand who is the best choice for her."

"Honestly I don't mind doing that... sadly the best choice for her is not you. So if you've come with hopes that I would advocate for you... you're highly mistaken."

Feeling insulted by those words, Kaname made a complete turn around of his earlier suggestion.

"Do you think I need your help? To obtain what is already mine." The older vampire chuckled and added the rest with a victorious smirk. "I'm already her fiancé. It wouldn't take me long to change that status to husband. Followed by... father to her children."

That being said the pureblood turned and marched towards the door. " Anyway, have a good night."

"You do underestimate my Ai-chan!"

"Your Ai-chan?! ...Last time I checked she's my fiancée. You have no right to claim her as yours."

Senri ignored him and continued...

"Do you honestly think by becoming her husband and fathering her children you can keep her away from me? ...Ai-chan will always find her way back to me... Just the way she did three nights ago."

Kaname's footsteps came to an abrupt halt.

The mere mention of that night was serious low blow for the pureblood. The fact that Aiyora so blatantly rejected his blood, the purest blood of Kuran and went for this boy's blood left a sour taste in his mouth. What's more outrageous is that, with her action Aiyora massively embarrassed him in front of everyone. Leaving him no choice but to lie to save his dignity. However he highly doubts anyone actually believed him that night. And was grateful for the fact that no one openly made a fuss.

Kaname was about to resume on his way but little did he know the aristocrat was not yet done... boasting.

"You want to become her husband and have children with her, go ahead... I'm sure your conjugal life wouldn't even come close to the kiss we shared."

In that second Kaname's heart stopped, his surrounding stilled. He looked over his shoulder and hissed. "Kiss...?!"

"Yes, we kissed. Very passionately so." Senri gloated.

Immediately there was a crack on the ceiling and small rubble fell over the aristocrat's head.

"Opps... think I said too much." This time it was the Shiki heir's turn to smirk.

Initually Kaname came down hard on him but towards the end only met with defeat, whereas he who silently swallowed all the insults at the beginning, ultimately came out victorious.

Sometimes fate was truly strange.

a.n. Thank you all for reading and hope you guys enjoyed. This is my version of anime episode 4. Kaname now knows about Aiyora and Senri's kiss how do you think he'd react?

Also this is the first chapter with Aiyora and Zero scene, for those of you hoping for a friendship between them, let's see where that leads.

Hello readers,

Wanted to share something...

so I received this interesting review this morning. Don't know if you guys can see but on my side here I can't, the website is having some problems. However I was able to read it off of my email.

The reader made a unique suggestion— instead of asking for a threesome of Kaname/Aiyora/Senri, I was asked if it can be made a foursome of Kaname/Aiyora/Yuuki/Senri and occasional Zero. I think her idea is basically for the 3 purebloods to have 2 spouses. Kaname- Yuuki and Aiyora, Aiyora- Kaname and Senri and Yuuki- Kaname and Zero.

i know its too crowded but I don't mind knowing your opinion.

Anyway, that wasn't precisely why I turned to my readers. The same reviewer asked me something which put me to think- who will be Kuran Ai's mother? Yuuki or Aiyora.

personally I believe Aiyora should have her own children. Ai and Ren belongs to Yuuki. Therefore if Aiyora ends up with Senri it solves all problem. But by any chance she ends up with Kaname, how can Ai be brought into the picture- by keeping the parents same?

I know it's far ahead but I'm keeping notes, this way it's easier for me to write and update faster.

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