Pokémon Fool's Gold | Orre...

By kingrufus

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When Leon's son Fayiz defeats Champion Raihan, his sister Amber isn't impressed. She was born amidst tragedy... More

Chapter 1: History Repeated
Chapter 2: A Bad Start
Chapter 3: Hitchhiking
Chapter 4: First Opponents
Chapter 5: Wilderness
Chapter 6: So Much Trouble for One Van
Chapter 7: April
Chapter 8: Gateon Colosseum
Chapter 9: Challenger Zane Vs. Gym Leader Emili
Chapter 10: Triumphant Challengers
Chapter 11: Disappointing
Chapter 12: The Net Badge
Chapter 13: Evolutions
Chapter 14: Weakness
Chapter 15: The Pickaxe Badge
Chapter 16: A Familiar Name
Chapter 17: Stalker
Chapter 18: The Lava Caves
Chapter 19: A Rare Catch
Chapter 20: Catching Up
Chapter 21: Discovered
Chapter 22: Gym Leader's Guidance
Chapter 23: A Cheating Challenger
Chapter 24: Followed
Chapter 25: Good News
Chapter 26: Gym Leader Cail's Challenge
Chapter 27: Like Fool's Gold
Chapter 28: Cipher's Return
Chapter 29: Five Prisoners
Chapter 30: Shadow Trainers
Chapter 31: Escape Day
Chapter 32: Choice
Chapter 33: No Friends
Chapter 34: Reunited
Chapter 35: Elite Company
Chapter 36: Storming the Lab
Chapter 37: Never Loved
Chapter 38: The Under
Chapter 39: Life Resumed
Chapter 40: Let the Music Play
Chapter 41: The Boat Badge
Chapter 42: Another Kidnapping
Chapter 43: Successors
Chapter 44: Thief
Chapter 45: The Road Badge
Chapter 46: Cipher's Grand Master
Chapter 47: Disarmed
Chapter 48: Hysteria
Chapter 49: The Last Laugh
Chapter 51: An Unsuspecting Relative
Chapter 52: The Ultimate Shadow Trainer
Chapter 53: Family Feuds
Chapter 54: Cipher's Enemies
Chapter 55: A Bittersweet Reunion
Chapter 56: Happy Family
Chapter 57: Threats
Chapter 58: Wishes
Chapter 59: Disobedient
Chapter 60: History Repeated... Again
Chapter 61: Doomed
Chapter 62: Jovi's Journey
Chapter 63: Decoy
Chapter 64: Cipher Lives
Chapter 65: Father Vs. Son
Chapter 66: Father Vs. Son, Act 2
Chapter 67: Invaders
Chapter 68: XD006
Chapter 69: Hope
Chapter 70: Father Figure
Chapter 71: Love
Chapter 72: XD005
Chapter 73: Gym Leader's Duty
Chapter 74: XD004
Chapter 75: XD007
Chapter 76: Champion Vs. Grand Master
Chapter 77: Apology
Chapter 78: Sensational
Chapter 79: The Truth
Chapter 80: The Grand Master's Last Words
Chapter 81: A New Beginning
Chapter 82: Gretchen's Victims
Chapter 83: The Real Rosen
Chapter 84: Free
Chapter 85: Laila's Story
Chapter 86: Living a Lie
Chapter 87: The Trial Begins
Chapter 88: The Verdict
Chapter 89: New Life
Chapter 90: Time Restarted
Chapter 91: Coming of Age
Chapter 92: Eclo Canyon
Chapter 93: In Years to Come
Chapter 94: Content
Chapter 95: The Skyscraper Badge
Chapter 96: Last Stronghold
Chapter 97: Zane's Fears
Chapter 98: Greatest Performance
Chapter 99: Bait
Chapter 100: Closure
Chapter 101: Goodnight
Chapter 102: Challenger Cassia Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 103: Challenger Seth Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 104: Challenger Amber Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 105: Elite Four Wes Defends His Title
Chapter 106: Path to Citadark Isle
Chapter 107: Victory Road
Chapter 108: Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 109: The Elite Four
Chapter 110: Zane's Challenge
Chapter 111: Champion Michael
Chapter 112: Decisive Battle
Chapter 113: The Hall of Fame
Chapter 114: Seeing the Back of Orre
Chapter 115: Cipher's Remains
Author's Notes: General
Orre Pokédex

Chapter 50: An Order

30 4 3
By kingrufus

News of Verzant's fate spread fast. Incriminating videos were usually removed from Cipher's intranet within seconds, but no-one bothered removing those of the guards dragging him from the main building to the filthy and stuffy cells. At the Pokémon HQ Lab, Pierre who hacked in after tracing Anabel to The Under, eagerly downloaded it; only to find himself more perplexed than he already was.

'It's just more infighting.'

'Well, that's good, innit?' Hop replied, 'Infighting's a real weakness.'

'Yeah, but I don't have a clue what that Lyndon guy actually wants. Verzant's easy to figure out. He wants to be Governer. Znider's on a power trip and Brynlee and Coren are psychopaths. They're probably all after some form of world domination. Lumir's on our side. But Lyndon? He obviously doesn't want what his Admins want... so what the hell is it?'

He sighed. 'And there's no Anabel or Looker to work it out.'

'But we will,' Jovi insisted, 'We have to. I mean, let's see... everyone fancies Verzant, right?'

She picked up various Galarian phrases from her husband. 'Not that I get why, but anyway. He's their motivational speaker. Probably the best person to resolve their current crisis. Locking him up won't make people like Lyndon. It'll made them actively dislike him. He must be trying to send them a message. A message that Cipher isn't the sunshine and roses they've been led to believe it is.'

'But they've gone to such great pains to pretend it is...'

'Yeah, but it's not like he can pretend otherwise at this point, is it? When practically every decent person in Orre's called them out on the telly and they haven't just kidnapped our shitty cops, but two International Police officers and some innocent citizens. So he must be embracing that. Telling his followers "OK, we're actually evil and you better be scared, because if this can happen to Verzant, I'll sure as hell do it to you." I don't know. It still doesn't really tell us what he wants.'

Michael, standing beside his brother in-law, shrugged. 'Maybe it is world domination. That was their original goal. Even when Alfie went all "save Orre," Ardos still openly wanted that.'

Hop frowned. 'I don't know... Pierre, have you managed to get a pic of him?'

'No need,' Michael said, 'His name's Lyndon Massey. I remember him – he made it through Victory Road right after me. Gave me a real run for my money when we battled it out. He's 31 now.'

'Oh!' Jovi exclaimed, 'That Lyndon! I remember him, too! He chose an Eevee. Oh, that's so weird. He seemed so nice. So enthusiastic about Pokémon... and the kid he was having. I guess that was Trip. What was his girlfriend's name?'

'Laila. Yes, that Laila. It is weird. They both voiced concerns about Cipher with Gym Leaders. But of course, the police did nothing.'

'Wait, wait, wait... he was worried about Cipher and he loved Laila, but Rosen killed her because she wouldn't join Cipher and then he went and became the Grand Master?! Whaaaat? That doesn't add up.'

'Maybe he got jaded. Maybe she threatened to kill him. Or Trip? I don't know.'

'Yeah, but how did he get from that to Grand Master?'

Pierre tapped away. Concentration wrinkled his face. His Metagross was equally absorbed. No-one understood what they were silently communicating about, but they knew it was part of the genius behind Pierre's hacking. Occasionally, he mumbled in Kalosian. Metagross nodded. Jovi saw videos downloading. The lab had the fastest internet connection in Orre. They were saved within minutes.

'I haven't got into their personal devices, yet... but I've got their latest announcement and recruitment videos.'

He played the announcement. 'The following orders are absolute from your Grand Master, Lyndon. Rosen Raco is no longer a member of Cipher, active immediately. Anyone aiding or communicating with her will be punished, including Admins. This shouldn't be difficult when not a fucking one of you actually likes that Zubatshit sociopath.'

'Oh, no,' Jovi said, 'Now I'm even more confused!'

Hop's eyes were on Lyndon himself. 'I wonder if there's any way to contact Trip. Maybe through Lumir?'

'He has to be careful,' Michael replied, 'If he's seen contacting Eldes, let alone one of us, he's toast.'

'I'm gonna give Lee a ring.'

'What? Hop!'

The door shut. Jovi called after him, but he didn't reply.


No-one in Cipher seemed to understand, either. They rarely saw or even heard of Lyndon, but they assumed he was close to the Admins; so much that he allowed them to act on his behalf. People wanted to help Verzant. They wanted to question how it happened. No-one was brave enough. They were, as Lyndon predicted, immobilised by fear, but it didn't stop them whispering amongst themselves. In a motel in Phenac City, Jazlyn stared at her idol's face on her P★DA wallpaper. She was quieter than usual.

'I don't... I don't get it.'

She looked up with teary eyes. 'Have we been doing all this hard work recruiting just for him to... do stuff like that?'

Duh! Trip wanted to snap. What did you think we were recruiting for? Cupcake sales?

'You just catching on now, Jaz?'

Wyatt said it for him. She pulled the sheet over her head and told him to leave her alone. Trip followed him outside.

'This is insane... I don't give a shit about Verzant... but what they've done to Rui Vincent and they're gonna do to that cop... and all those poor Pokémon... this isn't about saving Orre. It never was. I don't want to be complicit anymore. I'm sorry it's taken me this long, Trip... but will you help me? You don't want to be part of this, either. We have to get out. There has to be a way...'

'I guess there's a way to get everyone out.'

'By taking them down? But how? I don't know anyone else, other than Kamron who wants to die, who'd even admit to considering it. We'd need some way of communicating with the enemy.'

'I mean... I do know one person.'

'Your dad? Trip, I don't think he's–'

'No. Lumir.'

Wyatt blinked. '...Isn't he second-in-command?'

'Yeah, but he's just out for revenge on his dad.'

'He's up your dad's ass. How can we trust him?'

'Do we have any other choice?'

He was right. There was no other choice, but Wyatt still looked uneasy; perhaps because he knew that although Trip didn't say it, he was as blinkered by the buried hope his dad would somehow be on their side as Wyatt was by the Shadow Pokémon.


Verzant was tossed into a cell opposite Anabel and Looker. His expensive jacket was torn. For several minutes, he was too livid to do anything but seethe until the nails digging into his palms drew blood. He slowly composed himself. Anabel and Looker were whispering. He cocked his head to listen, but they promptly switched from Kalosian – which the guards didn't understand, but Verzant did – to a language he didn't recognise. It was almost-extinct Alolan learned from Hau and Olivia.

'I have to let them think they've got me,' Anabel hissed, 'There won't be a chance to escape before they try...'

'But Chief! They'll torture you! That's far more than even an officer of your calibre can be expected to endure!'

'It's the only way... and having them believe I'm on their side could be a massive help. In the meantime... you need to somehow communicate with our colleagues. If they do get me... you know how powerful I'll be... so if you have to...'

'Chief! No!'

'You have to kill me, Looker.'

'No! We must escape before they can try! Call Alakazam! That Admin over there has no Pokémon. The guards will be weak.'

'My team don't have the energy to take on the hundreds of Shadow Pokémon out there alone. It would be utter stupidity... like rushing into this with no backup was. Let's not make the same mistake twice... please.'

'You are worth far too much to the force, let alone to me and the countless people you've saved, to simply kill you, Chief. I must at least fight.'

'It's an order, Detective Inspector.'

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