Pokémon Fool's Gold | Orre...

By kingrufus

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When Leon's son Fayiz defeats Champion Raihan, his sister Amber isn't impressed. She was born amidst tragedy... More

Chapter 1: History Repeated
Chapter 2: A Bad Start
Chapter 3: Hitchhiking
Chapter 4: First Opponents
Chapter 5: Wilderness
Chapter 6: So Much Trouble for One Van
Chapter 7: April
Chapter 8: Gateon Colosseum
Chapter 9: Challenger Zane Vs. Gym Leader Emili
Chapter 10: Triumphant Challengers
Chapter 11: Disappointing
Chapter 12: The Net Badge
Chapter 13: Evolutions
Chapter 14: Weakness
Chapter 15: The Pickaxe Badge
Chapter 16: A Familiar Name
Chapter 17: Stalker
Chapter 19: A Rare Catch
Chapter 20: Catching Up
Chapter 21: Discovered
Chapter 22: Gym Leader's Guidance
Chapter 23: A Cheating Challenger
Chapter 24: Followed
Chapter 25: Good News
Chapter 26: Gym Leader Cail's Challenge
Chapter 27: Like Fool's Gold
Chapter 28: Cipher's Return
Chapter 29: Five Prisoners
Chapter 30: Shadow Trainers
Chapter 31: Escape Day
Chapter 32: Choice
Chapter 33: No Friends
Chapter 34: Reunited
Chapter 35: Elite Company
Chapter 36: Storming the Lab
Chapter 37: Never Loved
Chapter 38: The Under
Chapter 39: Life Resumed
Chapter 40: Let the Music Play
Chapter 41: The Boat Badge
Chapter 42: Another Kidnapping
Chapter 43: Successors
Chapter 44: Thief
Chapter 45: The Road Badge
Chapter 46: Cipher's Grand Master
Chapter 47: Disarmed
Chapter 48: Hysteria
Chapter 49: The Last Laugh
Chapter 50: An Order
Chapter 51: An Unsuspecting Relative
Chapter 52: The Ultimate Shadow Trainer
Chapter 53: Family Feuds
Chapter 54: Cipher's Enemies
Chapter 55: A Bittersweet Reunion
Chapter 56: Happy Family
Chapter 57: Threats
Chapter 58: Wishes
Chapter 59: Disobedient
Chapter 60: History Repeated... Again
Chapter 61: Doomed
Chapter 62: Jovi's Journey
Chapter 63: Decoy
Chapter 64: Cipher Lives
Chapter 65: Father Vs. Son
Chapter 66: Father Vs. Son, Act 2
Chapter 67: Invaders
Chapter 68: XD006
Chapter 69: Hope
Chapter 70: Father Figure
Chapter 71: Love
Chapter 72: XD005
Chapter 73: Gym Leader's Duty
Chapter 74: XD004
Chapter 75: XD007
Chapter 76: Champion Vs. Grand Master
Chapter 77: Apology
Chapter 78: Sensational
Chapter 79: The Truth
Chapter 80: The Grand Master's Last Words
Chapter 81: A New Beginning
Chapter 82: Gretchen's Victims
Chapter 83: The Real Rosen
Chapter 84: Free
Chapter 85: Laila's Story
Chapter 86: Living a Lie
Chapter 87: The Trial Begins
Chapter 88: The Verdict
Chapter 89: New Life
Chapter 90: Time Restarted
Chapter 91: Coming of Age
Chapter 92: Eclo Canyon
Chapter 93: In Years to Come
Chapter 94: Content
Chapter 95: The Skyscraper Badge
Chapter 96: Last Stronghold
Chapter 97: Zane's Fears
Chapter 98: Greatest Performance
Chapter 99: Bait
Chapter 100: Closure
Chapter 101: Goodnight
Chapter 102: Challenger Cassia Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 103: Challenger Seth Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 104: Challenger Amber Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 105: Elite Four Wes Defends His Title
Chapter 106: Path to Citadark Isle
Chapter 107: Victory Road
Chapter 108: Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 109: The Elite Four
Chapter 110: Zane's Challenge
Chapter 111: Champion Michael
Chapter 112: Decisive Battle
Chapter 113: The Hall of Fame
Chapter 114: Seeing the Back of Orre
Chapter 115: Cipher's Remains
Author's Notes: General
Orre Pokédex

Chapter 18: The Lava Caves

32 4 0
By kingrufus

Leden sent her guests away with bags piled high with fruit, nuts and bread. Amber still felt guilty. Her parents were hospitable, but not that hospitable. Plus, Trip was still glaring. She wanted to snap at him to cut it out. There were photos of Leden and Lumir all over the apartment and, now she knew, she recognised his uncle Eldes of the Elite Four in some. Leden openly admitted she was a Cipher Peon once. She sounded so casually sincere when she said she regretted it that it was impossible not to believe her. There was no evidence they cared for Ardos at all. Why would Lumir, a loner who could barely socialise – let alone lead a criminal syndicate – be doing his dirty work? She needed to talk to Trip again... but Lumir was invited on their road trip. Sitting in the front, he and Cassia picked up their fossil discussion where they left off. Before Amber sat down in the back to entertain the Pokémon with Trip and Seth, she leaned over the seats.

'You'll have to meet my mum, Lumir. She loves rocks and fossils and stuff, too.'

As always, Lumir seemed surprised he was being spoken to.

'I'd love to! Actually, I've met Professor Hawthorn once, though only briefly. I attended one of her guest lectures at the Desert Lab. Wait a moment...'

He produced a well thumbed book, Professor Hawthorn's Introduction to Geology. The cover was signed. Amber was pleasantly surprised. Most people only asked about her mum to pry into her marriage. Lumir returned her smile.

'I'm a big fan of the Galarian Geology Centre's blog – and the Alola Science Blog, of course. Professor Keahi's work is also fascinating.'

Professor Keahi was Abbey's scatterbrained stepdad, Kai. Amber was impressed Lumir didn't just know who he was, but didn't refer to him as 'Leon's wife's stepdad.'

'Cool! That stuff is pretty interesting. But I've always been more into the arts, myself.'

'An equally valid passion. I am, however, utterly useless at art!'

When she sat, Trip had written something for her to read on his P★DA. The message was littered with errors.

I guess we can investagate him to get raedy for when we tell micheal

She wrote a response on her phone. Yeah. If there's anything to investigate, that is. They seem innocent to me

We'll see.

Seth asked what they were whispering about. Trip frantically typed.

Lumeer is ardos son. The sipher admin. Grandma found wierd lab in the desert. Not on any maps or science sites. Thinks hes responsable. Don't tell anyone. Tourists go missing near there

Seth tapped out a response. I thought so (Ardos). I was bothered at 1st. They don't like him tho. How could he be responsible? They have no money/friends. He's only 18

Yea I'm having doubts but i guess we'll find out

Cassia switched on Riot Radio, Orre's rock station. The band being interviewed thanked Gym Challengers for raising their profile.

'It's Orre Armada!'

They proceeded to play their anti-Snattle song. Smiles faded. Seth laughed nervously.

'Well, I doubt Snattle listens to Riot Radio...'

The landscape grew dark and rugged. Only thin, weather-beaten fences protected the bumpy road from the steep drops on each side before they were filled by rising slopes. Trailer parks intermittently occupied fading grass. Seth's frantically snapping shutter captured freely roaming Pokémon: Cacnea, Numel, Maractus and Ponyta. Fletchling circled above. Lumir spotted a Houndour. He gushed about how impressive the work by Jovi's team was. Cassia turned in to a gas station. As she refilled the van, her friends trooped into the adjacent diner. The red walls were decorated with antique road signs and neon letters all the way to the check floor. Trainers travelling to and from Mt. Battle sipped coffee. Occupying an entire table for eight were Zane and his Pokémon. Wooper had evolved into Quagsire. Rattata was Raticate, gnawing at everything that came its way, including Zane's empty milkshake cup. He encouraged it to 'sharpen those fangs.' Amber tapped him on the shoulder.

'Ayup, stranger.'

'Don't disturb us! We're in Zen Mode!'

'OK, OK... but you'll be reet, yeah?'

'Of course I will! We're doing some serious training!'

Amber didn't notice Trip's approach. 'Hey, Zane–'

'Zen Mode triggered!'

Amber led Trip away. 'Leave him be. He'll be back. The lab's not going anywhere.'


Cassia, ordering their food, glanced over her shoulder. Trip shushed her. She didn't press it further. A gruff waitress in polka dots delivered their meals. Zane charged by. Sylveon and Bidoof dashed after him. The windows shook. He was battling a trucker outside. They heard Zane thanking his opponent when he handed over extra prize money, because he'd never battled anyone so enthusiastic before.

'Yeah! Sylveon! Let's go!'

Even with his heavy backpack, crammed with camping gear, he still sprinted off. Lumir's eyes followed him.

'Will he be safe out there on his own?'

Cassia shrugged. 'He has Pokémon with him.'

Scraping out the last of his BBQ sauce with a crispy chip, Trip carefully considered his words.

'Other than Orre being Orre, is there any reason we should be worried about him?'

Lumir's reply was blunt. 'There are a growing number of sinister people out there.'

'Oh?' Cassia questioned, 'We came across some weird guys in the Laztaz Highlands. Well, actually, we hid from them. They were hunting Pumpkaboo and talking about dead Hikers. Creeped us out.'

It was news to both Trip and Lumir. Trip looked aghast. Cassia didn't wait for them to mull over her words.

'So you've met some weirdos, too, Lumir?'

'Yes. Omanyte and I suffered a very humiliating loss upon confronting one who broke into a friend's store. My mother was able to defeat him, but...'

He fidgeted with the slightly short sleeves of his Cranidos-print sweater. 'My cousins, Skord and Rezar, check in on her. They both completed the Gym Challenge two years ago. Still... knowing bandits may have a bone to pick with her concerns me, especially given...'

His voice trailed off. Cassia grimaced. 'Shit. But your cousins are strong, huh?'

'Yes. But my apologies... I'm sure my family is of no concern to you.'

'Well, you're our friend now. Come on. Let's go get stronger ourselves!'

They followed her out into the scorched slopes around the gas station. Atop a jutting cliff was a rugged entrance to one of the mountain's famous lava tubes. Amber began to climb. Sandslash cheerfully climbed after her. Seth's voice floated up.

'You'll never get up there!'

Trip was already following. He hastily turned his apprehension to a smile when Amber looked down. Lumir passed him. Cackling, Cassia floated up past them on Aerodactyl, placated with another cactus fruit. Amber caught Trip's wrist before he fell. Lumir returned to help Seth. His legs were shaking when they reached the top.

'We've got to get down again now...'

His eyes swept across the bleached vista, past the gas station and down the winding mountain roads to the red sandstone and flat roofs of Quartz Town. He smiled.

'Great view, though...'

The cave's ground was uneven. Jagged walls were illuminated by Amber's flashlight. This wasn't one of the regular tourist routes. Disturbed Zubat shrieked. When the echoes subsided, they heard the faint sound of running water.

'Is this really going to make good training?' Trip asked, 'I don't think we'll find any Trainers here.'

Amber glanced back, smirking. 'Not scared, are you?'

'No. I guess there might be some interesting Pokémon...'

'There certainly are!'

Lumir was already battling an Aron. Amber followed the sound of water. Scrambling over loose rocks and picking her way through sharp stalagmites, she knew she was getting close when curious Wooper appeared. Cassia and Lumir were close behind. Seth shouted after them to move so he could photograph the stalagmites. The flashlight glinted on water. An echoing yell filled the cave.


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