My Transformers One-Shots

By Knockout-Starscream

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A collection of one shots I wrote on awhile back plus some new ones. This is where I'll put al... More

Understudy Star
Ice The Night Before Christmas
Knock Out Interrupted
Starscream Goes To The Hospital
Bad Day On Cybertron
Birthday Bash
A Medic's Revenge
Scared Silly
Halloween Prank Gone Bad
Race For Your Life Part 1
Race For Your Life Part 2
Car Thieves
Trapdoor Jam
Easter Egg Hunt Misshap
A Prank Gone Wrong
Bad Date
Hostage Situation
Staging An Intervention
Of Stalkers And Cybercats
Love And Fear
House Of Horror
Double Date
Vacation With Vehicons
Things That Go Bump In The Night.
Group Therapy
Visit To Earth
Tangled In The Web
Burying The Hatchet
Christmas Party
Your Gonna Be An Uncle
Space Bridge Folly
Rising Star
To Visit A Friend
Stage Fight
Dear Diary
Griffin Rock Vacation
Night Of Terror
Predacon By Night
Haunted Happenings

Come Into My Parlor

134 11 40
By Knockout-Starscream

It was just a normal day on Cybertron Starscream had joined the Autobots after he had came out of his coma and Optimus Prime had reached out to him wanting to give the seeker a second chance.

Starscream had accepted the offer and was trying to make up for his past as a Decepticon.

But some of the Autobots were still suspicious of him. And Starscream seemed to hold a grudge against Knock Out after the stunt the red medic had pulled with the imobilizer.

Everyone noticed the seeker seemed to go out of his way to avoid the red sports car. Knock Out was trying to make up with him but the seeker wouldn't let him get a word in.

Finally Knock Out managed to approach Starscream in the cafeteria when the team was having energon.

"Hi Screamer I been trying to congratulate you on joining the winning team but you keep leaving before I can say anything." Knock Out started.

"Oh shut up just shut up you don't get to talk to me after what you did you backstabber." Starscream snapped at him.

"But I thought since your an Autobot and we're on the same side again." Knock Out tired to cut in.

"Look we may be on the same side but we're not friends!" Starscream hissed. "So just leave me alone I don't trust you!"

"Hey I thought I was doing the right thing and your one to talk about trust I seem to recall you trying to shove me under the bus during the Terrorcon incident on the Nemisis!" Knock Out snapped back.

"Because you saw what Megatron did to me after words I knew he would go easier on the ships only medic!" Starscream shot back.

"And when you've been beaten within an inch of your life and fearing for the next time it will happen again and if you'll bounce back or not then we'll talk!" Starscream finished and started to walk away.

Only for Knock Out to try to stop him and start to say something else. But the seeker wouldn't have any of it.

"Leave me alone Knock Out your scrapped to me!" Starscream yelled then punched him onto a table where some Vehicons had been having energon before storming out.

"That went well." Knock Out deadpanned as he pulled himself off the table and wiped the energon off him and apologized to the three Vehicons who had just been splattered with the energon they'd been about to consume.

Then Knock Out took off to get the energon off his finish and passed Smokescreen who thought he had just finished performing surgery since he was covered in energon.

Then Knock Out explained what happened and at first Smokescreen misunderstood and started to call Ratchet thinking Starscream had really hurt Knock Out.

"No don't worry it's not mine." Knock Out told him.

"Wait you mean you killed Starscream do you need me to help hide the body?" Asked Smokescreen.

"No Starscream is still alive and well he just knocked me on a table with some energon cubes that's where this came from." Knock Out explained. "He decked me pretty good and scared some Vehicons but other then that no harm done."

"Oh OK." Smokescreen said then they had a good laugh over the near misunderstanding.

Meanwhile Starscream went back to his home. The seeker felt bad about punching and snapping at Knock Out the way he did.

He was still mad at the red mech but didn't really want him scrapped.

Then he heard someone at the door and went to see who it was. And upon opening it was both surprised and horrified to see Arachnid standing there.

"Hello Starscream." She mocked as she shot the seeker with her webs before he could respond or even process what was happening.

"Don't worry I'm not a Terrorcon anymore Shockwave cured me." Arachnid told the frightened seeker who was now going crazy struggling against the webs.

"But I do have plans for you." She said in a way that made Starscream uneasy. He started to scream for help hoping someone might hear and come aid him.

But as if sencing what the seeker was about to do Arachnid shot some more webs over his mouth to gage him. Then hit him hard across the helm. And Starscream knew no more.

Starscream came to awhile later and realized he was still webbed up and in his own basement. And tried to scream only to realize the webs were still over his mouth.

"Enjoy your nap?" Arachnid mocked him as she entered from the stairs.

Starscream just glared at her not happy about being a prisoner in his own home.

"I was surprised to learn you of all bots joined the Autobots now I plan to use you as bait to kill as many of them as I can." Arachnid explained.

"Their bound to come looking for you if you don't make contact for awhile and I'll be here waiting to kill them when they do." She finished.

"Hah the jokes on her none of the Autobots would come for me I may be one of them now but I don't think any of them care for me as a friend they'd probably be happy to get rid of me." The seeker thought to himself. "Arachnid is self foiling now."

Arachnid saw something of a smile in the seeker's optics and it enraged her. "Smiling are we well I can fix that." She hissed in the seeker's audio receptors.

Then she started using her leg claws and acid to attack his wings. Now Starscream had coolant tears spilling from his optics and was letting out crises of pain through the webs that were still gagging him.

Then the spider bot used her acid to burn the seeker's cheek before leaving him down there to suffer by himself for a bit. Starscream ended up passing out from the pain after a few minutes.

Meanwhile Knock Out decided to try again to make up with Starscream after Smokescreen told him where the seeker lived. Though he was expecting the seeker to just slam the door in his faceplates.

But he was surprised to find it open. And guessed something was wrong so rushed in to make sure Starscream was OK.

While meanwhile Starscream woke up when he heard tires and someone transform. He hadn't excepted anyone to come to check on him especially this soon. He had to figure out a way to get them to leave or at least warn them about Arachnid.

But the webs made it impossible for him to speak and had him trapped against the wall.

"No go back!" "Get out of here!" "Arachnid will kill you!" Starscream was trying to yell at the top of his voice box but the webs made it too muffled to understand.

Then Knock Out appeared at the bottom of the stairs having just made his way down them.

"Starscream?!" He said in shock upon seeing the seeker webbed up and the state of his wings.

Starscream was still letting out muffled screams trying to warn him to run but now realized his error his attempt to warn him had ironically lured him down there he should have stayed quite and maybe the Auston Martin would have given up and left.

"Don't worry I'll get you out of their and fix you up." Knock Out said as he went to try to get the webs off Starscream.

But Starscream optics suddenly widened and his screams got more desperate.

And suddenly the next thing Knock Out knew was a sharp pain in his shoulder as his optics widened in pain.

Then Arachnid who had just stabbed Knock Out with one of her leg claws roughly yanked it back out before striking the now injured mech across the helm and knocking him to the floor where he just laid there.

Starscream started letting out muffled screams and coolant tears of grief and rage. Starscream's last words to Knock Out had been that he was scrapped to him when he had been angry with the red medic and now the seeker had just been forced to watch it come true.

"Knock Out was a lot easier to scrap then Breakdown was I think his old partner would have been disappointed." Arachnid told Starscream with a smirk that made the seeker want to rip her to pieces.

His best friend was laying dead on the floor and it was all his fault if it wasn't for him Knock Out wouldn't have come there.

He had said horrable things to the cherry colored mech and Knock Out had been about to help him before he died. Arachnid may had stabbed him but as far as Starscream was concerned he had killed him.

Then Arachnid left the room not even bothering to get rid of Knock Out's body manly just to torture Starscream.

Starscream decided he had to do something to stop Arachnid before she killed anyone else but what?

Then he suddenly got an idea he could use his talens to cut through the webs or more like file through them. The seeker was cursing himself for not thinking of it sooner. He could have saved Knock Out. Why hadn't he thought of it sooner?

Starscream finally managed to get free even though he was in no shape to fight her he wanted to go kill Arachnid and make her pay for what she did.

But as he was getting ready to go up the stairs he suddenly heard a low moan and realized it had come from Knock Out. He was still alive but badly hurt.

"Knock Out don't worry I'm getting you out of here and to a hospital." Starscream said softy as he tried to gently half dragged half carry his friend even though it was causing more pain to his wings.

"Leave me I'll just slow you down." Knock Out managed to groan. He was conscious but out of it and extremely weak from the amount of energon he'd lost.

Starscream could see a pretty good sized pool of it where Knock Out had been laying and knew the red medic wouldn't last much longer without medical attention. He had to get him out of there and to a medbay.

"Not gonna happen Doctor." Starscream told him. Then the seeker suddenly thought of something and gently propped Knock Out against the wall in a setting position.

"I'm gonna go upstairs to get a com-link signal to call some help for you and hopefully keep her away from you since she doesn't know your still alive she'll only be focused on me." Starscream explained. "I need you to try to stay online till help gets here ok."

"No you can't fight her Starscream not in your condition." Knock Out said weakly he was struggling to stay alert which worried Starscream.

"Actually your wrong Knock Out I can fight her." Starscream told him as he went up the stairs.

"I just can't beat her." He added as soon as he was out of earshot.

The first thing Starscream did was hide in his room and call base then explained the situation.

Then after he knew help was coming for Knock Out he decided to go keep Arachnid busy so she wouldn't realize Knock Out was still alive and go to finish him off.

Starscream rush over and punched her and she took off after him. But unfortunately one of her webs hit the seeker's legs and made him fall down the stairs to the basement the last place he wanted to end up. Where Knock Out was currently laying injured.

Starscream was hoping to keep the spider's attention so she wouldn't notice the red medic still lived.

Lucky she was still going after Starscream and didn't pay attention to Knock Out. Much to the seeker's relief.

But Arachnid was currently beating the scrap out of Starscream until she started to use her acid on him and suddenly got her arm sliced off by a saw.

"That was for Breakdown." Said Knock Out who had managed to force himself up long enough to use his saw on Arachnid before he collapsed to the floor having gone unconscious.

Arachnid looked as if she was debating between killing Knock Out or Starscream first. But suddenly heard pedsteps before blaster fire sent her packing.

Then the Arcee and Bumblebee who had been the ones who shot at Arachnid chased after her. While Ratchet and Optimus helped get both Starscream and Knock Out to the hospital so they could both be treated.

And Bumblebee and Arcee came back later and reported that Arachnid had escaped. Now all the Autobots and the cybertronian police would be keeping an eye out for her.

A few weeks later both Starscream and Knock Out had made full recoveries and were back to being themselves.

And Starscream had apologized for the things he said and holding that grudge against the red medic.

"It's OK Screamer I'm sorry I hit you with the imobilizer." Knock Out told him.

"It's OK you did do what you thought was the right thing and looking back I would have hit me too." Starscream told him.

"Thanks for saving me from Arachnid back there." Knock Out said to the seeker. "You got them there to help me just in time Ratchet said if I had gotten to the medbay 10 seconds later or if Arachnid had stabbed me an inch lower."

"No I don't wanna think about it." Starscream cut him off. "After thinking my best friend was dead right in front of me I don't want to think about it."

"Nice to know you care." Knock Out told him. Then they went to base happy to have made up and become friends again.

The End.

Hope this story turned out OK. It was just a one shot I came up with. Hope you all enjoyed it.

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