Reaper of the Empire (Akame G...

By Nardarion18

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F/N should never have been born, yet by chance he was. He was trained for a single purpose. Find out his sto... More

Chapter 1: Baby's Beginning
Chapter 2: Adopted Assassin
Chapter 3: In the West Part 1
Chapter 4: In the West Part 2
Chapter 5: The Discovery
Chapter 6: Being Disowned
Chapter 7: The Young Assassin Part 1
Chapter 8: The Young Assassin Part 2
Chapter 9: Howling Dog Bandits
Chapter 10: A Friend
Chapter 11: The Reaper Part 1
Chapter 12: The Reaper Part 2
Chapter 13: Girls in the Forest
Chapter 14: Elite Seven
Chapter 15: Oarburgh Assault Part 1
Chapter 16: Oarburgh Assault Part 2
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: The Empire's True Colors
Chapter 19: Night of Fire
Chapter 20: Village Boy
Chapter 21: Aria's Kindness
Chapter 22: Seeing the Corruption
Chapter 23: New Beginning
Chapter 24: First Assignment
Chapter 25: Ogre Hunting
Chapter 26: Settling In
Chapter 27: The Headhunter Part 1
Chapter 28: The Headhunter Part 2
Chapter 29: Teigu Education
Chapter 30: Night Talk
Chapter 31: Weak
Chapter 32: Tensui Village
Chapter 33: The Lost Teigu
Chapter 34: Starving Village
Chapter 35: Tatsumi's Undercover Mission
Chapter 36: A Stylish Attack
Chapter 37: New Recruits
Chapter 38: Training in the Mountains
Chapter 39: Forty-Eighth Teigu
Chapter 40: Kill the Slavers
Chapter 41: Stylish Experiments
Chapter 42: Island Adventure
Chapter 43: Back to Work
Chapter 45: Kill the Jaegers Part 1
Chapter 46: Kill the Jaegers Part 2
Chapter 47: Kill the Jaegers Part 3
Chapter 48: Kill the Jaegers Part 4
Chapter 49: Kill the Demons
Chapter 50: The Promised Revenge
Chapter 51: Kill the Fallen Priest
Chapter 52: The Trek Home
Chapter 53: Kill the Reaper
Chapter 54: Reaper's Cabin
Chapter 55: Division

Chapter 44: Traitor to the Revolution

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By Nardarion18

Najenda is at the Revolutionary Army's headquarters in the south with Susanoo. Most of the meetings are over by this point, and Najenda is about to make her way back to Night Raid's base. The main point of discussion at the meetings was about how the Path of Peace church, which is a major religion especially in the eastern portion of the Empire, is preparing to revolt. The Revolutionary Army plans to use this revolt to begin their invasion of the Empire. All of the specifics of the plan are made at the meeting as they start to prepare for the beginning of the end.

The reason that Najenda was called is that a high ranking individual in The Path of Peace, named Bolic, is a spy from the minister in the religion. From what the Revolutionary Army has learned, he is planning to kill the Lord of the Path of Peace and take his place. He is also known to drug his subjects and then use them as his personal toys. Night Raid has been given the assignment to eliminate him immediately.

With the meetings now over, Najenda is about to head back to Night Raid's base when Daniel, a Capital in the Revolutionary Army, runs up to her.

Daniel: "I heard that Night Raid had to relocate their base after an attack. I was planning on leading a training party into the woods near the Capital to help them get ready for the final battle that is coming up soon. I was wondering if you could let me know where the base is so I make sure to keep away from it. As you know the whole revolution is supposed to be kept in the dark of where Night Raid is. It would be a problem if a whole unit learned where it is."

Najenda: "Don't worry I am sure you will not run into it by accident. We keep our bases well hidden, so that people who are looking for them cannot find it."

Daniel: "Yeah I guess that is true. I just don't want to stumble across it while I am training my men west of the Capital."

Najenda: "Shouldn't be a problem. You should focus on doing your job and not worrying about what others are doing."

Daniel: "Yes of course. I feel horrible about asking. I am kind of new still, so I am really paranoid about messing up with protocol or something like that. Why don't I treat you to a drink to make up for it?"

Najenda: "That is unnecessary, I need to be getting back to Night Raid anyway. We have a job to get done. You will need to excuse me."

With that Najenda and Susanoo leave the revolution's headquarters. The Revolutionary Army has prepared an air manta that they will be able to ride back to Night Raid's base. As Najenda is heading to the air manta she notices that there seem to be several men that are following behind her and Susanoo. They are trying to remain hidden, but are not very good at it.

Once Najenda and Susanoo are on the air manta, Najenda starts to direct the manta to the west of the Capital. Susanoo quickly notices that they are not heading straight to the base, which is to the northeast of the Capital.

Susanoo: "Master why is it that we are heading to the west of the Capital. This is not a direct path to the base."

Najenda: "Certainly you have noticed that we are being followed. I suspect that the traitor and his men are coming after us. We are going to lead them off the trail and kill them off."

Susanoo: "Of course I noticed the men following. I just assumed they were headed to the Capital as well for a reconnaissance mission."

Najenda: "Perhaps they are in which case our trap will not be sprung. We are going to land in a heavily forested area that the Revolutionary Army would have no use in scouting out. If they follow us there we can be sure they are traitors."

Susanoo: "That is a good plan. How should I proceed if they are traitors?"
Najenda: "Eliminate all of them."

Susanoo: "Understood."

For the next hour Najenda and Susanoo continue to their destination far west of the Capital. The entire time a group of four air mantas are following after them from a distance. Eventually Najenda spots the piece of ground that she is planning to set the ambush up at. With great skill Najenda lands the air manta near a forested area. Susanoo and her then rush into the woods and hide waiting to see if those following them will take the bait.

Within ten minutes of landing Najenda hears the footsteps of men that are coming towards them. Upon looking she sees that Daniel has come along with a company of about twenty men. She was hoping for smaller numbers, but figures that Susanoo can still handle them all. As they get closer Najenda is able to overhear their conversion.

Soldier 1: "Captain, are you sure that Night Raid is located here?"
Daniel: "You saw yourself as their leader flew over here. The base is likely well hidden to make it hard to spot. Otherwise, General Esdeath would have found it long ago."

Soldier 2: "Of course you are right Captain, however could it be that Najenda has laid a trap for us."
Daniel: "I doubt it. The pitiful revolution is hurting so badly for members that she cannot afford to mistrust her allies."

Soldier 1: "We must be getting somewhat close to the base by now. I wonder what it will look like."
Daniel: "It is probably in a tunnel under the ground or something. I don't see anything that could easily house all of them. I want you all to split up and look for any entrances to the base. If you get spotted remember that you are pretending to be part of the Revolutionary Army."

Soldiers: "Understood sir."

With that the soldiers that have been following Najenda start to break up into groups to look for an entrance to the non-existent base in the area. As the soldiers start to look around one wanders close to where Najenda is hiding. Seeing him coming, Najenda waits for just the right moment and then propels her prosthetic arm at the man, hitting him straight in the head. The force from this metal arm knocks the man out in a single blow. Najenda then grabs him and reels him in. His neck is then quickly broken.

Other soldiers get too close to where Susanoo is located and get killed by him in a quick and quiet fashion. Within fifteen minutes of the soldiers being in the area fourteen of the twenty-one men are dead. Looking around Daniel starts to see that his men are disappearing.

Daniel: "Everyone retreat! It is a trap!"

The men start to rush away heading back to the air mantas. Najenda shouts, "Susanoo, eliminate them!" With great speed Susanoo bursts from his cover and attacks the fleeing men. Four of them die before they make it more than five steps. Daniel observes all of this happen and is terrified. He realizes that he will probably not make it.

At this point Najenda comes out of the trees and says, "Susanoo you go and deal with those that are running. I will handle their commander." Susanoo quickly runs after the fleeing men. Despite them having a head start none of them make it back to the air mantas alive. Their deaths leave Daniel as the only enemy left in the area.

Daniel: "Don't think I will go down without a fight. I wasn't chosen for this job for nothing."

Daniel quickly pulls out a gun and shoots at Najenda. He misses his target and does not get the chance to fire a second shot, as Najenda's metal arm comes flying at his face and hits him straight in the jaw. Daniel's jaw shatters from the impact and he drops his gun to grab his injured jaw. Najenda quickly rushes at him while reeling her arm in. Daniel prepares to fight back, by drawing a knife. As Najenda gets close he moves in to attack her. Najenda blocks the incoming knife attack with her metal arm. She then punches Daniel in the face knocking him over. As soon as Daniel falls, Najenda picks up his gun and shoots him in the head.

With the death of Daniel and all of his allies Najenda decides that it is now safe to head back to Night Raid's base. She and Susanoo get back on the air manta that they were riding earlier and head off towards the base.

Najenda: "That spy was awfully stupid to attack us like that."

Susanoo: "I agree. It would seem that he was expendable to the Empire."

Najenda: "He probably was offered a huge reward if he actually managed to take us down. Of course all that the Empire cares about is that we are dead. After he had succeeded he would have just been killed anyway."

When they get close to Night Raid's base the two of them are shocked to see a large wooden structure built alongside the base. The structure is well hidden at least so that it does not give the base away. However, Najenda is curious why the team decided to build it. As Susanoo looks at it, Najenda can tell that he is getting quite upset as it is not perfectly symmetric.

Upon landing near the base, Najenda and Susanoo get off the air manta. It then flies away heading back to its nest at the Revolutionary Army's headquarters. Najenda sees Akame, F/N, Tatsumi, and Leone come out of the wooden structure heading over to her.

Najenda: "I can see that you made it back F/N."

F/N: "Yeah I got back a couple of days ago."

Leone: "Hi boss. It is good to see you made it back. Did you bring me anything?"

Najenda: "Now why would I do that? Would any of you care to explain the large wooden structure next to our base?"

Akame: "It is Kaze's home."

Najenda: "Who exactly is Kaze?"

F/N: "I rode back on a baby wind dragon. I named him Kaze, and he is staying here now. We needed a place for him to sleep."

Najenda: "Are you sure it is wise to keep a wind dragon so near our base?"

Tatsumi: "He is not dangerous at all. Kaze is amazingly loyal to F/N. As long as you are F/N's ally I am sure he won't cause any problems."

Najenda: "I am not so sure about having a wind dragon at our base. However if you will take responsibility for him, F/N then I suppose it is alright."

Susanoo: "Can you please fix that building? It is remarkable asymmetric and is driving me crazy."

Leone: "None of us are all that good at building so that is kind of the best we could do."

Susanoo: "I cannot live with it like that. I will get to fixing it immediately."

F/N: "We figured as much."

Najenda: "Go ahead and do that. Tomorrow we will all be leaving on a mission. I will brief you all in the morning."

Akame: "Did you learn about the spy?"

Najenda: "He was incompetent and fell right into a trap that I set for him. He won't be giving us any more trouble."

Leone: "Well that is good. Why don't we throw a welcome back party for F/N and the boss?"

With that idea everyone heads into the base. Susanoo goes and prepares a meal for everyone to enjoy as a welcome back party for F/N. Shortly after he finishes the meal, Susanoo heads outside to fix the structure that Kaze is staying in. F/N goes to introduce Susanoo to Kaze, so that Kaze will not attack Susanoo. After this F/N heads back into the base to enjoy more of the party. Once it is over the team all head to bed to get ready for the mission that starts the next day.

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