Pokémon Fool's Gold | Orre...

By kingrufus

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When Leon's son Fayiz defeats Champion Raihan, his sister Amber isn't impressed. She was born amidst tragedy... More

Chapter 1: History Repeated
Chapter 2: A Bad Start
Chapter 3: Hitchhiking
Chapter 4: First Opponents
Chapter 5: Wilderness
Chapter 6: So Much Trouble for One Van
Chapter 7: April
Chapter 9: Challenger Zane Vs. Gym Leader Emili
Chapter 10: Triumphant Challengers
Chapter 11: Disappointing
Chapter 12: The Net Badge
Chapter 13: Evolutions
Chapter 14: Weakness
Chapter 15: The Pickaxe Badge
Chapter 16: A Familiar Name
Chapter 17: Stalker
Chapter 18: The Lava Caves
Chapter 19: A Rare Catch
Chapter 20: Catching Up
Chapter 21: Discovered
Chapter 22: Gym Leader's Guidance
Chapter 23: A Cheating Challenger
Chapter 24: Followed
Chapter 25: Good News
Chapter 26: Gym Leader Cail's Challenge
Chapter 27: Like Fool's Gold
Chapter 28: Cipher's Return
Chapter 29: Five Prisoners
Chapter 30: Shadow Trainers
Chapter 31: Escape Day
Chapter 32: Choice
Chapter 33: No Friends
Chapter 34: Reunited
Chapter 35: Elite Company
Chapter 36: Storming the Lab
Chapter 37: Never Loved
Chapter 38: The Under
Chapter 39: Life Resumed
Chapter 40: Let the Music Play
Chapter 41: The Boat Badge
Chapter 42: Another Kidnapping
Chapter 43: Successors
Chapter 44: Thief
Chapter 45: The Road Badge
Chapter 46: Cipher's Grand Master
Chapter 47: Disarmed
Chapter 48: Hysteria
Chapter 49: The Last Laugh
Chapter 50: An Order
Chapter 51: An Unsuspecting Relative
Chapter 52: The Ultimate Shadow Trainer
Chapter 53: Family Feuds
Chapter 54: Cipher's Enemies
Chapter 55: A Bittersweet Reunion
Chapter 56: Happy Family
Chapter 57: Threats
Chapter 58: Wishes
Chapter 59: Disobedient
Chapter 60: History Repeated... Again
Chapter 61: Doomed
Chapter 62: Jovi's Journey
Chapter 63: Decoy
Chapter 64: Cipher Lives
Chapter 65: Father Vs. Son
Chapter 66: Father Vs. Son, Act 2
Chapter 67: Invaders
Chapter 68: XD006
Chapter 69: Hope
Chapter 70: Father Figure
Chapter 71: Love
Chapter 72: XD005
Chapter 73: Gym Leader's Duty
Chapter 74: XD004
Chapter 75: XD007
Chapter 76: Champion Vs. Grand Master
Chapter 77: Apology
Chapter 78: Sensational
Chapter 79: The Truth
Chapter 80: The Grand Master's Last Words
Chapter 81: A New Beginning
Chapter 82: Gretchen's Victims
Chapter 83: The Real Rosen
Chapter 84: Free
Chapter 85: Laila's Story
Chapter 86: Living a Lie
Chapter 87: The Trial Begins
Chapter 88: The Verdict
Chapter 89: New Life
Chapter 90: Time Restarted
Chapter 91: Coming of Age
Chapter 92: Eclo Canyon
Chapter 93: In Years to Come
Chapter 94: Content
Chapter 95: The Skyscraper Badge
Chapter 96: Last Stronghold
Chapter 97: Zane's Fears
Chapter 98: Greatest Performance
Chapter 99: Bait
Chapter 100: Closure
Chapter 101: Goodnight
Chapter 102: Challenger Cassia Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 103: Challenger Seth Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 104: Challenger Amber Vs. Gym Leader Justy
Chapter 105: Elite Four Wes Defends His Title
Chapter 106: Path to Citadark Isle
Chapter 107: Victory Road
Chapter 108: Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 109: The Elite Four
Chapter 110: Zane's Challenge
Chapter 111: Champion Michael
Chapter 112: Decisive Battle
Chapter 113: The Hall of Fame
Chapter 114: Seeing the Back of Orre
Chapter 115: Cipher's Remains
Author's Notes: General
Orre Pokédex

Chapter 8: Gateon Colosseum

37 4 4
By kingrufus

A red sunset lengthened shadows over Gateon Port when the new Trainers reached the outskirts. Amber was used to walking. She often joined her parents and their Hiker friend Herman on long hikes. Her friends were not. Their feet were covered in painful, splattering blisters. Exhausted, they boarded the first local bus they saw into the city centre.

Approaching the tacky hotel, Wingull Lodge, Cassia froze. The van was in the parking lot. She hesitated. Then she grabbed her keys, stabbing the button to unlock the doors. Tyrunt charged after her. She yanked the back doors open.

'That's my van, you little shits! Don't even think about driving!'

Her father's Flygon was curled up inside. It blinked bewilderedly.

'What are you...?'

A familiar voice laughed. Raihan was talking to Abbey on the sidewalk. Cassia's eyes widened.

'What... happened?'

'We almost got blown up and owe the rental company P1,000,000, but we got your van back.'

He nudged her tense shoulder. 'Lock it next time, will you?'

'Who stole it?!'

'A pair of opportunists. And then...'

Abbey trudged over. 'So glad you're all safe. Well... you mustn't tell Leon, because he doesn't need the stress, but... remember when we moved from our flat, Amber? And we had all the curtains shut?'


Zane flopped down onto the curb. Everyone grimaced when he removed his dusty trainers and socks to admire his blisters.

'Well, it was partly because this woman moved in over the road. Your dad went out with her for a couple of months, like, 23 years ago and she kidnapped him when he ended it.'

'What? Why?!'

It was utterly bizarre to Amber that anyone, let alone so many people, fancied her dad.

'Well, we thought she was long gone, but she was taking pictures of us yesterday. Then she followed us, blew up our rental car and stole the van we'd just got back. She thought your dad owned it.'

Raihan nodded. 'Yet another person disappointed I wasn't Leon. Story of my life!'

'So, anyway, she's still out there. Her name is April. She's a sociology lecturer at the University of Wyndon. She isn't much of a Trainer, but she's got a pet Purrloin and bought some Electrode. Please be careful.'

'Not to worry!' Zane announced, 'No-one will get past me! Hey, check out my new partners!'

Abbey was glad for the distraction. She went to her room to fetch him a Sun Stone. Weary Cassia checked in. The receptionist watched a little worriedly as Zane excitedly had Sunkern evolve into Sunflora in the lobby. Then its petals closed up and it fell asleep. He was disappointed. Amber turned down the evolution stones her mother offered. She wanted to do all of this herself.

Zane rushed to plug in his phone charger by one of their room's two double beds. He impatiently waited for Pokémon news to load.

'Big-Head Bianka has already got her Machine Badge...'

'Of course she has.'

Amber thought she was merely annoyed by remembering Bianka, but when her voice came out as an uncertain, shaky squeak and Cassia asked if she was alright, she wasn't sure. She felt suddenly sick.

'I think I'm tired.'

She set an alarm, because Zane would probably forget. Before her turn in the shower came, she fell asleep where her head rested beside Eevee on the stained headboard. The alarm went off at 8AM. Amber found Cassia had gently nudged her onto the pillow. She was already awake, feeding the Pokémon. Sunflora was glued to the light seeping around the curtains.

'That Bidoof just won't stop eating...'

Seth wearily rubbed his eyes. 'Morning.'

'Morning. Give Zane a shake, will you? He'll snore into the afternoon if no-one wakes him...'

Zane sat bolt upright upon being nudged, as if he'd never been asleep or tired at all.

'It's the big day!'

He leapt out of bed, rashly returning his Pokémon and replacing camping supplies in his backpack with battle items. A stack of League Cards spilled onto the floor. Trainer Cards were now used in Orre, but that didn't stop Zane printing the Galarian souvenirs before he left. He tore the curtains open.

'Hello, world! It's your Orre League Champion, Zane! Soon to be World Champion!'

Shaking her head, Amber smiled. 'You might be putting the cart before the Rapidash, mate...'

'Hurry up, you lot! We've got a Machine Badge to win!'

Seth emerged from the bathroom yawning. 'Not me. I need to train more or those Electric-types will take out my Vaporeon.'

'Well, you do you. I'm off!'

The door rocked behind him. It clicked shut. Amber giggled.

'D'you think he will win?'

'By talking Emili's ear off, maybe? I should probably train, too.'

'Yeah,' Seth said, 'But I'm gonna watch Zane's match first. Get a good look at Emili's team and battle style.'

The morning air was salty. Wingull squawked. Waves crashed against the harbour's walls. Tourists tossed coins to a singing sailor. More sailors loitered around docks and stalls selling battered fish. Past stacks of crates and the shiny silver frontage of the Machine Parts Shop, revolving bridges carried cars, bikes and pedestrians to Gateon Colosseum. The dome's glass roof gracefully resembled colliding waves. When opened for events, it was as if the tide changed.

A grin illuminated Amber's face. It finally felt real. They stopped to take a selfie with the colosseum behind them before squeezing through impatient crowds across the bridge. Traffic police blew whistles. Inside, voices mingled with background music. The lobby, decorated with machine parts and sunshine yellow carpets, was packed with Gym Challengers. They weren't so late after all. Zane, already in his uniform, was at the front of a crowd clamouring for Michael's attention.

'My uncle Michael is the greatest Champion ever – but I'm going to beat him!'

Amber's wandering eyes found Leon talking to a tall, athletic boy in red. He was #11. A Cubone clung to his curly hair. Leon looked so relieved to see his daughter safe, she didn't have the heart to ignore him.

'Oh, Trip, have you met my daughter?'

The boy turned to face her. His confident eyes were blue as the ocean outside. He offered a hand.

'I heard about her from Bianka. Amber, right?'

Heard about me from Bianka? Oh, great. Though his genuine smile implied whatever he heard wasn't so bad. Amber shook his hand.


'This is Trip. He's a new Trainer, too.'

A whistle blew. Trip shook their hands again.

'Thanks for the tips, Leon. And nice to meet you, too, Amber. I'm first up today, so...'

He jogged to the locker room. Leon smiled distantly after him.

'Nice lad. Are you lot battling? Registration's closing any minute now.'

'No. Just watching. How do we get in?'

'Come with me. Don't worry! You won't have to sit with your old dad. I'm refereeing.'

He unlocked glass doors to lead them up dimly-lit, metal-scented stairs. They reached stands protected by thick glass. Seats were shiny yellow. Flags bearing the Machine Badge hung from the ceiling and stands above. They shimmered amidst glass tubes sizzling with colourful electricity. Neon lights circled the silver battlefield. The colosseum's interior was designed to appear as an upturned storm over the waves of its roof.

Leon left the kids in the stand reserved for family. They didn't recognise the few parents present, but one had to be Trip's mother, because she was preparing to wield a banner reading 'TRIUMPHANT TRIP.' Catching Amber's eye, she asked if she was a new Trainer, too.

'Yeah. We just met your son outside. He seems nice!'

'Oh, Trip's not my son. I'm his grandma!'

Beaming proudly, she didn't look old enough. For once, though she must have known, she didn't mention Leon, or Raihan or Wes when she shook hands with their kids.

'I'm a Trainer, too. I took the Gym Challenge as soon as it came to Orre. I got past the Elite Four, but I just couldn't beat Michael.'

The door creaked. A boy, blending into the shadows in grey, quietly took a seat above. Trip's grandma leaned in to whisper.

'Between you and me – there are some shady people on this Gym Challenge. Or rather, a shady person...'

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