Reaper of the Empire (Akame G...

By Nardarion18

253K 4.7K 1.2K

F/N should never have been born, yet by chance he was. He was trained for a single purpose. Find out his sto... More

Chapter 1: Baby's Beginning
Chapter 2: Adopted Assassin
Chapter 3: In the West Part 1
Chapter 4: In the West Part 2
Chapter 5: The Discovery
Chapter 6: Being Disowned
Chapter 7: The Young Assassin Part 1
Chapter 8: The Young Assassin Part 2
Chapter 9: Howling Dog Bandits
Chapter 10: A Friend
Chapter 11: The Reaper Part 1
Chapter 12: The Reaper Part 2
Chapter 13: Girls in the Forest
Chapter 14: Elite Seven
Chapter 15: Oarburgh Assault Part 1
Chapter 16: Oarburgh Assault Part 2
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: The Empire's True Colors
Chapter 19: Night of Fire
Chapter 20: Village Boy
Chapter 21: Aria's Kindness
Chapter 22: Seeing the Corruption
Chapter 23: New Beginning
Chapter 24: First Assignment
Chapter 25: Ogre Hunting
Chapter 26: Settling In
Chapter 27: The Headhunter Part 1
Chapter 28: The Headhunter Part 2
Chapter 29: Teigu Education
Chapter 30: Night Talk
Chapter 31: Weak
Chapter 32: Tensui Village
Chapter 33: The Lost Teigu
Chapter 34: Starving Village
Chapter 35: Tatsumi's Undercover Mission
Chapter 36: A Stylish Attack
Chapter 37: New Recruits
Chapter 38: Training in the Mountains
Chapter 40: Kill the Slavers
Chapter 41: Stylish Experiments
Chapter 42: Island Adventure
Chapter 43: Back to Work
Chapter 44: Traitor to the Revolution
Chapter 45: Kill the Jaegers Part 1
Chapter 46: Kill the Jaegers Part 2
Chapter 47: Kill the Jaegers Part 3
Chapter 48: Kill the Jaegers Part 4
Chapter 49: Kill the Demons
Chapter 50: The Promised Revenge
Chapter 51: Kill the Fallen Priest
Chapter 52: The Trek Home
Chapter 53: Kill the Reaper
Chapter 54: Reaper's Cabin
Chapter 55: Division

Chapter 39: Forty-Eighth Teigu

3.3K 66 3
By Nardarion18

After a month of rest, F/N has now recovered from getting the liquid injected into his spinal cord. There are only a few days left before Night Raid is planning on leaving Marg Plateau and going to their new base that the Revolutionary Army has built for them closer to the Capital. During the few days that are left F/N plans to do as much training as he can. While Chelsea still has told him to not do too much, she agrees that he needs to get some training in.

F/N returns to training mostly as he normally did before Chelsea injected the liquid Teigu into him. The exception is that he is careful not to strain his neck too much. He runs several miles in the morning and then proceeds to do other exercise. One thing that he notices is that his neck does not hurt as much as he was expecting. When he tells Chelsea this, she says that he may have fully recovered.

Following his morning exercises F/N returns to the base to get some food. He finds that Najenda is the only one at the base. She is also eating some lunch while the rest of the team is out doing some last minute training before returning to nearby the Capital.

F/N: "So I take it that the rest of the team is out training still."
Najenda: "Yes they are. Even Chelsea left today to get in some training. The whole team has gotten a lot stronger in the past month."

F/N: "That's true. Everyone, except me has been training hard this entire month."

Najenda: "You were recovering during that time. Hopefully getting that new Teigu will be worth you not getting to train while we have been here. Make sure you get back in shape as quick as you can."

F/N: "I will. We also need to determine what my Teigu does exactly too."

Najenda: "That is true. No one has ever used that Teigu before so it is hard to say exactly what it will do. For all we know that liquid may not have even been a Teigu."

F/N: "It was. I am not sure how I know it, but I do know that the liquid is a Teigu."

Najenda: "I want you to spend the rest of the day learning what you Teigu can do. Report back on what you find out tonight while we eat dinner."

F/N: "Understood."

After finishing his lunch F/N heads outside of the base to go into the forest nearby. F/N decides to take his bow and arrows in case he finds some prey to hunt. He also takes his sword in case he runs into any danger beasts. His plan is to test out his Teigu while in the forest in case it could damage the temporary base that the team has set up. Since he has no idea what it will do, or how to use it F/N wants to be careful not to damage anything as he practices.

F/N comes to a stop near a river and decides that he is far enough away to try to use his Teigu now. F/N closes his eyes and tries to focus. He is trying to determine exactly what his Teigu will do. While he is sitting searching for some indication of how to use his Teigu's powers, he feels a presence approaching him. F/N determines that someone is trying to sneak up on him from behind.

As the person gets closer to F/N, he opens his eyes. The person gets fairly close to him when he turns around. F/N sees that it is Leone who was trying to sneak up on him.

Leone: "So you heard me. I guess your instincts are still pretty good."

F/N: "I spent all my life training, so it will take more than a month for me to forget what I was taught."

Leone: "I guess that is true. So what are you doing out here in the woods?"

F/N: "I am trying to figure out what my Teigu can do. In case I lose control of its power, or something like that I wanted to be far away from the base."

Leone: "I thought you had a vague idea of what it does."
F/N: "I know it has to do with manipulating something. I am not sure how to activate it, or what exactly I can do though."

Leone: "Well I can help you if you want."

F/N: "I am not sure that you can."

At this point F/N notices that a second person is trying to sneak up on him from behind. F/N is not sure why his teammates all seem to want to sneak up on him while he is out in the forest. However, he plans on scaring this person in return. While still talking to Leone, F/N gets ready to turn around and try to startle the person sneaking up on him.

The person sneaking up on F/N stops several feet away. Then they lunge forward. He is guessing the person is going to hit him with a stick. F/N turns as the person approaches with a stick. He sees that it is Chelsea. As she is about to hit him, F/N ducks under the stick and punches her in the stomach. The result of the impact causes Chelsea to lose her footing and slip down the slope F/N was standing by into the river.

Leone and F/N rush down to go and help Chelsea out of the river. She is soaking wet having fallen all the way into the water. She is also quite upset with F/N for knocking her in the water.

Chelsea: "Why did you do that?"

F/N: "You are the one that attacked me. All I was doing was defending myself."

Chelsea: "Still you did not have to knock me into the water."

F/N: "I may not have had to, however I wanted to. Just like you told Tatsumi to work on concealing his aura, you should work on concealing yours better."

Chelsea: "I was concealing my aura."
Leone: "Don't feel too bad Chelsea, F/N can sense almost anything. It is next to impossible to sneak up on him, no matter how distracted he appears."

Chelsea: "I guess I was just expecting him to be rustier than he is."

F/N: "I was trained to be an assassin, so of course I can still sense people."

Chelsea: "I guess I should have expected that. Anyway. F/N, do you have any idea what your Teigu does yet?"

F/N: "Not a clue. I know I can somehow manipulate something, but I don't know what yet."

Leone: "I am sure you will figure it out. Maybe the three of us can figure out what it does."

Chelsea: "I think it would be best if we just give him some time to figure it out."

F/N: "I have been trying to figure it out. I think I am just going to go hunting to clear my mind up."

With that F/N leaves the two girls behind. In reality he does not think that discussing ideas of what his Teigu may do with Leone and Chelsea will help him figure it out. All that he can do is try and determine it for himself. He was hoping that what his Teigu does would just come to him as he was recovering from the injection. That is not the case though.

Having walked deeper into the forest F/N comes across a herd of deer. He decides that since he told the girls he was going hunting that he may as well kill some deer. F/N readies his bow and draws it back. The arrow is released and it flies true. The arrow strikes right through the deer's heart killing it instantly.

As soon as the deer dies F/N sees a strange orange mist come out of the deer and rush towards him. The mist flies into him. As soon the mist has entered him F/N feels a slight power building up in him. F/N is not sure what just happened, however he suspects that it has to do with his Teigu somehow. Curious what killing more deer will do, F/N leaves his first killed deer where it fell and advances towards where the herd of deer ran to.

F/N once again is able to find the herd of deer. This time he readies two arrows to shoot into two deer that are grazing near one another. F/N releases the bow string and finds that the arrows both hit their marks as well. Both deer die from the arrows F/N has shot at them. Then just like before, out of both of the deer comes a strange orange mist that flies into F/N. The power he felt after the first deer increases as this mist enters F/N's body.

The deer flee as they see their two companions die, so F/N decides to go after them once more. As F/N heads in the direction the deer were moving he finds that he is able to move faster than normal. Testing out how fast he can run by running across the pasture the deer were grazing in, F/N finds that he is indeed slightly faster. F/N decides that he must have gotten faster as a result of the mist that came from killing the deer.

Having determined that the mist made him faster, F/N next tries to see if he can release the built up power that he feels. To his surprise by focusing on the power and releasing it, F/N is able to cause a blast of white energy to shoot out from his fingers. It hits a nearby tree and makes a hole in it. This power F/N also assumes to have come from his Teigu.

Now that he has at least a basic idea of what his Teigu can do, F/N grabs the two deer bodies that he killed in the area. He then heads back to where he killed the first deer. When F/N arrives in that area he finds three danger beast bears eating the deer. F/N prepares his bow and shoots, killing one of the bears. A red mist comes out of this bear and enters F/N. The other two bears rush at F/N. He draws his sword and is able to kill both of the bears. Out of both of them comes a red mist.

Following the death of the three danger beast bears F/N looks at the deer the bears were eating. He determines it is not worth taking. After this F/N gathers up the dead bodies to drag back to the base. He builds a sleigh out of wood to drag them on. He finds that they are easier to move than he was expecting. F/N assumes this is a result of the red mist that entered him. This gives him the idea that the mist differs in color based on what ability of his it will enhance.

When F/N gets back to the base he takes the three danger beast bears and two deer to the kitchen for Susanoo and Akame to cook. This added meat is appreciated by Akame, who is looking forward to having even more meat that she will be able to eat at that night's dinner. Following dropping this off, F/N heads to his room to leave some of his equipment in before going to eat in the dining room.

Once F/N arrives in the dining room he waits for dinner to be served. All of the other members of Night Raid file in shortly after. The food is soon served and they all get to eating. While they are eating this meal together, the boss decides to take the chance to discuss how everyone is doing.

Najenda: "I trust that all of your training is going well."
Tatsumi: "I have learned a ton from Susanoo. It has been great having him around."

Lubbock: "I have gotten way better too Najenda. You won't believe the progress that I have made."

Najenda: "I am glad to hear it. Now F/N tell us what you have determined about your Teigu."

Leone: "I doubt he has determined much. He was trying to figure it out, but I kind of interrupted him."

F/N: "Actually going hunting helped a lot. I figured out that I somehow gain power from things that I kill. I killed several deer and seemed to get slightly faster as a result of it. Killing danger beast bears increased my strength slightly. I think the power I gain depends on the beast that I kill. It also appears to stack in effect as I kill more things. Also I can release the stored power as a sort of blast of energy. I still don't understand it well, but I think that is the basic idea."

Najenda: "That could be rather helpful. Keep learning more about what your Teigu can do. As it is linked to killing things, I believe it would be best that you be in charge of hunting missions often to help you gather more power."

F/N: "I suspect that there are still things I have to learn about my Teigu. I also think that there is probably a downside of some kind I don't know of yet."

Najenda: "Well for now keep looking into it. Well done finding out what you can. I am sure that Teigu will be of use to us in our future missions.

When the following morning arrives F/N learns a downside of his Teigu. Upon waking up F/N finds that he has a massive headache. It seems to him almost like he is in a fog of sorts. In his head echoes constantly the word kill. F/N decides that perhaps if he goes and kills something the pain will stop. He heads outside of the base after getting dressed and goes to a pond. There he finds a fish swimming around. F/N grabs the fish and kills it. A blue mist comes out of the dying fish and the headache that F/N was experiencing vanishes instantly.

This experience teaches F/N that he needs to kill something daily, or else he will have a massive headache to deal with. He is not sure, but expects it will get worse the longer he goes without killing something. Upon telling Najenda about the experience she guesses that since F/N had not used his Teigu before the previous day it was still dormant. Now that it is active, F/N will have to kill daily in order to be able to think clearly.

Two days after learning of F/N's Teigu the team leaves and heads back to the Capital. They get a ride on an air manta to the new base. When they arrive the team finds that the new hideout looks exactly like the old one. It is just a building that looks like it has been cut out of a mountain. When they look inside the team determines that it is basically the same inside as well. Leone is happy since it has hot springs like the last base had. The only real difference in the base is that it is slightly further from the Capital and has some different surroundings.

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