Reaper of the Empire (Akame G...

By Nardarion18

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F/N should never have been born, yet by chance he was. He was trained for a single purpose. Find out his sto... More

Chapter 1: Baby's Beginning
Chapter 2: Adopted Assassin
Chapter 3: In the West Part 1
Chapter 4: In the West Part 2
Chapter 5: The Discovery
Chapter 6: Being Disowned
Chapter 7: The Young Assassin Part 1
Chapter 8: The Young Assassin Part 2
Chapter 9: Howling Dog Bandits
Chapter 10: A Friend
Chapter 11: The Reaper Part 1
Chapter 12: The Reaper Part 2
Chapter 13: Girls in the Forest
Chapter 14: Elite Seven
Chapter 15: Oarburgh Assault Part 1
Chapter 16: Oarburgh Assault Part 2
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: The Empire's True Colors
Chapter 19: Night of Fire
Chapter 20: Village Boy
Chapter 21: Aria's Kindness
Chapter 23: New Beginning
Chapter 24: First Assignment
Chapter 25: Ogre Hunting
Chapter 26: Settling In
Chapter 27: The Headhunter Part 1
Chapter 28: The Headhunter Part 2
Chapter 29: Teigu Education
Chapter 30: Night Talk
Chapter 31: Weak
Chapter 32: Tensui Village
Chapter 33: The Lost Teigu
Chapter 34: Starving Village
Chapter 35: Tatsumi's Undercover Mission
Chapter 36: A Stylish Attack
Chapter 37: New Recruits
Chapter 38: Training in the Mountains
Chapter 39: Forty-Eighth Teigu
Chapter 40: Kill the Slavers
Chapter 41: Stylish Experiments
Chapter 42: Island Adventure
Chapter 43: Back to Work
Chapter 44: Traitor to the Revolution
Chapter 45: Kill the Jaegers Part 1
Chapter 46: Kill the Jaegers Part 2
Chapter 47: Kill the Jaegers Part 3
Chapter 48: Kill the Jaegers Part 4
Chapter 49: Kill the Demons
Chapter 50: The Promised Revenge
Chapter 51: Kill the Fallen Priest
Chapter 52: The Trek Home
Chapter 53: Kill the Reaper
Chapter 54: Reaper's Cabin
Chapter 55: Division

Chapter 22: Seeing the Corruption

5.6K 100 25
By Nardarion18

That night after eating dinner Tatsumi and F/N return to the guest rooms that they are staying in. As soon as he enters the room, F/N blocks the door and starts to make a plan on how to get outside the house. He noticed as he was going to his room there are quite a few guards outside. If he is right and there is something in the shed, they are not going to let him reach it. This means he must find a way to sneak out of the mansion, without being spotted by any of the guards. As a precaution he plans to kill any guards that spot him to cover his tracks in looking in the shed. He grabs his sword and dagger. He also puts on an overcoat that hides his weapons from view. Then F/N unblocks the door and gets ready to move.

With himself now prepared F/N heads out of his room. He hears some commotion outside and walks over to the window. Outside the window he sees a group of people that appear to be hovering in mid-air. He also notices that the guards all seem to be dead. Looking closer at the ground, he sees Tatsumi running towards the brick shed on the property. He also believes that he can make out Aria and the guard from earlier at the shed. He sees one of the other people rush after them. F/N thinks, "I guess I was right. They must have done something bad, as assassins have come for them. I wonder what group of assassins this is. It may be Night Raid."

As the guards are all now dead F/N figures he may as well rush to get out of the house and to the shed to find out what is in there. It is possible these assassins are killing innocent people, so he needs to find out the truth as soon as he can. F/N rushes down the hall and turns to see the body of Aria's mother cut in half on the ground. He also sees a purple-haired girl with a giant pair of scissors walking away from the body.

F/N ignores the girl running right past her. He makes it to the door, which he sees has been broken down. F/N thinks, "Not very subtle are they. I never break the door down when I am doing an assignment." He runs through the open door and outside. F/N continues on his path to the shed, but is blocked by a woman with cat ears who had left the mansion just moments before F/N did.

Cat Eared-woman: "I am sorry, but I cannot let you go over there. You could interfere with our work. Since you're not a target we don't need to kill you, so I guess you are lucky in that regard."

F/N: "I don't really plan to interfere with what you are doing. Since assassins came after this family I figure they probably deserve it. However, I want to make sure by checking the shed over there. Ever since this family offered to give me a place to stay I have been trying to determine if they are the serial killer family I heard about. I checked the whole mansion and found no evidence, and was planning on checking the shed tonight when you all showed up."

Cat Eared-woman: "So you just want to verify that we are not killing innocent people."

F/N: "Pretty much. They seemed fishy as soon as I met them, so my guess is they are not innocent people, but I need to make sure."

Cat Eared woman: "Well I guess I can escort you to the shed to make sure you don't interfere with our mission."

F/N: "Whatever. Lets go."

The woman leads F/N over towards the shed where a commotion is going on. F/N can see that Tatsumi is trying to protect Aria from a girl that has her back to F/N. As F/N and the woman are walking up, Tatsumi calls over to F/N.

Tatsumi: "Hey F/N come help me protect Aria from this girl. They are trying to kill her even though she has not done anything wrong."

F/N: "First I want to look in the shed."

The girl turns around and F/N sees that it is Akame.

Akame: "F/N is that you?"

F/N: "It is good to see you Akame. So I take it that this group of assassins is Night Raid."

Akame: "That's right."

Cat Eared-woman: "So you two know each other."

Akame: "Yes."

F/N: "We had the same adopted father and I helped Akame escape from the Elite Seven after she killed him."

Tatsumi: "Wait, so you are friends with assassins?"

Akame: "He is an assassin."

Tatsumi: "You told me you were a weeder."

F/N: "That is right. I weed the evil people out of society by killing them, while leaving the good people alone. I figured saying I am a weeder would sit better with you than telling you I am an assassin. Now if you don't mind I want to look in that shed."

Aria: "You really don't need to look in there."

F/N: "Sure I do. I heard rumors about a family of serial killers and want to verify if it is you or not. If I determine you are innocent, then I will help you get away."

Cat Eared-woman: "She won't get away."

Akame: "Leone, if F/N wants to help her get away, she probably will get away. He is more talented than he appears. If it came to a fight I am not sure you would stand a chance."

Leone: "Is he really that good?"

Akame: "Yes he is."

F/N: "Anyway, I am going to look in the shed now."

F/N walks over to the shed and tries to remove the lock. It will not come off. Leone walks over and breaks the door down with a kick for F/N. F/N walks in to find that there is the body of a dead young woman hanging from chains attached to the ceiling near the door. In addition, the room also has several cells with people in them. F/N also notices that there are various tools that could be used to torture someone with ease. It is not as full of a torture chamber as Anne's parents had, but it is still definitely a torture chamber. This confirms in F/N's mind that the family really was the one that he was hunting.

Tatsumi has come over to look in the shed as well. As soon as he sees the sight F/N can tell that he is horrified. Tatsumi is staring at the dead girl hanging from the ceiling. Tatsumi gasps, "Is that Sayo?"

Leone: "You know this girl?"

Tatsumi: "She was one of my friends from the village."

Voice from shed: "Tatsumi is that you?"

Tatsumi: "Ieyasu, is that you in there? What happened to you?"

Aria: "I knew nothing about this."

Ieyasu: "That girl invited me and Sayo to stay with this family. We had something to eat and then everything went black. That girl tortured Sayo to death."

Aria: "So what if I did! All of you country folk are just livestock for me to do with as I see fit! How is it fair that a country girl like her can have such beautiful hair like that! Mine is always giving me trouble, so I treated her extra special."

Leone: "I don't mean to interrupt, but you sound pretty demented."

Tatsumi turns towards Aria and starts to walk towards her. Akame gets ready to kill Aria, but Tatsumi says, "Wait."

Leone: "You still are going to defend her even after knowing who she really is."

Tatsumi: "No, I'll do it."

Without hesitating, Tatsumi draws his sword and cuts Aria in half.

Leone thinks: "He didn't even hesitate. Granted she was pretty heinous."

Tatsumi then runs into the shed to go and let Ieyasu out of the cage that he is locked in. As Tatsumi gets Ieyasu out of the cage, Ieyasu starts to cough. His body is covered in many sores and it is clear he is on the verge of dying. Tatsumi is clearly worried about his friend.

Ieyasu: "I needed to see that."

Tatsumi: "Don't worry you are going to be alright."

Ieyasu: "I want you to know that Sayo never did give in. She suffered through all the torture so bravely. I wanted to go out like a hero, not like this."

Tatsumi: "Don't say that you will be fine."

Akame: "He is in the later stages of Lubora disease. The mother enjoyed poisoning people. She kept a diary of all those that she poisoned and how they reacted to it. There is nothing we can do for him now. He has stayed alive up to this point by sure willpower alone."

At this point Ieyasu draws his last breath. Tatsumi begins to cry at the death of his friends. He then stands up and is about to start digging graves for his friends. Leone grabs him by the back of the collar and says, "You are coming with us. I like you." She then begins to drag Tatsumi away. Akame and F/N follow behind her.

Tatsumi: "Let go of me. I need to bury my friends."

Leone: "Don't worry. I will come back for the bodies later and bring them to the hideout."

At this point they reach the rest of the group who are standing on thread in the air. Leone and Akame jump up on the thread, with Leone carrying Tatsumi as she jumps.

Pink-Haired Girl: "Who is this guy?"

Leone: "He is a new recruit."

Tatsumi: "What?"

Leone: "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you."

Tatsumi: "But I don't want to join Night Raid."

Akame: "Just give up. Leone always gets her way."

Leone: "See my best friend knows how it works."

Pink-Haired Girl: "He better not fall behind."

Leone: "Here why don't you carry him Bulat."

Leone hands Tatsumi over to an armored man to carry as they prepare to head back to their base.

Tatsumi: "I don't want to kill people."

Bulat: "Don't worry. It gets easier."

The group is about to head off when the pink haired girl notices F/N watching them from the ground. This is concerning to her, as she doesn't like to leave witnesses. Especially, as F/N has seen several of their faces, and heard their names.

Pink-Haired Girl: "What are we going to do about him? He has already seen us and knows several of our names. It would be best if we just kill him right now."

Akame: "Good luck with that. He is a friend of mine, so don't worry he won't tell the Empire about us. Of course he could also join us. F/N, are you ready to join Night Raid yet?"

Pink-Haired Girl: "You are planning on him joining us too. We already are getting one useless recruit. Don't make it two Akame."

Akame: "F/N here is a skilled assassin. He is as good as me."

Pink-Haired Girl: "Really? He cannot be that good if he was taken in by this sadistic family."

F/N: "I was actually researching them to determine if they were the serial killer family that I had heard about. I don't kill targets until I know they deserve it. I had not determined that they were until after you arrived, or they would have already been dead."

Pink-Haired Girl: "You could have easily been killed doing that."

F/N: "No, I was fine. I am not foolish enough for them to have killed me that easily."

Akame: "Well F/N, are you going to join us?"

F/N: "I have toured some of the Empire since last we spoke Akame and have learned that it probably cannot be saved from corruption without a revolution. While I still have some reservations about the Revolutionary Army, I do see the need for the Empire to be overthrown. So yes, I will join you."

Akame: "Then hop on and let us be off."

F/N jumps up onto the thread as well. Then all of them take off, heading towards Night Raid's base near the Capital. Bulat is carrying Tatsumi as they travel, while F/N is following closely behind Akame to make sure he makes it to the base, as he does not really know where they are going. F/N thinks, "This is probably for the best. I don't think I have been making enough of an impact on my own. It is better that I join them, so that I will be able to make a real difference. Hopefully they are not going to be doing any jobs that I would not have already planned on taking."

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