Reaper of the Empire (Akame G...


253K 4.7K 1.2K

F/N should never have been born, yet by chance he was. He was trained for a single purpose. Find out his sto... Еще

Chapter 1: Baby's Beginning
Chapter 2: Adopted Assassin
Chapter 3: In the West Part 1
Chapter 4: In the West Part 2
Chapter 5: The Discovery
Chapter 6: Being Disowned
Chapter 7: The Young Assassin Part 1
Chapter 8: The Young Assassin Part 2
Chapter 9: Howling Dog Bandits
Chapter 10: A Friend
Chapter 11: The Reaper Part 1
Chapter 12: The Reaper Part 2
Chapter 13: Girls in the Forest
Chapter 14: Elite Seven
Chapter 16: Oarburgh Assault Part 2
Chapter 17: Betrayal
Chapter 18: The Empire's True Colors
Chapter 19: Night of Fire
Chapter 20: Village Boy
Chapter 21: Aria's Kindness
Chapter 22: Seeing the Corruption
Chapter 23: New Beginning
Chapter 24: First Assignment
Chapter 25: Ogre Hunting
Chapter 26: Settling In
Chapter 27: The Headhunter Part 1
Chapter 28: The Headhunter Part 2
Chapter 29: Teigu Education
Chapter 30: Night Talk
Chapter 31: Weak
Chapter 32: Tensui Village
Chapter 33: The Lost Teigu
Chapter 34: Starving Village
Chapter 35: Tatsumi's Undercover Mission
Chapter 36: A Stylish Attack
Chapter 37: New Recruits
Chapter 38: Training in the Mountains
Chapter 39: Forty-Eighth Teigu
Chapter 40: Kill the Slavers
Chapter 41: Stylish Experiments
Chapter 42: Island Adventure
Chapter 43: Back to Work
Chapter 44: Traitor to the Revolution
Chapter 45: Kill the Jaegers Part 1
Chapter 46: Kill the Jaegers Part 2
Chapter 47: Kill the Jaegers Part 3
Chapter 48: Kill the Jaegers Part 4
Chapter 49: Kill the Demons
Chapter 50: The Promised Revenge
Chapter 51: Kill the Fallen Priest
Chapter 52: The Trek Home
Chapter 53: Kill the Reaper
Chapter 54: Reaper's Cabin
Chapter 55: Division

Chapter 15: Oarburgh Assault Part 1

5.3K 107 1

After his meeting with the Elite Seven, F/N returns to his daily life not thinking much of the group. He noticed that each of them seemed to be skilled, and part of him wishes that he had been given the chance to be their leader as planned. However, after everything that happened with the Prime Minister trying to have him killed, and all the corruption that F/N has become aware of in the Empire, he refuses to directly work with them.

During one of his hunting trips F/N overhears a conversation of several people on the road that travels near the forest. Based on what he hears, F/N determines that they are spies for the Revolutionary Army. F/N has nothing against the Revolutionary Army so he does not attack them. However, F/N does overhear that apparently the Revolutionary Army has higher the Oarburgh assassins to hunt done and wipe out the Elite Seven. F/N knows very little about the Oarburgh clan, however he figures if they think they can handle going up against the Elite Seven they must be rather skilled.

F/N takes his new information and heads to the Capital to find out what he can about the Oarburgh assassins. F/N is able to determine that the Oarburgh clan are all skilled assassins and have a reputation for training extremely talented assassins. Hearing this helps F/N realize that the clan may actually be able to defeat some of the Elite Seven. As F/N did agree to help Gozuki, and he kind of liked the Elite Seven members, he decides to gather what information he can about the members of the Oarburgh clan to provide Gozuki with.

Upon looking more into the Oarburgh clan by contacting former clients of theirs along with other people he could find in the Capital that know about them, F/N does not learn much. Most of what he finds out is just speculation. However, one common theme that he hears is that three of their members have been rumored to sexually assault women. The names of these members are Merraid Oarburgh, Loris, and Meela. F/N decides that these three are evil people that must be terminated. Regardless of if the assassins are doing a good thing or not, F/N has made up his mind to kill them. Now that F/N has his own reason for wanting to hunt down the Oarburgh clan, he heads to where he met the Elite Seven to ask Gozuki how he can help.

When F/N arrives at the former hideout he can see that it has been abandoned. As he starts to investigate the scene F/N comes to the conclusion that the Elite Seven have been attacked. He also discovers the dead body of Gin who appears to have died quite painfully. F/N is not sure where the Elite Seven will have gone, so he looks around the area for clues. He notices two separate groups of tracks leading in different directions. One is leading towards the Capital while the other is leading deeper into the forest. F/N figures that the Elite Seven have probably headed to the Capital. Since it will be challenging for F/N to follow them into the Capital he decides to follow the other set of tracks.

As F/N follows the tracks that are leading deeper into the forest he cannot help, but wonder why such skilled assassins would leave tracks that were easy to follow. After thinking about it, F/N comes to the conclusion that the tracks were probably not as easy for most people to spot so the assassins were not worried about leaving a trail. Just in case it is a trap, F/N makes sure to travel under the cover of trees and bushes, so he is hard to see as he follows the tracks.

Eventually F/N comes to a town that looks to be mostly abandoned. He uses the roofs of the buildings which allows him to enter the town over the walls the town has. He is able to sneak by the guards that are stationed in the town. F/N figures that since the tracks lead here the guards are members of the Oarburgh clan. He is not impressed with the clan so far as he managed to sneak right past them without them having any clue he was there. To F/N for any assassin clan to have left tracks to their base, and then not have it well defended is quite foolish.

Once he is in the town F/N starts looking around to get an idea of the layout. Since he expects there are three targets in this town, he wants to make sure he knows where they could hide. While he is searching F/N notices that the Oarburgh clan has quite a few members. This is not of much concern to F/N, as they already have proven to be rather easy to sneak by. He figures that only a few of their members likely have any meaningful training in combat.

While F/N is looking around he hears that something is happening in the town square. F/N heads to the town square where he sees a commotion going on. F/N can see that several people who he guesses are members of the Oarburgh clan are all gathered around a black-haired girl. Upon closer inspection F/N realizes that the girl is Akame. F/N thinks, "What is going on here? Why is Akame with the Oarburgh Clan? Has she turned against the Empire? I need to talk to her, but I am not sure going up against several assassins in the middle of the town square is a good idea."

F/N's thoughts are interrupted as he notices another black-haired girl that is sneaking away from the other group heading towards a warehouse of sorts. F/N determines that the girl is Kurome and that Akame appears to be creating a distraction for Kurome to do something. Looking back at Akame, F/N sees that Akame is likely going to be sexually assaulted. He wants to go and help her, but decides that it would be better to not cause the members of the Oarburgh clan to lose focus, as they may notice Kurome. F/N decides that helping Kurome would be the better option.

With this decision made F/N follows Kurome hoping he will be able to find out what is going on from her. As Kurome nears the building, she is trying to sneak towards, two guards come out of the building. They are about to alert the others in the square, when F/N shoots arrows into them killing both of them. One of them lets out a loud cry as he dies. F/N knows that those in the square probably heard them. Wanting to make sure that Kurome is safe, he jumps down covering her mouth and then drags her behind a barrel outside the building to hide from the people he assumes will be coming.

At first Kurome is resisting F/N until she sees that it is him, then she calms down. Just as F/N expected three people he thinks belong to the Oarburgh clan appear in the doorway a few moments later. F/N notices that they are looking at the dead guards. Then they start to look around the building to see if anything was taken. F/N and Kurome make sure to stay out of sight.

Those that came to look give up on looking figuring that nothing was taken and head back to the town square. F/N hopes that Akame has gotten away with this distraction, but is not sure. Once the three are gone F/N turns to Kurome to see if she can explain what is going on.

F/N: "What is going on here exactly? I went to the old base and saw it was destroyed."

Kurome: "The Oarburgh assassins have been hired to kill all of the members of the Elite Seven. We killed off several of them, but then the rest all showed up. Akame, Natala, and I all got kidnapped. Ever since then their leader named Merraid has taken an interest in Akame, and is trying to convince her that the Empire is bad. She has done some pretty terrible things. She planted insects inside me and Akame. I am trying to get the cure from this warehouse."

F/N: "Well I can help you with that at least. I will do what I can to help both of you."

Kurome: "The best thing you could do is to go and tell the rest of the Elite Seven where we are at and then provide aid in the assault."

F/N: "I agree with you. I suspect that they will already be on their way before long. Since you and Akame seem to have the situation covered here for now, I will go meet up with them. Just be careful."

Kurome: "Of course. Thanks for saving me by the way."

F/N: "No problem. You are my ally after all, so I will help you however I can."

Kurome: "Thanks. Now please go get the others here quickly."

F/N: "I will be back as soon as I can."

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