Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran...

By myrakkuran

158K 5.3K 2.4K

Her mother Reira Hanadagi was the youngest daughter of the Hanadagi pureblood clan. She was given to Rido Kur... More

Prologue- Her Birth
Life with the Kuran Family
Chapter 3 Life in the Shiki Household
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Kaname's perspective)
Chapter 8
Special Chapter 7.5
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 18

1.9K 80 18
By myrakkuran

Temptation is a sin that brings out dangerous short term desires, which in turn threatens long term goal.

Like humans and every other speeches, vampires also feel the urge to give into the desires. It is a natural instinct for all that cannot be ignored. However for the creatures of darkness who are actually beasts in human form, for them, these feelings are actually a lot stronger and intense when compared to any other living beings walking this earth. The way a vampire's body experiences desire if even an ounce of that it put on a human body they would probably go on a rampage.

And interestingly the higher the vampire's rank, the stronger their urge. But the good news is that higher ranked vampires such a pureblood are usually voided of emotions. Which is why it takes a lot for them feel tempted. Hence why it isn't so simple to coax them in through mere manipulation. But somehow if it is done... if a pureblood vampire does feel the temptation which indicates that vampire is standing dangerously close to the edge.

And that was his situation now... as he felt unusually and abnormally thirsty...

It was easy to put the blame on lady Shiki's shoulder and Kaname wanted to do that more than anything. After all, this mess has begun since his last visit to the Shiki residence. But doing that would mean he has become so weak and frail to be so easily manipulated by a mentally unstable woman, who stood way below in rank than him.

The pureblood reminded himself again and again, constantly every moment. That it was nothing. He felt nothing. But just as he looked in the mirror, all changed. Reality came crashing down. Those glowing red eyes now stood as evidence of the intense bloodlust. It was the sign that clearly stated he wasn't fine. Something was indeed happening to him. And for sure he was feeling something...

Kaname splashed iced-cold water onto his face several times and looked up at the mirror again. It served him some bit of relief. Even though the hue of his pupil remained unchanged.

He then proceeded to undo the button of his shirt, one by one it opened up revealing the expanse of his chest, then full torso. He stepped into the shower and turned the tap fully to the right. The glowing crimson orbs closed down and a quiet sigh left his lips the moment the freezing cold water made contact with his skin. Even if wasn't the permanent solution it still served temporarily relief... from this agonizing feeling of the dry-itch that constantly kept scratching his throat.

In that moment, standing under the cold shower the Kuran heir found himself at a helpless situation. He felt unsure of what to do. If it was indeed her presence that was causing him so much discomfort then it's probably best to keep her at distance.

For the next few days Kaname avoided Aiyora like she was some kind of a plague. He went to great lengths to stay clear off her path. Recently, most of his time was spent outside of the moon-dorm. He was either away on business or in class. And after class went straight to the chairman's office for hour long meetings.

After all there were a lot that needed to be discussed with the former hunter especially regarding the day class student Kisaragi Fuuka. As the chairman of the academy and the one in charge of the day class, Cross Kaien needed to be notified about the current situation that has been going on and the night class's involvement in it.

The other night Fuuka bit her room-mate Kanae, then ran to the moon dorm seeking help. Knowing such incidents will repeat Kaname took her in without hesitation. More importantly her presence now possess a threat to the humans in day class. Her friend Kanae may have gotten lucky and survived, but what are the chances that the next victim will? And now that Fuka is technically a vampire the headmaster made no objection to Kaname's decision.




So far the strategy seemed to move with smooth flow.

Given that Aiyora never really looked for him made it a lot easier for the older pureblood.

"Kaname-kun...?" the chairman's worried tone pulled the pureblood out of his thoughts. He looked at the man who was currently cleaning the lenses of his glass.

"You seem a little absent-minded recently. I hope everything is alright at your end?"

"Everything is fine." He responded swirling the drink in his glass, his focus completely zoomed in the faux blood inside the glass.

The headmaster observed him for a moment before speaking up. "In that case what brought you here tonight? Not that I enjoy your company... but I was under the impression that the matter regarding Miss Kisaragi is already taken care off."

Kaname contemplated on what to say. By now he was running short of topics. Two night ago they discussed on the progress of the updated version of the tablets that the night class was working on. Before that they were discussing about how the council was trying to meddle in night class. The night prior they discussed the rate of increased corruption at the hunter's association. And the night before that they were simply reminiscing on the life of Juuri and Haruka.

What about tonight? What could be their topic for tonight?

"Oh by the way... how is that other child doing?" before Kaname could actually decide Cross Kaien kind of gave him the topic for tonight.

"Actually about that... we need to speak."

The former hunter took off his glasses and placed them on the table before crossing his arms over the chest signaling the pureblood he was ready to listen.

"I have brought her along with me. She now resides in the moon-dormitory..." Kaname broke the news. "...Her safety was jeopardized at the Shiki residence. I apologize in advance for failing to send prior notice on the matter earlier. But everything happened so quickly that before I could get grip on the situation a lot happened by then."

The pureblood carefully watched for former hunter's reaction.

According to their contract Cross Kaien as the headmaster is not allowed to meddle in the affairs regarding the vampires in the night class. That territory solely belonged to Kuran Kaname, the one in charge of the night class. However despite having full authority of the night class and the moon-dorm Kuran Kaname should still inform the headmaster of any new entry and exit into the premises of this academy. The former hunter may not be the one in charge of the vampires, but he was still the headmaster of this whole academy. That was the mutual understanding between the two. Until the head of the vampire broke his part of the contract and brought Kuran Aiyora in without prior notification. Even though the circumstances under which the younger pureblood was brought in, was arguable in humanitarian ground but it's been over a month that she has been here. And Kaname did not disclose this information until now!

"All these time she was staying there, at the Shiki house?" Cross Kaien appeared slightly shocked by that information.

"Why do you seem so surprised?" Kaname asked, bewildered by the others shock. Actually it worked in his favor. The fact that Kaname breeched his side of the contract did not cross the chairman's mind. Instead it was focused on something else.

"Isn't the lady of the house, Shiki-kun's mother, her father's former mistress? ...Wait so that makes the two of them half siblings."

Kaname nodded her head in response. Finally, he has his topic for the night – gossiping about his uncle's salacious life.


'It's all that woman's faul-'

A part of Kaname was adamant on blaming lady Shiki. As holding her responsible for his current condition seemed the easiest way for him to evade the problem. But that was his irrational mind. His sensible self on the other hand knew all too well that it was just plain excuse. His head was playing the old school game. Of course Shiki Midori isn't responsible for the current mess inside his mind. The conclusion was simple, end of the day that woman was nothing more than a pawn who just played her part in the game and did exactly what he wanted her to do.

...Yes it was him all along!

And what drove him exactly? It was the sweet temptation that have been lingering in the back of his mind for some time now. The temptation brought along curiosity. Curiosity to know how her blood tasted? How did it taste in that mad woman's mouth? And... and... How would it taste in his mouth...?

It was that curiosity took Kuran Kaname to the Shiki residence that night.

And now he was facing the real problem. After reading the description off of the menu (meaning the conversation with lady Shiki), his mouth watered up in hunger that couldn't so easily be curbed. That hunger was driving him towards the edge.


After a good few minutes of knocking and waiting outside in the cold night, the door to the chairman's house was finally answered. And the sight he was blessed with, once the door opened, took away all his previous impatient feelings. Suddenly it all felt worth it – because the door was answered by none other than,

"Good evening, Yuuki!"

He greeted the host with a lovely smile and voice that could only be described as joyous. The smile playing on his lips was a special kind that was always reserved for this particular person only.

"Oh Kaname sempai! ...Good evening." She responded, shyly. The blush on those cheeks made her look like a bride on her wedding night.

Oh how cute you look Yuuki! ...My precious girl.

Bringing himself back from the small zone he was lost in, the pureblood noticed something interesting. Something that helped his anticipation grow further. His sharp senses could not detect chairman Cross or that silver haired brat. Their scent was very faint. As if they weren't home to begin with. Therefore Yuuki was home alone! Just by herself. And now it was the two of them... alone!

For a second the vampire concluded his mind to be playing some sort of trick on him. The situation seemed too good to be true. Both Zero and Chairman were away at the same time?

"Where is the headmaster Yuuki?" Kaname needed 100% confirmation, he did not want to solely rely on his instincts so he asked. However made sure to keep the tone of his voice very casual. He did not want her to see through his excitement. What if she found it creepy?

"They're not home. The headmaster and Zero left after a phone call not too long ago."

At this point keeping that cool and composed upfront was proving to be harder for Kaname. Since, inside he was dying with childlike excitement and that part of him absolutely couldn't wait to get in.

"Do you know when they will return?"

Yuuki nodded her heard with uncertainty. And Kaname remembered – Yuuki did mention they left not too long ago. That certainly tells a lot. On the safe side it would at least be an hour till they come back. And by any chance if it has anything to do with the hunters association then for sure it will be good minimum of good few hours. Besides... what would even be the problem if they return and find him here? Sure Zero might try to create fuss but Cross will not mind. And that's all that matters for now.

"So you are home all by yourself?" he just had to make sure. What if her roommate, the Wakaba girl was here?

"Yes." She assured, nodding that head enthusiastically. A sign that she wanted him to come in just as much as he wanted to be invited in.

"Are scared by yourself...? I can keep you company till their return. ." he made the offer, making the shade of her blush deeper.

"No no no it fine." The brunette shook both her hands vigorously. "...I'm grown up now Kaname-sempai. I'm not afraid to stay alone anymore."

"But Yuuki it will worry me," He told her. Flashing a sad lonely smile. "Leaving you behind, all by yourself. It will take my sleep away."

Yuuki looked away, confused. She did not know what to do and contemplated on the best available option. For sure she did not want to send him away. If anything she wanted him to come inside more than anything. It has been so long since the two of them have spent some quality time together.

"-but if you don't want, then I shall take my leave-"

"No, please come in!" The trick worked.

"It's fine Yuuki, you don't have to force yourself."

"No please I insist..." that earned her a look from him. Although Kaname was happier than ever but Yuuki suddenly became more nervous. Now she would need a proper excuse as to why she was so adamant on inviting him in. Before she could make up her mind on whether it was the right thing to say the words slipped out of her mouth like water.

"I have been learning how to make tea and was hoping you could have taste. ...Only if you don't mind." she truly hoped she didn't sound stupid.

"Thank you Yuuki. To have a cup of tea made by you is a privilege for me."

The girl then pulled the door wide as a gesture for the vampire to come in. Once he was in, she closed the door behind him and gladly led him into the kitchen.




Kaname was seated on one of the chair behind the small dining table of four, which was placed at the center of the kitchen. His eyes remained glued on the human's form who was now busy making tea.

"Here it is..." Yuki turned smiling, holding a cup in each of her hand. She placed one for him and other remained with her as she sat down on the opposite side. He thanked her and took his first sip. For a fraction of second his expression changed but went back to its normal state even before Yuuki had the chance to look.

When Yuuki looked, he looked normal as ever. In fact there was no expression on his face and that made her a bit nervous. What if it was bad? But that can't be? When she took a sip and it tasted just fine. Perfectly sweet! Relief washed over her when the smile graced his lips. She finally got the courage to ask. "How does it taste?"

"It's the most wonderful tea I have ever had..." the complement left his lips smoothly. It sounded so genuine that the girl before him bought into it. Sadly it was a straight up lie. Okay frankly speaking the tea wasn't bad, however it wasn't the one that suited his taste. As Kaname hated sugar, honey or any sort of sweetening substance in his tea. And this tea was so sweet that he felt nauseated. It not only had sugar but also full cream. But could he tell Yuuki that? NO! Absolutely not. It would break her heart. This is the first time she made something for him. He could not ruin the special occasion by giving out some cruel constructive criticism. Especially when Yuuki seemed quite happy with the turnout, as the tea seemed suite her taste perfectly.

The rest of the evening was spent in living room with both of them trying to figure out a proper topic of conversation. They talked about the night class and her and Zero's job as the prefect and how it was getting challenging day by day. Kaname actually had many topics and was about to raise some but just then realization hit him – such matters can't discussed with Yuuki. She doesn't even live in the vampires' world therefore she wouldn't understand. So basically for now their conversation had to be between the boundary of Cross Academy and its affairs, nothing outside that box.

Reality was slapped on his face once more –Yuuki is human now. Whereas he remained a pureblood. The world they live in is completely different. People they live among are different speeches. Her world is full of light and his has only darkness. He can never be truly his own self before her. As they no longer speak the same language. She won't understand him... like the way Aiyora does.

With the mere thought of his other pureblood Kaname's heart skipped a beat.

In that very moment another realization hit the Kuran heir. He saw another difference between Yuuki and Aiyora. A big difference to be precise. With Yuuki he couldn't be himself. As the latter had put him on a higher pedestal and expected only perfection out of him. In her eyes he, Kuran Kaname was someone who could basically do no wrong and fought for pacifist ideology where vampires and humans could co-exist.

In truth was he all about that? No, definitely not!

There was a whole different side to him that Yuuki wasn't familiar with. In fact no one was, accept for the girl who is currently his fiancée. Only Aiyora knows aside from playing chess and reading books how much he loves to hear about gossip. Especially the ones coming out of her mouth. During her good mood Aiyora is actually a fabulous company. It hasn't been that long that she has entered the moon dorm but she is aware of all 'juicy gossips' that been taking place there. Many of which even he isn't aware of despite being the dorm president. For example: the daughter of the Ichinose family apparently had a 'threesome' with two boys both of whom who are interested in her last week. Then the son of Shein family seduced a maid. The youngest daughter of the Himura family slept with her brother in law and got pregnant with his child before moving into the academy. Kaname himself brought these people yet he didn't know off such stories.

Once more realization hit like thunder and lightning. Their world was so different. He wondered if Yuuki would ever be able to adjust into their world, their society, their culture.

The pureblood returned to the moon dorm feeling somewhat down.

It was after a long time he had the privilege of being in Yuuki's company and some alone time with her. Something that Kuran Kaname always looked forward to. However, it did not quite go as planned. For which he felt angry and awful inside. But of course he did not let Yuuki understand that... how could he? How could he tell her, that the main reason for his visit tonight was so that he could clear his mind off certain someone!

Was it off any help?

Honestly speaking it did, but only to some extent. Tonight with Yuuki, was different than the nights he spent discussing tribal matters with the chairman. The situation kind of went into a different direction. Being in Yuuki's company reminded him more and more of Aiyora. Despite all his struggle his mind often drifted back wondering about the times he spent in the company of the other pureblood. No matter how much his heart protested, his brain didn't listen.

He climbed up the stairs in fluid regal steps. Mindful of his destination, which at this point was his bedroom. The pureblood was exhausted and wanted to retire early, before sunrise to be precise.


Ever since the day class student Kisaragi Fuka moved into the moon-dorm Hanabusa has been assigned the task to watch over her and his former position (as Aiyora's trainer) has been taken up by Kaname – well he wanted to but...

When the news of this change was delivered to Aiyora by the vice-president, her expression changed. She didn't bother hide her disapproval. And the reason was simple, her preference was Senri. This way the two would have been able to spend more time around each other and successfully avoid the questionable stares of the others.

At this point in time the two Kuran purebloods stood on two very different stance. While the older Kuran was trying to seize every chance to be around the younger Kuran, the latter was doing the same, but for the Shiki heir.

In Aiyora's defense she was already seeing a lot more of Kaname. So much, that if he was a meal she would have gotten food poisoning by now due to eating too much of it. During her early days at the Shiki residence when she needed him the most, Kuran Kaname was nowhere near in sight. Back then he was almost non-existent in her life but now... he visited her room religiously almost every afternoon to wake her up. They shared the first meal of the day together. If that was missed the dinner together was must. Bottom-line, having one meal together (just the two of them) was mandatory. At least twice every week they played chess. Every three days they went for a walk in the garden and other times after class he read to her or told her stories till she fell asleep.

But Senri... her Ri-chan, he couldn't be around all the time. And even if he was they couldn't remain glued to each other like the old times. One of the main reason for that was Kaname and Rima Tooya. He was always around her and she was always around him. Second was the environment here in the moon dorm. Even if the crowd here appeared friendly and harmless Kuran Aiyora understood all too well that these aristocrats cannot be trusted. In fact since the incident at the Shiki residence the young pureblood learned the lesson to not trust any level-Bs. She may have forgiven but that doesn't mean she forgot. Till to these day she gets nightmare of being bitten. It is clear, despite the friendly face outside they were all greedy and opportunity seeking monsters inside. So why give them the opportunity to hold something over her.

Therefore there was no safer way than this. Making Senri her mentor would give them a secured guaranteed time around each other. A time would perhaps only belong to the two of them only.

But her older brother well more like her fiancé had different plan it seemed.


He was thinking of visiting Yuuki.

It has been quite some time since he saw his precious girl. But that thought remained thought only, because before it could turn to action the trouble showed up. Aiyora came in, well more accurately barged into his office with the request presenting all valid argument as to why Senri should be the one watching over her progress and traing with her powers.

"...So this is why the task of training me should be handed over to Senri."

Aiyora actually said a lot. She spoke in bullet points highlighting the pros and the cons. But for Kaname, who was supposed to listen, her words went through his one ear and out of the other. All those detailed explanation, points, nothing made sense to him. He only understood one thing – she picked him, the Shiki heir.

"I understand what you're saying Aiyora, but has he agreed? Can he manage time in between such hectic schedules? I hope you haven't forgotten about his fulltime modelling career." Kaname felt like a juvenile, asking so many questions at the same time. What was happening? This isn't him!

One wouldn't have be a genius to know that older pureblood was upset. And that scared Aiyora the most. The girl had the brain to understand she will not be able to win against her older brother unless, her approach is persuasive enough.


He noted the softening of her tone and looked up. Little did he know his amusement was far from over. Dark orbs watched the young pureblood as she slowly made her way around the wooden table and stood behind his seated form.

"It's just training onii-sama..." her hands rested on each of his shoulders. Those slim long fingers working their way to massaging the tensed muscles there. "...Just training! Missing a session or two here and there should be no big deal. Anyone can pitch in during Ri-chan's absence. Aidou-kun, Ruka-san, Akastki-sempai, Takuma and occasionally even you can do it."

If only she could see the reaction of her action. It hasn't even been two minutes and during this short span of time the older pureblood has swallowed over five times. All thanks to the soft hands giving him that out of this world shoulder massage.



"It could be done... right?" she specified. "Senri will be my trainer... correct!?"


"What's hmmm? The answer can either be a yes or no. Simple!" her nails dug into his shoulder on the left. Her snap made Kaname reopen his eyes and shoot her a look. Aiyora on the hand tried to tackle that by making a puppy face.

"Yes it can be done."

"Thank you Thank you Thank y-" he cut her off.

"But under one condition."

Her excitement came to a pause. "Which is?"

He said nothing verbally. The smug smirk sitting at the corner of those lips told her off of his condition.

"Are you kidding me!" she exclaimed figuring out he was asking for shoulder massage like the ones she was currently giving him. "For how long!?"

"An hour everyday."

"AN HOUR EVERYDAY! You cannot be serious. Who do I look like to you? A maid!"

"Okay, half hour." The bargaining went on.


"Twenty minutes, every alternate day. I cannot go any lower than that. Consider it a fee for your expensive request."

Aiyora thought about it for a moment. She put all the plus and minus of this proposal. Before finally agreeing, while also slapping his shoulders hard. "Fine." And with that said she stormed out of the room leaving behind an amused Kaname to silently watch while at the same time wondering in the back of his mind... what was he really doing?

'What are you doing? What happened to the plan of keeping her at distance?'

'It's nothing...'

'Really!? Then why does it seem like you're doing everything that would bring you closer to her. ...Is her scent that enticing? That you can't seem to keep yourself away at any cost.'


Just because he allowed Senri to train, doesn't mean he wouldn't watch. After all someone needed to check how it was progressing. Someone needed to check if they were really training or doing something entirely different under its disguise.



"No, little to the right."

Her hands moved accordingly. "Here?"

"Now you've moved way further."

The pair of hands moved slightly forward. "How about now?"

The response was a blissful sigh, "ah, much better."

Aiyora looked down at the older pureblood, pissed. Why was she the one giving him a head massage? When there are so many aristocrats available. Even the maids usually don't have much work at this time of the evening. Couldn't he find anyone else?

She looked at him carefully. Something was surely off here. Despite having his eyes closed and lips slightly parted in a relaxing fashion he still appeared to be in discomfort. Aiyora leaned down to examine further and Kaname's brows crunched. The closer she went the closer those dark pair of brows knitted together. Aiyora was able to notice his increase in discomfort but remained oblivious to the fact that she was the cause of it.



"You seem exhausted. Would you want me to put you to sleep?" She suggested.

Reopening those eyes he looked at her amused. "Can you?"

"I can try. I'm sure I've some trick up my sleeves by now."

"Go ahead then." He gave her the get go and leaned back on the chair he was seated on.

Aiyora came around the side, sat herself down on the arm of the chair and tenderly placed her palm over his forehead. A light purple light formed underneath her palm that sent cooling sensation all throughout the older pureblood's body eventually surrendering to sleep.

Aiyora fetched a blanket and a small pillow from his room. Gently lifting his head she tucked the pillow under and then put the blanket over him to cover him up before making her exit of out his room.

Standing outside the pureblood's door, his best friend watched the whole scene unfold. Everything that he just witnessed confused him. Once Aiyora left he entered the pureblood's room. He made his way towards the table. The sound of stable breathing and soft snores confirmed that Kaname was indeed sleeping. To the blonde none of these actually made any sense. Why would Kaname let his guard down around someone like Aiyora? He trusted her enough to allow her to put him to sleep...?

What was going on...?


The pureblood returned to the moon dorm earlier than he was scheduled to that night.

As he was walking through the dark corridors his footsteps came to a pause just when it was about to pass the door of other pureblood's room.

The room was engulfed in silence, absolute pin drop silence.


She was inside, he could smell her. But why was she so quiet? Is everything alright? The scanrio didn't seem like a normal one. This little girl isn't the type who could keep up this dead silence for long. Given the time, under normal circumstances she should be watching television or listening to music...

Suddenly, Kuran Kaname found himself immensely worried.

He knocked on the door and when no response came from inside he opened the door. A sigh of relief left his lips automatically upon finding the person inside. Aiyora was bent over her study table, fast asleep. He walked in and towards her.

His footsteps came to an abrupt stop upon steeping on a pen. As he bent down do pick up the object he noticed how messy the whole room was; like always everything was everywhere! There was a mess of books on the table and papers gathered around and under the table. Pen, pencils, erasers and sharpeners were all over the floor. Including her hair brush! The more he saw the astonished he got. The towel was still on the bed!? Really. Judging by how dry her hair appeared, she showered hours ago. But couldn't bother to put the wet towel in the basket in her bathroom.

At first Kaname decided he would wake her up and make her clean all this mess. Because if she isn't taught from now, then she won't ever learn. He went over with every intention to wake her up as sternly as possible. But... as just he came close to that sleeping form... his heart changed. Instead of waking her up, like he planned earlier he actually scooped her sleeping form into his arm and carried her to the bed. Laid her down on the soft mattress as gently as possible before covering her form up with the soft duvet.

And then, instead of calling for a maid to clean up the room, he proceeded to do the task himself.

It didn't take him that long. Maximum twenty minutes and the room was once again back to being squeaky clean. There wasn't actually much to do other than sort through the papers, put aside the books and notebooks, put the pen and pencils in their designated places, takeaway the towels and worn clothes to the bathroom bunker. If anything clearing out her dresser was a bit challenging. He had to close the cap of almost every bottle that stood there and most electronic devices such as the hair dryer, hair iron all were plugged in and still hot.

"Kaname-sama." The person's shock could be clearly heard in her voice.

"What are you doing here Ruka?" the pureblood responded, while wrapping up the wire of the hair dryer. He did not turn to acknowledge the female's presence.

"Um... actually today was Aiyora-sama's scheduled test. I gave her the paper and stepped out for a bit and now as I returned..." she's sleeping and you're here. The last part remained inside her head. There was no way she was going to say that out loud.

"The papers on the table, unfinished. You can take them if you want to."

"Of course," giving him a slight bow Ruka walked towards the table to collect the paper.

"She barely wrote anything. Not even half is completed." Ruka commented looking through the paper. Those words came out bit loud and was done so intentionally. Because she wanted the pureblood to hear about his fiancée's poor performance.

"And whose fault do you think that is?" Kaname was now looking at her directly through the mirror. "A teacher is not expected to leave the pupil by herself middle of the test, like that."

The sharp tone of his voice made the female gulp nervously. She understood her mistake right away.

"I-mean I..." she tried her best to come up with some excuse to cover.

"You're weren't gone for just a bit Ruka... in any case," he put the machine in its designated place and turned "if you don't think you can manage this task then feel free to walk out. I wouldn't mind. I understand Aiyora can be quite handful sometimes."

Ruka's heart tightened at his disappointed tone. She looked down, not being able to look him in the eye anymore.

"I'm sorry, I assure you what happened tonight won't ever repeat."
......    ......    ......   ......
A/N: thank you all for reading hope you guys enjoyed.

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