Messed Up I Guess

By imdadestroyer-

1.9K 253 212

Chanyeol wasn't supposed to love a guy again, he swore that to himself but he never promised it. Yet, he felt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter note

Chapter 11

41 8 4
By imdadestroyer-

Heads-up, a texting maybe boring chapter (I'm sorry I keep saying it's boring 😓)


A Baekhyun and Chanyeol text message...




hey! how u feelin'?

Baekhyun quirked a brow from the giant's question and thought of an answer to which he would give the other. Something sarcastic or straight on point.


since u saw me the other day 

guess im fine?


u said too much

should have said ur fine



im fine!

how bout u?


since u saw me with my brother the other day

shouldn't that mean im fine as well?


how dare u mock me



bcuz i just did





no im not


a big meanie 

yoda is a big meanie


ok ok i admit

can we now change it?



wat topic?


u texted me first

so u decide



Baekhyun pouted, his mind searching for a topic to bring up, but couldn't find anything. How boring of him, he would say. However, he remembered Kyungsoo's words and it gave him a little idea on what to talk about. 



uhh I have a bit of a problem and I don't know how to uhh

kinda solve it


go on


umm, this friend of mine got into a HUGE LIE

and right now he doesn't kno how to escape from it


hmm, what lie did he got into?


a fucked up lie

he didn't know what to say and decided to hide his tru identity

like yow, r u ashamed of urself or



I'm guessing he has his reasons why he isn't telling the truth

u can't possibly judge someone from the outside that fast u kno

everyone has reasons why they lie

even lovers tend to lie to their partners

just to keep them safe

uhh... do you get me?

Baekhyun smiled at the response he got. He didn't knew that the giant would talk about love and lies with him. Right now, he couldn't take off that wide beam on his face while his fingers move, typing his response to the latter.


I understand teacher!


uhh I'm not a teacher 😞




oh man, look at the time

Baekhyun furrowed his brows and let his eyes wondered where the time is. He blinked his eyes when he saw what time it is. 11:48 PM. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to typing something to Chanyeol.


Do you have work tomorrow?


sadly yeah


aww poor you 


but I love my job so I guess working isn't a problem to me

but u mister

u should be sleeping now


wish me good dreams first so I'll be able to sleep


oki, goodnight sweet dreams 😘 

and dream about me as well! 😉

Baekhyun had his eyes widened as he stared intensely at the messages Chanyeol has sent. Is he dreaming? Did he just told him to dream about him as well? What? Baekhyun sucked the insides of his cheeks as he typed his reply.


omo, flirty aren't we?

well let's see if I'll be able to dream u in my sleeep



just sleep

nite nite



Chanyeol chuckled at the words Baekhyun has sent. He swore he heard it with his loud voice that may have hurt his ear drums. However, he didn't knew what kind of impact he gave to Baekhyun when he sent him those flirty but for fun text messages.

After the conversation has ended, Baekhyun closed his phone and tossed it somewhere on his bed. He breathed in and out, trying to calm his feels. But his emotions betrayed him and made him looked like a girl.


He took his pillow, hitting his face with it continuously as his mind remembered those text messages. And it didn't help him knowing it belonged to the one and only Park Chanyeol.

Just as he was thrashing around, he didn't notice three tiny people by his door who were sitting and eating chips and candies while watching him go bizarre just by those text messages. Kyungsoo shook his head, couldn't believe how much of an impact would Chanyeol be giving him, worst it's nighttime.

"He is crazy", the penguin muttered.

"No, a maniac", the camel retorted.

"I think a psychopath would suit him", said the cat.

Kyungsoo nodded at what they thought, but then words came to their head making them three look at each other.

"No wait he's a..."


"Love struck"


Minseok had a large beam and the three high fived each other, despite the fact they thought it's an ugly nickname for the latter but it didn't mind them knowing Baekhyun didn't heard them.

Boy they were wrong.

"Yah! What did you three called me?!" Baekhyun shouted once he calmed himself down after his small lively party of his. 

Jongdae, Minseok, and Kyungsoo pulled their tongues out in a teasing way to annoy the heel out of the latter. As on cue after they saw Baekhyun landing on his feet on the flat pavement, they ran away from his bedroom door along with the chips and candies they had when watching him like a television. 

"Yah! Give me my precious candies! THEY ARE MINE!" Baekhyun shouted at them while trying to catch them. The house was then played as a place to play tag.

"No! My vase!" Minseok screamed when Baekhyun almost hit it with his body.




umm, I'm feeling down today but decided to

update since like forever 😂😂

next chapter will be published 

umm tomorrow?

I guess

but stay tune!

love y'all

btw TYSM FOR 100+


stay safe!


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