Only For Him {COLLINS #2} πŸ”žβœ“

By RehaJacob

421K 15.7K 2.4K

"I hope you do realize that I am old enough to be your father." ~ Aoran Collins, a business tycoon, lost his... More

Only For Him [Collins #2]


20K 414 87
By RehaJacob

They say you don't fall in love with a body. You fall in love with a soul and when you fall for a soul, everything about that body becomes beautiful.

Was it true?

Of course not! In my opinion, people were always biased. They loved people they were attracted to. If you are not beautiful outside, you aren't given a chance, be how beautiful your soul is. Souls aren't valued anymore. Faces are!

I checked the time on my wristwatch and dug my hand into my handbag. I pulled out my medicines and gulped down the bitter pill which I had been taking since thirteen.

"Ursula!" I turned my head to see Rose who was trying to keep up with my pace.

"Will you speak? Why are you giving me this silent treatment, bro?" She frowned.

"I'm not." I shrugged, adjusting my umbrella. It was a really sunny day. Sun and I were enemies. It just burnt me.

"Ursa, bro, this is not done! C'mon, this isn't the first time someone broke up with you." She yelled chasing me.

"Can you walk faster? We have to reach in ten minutes." I hated my clumsy friend but I loved her too. She was clumsy but I was clumsier and she took care of me as a mom. Rose, was a beautiful, smart ass woman with a super slim waist and thick thighs. Had it not been because of her cousin's reference, my résumé wouldn't have been shortlisted. She was my love.

"Bro, at least walk slow. And why are you upset now? It was all your fault. It's always your fault " She yelled at me coming right in front of me.

I sighed in despair. It was always my fault. I knew it.

"I know." I replied.

"I just don't understand why do you cheat on every boyfriend of yours?" She asked, almost complaining. I knew she was sick of handling my mad, crazy ex-boyfriends.

I didn't know why! Every guy I met in the past was somehow never enough for me. I always wanted more, not physically or emotionally but a validation of maturity. To be honest, I was weird.

Was I a villain? Just like my name? I knew, everyone is a villain in someone's story and I was in my ex-boyfriends'. They always had good names for me. But what was my side of the story? Who was I?

Maybe, I was still figuring out!

I had questions. I had issues. I was strange. Everything with me was just so strange. And then, I thought people around me were weird. Then, I thought the whole world was weird. And, likewise, the whole universe was?

Of course, weird!

"We reached! Finally!" Rose exclaimed.

I looked at the huge glass skyscraper in front of me. Aero Herstellung was written in bold cursive letters. The only motivation for a clueless youth like me was the company was of high repute and the stipend was too good for an intern. It was so good that Rose and I could go to the club every night.

"Rose, the next six months will be fun." I was so excited.

"Damn you! You can never change your ways. Think about the company name mentioned in our résumé once we complete our tenure here." She was mumming again.

"You are boring!" I shrugged.

"At least, I'm not a cheater." She mocked me again.

I ignored her. Well, it was what I had earned. I never found anyone, I would want to stick to. Fucking novels had raised my standards about men too high that I didn't like anyone around anymore.

And, of course, fickle was fun!

And, I had realised one thing more that I was done with the guys around my age. I hated how they were kids and so clueless and deviated. How could they expect commitment from me when they themselves never knew their future, when they never cared about me. I was a hypocrite, right? I wanted a man who would prioritize me over everyone. I wanted a man, not a boy. Period.

"This is incredible." Rose gasped beside me.

"Yes, it is." I said looking at the huge skyscraper in front of me.

We went inside and I was mesmerized by the view inside. It was so professional and appealing. I couldn't believe how my résumé even got shortlisted for the position of content writer. I was just a random blogger, in the final year of my business program but all thanks to Rose's cousin.

"What floor did they say?" I asked her.

"Eighth, I guess." She replied.

"Fuck! I'm already nervous." I mumbled.

"Take it easy. Breathe. We'll do great, bro!" Rose said. Sometimes, I just wanted to swap our confidence. She was confident about her career and I was confident in fickling.

We took the elevator to the eighth floor and I did my best to calm myself down. I chanted in my brain that I was going to do good. It was just nothing. Just a stupid interview.

Okay, not stupid!

I too wanted to live life on my own terms and I wanted this internship anyhow.

The elevator stopped at the eighth floor and we walked out. The floor was really wide and luxurious. I gawked around in admiration. I really wanted to work here. It was even better than my imagination. I looked around and saw the lady at the reception was staring us.

"Come, Rose!" I exclaimed making my strides toward the woman.

"Good morning, madam! How may I help you?" The woman was polite and offered us a wide smile.

"Hi! We are here for our interview." I told her.

"Can I get your names, please?" She smiled.

"Ursula Abraham and Rose Gibson." I said on Rose's behalf too.

"Just a second, madam." She said looking up and walking away to a cabin. She came out after a minute with another woman in a business suit whose mouth was stuffed and she was trying hard to chew all the content and somehow gulp it. As soon as she was done, she walked away from us.

"You can wait for a few minutes, madam!" The receptionist said pointing toward the waiting room. We both nodded our heads and sat inside the waiting room. I pulled out my hand mirror and looked at my face. I looked okay, with my black hair tied into a bun. My lips were painted pastel and my skin looked okay.

Suddenly, the door opened and the receptionist dunked her head in.

"I'm sorry, madam but the human resources manager-" A woman behind her tapped her shoulder and signalled us the come.

Rose and I looked at each other and got up. We headed out of the room to the woman who was in the business suit. She looked at both of us from head to toe and nodded her head.

"Who is the one for the HR intern?" She asked.

"Me" Rose came forward.

"Our HR manager is on leave today. Mr Collins is going to take your interviews." She said.

Mr Collins? As in the Chief executive officer of Aero Herstellung? I gulped in nervousness. I knew Rose was going to crack it but I was certainly not going to even speak up a thing. How could stupid I even speak in front of a fucking CEO?

"Mr Collins?" Rose too seemed nervous now.

"Yes, follow me." She said to us and walked us to a huge chamber. She asked me to sit down and asked Rose to go inside.

"Best of luck." She said to Rose and walked away.

Rose went inside and I kept thinking what was he going to even ask me. I was a dumb person. I had prepared for the interview but I now seemed to forget everything in anxiety. I didn't remember a single thing about airline manufacturing now. How could I write content for their website?

Minutes passed and Rose came out with a strange expression on her face.

"Hey! What happened?" I asked.

"What happened?" She spoke dramatically.

"How was your interview?" I asked.

"God! What is he? He asked me to sit on his chair. He sat on mine. And then he asked me to take his interview." She huffed wiping her forehead with the handkerchief.

"You took the interview?" I asked her. She seemed so clueless. "Fuck! I fucked up. I was prepared to give an interview not to take one." She said with shivering hands.

"Hey, don't worry! I'm sure you must have done well." She always underrated herself. I was sure she must have excelled.

"Oh yes! He asked you to go in." She told me.

I inhaled deeply as she wished me luck. If he scared Rose then definitely, I was going to piss in my pants. I got up and walked toward the magnetic door which opened as soon as I was in proximity with it.

I looked at the huge office with formal white walls. There was a huge glass desk in front of me and I saw Mr Collins' head dunked in those thick files.

"Come in, Ms Abraham." I almost lost my step at that thick voice. I gulped nervously and walked in front of him.

"Good morning, Mr Collins." I spoke.

"Good morning, take your seat." He said with that throaty voice. I inhaled sharply but that cologne I inhaled was addicting. It was a fucking interview. Daddy issues, could you leave me for a second, please?

He pulled out a paper from the file and rested on his back. I tried to calm myself and just looked at the paper in his hand because that was the only thing visible to me.

"Your résumé says that you are a blogger." He said before placing the paper back on the table and looking at me. I almost stopped breathing. Fuck! I couldn't even blink my eyes when I saw those hazel eyes staring at mine. Mr Collins was surely a handsome man. I was so drooling at my place, at both places actually. Those plump lips, I could kiss forever and those fucking sharp jawlines, I'd have loved to lick.

Ursula! My conscience brought me back to reality.

It was so difficult to sit in front of a handsome man and not hear my fickle mind. I secretly pinched my thigh to get rid of my so Ursula thoughts. I looked at him. His eyes didn't even blink. He was staring my eyes. Fuck that eye contact!

He then cleared his throat and got up. I frowned at him. But, fuck me, that shirt clung to his muscular body showing he seriously had nice stuff in there. He turned around and I was shameless enough to check that ass. It was perfect, I told myself. He was a very sexy man and looked as if he was in his mid-thirties.

"You can join from Monday. The timing and chain of command will be mentioned in the offer letter." He said curtly.

I frowned at what just happened to him.

"What about my interview?" I asked.

"It's done." He said with a frown, picked up his cellphone from the table and walking out of the office. I saw he had a ring on his finger.

Married! I told myself.

I turned my head to look at him walking away. I closed my eyes and opened them again. It seemed all so familiar like déjà vu. Everything in my life was a déjà vu and it always boggled my mind.

***To Be Continued***

Hey! I really need motivation for this.
Don't forget to tell me how do you feel about this chapter!
What do you think of Mr Collins?
What do you think about Ms Abraham?


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