Jikook Oneshots

By Mikchimin

758K 23.2K 36.6K

A compilation of stories where Jungkook loves Jimin and Jimin loves Jungkook just as much. A wide variety of... More

The Games
Gone for a Day
Closed Off
Rose Bowl
Waste it on Me
Big Brother's Best Friend
The Most Cliche Jikook Story Ever!!!
Forever Yours
Spoiled (Continuation to Compensation)
Fake Princess (Continuation to Selection)
Bad for You
Dare (Prequel to Top)
My Jikook Theory
Love Letter
Sugar Baby
One Week
First of All
Marriage (Continuation of Betrothed)
Destiny (Continuation of Hybrid)
Magic Shop
Rehab (Continuation of Toxic)
Kinky (Continuation to Top and Dare)
An Author's Note for Perfect (and also Distant)
Out (Continuation to Bodyguard)
Looking (Continuation to Run)
New Years
Overthrown (Prequel to Island)
Best Friend
Buddy (Continuation to Invitation)
Chance (Continuation to Second)
Healed (Continuation to Suffering)
Return (Continuation of Island and Overthrown)
Ivy League
First Sight
Lifetime (Continuation of Befriend)
1890 (Prequel to Hunt)
Cuddlebug (Continuation to Gym)
Mythical (Part Two)
Heavy (Continuation to Hot)


2K 73 352
By Mikchimin

"Jungkook I'm scared."

"I know Sweetheart," Jungkook kissed the head of the one in the hospital bed. "We all are. But this is your chance to live Jiminie! We finally found an opening!"

"Yeah, but...I could die," Jimin looked up at him. "Heart surgery is risky."

"But it's worth the risk, because you'll get through this and live a happy life," His husband promised.

"Park Jimin?" The doctor came in. "It's time to take you to the operating room."

Jimin took a deep breath. "Alright...I'm ready to get a new heart."


Jimin awoke to the sound of a heart monitor. His heart, his healthy heart was the reason it was beating so normally. He looked around slowly, groggily, but the only one there was a nurse checking his vitals.

"Hey, excuse me?" His voice was thick, due to him just waking up. "Where's my husband, Jungkook?"

"Well who do you think gave you the heart?"


"Sweetheart, why are you crying?" The nurse exclaimed with a thick southern accent, stopping for a second to look at his face.

"Jungkook's dead," He broke into a sob.

"What? No, that's not what I meant," She shook her head. "Hospitals don't kill one person to save another. Even if someone volunteers, we can't and don't. Think of all the legal stuff a hospital would have to go though. What I meant is he's meeting the family of the donor. That guy's poor parents. He died in a terrible car crash I heard. Your husband wanted to thank them, which I think is sweet, maybe it'll lessen the pain a little for them."

"Oh thank God he's okay," The tears keep coming because Jimin's overwhelmed, which is also heard through the speeding up beeps of the monitor. "Why would you word it like that?"

"Double shifts has my words jumbled, and there's only so much coffee can do," That worried Jimin slightly. "But of course he's okay," She smiled. "Would you like me to go find him?"

"Yes please."

It took about five minutes before Jungkook came running in. "Oh Baby you're okay! You're finally perfectly healthy!"

"Well not yet," Jimin gave a small chuckle. "I still have to recover, but after that, yes. I'll finally be healthy. You know the nurse made me think you had died."

"What?" Jungkook laughed, sitting on Jimin's bedside and softly running his fingers through his hair. "How?"

"I asked where you were and she said 'well who do you think gave you the heart?'" Jimin explained. "Like how do you think that sounds to a sleepy, still slightly drugged patient with an absent husband?"

"Oh, you thought I gave you my heart?" Jungkook clarified. "Well I mean, I did, but not physically. Even though if it came down to it I would."

"I know, I know you, that's why it scared me," Jimin stared up at him with tired eyes. "But you were really just talking to the donor's parents."

"Oh, yes! I was," Jungkook nods. "And that reminds me. Once you're discharged and recovered they'd like to have lunch with us, to meet you. I said they could now, but it's understandable that hospitals aren't one of their favorite places right now, and that they wanted to leave as soon as possible."

"I'd love to," Jimin nodded. "Their choice to let their son go saved my life, and I'll forever be grateful for their sacrifice."

"Me too," Jungkook leaned down, kissing his lovers softly. "Because now you can live a full life. Now we can spend decades more together, and forever after that."

A/N: I hate it when random people flirt with me online.

Me: I'm not a bitch

Also me:

Yeah that's all I have to say about that. 

But on the topic of guys, you don't even have to be attracted to guys to agree with me, but oh my God self-proclaimed nice guys are the worst. 

Like think about it. They have to tell people that they're nice guys, so doesn't that say something? And the thing is, they'll be super nice to you, and ask you out, and you'll say no and they'll throw a tantrum. "All women are the same, all women are evil, blah blah blah." You could literally say you were lesbian and they would blame you for this relationship not working. 

I'm so done with people like that. They're toxic and creepy.

Okay, so Jikook in June.

It's not this just June either. We just got a ton of content this year. But think of Jikook June of last year;

Is June like important for them specifically or something, or are they just reallyyyyyy happy that Bangtan just got a year older? Either way it's adorable and like, there's so much couple behavior this month.

But yeah on the topic of Jikook.

The members prevent Jikook. We been knew. An example, and probably the loudest example besides like, Namjoon through the two of them on stage, was when Jungkook goes, "Together."

Then Jimin's "Together?" And Namjoon points in between them and yells and they all go yeah! And scream, just making the situation more obvious.

This one. They spoke Japanese btw, even tho it was an American interview from AskAnythingChat.

So we've known for a long time, the members try to stop Jikook from being obvious, it makes it look that much more obvious, it's this whole cycle.

But you've known that.

What you don't know is this little thing that just popped in my brain that I can't ignore.

...What if all the members want Jikook to be out in the open as much as Jikook themselves do?

Or at least close. And don't get me wrong, this isn't me saying "Oh Jikook totally wanna come out and we should try to get them to come out cuz they want it and the only reason they haven't is because Big Hit doesn't want them too." No, I'm not saying that. Coming out is a very difficult thing, and as a straight girl I can't speak from personal experience, and I'm not talking like I know exactly how it is, because I don't, but I do know it's a difficult thing to do.

I'm sure Jikook probably do want to come out, but of course they also don't because of society, and Jikook/Jimin anti, and the immature Taekook shippers (more on that later I really need to say stuff) and homophobes. But they're in love, and when you're in love I'm sure you'd want to share it with the world. 

I hope someday they can get to a position where they feel they won't get a massive amount of hate, where they are happy showing their love to society, but today is not that day, and to be honest, as much as I'd like to watch their love grow in front of us in the open, I also want them to be safe and happy, and for a long time they probably won't be if they were to come out during times like these.

But I'm sure the members want to see them out and happy too. We have a lot of reason to believe they know Jikook are together, that's old news. But it must suck to watch Jikook not being able to show their true selves. They have to carry this huge secret for them, and support them too. 

Of course the members would want Jikook to be themselves for everyone too. But they can't. With the way things are today, and with all the haters out there thinking they're straight, and the people that will crush Jimin and Jungkook with hate because they're hurting Tae, or Jimin is preventing Taekook from being real, or Jimin stole Jungkook from Tae, it's this whole thing. 

So yes, I don't know why I never thought about it before, but the members want Jikook to come out peacefully and happily as much almost as much as Jikook do. 

So let's talk about something that is very important. This is not me as a Jikookie saying this, this is me as an ARMY, okay? This is a real issue that needs to be dealt with, it's all over Twitter, it's on it's way to reaching the boys, and we need to stop it. This is about a certain Taekook channel, but I want to of course make myself clear that I love the ship Taekook. You don't have to go straight to romantic when thinking about ships, and I see Taekook like that. I see Taekook for what it is, and how they act with each other, no speculations, no theories, just two cuties living lives loving each other, because they do love each other, and we need to remember that. Never look at Taekook in a negative light because of the fans. There's nothing wrong with Taekook and there never has been, and I'mma support them platonically forever, unless they do happen to come out and we were wrong, and I'll but my Jikookie thoughts aside and support them.

To be fair, I obviously think Jikook's real, you know that, but you know.

So I'm not sure how familiar you are with the name, "Taekook_Lives" or just "Taekook Lives" on YouTube. I want to remind you one more time, this is not me hating, this is not because this channel happens to be Taekook, if it were a Jikook account, I would do the same.

So this profile, this channel, does analysis videos. That's okay, right? Analysis videos are fun little pockets of theories that try to prove a ship being more real. There's hundreds, maybe thousands of those things online for a certain ship alone.

But what's not okay is what Taekook_Lives is doing. First and foremost, they're saying they like Jimin, whatever, but he's always, always painted in a negative light. They'll quickly post random short things saying "Oh I miss him!!" But then in their videos, while never directly insulting or calling him bad names, the way they talk about them influences fans into hating Jimin, even if TL (we're calling them that now I don't wanna write the whole thing out every time) never officially said anything hateful towards Jimin. 

According to them, Jimin's always in the way. Here's a couple examples of that. If you are able to access Twitter, even without an account, I heavily recommend checking out these threads. I have screenshots and clips from them, but it's not the whole thing, and you should see it.

And no, you can't read the whole things, but you get the gist, and it's terrible, again please if you can, go through the thread. You have to scroll down a bit, but it's worth it.

If you don't wanna go searching, I retweeted it and you can see it on my account, @ mikchimin It's the first thing I retweeted, right under the tweet I just made today. It's a terrible thing that we need to get rid of.

Anyways, not only is TL villanizing Jikook, they're also painting Taekook in a very very toxic, destructive, dare I say borderline abusive light. They constantly say Taekook is getting back at one another for making each other jealous. It's the whole reason Jikook interact, according to this account, to make Tae jealous. 

Like that is not how a relationship is supposed to work. Jealously is destructive, and will ultimately destroy a relationship. It is not to be romanticized, and to be honest, I don't know why it is.

Now you might be saying, "Well what about Jeonlous? What about the tongue in his cheek if Jimin touched someone else?" That kind of thing. But that wasn't destructive, in fact it was very harmless. Jungkook never 'got back' at Jimin for making him jealous. And to be honest he probably knew he was being irrationally jealous. I mean do you see that tongue in his cheek much anymore? No, you don't, because he doesn't have a reason to be jealous anymore. He's now become secure knowing that he doesn't need to worry, that Jimin is all his. And sure he knew that before but he's stopped the worrying and I'm happy for him. 

But anyways, it's not seen like that down at TL. Taekook is put in this light where they're constantly jealous, they're constantly getting back at one another as seen here;

And I know you can't see the whole thing, but I want to zero in on this one comment;

The fact that TL is so misleading and delusional, that this person thought Jungkook, who spoke up multiple times about how his dad used to smoke and how much he hated it, who talked to his father so many times that he ended up quitting (yay~) is on drugs.

Like how do you go so far into deluluville that you're convincing people Jungkook is on drugs!? It's unbelievable to me! Jungkook's the type of person who wishes all his loved ones to be healthy! He's the type of person to starve himself (more on that later) just to show Jimin how self-destructive he was being to his own body. Like how can someone think Jungkook's on drugs!?

Is it impossible, absolutely not, but is it highly unlikely? I think you know the answer.

Another terrible thing that TL does is they sexualize everything. They'll be like "Oh my God Jungkook and Taehyung went to the bathroom together, Tae even said 'let's go to the bathroom together'" I want to pause this delulu quote to say, um, give me facts cuz I've never seen them. But anyways, here's my receipts, unlike a certain someone I'm talking about;

I think the worst thing about this, and what I'm pointing out here, is that TL is speculating Taekook are going to the bathroom to have some smexy time. You have to listen to me when I say this is not correct nor is it okay to post things like that, especially being a big influencer! What makes you think any of the members, including the allegedly so in love in this toxic relationship couple, would have sex in public, especially at a place like an award show. 

There was one time one of the two, Jimin or Jungkook (I cannot find that clip for the life of me) went off from where he was sitting, down the stairs, and rounded a corner, and the other followed a couple seconds later. A few people were like "Ooh what they gonna do~" and were shut down quickly cuz you know, Jikookies like to be delulu but only because we have facts to back us up for the most part. Because of that we get to be a little more creative "What if that Jikook fight was about their relationship/feelings?" it's that kinda thing. But we don't go off saying "Oooh, they're gonna have sex in public because that's what horny people in love do!"

You gotta give the boys a little more credit than that. They're extremely respectful people, Jungkook especially if you really wanna get into it. Could Jikook be in love? Yes. Could Jikook be having sex? Yes. But would they risk, hurting their career, their reputation, as well as Bangtan's as a whole, just because they're feeling a lil hot and heavy? 

All seven of those men are professionals. They are grown men that have been in this industry actively for seven years. They know how to act, and they're not animals! Just imagine thinking that they would even consider doing that in a public place with multiple cameras, where they're there to be recognized, photographed, and put into the spotlight! They are much smarter than that, all seven of them. And it offends me as an ARMY, someone who looks up to these boys with the upmost respect, to think someone sees them in this light.

Last, but not least, quite possibly the worst (yes I know it gets even worse) TL lies to their fans. Straight up lies. Look at this for example;

I'm not sure how well you can see, but the middle post, there's an edit of Taekook. Tae's lying on his stomach on Jungkook's lap, and Jungkook's sitting with his hand on Tae's ass. Someone said "hey, is this real??" And TL says yes! And you don't have to believe me but this is on the second thread (yes there's two they've done a lotttttt of bad stuff) And of course, this ARMY, who's so lovely and while ships Jikook is not ship biased and is here to protect Jimin and Jungkook, has the real pictures. As you can see, Tae's just laying on the couch, and Jungkook's lap is unoccupied. 

That's either being extremely uneducated or lying to the ones watching her videos. Neither is okay because it's spreading false information. If you watch some of their videos, they'll say this super random fact but guess what? There's no screenshots, no videos, nothing. Just words. And people lap it up like they haven't had water in days! How can you lie so obviously and have people still listen to you!? 

Tell me, what made Jikook real for you? While watching those analysis videos on YouTube, which I'm sure is how many of you guys became Jikookies (btw super off topic but I realized a week ago I started stanning Jikook on Valentines Day, GCF in Tokyo was released a couple days after I became an ARMY, none of  this is a coincidence~) what stuck out? Was it the fact that there were videos or at least pictures (cuz of copyright) to back up each statement or claim? Was it the beautiful people such as Jikookproof, or Made in Busan, or Miz Gator, who emerged in 2019 but has some of the best analysis's I've ever seen?

Tell me how many times you just continuously watched black screen after black screen, only filled up with writing, seeing no evidence, just chunky white words displayed on screen?

What? What's that? You said never? Huh, me too.

I'm not saying that there aren't Taekook videos that do a good job analyzing, there are! And it's so much easier to make a Jikook analysis video because we have more content so props to them! Good job anyone who has made any sort of analysis video and has backed all that stuff up with facts! I really love that for you, and if you love it too, please continue ^^

So yes, TL lies to her fans.

Oh! I forgot another thing. There's an article on Weibo published by her that got a lot of recognition saying Why BTS Almost Disbanded in 2018 and How it Relates to Taekook. How is that okay!?!?!? How can you take, an obviously extremely difficult time in Bangtans' lives, and try to twist it in a way that benefits your ship!? 

And now that it's gotten popular, it could reach BTS. Yeah, this toxic article about Taekook and BTS disbanding could reach Bangtan, could make them feel even more uncomfortable in the least, could emotionally hurt them at the worst, could make any members in a relationship scared of ever coming out, and all because you're trying to force your ship to come out.

Yeah, TL is trying to force Taekook to come out. They're shoving things in their faces, pretending they know the members, gaining an ARMY of minions, it's terrible. They're putting this stuff out there and trying to reach Bangtan with it, in the hopes Taekook will see it, go, "hey, all these people support us, let's come out" and bask in the victory that their ship is real.

I feel like TL sees it as this competition. They're putting out sloppy, barley thought-out analysises, and for what? Will that make your ship more real? No! I've talked about this! It's terrible, and at this point, I think they see it as a competition. Who's ship is real, let's argue and fight for it and see who wins!

I saw a tweet like that, and it really made me rethink. How much of me wanting Jikook to share their relationship was me wanting to prove to people like TL that my ship was real? I of course wanted to say none..but I know that wouldn't be completely true. So now I'm aware of that and I've changed for the better. I hope this helps keep you in check with your emotions and your competitiveness towards these ships.

Anyways, only one more thing and it's really short, but TL also makes everything about Taekook. "Why Fake Love is about Taekook" "Why GCF is about Taekook" "Why 'What Do You Think' by Agust D, is about Taekook"

Yeah, that's real. They really analyzed Yoongi's own song, What Do You Think, and made it about Taekook. Yes, that totally makes sense. Because Yoongi would totally make a song, just for Taekook, and put it in his very own album, and let the entire world see that he, Agust D, supports Taekook so much he put a song just for him in his personal album he's been working on for four years.

TL pulls this shit...and we get yelled at because we say it's a possibility (not fact, mind you, no one said fact) that a lyric in Still With You; 'The rain pours even when I dance alone' could be about Jikook's fight. We can back that up with, no it's not a song about Jikook, we know that, it's 100% for ARMY, but he could've written or at least revised it a little while after Festa was filmed, and he was thinking about their rainy day fight. 

We'll say, "He could've been inspired to write the one lyric because he felt an emotional connection from it and has strong emotions towards dancing on rainy days" and they'll be like, "That's disgusting, that song's for ARMYs, no wonder you're called jokers smh" 

So it's okay to think one of Yoongi's original songs is about a completely separate couple to him, and yet we can't speculate one lyric in one of Jungkook's songs is linked to one of his personal memories?

Alright. I see.

So why did I tell you all this? Well, if you have Twitter, please block and report. If you don't, just report the YouTube channel. To do that, go to Taekook Live's Channel, click about, find the little flag, and report hate and link it to sexuality, because that's the closest we can get tbh, because trying to force a couple to come out is absolutely disgusting and it's abusive behavior. You could always write a little note at the end, I did, but you don't have to, you can just report and that will be that.

I'm sharing this so baby ARMYs aren't uninformed, so they don't start hating Jimin, so they don't become solo stans, or ot6, or anything like that. It wasn't to spread hate it was to inform. Most of it was factual, and yes, some of it was opinionative, and some of it wasn't complete fact, like for example, I don't know for sure if members fuck in public restrooms, but I have reason to believe they don't, and you do to!

Don't send hate, don't interact with TL, just report and block.

Once again, Twitter is Taekook_lives and YouTube is just Taekook lives, if you type in Taekook, it will be the fourth or fifth option. 

If you read this whole thing and have decided to take action, thank you so much. Many ARMYs are also emailing Big Hit asking to take legal action against this account.

Except for TL's minions, all ARMYs, Taekookers, Jikookies, everyone, has joined together to fight for the respect Bangtan deserves. All I wish for is your consideration.

But I think that's enough negativity.

Let's talk about how much Jungkook cares about Jimin.

So it's well-known Jimin struggled through 2016. Had trouble with alcohol, he had terrible eating habits, and he was always over-exerting himself. There was a time Jimin was walking off stage and his legs just gave out once he hit those stairs. He was so weak during that time, and he was trying to be happy, to prove to ARMY he was happy, but looking back he obviously wasn't.

So Jungkookie, pretty doe-eyed Jungkookie, didn't like this. None of the members did of course, and all of them worked to make Jimin be more healthy. But Jungkook, he wasn't going to tolerate it.

We know how much Jimin loves Jungkook, that's just factual. And Jungkook loves Jimin too, he wasn't just going to let him starve. And he knew what he had to do. He followed Jimin's diet. Only when Jimin realized Jungkook was copying him, and only when Jimin realized he wouldn't stop until Jimin did, he stopped. Jungkook made him stop because he didn't want his dongsaeng to be unhealthy.

Jungkook loves Jimin enough to starve himself, remember that. This big bunny, who obviously enjoys food, as you can see from how in festa he was fighting to the death for that one last spoonful, how he cooked up more food, just because he was still hungry, how he was not so subtly munching on the cake Jimin and Yoongi decorated. He eats a lot, and obviously loves it. 

And yet for Jimin, he would starve himself knowing that Jimin would hate that, that Jimin would try to set a better example.

It's not really something to romanticize, and the only reason I'm talking about it like this now is because Jimin is happy and eating well and in love with himself. Because he's done with diets, only healthy eating from now on. I'm so happy where he's gotten. And sure, he could've gotten to this point without Jungkook, but the fact he was willing to eat next to nothing to help Jimin get better is insane.

I think that's all for now. My neck and back really hurt. I need more chairs with neck support.

I love you guys!

Hey, real quick, come up with a nickname for me, I'll tell you how I like it!


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