It's The Falling in Love

By Miss_Lani64

319K 12.5K 12.3K

Michael Jackson and Mia Gordy have been childhood stars and best friends. When life changes as they grow up... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One-Hundred and One
Chapter One-Hundred and Two
Chapter One-Hundred and Three
Chapter One-Hundred and Five
Chapter One-Hundred and Six
Chapter One-Hundred and Seven
Chapter One-Hundred and Eight
Chapter One-Hundred and Nine
Chapter One-Hundred and Ten
Chapter One-Hundred and Eleven
Chapter One-Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One-Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One-Hundred and Fourteen
Chapter One-Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One-Hundred and Sixteen
Authors Note
A Sequel?
Moonwalker Awards?

Chapter One-Hundred and Four

1.8K 70 22
By Miss_Lani64

I straighten my sparkly white dress, staring at myself in the mirror. 

A bit loose on my figure but fits nicely on my arms for it being long sleeves. I shrug.

Usually the bride is the only one that should wear white but she insisted I wore white as well.. 

Michael whistles behind me.

I gasp, turning around, suddenly smiling at him. "You scared me!" I chuckle.

Michael smiles at me, "You look beautiful." He says, taking my hand as he gently spins me around.

I blush, "You look really handsome yourself." I smirk, staring at his suit.

It shines nicely.. Black and white, the pattern... Wow.. 

"We seem to match today." I smirk.

Michael chuckles, kissing my lips. "When do we not?" He smiles.

I grin. 

"Everyone is ready for the ceremony to begin. The girls are seated with Elizabeth's son, Michael." Michael says.

I gulp. It seems everyone has the name Michael. My husband, Elizabeth's son, my son.. 

Oh god, how I miss him.. His little Afro, smile, his giggle.. He was so innocent and he was just t-

"Are you alright, Mia?" Michael softly asks.

"Hm?" I glance up at him as he catches my attention.

Michael raises an eyebrow, waiting for my response.

"Oh, um.. I'm fine." I grin.

"A little tired but I'm fine." I say.

Michael stares at me, "Alright.." He mumbles.

He can easily see through how I feel. He's been able to do that most of my life. I thank him for not always bugging me about what is really wrong. I'll end up telling him eventually.

I can't tell him I miss Mike though.. It's going to make me overly depressed and I have two girls, I just..Can't exactly deal with this right now. 

Who can even deal with a death to begin with? 

Michael holds his arm out to me. "Shall we?" He grins.

I link arms with his. I smile up at him, "We shall."


I take my seat in the first row, right next to my girls.

Rose smiles widely at me, "You look pretty, mama." She says, scooting next to me.

I grab April, setting her on my lap as she grins at me.

"You both look pretty too." I smile.

Rose blushes, holding onto Afia.

I swear, she hasn't let Afia go since she got home from Africa. Every night I hear a new story from the girls and once it was all about Afia.

Honestly wish I could've met the beautiful girl they keep talking about. 

"Baby, are you excited that Liz is getting married?" I smile at Rose.

Rose probably will remember Elizabeth. Elizabeth has been around Rose so many times.. April.. Not so much. 

Rose nods, "Yes, mama. Have you seen her? She looks so pretty." Rose says in awe.

I blush. "Not yet but I'm sure she is beautiful." I smile, gently placing a kiss on the top of her head.

I glance over at Michael, Liz's son, he smiles at me. "My mom has told me a lot about you." He says.

I blush, "Really?" I shyly say.

Michael nods, "She likes you a lot." He says.

"My mom says you're a great woman for Michael." He adds.

I feel my face heat up. "Oh.." I shyly say. 

"You're mother is a great woman too." I smirk.

Michael nods at me, smiling. "She truly is.." He quietly says, turning away from me.

 Music starts playing as we all turn around. I grin. Oh gosh, it's starting! 

Michael walks with Elizabeth on her right side as another man walks Elizabeth down on her left.

Wonder who that fellow is.. 

Elizabeth looks gorgeous though.. My gosh, she's timeless.. So beautiful. 

I smile as Michael catches my eye. Michael continues to smile at me.

It's not a big ceremony like I thought it would be. It's very lovely though. Michael really planned this wedding out nicely.. A wedding at Neverland.. How much more of a fairy-tale bliss can this get? 

Elizabeth smiles widely as they approach the chapel. 

I grin at her, mouthing to her "You look beautiful". Liz blushes.

 I glance over at her husband-to-be Larry Fortensky.

Larry smiles widely at Elizabeth. He's obviously proud he's about to marry that babe. 

Larry is a construction worker. Michael hasn't met him very much before but we always heard about him from Elizabeth. Michael was very happy Liz found love again.. This is her seventh marriage. I just hope this is her last. 

Michael stands behind Elizabeth and Larry. Standing almost in the corner all by himself.

The priest clears his throat.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together in the sight of God, and in the face of this community, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union this is betwixt Christ and-" The priest looks around.

"His, um.. Home of today." He smirks.

I couldn't help but smile. This isn't a church because we don't exactly get on our knees to pray around here.. 

"Which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is commended of Saint Paul to be honourable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let them speak now, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace." The priest looks up from his book.

I glance around. That would be awkward if somebody said something.. 

I glance over at Elizabeth and Larry.

They seem perfect for each other.. They just keep gazing into each other's eyes.. They are obviously in love. 

The priest turns to Larry.

"Larry, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?" 

Larry grins, "I do."

Elizabeth blushes.

Sometimes I wish Michael and I actually had a wedding.. You know, instead of getting married in court.. We didn't have much time, both of us were very busy, I suppose.. I wouldn't like doing this in front of a crowd but the more I think about it, the more proper it would've been... Maybe Michael would've liked that. He never exactly said, he let me decide. 

I can't help but feel a little guilty that I chose a lot of things in our marriage. 

The priest turns to Elizabeth. 

"Elizabeth, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"

Liz smiles widely, "I do.." She sweetly says.

I smile.

"Then with all honours in the name of God, I now pronounce you.. Husband and wife.. Larry, you may now kiss the bride!" The priest grins.

Larry smiles widely, pulling Liz close to him as he kisses her. 

You could practically see the sparks and passion in their kiss. 

We all start to clap.

I glance at Michael in the back as he smiles at Elizabeth.

I can see a little hurt in Michael's eyes from here.. I guess I don't blame him. He really does love Elizabeth..

Do you ever think maybe he was made for her, and she was made for him? I just somehow got in the way or somethin'? 

Larry gently lets go of Liz.

Michael steps forward. "Everyone, thank you all for coming! There is food outside, inside, games, everything! Go have a grand time and congratulations to my dear friend Elizabeth and her new husband, Larry." Michael sweetly says.

"Oh, but first pictures!" Elizabeth announces.

Michael smiles, kissing Elizabeth on the cheek.

I grin, gently setting April on the floor as I get up.

"Come on, babies. We've gotta take some pictures." I smile.

April holds onto my hand as Rose holds onto my other hand.

I blush. "Let's go, girls." I softly say, walking up to the chapel as a photographer starts to set up.

Michael waits for me on the side as he smiles widely.

"Hey, baby." He softly says, kissing my lips. 

I smile, "You looked very handsome standing up there.." I shyly say.

Michael blushes, "You looked very beautiful sitting over there yourself.." He quietly says.

I smirk. 

"Oh, Mia! I've missed you so much!" Elizabeth says, walking closer to me.

She gives me a gentle hug. "How have you been?" She asks me.

I grin, "I've never been better." I say. 

Elizabeth grins, "That's really good, Mia.." She softly says.

I smile, "Congratulations, Liz!" I blurt.

Liz blushes, "Oh thank you, darling. You and Michael are too kind.. Honestly, having a wedding here? In Neverland? It's so magical here.." She says in awe.

I grin, "Of course, Elizabeth. You deserve the best." I say.

Elizabeth smiles widely at me. "I'm going to stand right next to you and Michael." 

She leans closer to me, "You two are my favorite." She whispers. 

I giggle, "I'm glad! You're our favorite too!" I smile.

Elizabeth chuckles.

"Alright everyone! I think I'm all set up.." The photographer says.

Elizabeth stands next to Michael.

I hold April in my arms as Rose positions herself in front of Michael and I.

Michael gently holds onto her hand.

Looking at Rose's body language, she's nervous that she is in front of all these people.. She's an adorable little girl and so many people gush over her! I just wish she wasn't as shy as me.. Michael can be shy as well, but he can still speak up. She'll develop that one day.. I hope. 

"On the count of three, I want everyone to smile!" The photographer loudly says.

I blush.



"Three!" I smile widely as the camera flashes.

"Again!" He says.


I sigh.


"Thre-" I suddenly sneeze as the camera flashes.

I feel Michael's body beside me start to shake.

I glance over at him, realizing he was laughing really hard.

I blush in embarrassment. "What?" I shyly say.

Michael smiles widely at me, laughing. "That was perfect!" He laughs.

I smirk.

"Let's try that again, folks.." The photographer sighs.



"Three!" I smile as the camera flashes.

"Perfect!" The photographer says.

I grin.

Michael turns to me, "Baby, I'm going to take a few pictures with Elizabeth." He informs me.

I grin, "Alright, babe. I should get the girls inside." 

I lean closer to him. "April is getting sleepy and Rose is about to have an anxiety-attack from all these people.." I whisper in his ears.

Michael's eyes widen, "Ah.. Good idea." He says, kissing my cheek.

"I love you." He smiles.

I blush, "I love you too." I smile, turning to my daughters.

"Alright, girls. Are you two hungry? Let's get you two inside now.." I softly say, taking a hold of Rose's hand.

As I start to walk, I hear Elizabeth softly speak behind me.

"Gosh Michael, you're daughters are so beautiful.. Just imagine how they'll look when they are all grown up." She sweetly says.

Michael softly sighs, "I don't want them to grow just yet. They are at a fun age..  I can imagine though.. Oh, all the grandchildren I'll have."

I smirk, feeling my heart flutter.

He wants grandchildren! Of course! How cute!

All I imagine is for me to be able to see my children grown up.. My only wish is to grow old, honestly. It's a goal. That's all I want now. I have a lover, I have my family, I've done the things I love.. All I want now is to grow old. 

I make my way to the doors, walking inside the house.

I gently set April down on her feet. "Baby, do you want milk?" I softly ask her.

April rubs her eyes, shaking her head. "No, mama.." She sleepily says.

I frown, "Oh, my tired baby.." I softly say, touching her curls.

Rose looks up at me, "I'm tired too, mama.." She frowns.

I softly sigh. "Well, maybe you two c-" The phone suddenly starts to ring.

I glance at the phone, sighing again. "How about you two sleep in Rose's room, alright? Rose, would you please take your sister to your room? Mama has to answer the phone." I say, caressing her face.

Rose's face heats up. "Okay, mama." She leans up, kissing the tip of my nose.

I weakly smile, "I love you both. Sweet dreams, my angels.." I softly say, turning around as I walk towards the phone.

Behind me, I hear Rose guiding her sister down the hallway. Rose is honestly a sweetheart.. God, I love my daughters. 

I pick up the phone. 

"Hello, this is Mia Jackson speaking." I softly say.

"Mia Jackson? Hi, this is Samuel Jordan. I wrote the will for Afia Bello that claims Adjo Bello will become apart of your family once Afia passes.." He slowly says.

My eyes widen. Oh my God, no. 

"Yeah.." I softly say.

Samuel sighs. "Afia passed away yesterday, peacefully in morning a- That's what Adjo has told me.." He sadly says.

I frown. "Oh no.." I mumble. That poor boy.. 

I feel my eyes start to water. 

"She passed away due to complications of her AIDS. All natural from the disease but all is sad.." He softly says.

I gulp, quickly wiping my tears away. 

"I've sent Adjo on his way to California just a few hours ago.. He should be arriving in about twenty minutes." Samuel says.

My eyes widen. "Oh." I blurt.

"Is that a problem for you, Mrs Jackson?" He asks.

My heart drops. Of course it is. Elizabeth Taylor is having her wedding at my home and we have guests! 

"Um.. No!" I hesitate.

"Because if it is, I can always call the airport for someone to wait with Adjo. I know how busy it must get for Mr Jackson and you." Samuel states.

I shake my head. "No, Michael and I will be on our way.." I softly say.

"Alright, good. Adjo will see you there." Samuel says before disconnecting the call.

I slowly put the phone down. "Oh my gosh.." I whisper.

I feel for Adjo so badly. Losing his sister has to be hard. Afia was all he had left, is what I heard.. We'll make him welcomed. I just can't wait to hug that boy.. That's what he needs. A big kiss and hug from his.. Um.. Mother, now. 

I suddenly feel two hands touch my waist.

I scream, jumping as I turn around.

Michael smiles widely at me, giggling. "I scared you! Oh my gosh, you should've seen your face!" He laughs.

I stare at him as a tear escapes from my eye.

Now isn't the time for fun, Michael! 

Michael's smile disappears quickly. "What happened, Mia?" He asks, turning serious.

I stare into his eyes, "Michael... A-Afia has-" I stop myself, becoming more upset.

Michael's eyes widen. "Wha-I... Does that mean.." He gasps.

I slowly nod, "His plane should be arriving in twenty minutes. We've gotta go, Michael." I softly say.

Michael's eyes widen, "Oh gosh... Um.." He places his hand over his forehead.

"What are we going to do?" I whisper.

Michael sighs, "I'll let Elizabeth know that he's on his way and that we have to go." His voice cracks.

"I'll let her keep the party going. I'm sure it won't last all night since it's only a few people.. I'll meet you in the car, alright?" He says.

I frown, "What about the girls? They went to have a nap. What if we aren't home in time for when they wake up?" I softly ask.

Michael frowns, "Um.." He looks around. 

"Maybe Elizabeth wouldn't mind if-"

"No, Michael. She just got married, I'm sure she's going to want her honeymoon right after." I sternly say.

Michael sighs, "Then Mia, I don't know who could watch the children. Elizabeth is a very dear friend of mine. I'm sure she'd understand." He says, holding onto my hands.

"I'd understand what, darling?" Elizabeth's voice echos in our home.

Michael and I gasp as we turn to our right. 

Elizabeth walks closer to us, smiling widely. 

"Is something going on?" She kindly asks.

I bite my lip, looking up at Michael.

Michael frowns, "Adjo is about to arrive in California, Liz.." He slowly says.

Elizabeth's eyes widen, "Oh, that's wonderful! A new child! What an amazing day!" She grins, clapping her hands together.

Michael's eyes widen, "Liz, I don't think you understand. Mia and I have to leave now." He sternly says.

Elizabeth smirks, "I know what that means, Michael! I have children of my own, you know!" She chuckles.

I smirk.

"You two get going. I can watch the girls for you." She says.

My eyes widen, "Liz, it's your wedding day. Are you sure you want t-"

"Anything for the Jackson's.. Remember that, dear?" She grins.

I blush, "Honestly, thank you. You can keep your party. The girls are in Rose's room napping." I explain.

Elizabeth smiles widely, "Oh, how adorable.. You two better get going now! Go on!" She chuckles, gently pushing Michael and I to the door.

"The party shouldn't be lasting longer than two hours tops! Go on!" She smiles.

I grin, "Thank you again!" I say, opening the front door.

Michael weakly smiles, hugging Elizabeth gently. "Thank you.." I hear him whisper.

Elizabeth kisses Michae's cheek, "Of course, darling. Go on, get.." She smiles.

Michael smirks, rushing with me out the door.

Michael hops into the drivers seat.

I don't like it when Michael drives because he is such a faster driver. I won't even tell you how many dang speeding tickets he's gotten since 1988! Good Lord... I trust him that he'll get us there in one piece. 

Michael pulls out of the driveway, making sure he doesn't bump into anyone's car. 

I stare out the window, feeling my hands start to shake. My heart starts beating more.

iI can't believe it.. We're about to meet our new son, Adjo.. Well, iI'm about to meet him. Michael has met him before. He's also met Afia before, so all of this must be heartbreaking to him. He's lost Ryan to AIDS and now Afia to AIDS all within a year. I'm not sure how many more deaths he can take. 

I gently reach over and grab Michael's free hand. I hold onto his hand, squeezing it.

Michael glances over at me. 

"I-I'm sorry my hands are sweaty.. I-I-" I stop myself, not able to say my mind correctly.

Michael smirks, "It's okay, Mia. I know how you're feeling." He softly says.

I crack a smile, feeling his comfort warm my aching heart. 


Michael pulls up to the airport.

No cameras.. Gosh, are we going to get out of the car without being recognized? Shit! We're also in very formal clothes.. Dammit.. 

I look over at Michael nervously.

Michael frowns, "We've gotta rush in there. The airport has good security. We should be fine, Mia. I've parked where Adjo is going to be dropped off, let's just walk on in. Alright? Nobody should be attacking us in this area. I made sure that Adjo, and us, would be protected when picking him up." He sternly says.

I sigh loudly, "Thank God.." I breathe.

Michael smirks, "Come on." He says, opening his car door.

"Our son awaits." He smiles, getting out of his side.

He runs over to my side before I could even open the door.

Michael opens the passenger door for me.

I blush, "Thank you." I shyly say, stepping out of the car.

Michael grins, "You're welcome." He smiles, kissing my cheek.

Michael and I hold hands as we quickly walk inside the airport.

"He should be waiting where the luggage is all at." Michael softly says to me, pointing down the long, empty hall.

I lean over to him, "Michael, I don't think you were supposed to park where you did." I whisper.

Michael glances at me, "I think I can." He smirks.

I glare at him, "Babe, that's where you park when you're gonna pick someone up quickly.." I point out.

Michael smirks, "Oh, whatever." He mumbles.

I giggle.

Michael picks up the pace in his walking.

I breathe, "Michael, please slow down. I have shorter legs than you do. I can only walk so fast.." I frown.

Michael smirks at me, "I wanna see him. He's our son now." Michael eagerly says.

I smile, "I know you do, babe." I softly say.

Michael sighs, looking down at me as he stops walking.

I stop walking as well, furrowing my eyebrows as I stare at him. "What?" I smirk as he gives me a goofy look.

"You're right. You can't walk that fast with shorter legs." He says, glancing at my legs.

"You have some nice legs though.." He mumbles.

I clear my throat.

Michael snaps up at me. "I've got a solution." He grins.

My eyes widen, "Really? What could tha-" Michael picks me up.

I squeal, "Michael! I have a dress on!" I laugh.

Michael smiles widely, "No one is even here, Mia! Who cares!" He chuckles.

I gasp, "care, thank you very much! There are cameras everywhere! What if they look at my underwear?" I say.

Michael glances at me, "Then they're gonna have a piece of me.." He mumbles.

I blush, holding onto him. "Oh, come on! You call this fast walking!" I smirk.

Michael chuckles as he starts running, "Shut up.." He mumbles, smiling.

I giggle. This is so awkward yet so fun at the same time.

Jeez, look at us! Michael is carrying me, bridal style, down a huge airport and we're about thirty-three years old! What do normal thirty-three year old's do anyway? 'Cause I really got no clue! 

Michael stops running. "He's around gate A-5, right?" Michael asks me.

I nod, "Yeah." I'm pretty sure that's where he's at. 

Michael nods, running down the left hallway. 

I lean my head on his chest. Michael runs past a few people. Their eyes widen as they drop their bags, staring at Michael in awe.

I hope they didn't look up my dress.. 

"I could've parked closer." Michael breathes.

I giggle.

Michael runs down to the luggage. 

He breathes heavily, gently placing me down on my feet.

I frown, "Am I that heavy?" I quietly ask.

Michael stares at me, trying to catch his breath. "What?" He furrows his eyebrows.

I stare at him.

Michael shakes his head, "Of course not, Mia. I just haven't ran in a while... Which is surprising to me actually.." He smirks.

I frown, "Are you sure?" I shyly ask.

Michael glances at me. He pulls me closer to him, "Baby, you are far from heavy. You're the opposite. You're light. As light as can be." He smiles.

I blush, leaning up and kissing his lips.

Michael grins.

"Mr and Mrs Jackson?" A man says.

I gasp, quickly letting Michael go.

Michael's face turns red. "Yes?" He quietly asks.

The man smirks, "We have some paper work for you to fill out.. Only one of you can fill it out then Adjo is officially your child." He lowly says, pointing to an office towards the back.

I gulp, staring at Michael.

My eyes widen as I try to give him a sign. 'You go' I mouth.

Michael nods, "I'll sign the um.. papers.." He awkwardly says, raising his hand up.

The man smiles, "Follow me, Mr Jackson. Uh, Adjo!" The man calls for Adjo towards the back.

My eyes widen as I hold my hands together. I feel my heart pump as Adjo slowly walks out of the darkness.

Adjo sadly looks at the man. 

Wow.. He's a very skinny boy. Goodness.. He's bony but he has a little muscle on his arms. Barely anything on his legs. Oh wow.. 

He has a red shirt and some shorts on. Michael told me that he had rags on where he came from. Did they provide him clothes? 

"Come meet Mia Jackson." The man warmly smiles at him.

The man turns around, guiding Michael to the office.

I glance over at Michael. He turns his head as the man gently pushes him into the office.

I take a deep breath as Adjo approaches me.

He stares at me with big, black eyes. 

"H-Hello." I squeak.

"I'm-Um.. I'm Mia Jackson. I.." I gulp.

"I-I'm going to be your mother." I crack a smile. 

Adjo stares into my eyes, not saying a word.

I bite my lip as I kneel down in front of him. 

I gently hold onto his bony arms. 

I sigh. 

"Listen Adjo... I know this is hard on you. I know that all of this is happening so quickly but I promise you-" I look him in the eyes.

"You're going to be just fine here." I softly say.

Adjo continues to stare at me.

I frown. "It's going to take time for you to heal and adjust.. I'm not expecting you to call Michael and I your mom and dad because I know you're thinking blood wide, we're not. That's true, but we're going to love you like our own. You're apart of our family now and we're going to provide you with everything you want and need." I weakly smile. 

Adjo slowly nods. 

"If you ever need to talk to anybody, I'll be there. Alright?" I softly tell him.

Adjo nods. 

I frown. 

"You know, you're going to be living in Neverland now." I smile.

"There are so many rides and games to do there. You have two more sisters now, April and Rose.. I think you met Rose before, yeah?" I grin.

Adjo nods. 

I frown, clearing my throat.

"Um.." I bite my lip, looking around. 

"Adjo-" I look back at him.

He stares at me with big, watery eyes.

I frown. 

"You're sister is in a better place, honey.." I gently tell him, holding onto his hands.

Adjo gulps. 

"She's looking over you. She never left, you know.. Afia is with God in heaven and he's going to take great care of her." My voice cracks as I feel a lump in my throat.

I gently caress his face.

Adjo frowns. 

"She loves you, alright? Don't you ever forget that." I sniffle.

Adjo slowly nods. 

"I love you as well." I softly say.

Adjo stares at me. 

His lip starts to quiver as his eyes become more watery.

I frown. "It's okay to cry, Adjo. Come here." I whisper, opening my arms widely.

Adjo whimpers as he suddenly hugs me tightly. 

He lets out a loud cry. I feel his shoulders move up and down with whimpers. 

I rub his back. "I know, baby.. I know.. Let it all out, honey.." I coo, feeling a few tears escape from my eyes.

Adjo holds onto me tightly as he weeps loudly. 

"Baby..." I whisper, rubbing his back for comfort.

I hear the office door open again.

I look over as Michael and the man shake hands.

Michael looks over at me as he starts walking.

He stops as he notices Adjo crying. 

"Adjo, we're going to go home now. Okay?" I softly tell him.

Adjo nods, letting go of me.

He wipes his eyes.

I frown. I wish I could just carry him.. 

I slowly stand up. "Do you wanna hold my hand?" I softly ask him.

Adjo frowns, nodding as he holds onto my hand.

Michael walks beside me. 

He opens his mouth to say something.

I place my hand out, stopping him. 

I lean closer to him, "I think he just wants some peace for a while, Michael." I whisper in his ear.

Michael nods, glancing at the boy.

I look down at Adjo as well.

It breaks my heart to see a child this way. The sound of a grieving cry is the worst cry I've ever heard. It's so raw and it hits your heart. I've never lost my sister but I've lost people in my life before. Everyone has and it's the worst thing in the world.. Especially when you're close to them. 

I squeeze Adjo's hand for comfort.

Adjo looks up at me with hopeful eyes. 

He sniffles, "Y-You look like h-her.." He softly says, staring back down to the ground.

My eyes widen, feeling Adjo's slim body lean against mine slightly. 

"You look a lot like her." He mumbles.

I frown. Maybe we're more a like than I expected. 

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