Toxic Merman (JonDami Fic)

By CyrusLiam2

71.8K 2.8K 495

A Journey Back Home - Damian Wayne The sequel of If Only 💐 A horrifying natural disaster struck Metropolis... More

Little Birds History
Rapunzel? Jonzel?
Taste of the World
Is this the End?
Go Home Sweetie
Zayka Dept
Is This How You Felt?
The Bat and Superboy
This Is Nice
The Transformation
Siren Damian
A Tragedy
My New Home
Good Night
Iruka, The Dolphin
Burning Torture
Boy of Steel and a Raven
Ryn and Donna
Friends and Family
Mariana Trench
To Our Little Diamond, Bruce
Mission Accomplished
Adults Talking
The Indian Ocean
Family Feast
You're Perfect
Under the Same Moon
Enjoying the Perks
A Dolphins Wish
The Journal of a Robin
Knowing the New Me
Mysterious Song
What a Day
Knowing Myself Again
3 Weeks Later
One with my Tail
Too Sad To Cry
A Dolphins Cry
The Mothers Hatred
Zayka's Revenge
Mourn of a Prince
I'm Saved
Welcome to Atlantis
The Echo Globe
Discovering a Hidden Truth
Make Peace
We're Too Late
Burial Tranquility
Revenge or Forgiveness?
Goodbye, Siren Damian
Welcome Back, Damian
A Chance
Mission Succesful
The Selection
The Result
A Beautiful Reunion
Farewell, Iruka
All's Well that Ends Well
A Warning
The End

The Transformation Plan

629 22 4
By CyrusLiam2

Watch Tower
Time - -

              At the Watch Tower, Batman, Raven, Zatanna, Havania, Talia, and Aquaman host a private meeting in the Justice League meeting Hall located on the south side of the tower. The room is dedicated mostly for the main league members but somehow, Batman manages to get approval for allowing none Justice League and regular members to enter.
              "What's the plan?" Raven ask.
              "Mera is currently finding Robin as we speak, and when she does, she will contact us, and that's when we will leave the tower and meet them," Aquaman said. "
              "Okay? So what if she doesn't find him today?" Raven questioned the King.
              "That won't happen because she has discovered new traces of where he is." He said. "But, in case if she doesn't, then we will wait for her."
              "Honestly, you people live in the sea and you can't even search a newby teenager with fins." Talia crosses her arms with a grudge. "Useless."
              "Talia, please." Batman tries to calm her down.
              "The sea is a whole other world, bigger and stronger than land," Aquaman said. "It isn't as easy as it looks... both to humans or Atlantians."
              "If you think it's that easy, get your pathetic life into the sea and search for him yourself."
              "You fool!" Talia got up, preparing to pull her sword out.
              "Okay...... Please, let's not start a fight." Havania calms the king and leader of the assassins. "We're here to help bring Damian home, not declare war between two rulers."
              "She's right," Batman said. "I suggest to put your immature nonsense aside and focus on the mission."
              The room went silent for a while when the Dark Knight spoke up. The King of Atlantis stares at Talia with anger in his eyes but soon looked away.
              He then got up and walked over to the middle of the room. He used his trident to form a magical diagram to help demonstrate the plan for saving the son of Batman.
              "Arthur, I heard stories that mermaids can shapeshift into human form anytime they please," Bruce asked. "Why couldn't Robin just change back? Why do we have to go through such a complicated process?
              Aquaman clenched his fist that was holding the trident because of a flashback that invaded his mind.
              "Human-kind stories of these creatures are very stereotypical... and extremely absurd. It's not all happy fairytales with easy magic transformation." Arthur said angrily. "
              "Besides, Robin is a Siren, not a merman. The term merman is used to generally describe these creatures because Sirens are lesser-known species on land and sea."
              "Forgive me, for my assumptions." Batman apologize. "Please, continue."
              "Sirens are the strongest mer-species in the ocean... but they rely on strength, skills, and one special ability which is their song." The king used his trident to bring a hologram of a siren. "Other than their normal abilities such as night vision, speed, and vicious acts, their songs are the main weapon for killing and healing."
              "In Robin's case, he's a hybrid, he's born a human, changed into a siren. He's not a pure breed which means, his song doesn't have a good purpose."
              "What happens if we hear his song?" Zatanna asks.
              "It depends on how he sings it. If he sings it with the wrong emotions in his heart, the results to the person could be quite deadly." He removes the holographic siren.
              "Okay then... Let's hope he keeps his mouth shut while we're helping him." Zatanna said as she waves her wand in the air. "Maybe a silencing spell outta do the trick."
              "Now, as you all know, Mera and I do not know for sure if this method of helping him will surely work, but it's worth trying because Robin isn't the only siren who needs saving. If this works, we can save the others as well." The king said as he walks over to a table where two small tubes sit. He picks it up and returns to his previous position. "Now, Bruce and Talia, this is your blood. I'll use my trident to combine them for the spell we're going to need later on."
              "Why do you need the blood for?" Talia asks.
              "The blood is going to help replace his Siren blood ones he gets his legs back because, during the transformation, he's going to lose a lot of it. "
              "I assume the transformation is very painful?" Batman asks with concern in his voice.
              "Indeed, ver painful." The king assured. "The surface will be covered in his blood but rest assured, he will be just fine after replacing his blood with yours into his system."
              "How is one syringe full enough to replace the amount of blood he is going to lose?" Talia ask. "Don't you need like a couple or more pint of blood?"
              "No, the trident's power will help increase the blood dosage." He said. "Besides, it's not advisable to give up more than a pint of blood on the same day. It's a risky move to your own health."
              "Fair point." She said as she leans back onto her seat.
              "Now, when Robin reaches the surface, Raven will be the first to use her powers on him. Her powers represent the dark side in a human." Aquaman said. "While Raven casts her spell, Zatanna will be next. Her magic represents the light in a human."
              "And lastly, Havania, the magic of uniqueness.  Robin is a Siren, in other words, he's a unique being... which means, it takes another unique being to undo it."
              "Once the process is complete, Robin will start to change back into his human form... and that's where I'll come in."
              "Pardon me my king, but how will we know that his process has been completed?" Havania asks. "Will there be a signal for us to stop using our powers or?"
              "You'll know when the time comes." He said. "Robin will give you the sign."
              "Anymore doubts on the mission?"
              Each member looked at each with mixed feelings in their eyes. Raven had faith that this mission will be a success. However, not everyone in the room agrees with her, especially the mother of Damian Wayne. The alien princess along with the mistress of magic is willing to help in any way that they can. Bruce is determined to do the same... because it's his son and he doesn't want to give up on him.
              Aquaman gave them a minute to confirm if their doubts are cleared.
              "May I ask, what happens if the spell is used in a reversed form?" Raven asks.
              "Fortunately, it won't work." He replied. "The spell is irreversible... unless, the masters of the magic sources offer themselves."
              "The reason I chose the three of you is because your powers are unique which means, no one can do what you can... regardless if they're good or bad. Which also means, no one can redo this spell without the three of you."
              "I have given it a thought that creating a new spell could be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. So with proper planning and observing of the league and none league magicians -- and with Batman's help of course-- I found the three of you would do just fine."
              The three magicians exchanged looks among each other and realized what the kind said makes absolute sense.
              "Make sense," Zatanna said. "Boy, I didn't know I had a unique power."
              "Don't underestimate yourself." He said to her. "You're stronger than you realize, Zatanna."
              "Aren't you a real charmer." She smirks. "But thanks."
              Once again, the room went silent for a bit. Aquaman gave everyone another minute to see if their doubts are cleared... to which it is. Everyone is ready to do their parts.
              "Okay, now, we shall wait for Mera to contact us," Aquaman said as he turns off his trident powers and heads back to his seat.
              Bruce set a signal on the computers for any incoming calls. So far, no one is on the line.
              "When she does, we shall leave to her whereabout."

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