Haikyuu! Omegaverse

By BellazT009

396K 11.4K 10.2K

Just your average Omegaverse, but for Haikyuu! Hinata- Omega Kageyama- Alpha Daichi- Alpha Sugawara- Omega Ya... More

Stuck in School
A "Talk"
Tanaka (being StuPid)
(Healthy question)
Heat (continued😉)
Oh no.
Too Late
Competition 2
1k WhO??
Wake up
Competition 3
Deep Thoughts
Once more- a question.
Split Decsion (not an update)
Comversation part 1
Conversation part 2
10k whOoo????
Together Again
The Awaited Chapter
New Story
The End
Uno reverse no end
Untitled Part 47
Untitled Part 48
Untitled Part 49
Untitled Part 50
Untitled Part 51
Untitled Part 52
Untitled Part 53
Final Grade

What Have I Done

5.2K 192 279
By BellazT009

AHsjdnNdnnx - that was created by my lovely cat scratching me before I typed this message. But holy macaroni sticks ~9k~! Oki but also, I was doing this pole at one point and if you happen to know who Jumin Han is it would enlighten me to how many supporters this gOd of a "human" has. Lol idk it's late where I am I do be tired.
He looked up a bit, to try and see what Hinata was doing until he caught a whiff of a terrible smell.

The same smell as the Alpha that had attacked Hinata, meaning that Hinata was in a wave of heat once again.

He could hear slight whimpers and realized that Hinata was in pain.

Yamaguchi thoughts:
Did it really hurt that bad for a pheromone to come out of your scent gland after it's been marked? Or did it hurt because the Alpha had bit him too hard? Or was it because his heat was forcing pheromones out of his scent gland making it hurt?
End Recap

Yamaguchi was still sitting up a bit so that he could figure out what was really making Hinata hurt so that maybe he could go and help in a way, when Tsukishima aGgresivly pulled him back down.

"Ow- Tsuki!" Yamaguchi whispered as not to wake anyone up, before a large hand was placed over his mouth making him quiet.

"Mrph-" Yamaguchi tried to talk, but Tsukishima has covered his mouth.

"Shut. Up. The same people who were with Hinata last time are here I think." Tsukishima whispered, gripping onto Yamaguchi's side with his other hand.

Tsukishima thoughts:
If Yamaguchi gets taken by those idiots because he was looking out for Hinata I'm gonna kill Kageyama.

Yamaguchi was quiet, but now he was scared. If those same people who were with Hinata were here now, then shouldn't someone go help Hinata?!

He couldn't get up though, as he remembered the terrible state that Sugawara had described to him that Hinata was in. One that was chilling to think about, especially if he had even less of a chance of fending for himself than Hinata did.

He was silent, and gripped onto Tsukishima, making Tsukishima sigh with relief.

He was glad that Yamaguchi wasn't stupid enough to get up and try to fight them off himself.

Hinata was in pain. Not as much pain as when Alan aNd hUs cRew marked him before, but still pain.

He whimpered as a familiar (sadly) scent filled his nose, making him cower closer to the door so that he was more hidden.

Sugawara could smell something- he assumed he was just having some sort of nightmare, but the smell got closer.

He opened his eyes to see three very tall boys standing over him and Daichi, just staring at them.

"Wh-what how did you-" Sugawara couldn't say anything as his mouth was covered and a blade got very close to his throat.

Sugawara's eyes widened, as he went still. He heard Daichi shuffle a bit, but he was still asleep.

"Come on pretty boy~ let's not do anything stupid... alright?" One of the shorter (but still tall) boys said.

(I really don't want to spend the effort of going to the other chapter and seeing what the GARBANZO BEANS OF PEAOPLE's names are, so we sticking with Alan, but this one will be Ethan...? I think that's right.... and then the other one will be like..... Sam..... yeah sure)

Sugawara didn't move, his whole body was frozen.

What was happening? Why was this happening? Why him? Is this some sort of joke? Is everyone else okay? Is he the only one being targeted?

Sugawara prayed that he was the only one, and that Hinata was okay.

"Why don't you just stand up real quick?" Ethan whispered, putting the blade against Sugawara's throat.

Sugawara flinched at that, making Daichi flinch a bit too, and grumble something before opening his eyes slightly.

"Suga?" He said confused, as he looked up to see Sugawara sitting up with a knife at his throat.

His eyes widened as he swatted it away from underneath him, and sat up so that he was in front of Sugawara.

"What is going on?" Daichi said sternly as he stood up, almost matching height with the three, but not quite there yet.

Tanaka woke up slowly, as Daichi had been rather loud.

"Captain?" Tanaka asked groggily, before the doors of the gym opened and Kageyama came in, panicked.

"Hinata!" He quietly yelled as he ran over to him and sat by him.

(The rest of the team are heavy sleepers k?)

Hinata was sweating a lot at this point, and he was definitely hurting. Kageyama picked him up slowly and walk/ran out of the gym (we will get back to them).

Daichi was staring evily at Ethan who had the blade to Sugawara's throat. He growled before stepping forward and punching him.

"Wait Daichi dont-" Sugawara yelled, not wanting to start a fight right where everyone was sleeping, and while a bunch a children could wake up any second and watch.

Tanaka ran over and punched at the air, as it was still very dark. He didn't hit anything, but Sugawara grabbed his ankle down so that he couldn't hit anymore.

"Hey what was that for?! I'm trying to help you!" Tanaka screamed, before Sugawara shushed him.

"We arnt here to fight anyone." Ethan said, rubbing his jaw that had been punched and stepping back.

"We just came for some payback that's all" Alan said, growling a bit.

"For what? We didn't do anything to you" Daichi said calmly but fiercely.

"You didn't, but he did" Alan said, turning and pointing at Ennoshita who was sleeping on a mat peacefully.

Tanaka got up and walked over to Ennoshita's sleeping body, and stood in front of it protectively.

"Don't even think about touching him." Tanaka said menacingly.

"O I wasn't. I've already done plenty of that~" Alan said with a terrible smile.

"We just wanted to take something from him like he did to me. Nothing more"

Daichi was heavily confused, but all he knew was that they were threatening to "take" Sugawara, and that wasn't happening. He also knew that they had something against Ennoshita, so he marked them as bad people for now, and started walking towards Alan to punch him.

Sugawara grabbed his ankle, "no... that's not going to solve anything. Can we just talk...?" He pleaded.

Alan smirked, "awww I can see why you wanted that one, he's seems like such a mediator" Alan said, gesturing to Ethan "picking" to "take" Sugawara out of all them to get back at Ennoshita.

"That's it" Daichi said as he started walking again to punch Alan.

Sugawara didn't stop him this time, instead he turned to see if Hinata was still there, but ended up making eye contact with Yamaguchi who was terrified, and his mouth was being covered by Tsukishima.

The look on Yamaguchi's face made Sugawara visibly flinch.

He stood up and walked over to them, ready to attempt to comfort them.

"Hey it's okay, just don't look over there okay? Daichi is gonna take care of it. And Tsukishima your killing him. Let go" Sugawara said, laughing a bit at the last two sentences.

Yamaguchi looked a bit less freaked out, but as they all heard a thud they quickly turned and were shocked to see Daichi on the ground with Ethan laying knocked out across from him.

By the looks of it, Daichi had fallen after taking out Ethan, making Alan walk over to him smugly flipping the blade out again.

"Won't this be funny Chikara? Maybe I can put the same mark in him that you did in me." Alan said as he turned and made eye contact with Ennoshita who was now awake and standing up, with Tanaka next to him.

"W-wait. Alan. Stop, please" Ennoshita said, walking towards Alan, making him flip the blade in and turn to face Ennoshita completely.

"Oh? What's this? A change of heart?" Alan said as he walked towards Ennoshita.

Tanaka moved so that he was in front of him, "I think you need to back up"

Asahi was awake now as well, and so was Nishinoya.

Asahi was next to Alan on the other side of him, looking even more terrifying as Daichi.

"Yeah." Asahi said, agreeing with Tanaka.

Alan made a "tch" sound, as he backed up a bit.

He looked behind Ennoshita and smirked when he saw Sam holding Yamaguchi in a choke hold, with a blade right up to his neck and Tsukishima not moving any closer then he already was because he didn't want Yamaguchi to get freaking murdered by the knife.

"Well I'll be waiting for your return to me, Chikara." Alan said, as Tanaka, Asahi, and Ennoshita were confused why he just left so suddenly.

"Yamaguchi!" Everyone in the room turned and looked at Yamaguchi who was being dragged out after being knocked unconscious.

Tsukishima's face was scrunched up, and he had been the one to tell Yamaguchi, as he just stood there not being able to do anything.

Once Alan and Sam left, Tsukishima collapsed to the floor.

Sugawara ran over to him, and Nishinoya and Asahi went to go look for the boys- but they had already turned a corner.

"Damn it. I was right there- he was right there- I could of!" Tsukishima had his hands balled up in fists.

"No. If you had Yamaguchi would be hurt right now, you did all that you could Tsukishima." Sugawara said.

"Damn it!" Tanaka screamed.

Ennoshita collapsed to the floor, "what have I done".

Roses are red,
Cactus are prickly,
Violets are blue,
That escalated quickly.

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