Ready to run

By vivschreibt

57.8K 3.3K 2K

[COMPLETED] "Please, don't go, Magnus." Alec said imploringly as a tear ran down his cheek. "I need you." he... More

Officer Bane
Mr. Beautiful
It's always drama
As if the butterflies were going crazy
I missed you, you know?
You had me at Sushi
Maybe I'm just paranoid.
He doesn't deserve you.
I don't need your protection.
I am Nick and you are?
You are not the solution for everything
Mortal east side.
Maybe I should get to know her.
We are called Shadowhunters.
Off to New York, baby.
More for me!
Pure luxury.
Awh, is he a newbie?
Good night, Magnus.
Maybe you let Magnus decide.
Do you still care about me?
I have tea for you.
Leave me alone!
Oh, a girl. How cute.
Because you love him, sweetheart.
That's what I like about you.
I know it hurts, but it's over.
You are incredible, Magnus.
Be honest with me!
What are you thinking about?
You think I'm handsome?
I'll be fine.
Where is he?
Magnus, stay awake.
I always cared about you.
He is now in a coma.
Eat your sandwich
I'll tell Elliott.
She left someday.
Hello, dad.
I am engaged.
You two deserve each other.
I'm sorry I wasn't there.
I want to kiss you, just me.
You don't have to.
You are beautiful, you know that?
God, you're so selfish.
Please, don't go.
Let him go.
I'm the better man!
I want to feel again.
I'll stay with you.
I forgive you, Alexander.
I don't want to hurt him.
I'm going to wait for you.
You always underestimate us.
Better my death than his.
I was losing my mind.
I love you.
Don't forget me, okay?

You'll come back to me.

620 38 20
By vivschreibt

Good Morning! There aren't a lot of chapters left. I hope you're all doing fine! 🧚🏻‍♀️

Magnus POV

It wasn't far. We would soon be at the hotel. I was nervous, very nervous. I wasn't actually that nervous before, but the closer we got to it, I noticed that going in alone was pretty stressful.

I sat next to Alec and stared out the window. Blake and Elliott were in the front. We didn't say a word because I think we were all nervous. I was not only worried about myself, but also about Alec and the others. What if there will be problems?

I winced when I felt something on my hand. I looked down and saw that it was Alec who was holding it. He smiled a little at me. He must have noticed that I was nervous. He stroked the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Is everything okay?" he asked. I nodded. "I'm worried too." he said. He knew me. He knew what I was feeling without actually saying it.

"So much can go wrong." I stated. Alec sighed. "But we stay positive. Everything will be fine." I added. He nodded and smiled.

I often went through the scenarios in my head what could go wrong. What if I don't get out of the building in time? They would kill me. They wouldn't hesitate for a second and everything would be over. What if Liam was stronger than Blake and Alec? What if he has more guards? They would kill Blake and Alec too.

Elliott was actually pretty safe, luckily. So at least not everyone was in danger. I was sure that Celine would have everything under control. I trusted her. Suddenly we stopped. I looked around. There was nothing here. Not a hotel. I looked at Elliott, who turned to me.

"I'll let you out here. You just have to go around the corner." said Elliott. We nodded and unbuckled. "Take care, I want you all to come back unharmed and alive." said Elliott. I hoped so.

We got out and Elliott drove away. After all, he had to get himself into his position. I went next to Alexander. Together we made our way to the hotel. We stopped when we saw it from the distance. Alexander turned to me.

"Listen to me, you come back to me, you hear me?" he said and put his hands on my cheeks. "Nothing will happen to you. Promise me that." he asked me. I smiled at him.

"Why wouldn't I? Look what I have waiting for me." I said and he smiled a little. „I promise." I added. He nodded and he pulled me into his arms. At that moment I felt safe. In the arms of the man I loved. I knew that nothing could happen to me in his arms, never. He was my safe haven.

He let go of me. We looked into each other's eyes one last time until he turned. He had to take the back entrance, but I had to be conspicuous. I took a deep breath, turned on my mic and headed for the entrance. My heart was racing.

"Okay, Mags. You can do it." I heard Celine say. Well, that worked at least.

From a distance, I saw people standing at the entrance. Why was it guarded like that? I knew they were protecting Liam, but that's all exaggerated. I approached and I felt the looks of the gang members. I went to the door but two men stood in front of me. Show time.

"And where do you think you are going?" asked one of the two. I cleared my throat. I just had to swallow my nervousness to appear serious. I already felt so stupid. I mean, who's trying to convince a gang to leave?

"I'd like to talk to you." I explained. They both grinned. "Not with your leader or anything, just with the gang members." I admitted. They seemed to question that very much.

"And why should we let that happen?" he asked. I smiled and picked up my cell phone. Celine had already sent the hostage pictures. It looked pretty real. I showed them and they exchanged a few looks.

"Because my people have your leader's beloved brothers. They won't hurt them unless you hurt me." I said. "Let me in, I'll explain everything to you." I said. They looked at each other skeptically, then opened the big door. We already had step one.

I entered a huge hall with lots of people inside. There were really a lot of people. I knew that the whole gang was spread all over the cities, but I'm still surprised that there were so many. The eyes fell on me and it became quiet. Okay, let's go.

"What is he doing here?" someone asked from the crowd. The two guys who stood at the entrance now stood behind me.

"He has something to tell you." said one of the two. "And we will listen to him because he has Liam's brothers hostage." he let the others know. I saw evil looks.

"But nothing will happen to them unless you hurt me." I explained. "I mean no harm." I let the others know. I heard a murmur that went through the crowds.

"And why should we believe you?" someone asked. Celine knew this would happen. They think we're bluffing. She's a genius. I picked up my cell phone again and called Celine by video call. I held the cell phone to the crowd so that they could see it well.

As soon as Celine answered the cell phone, you could see Thomas, Matt, Jonas and Casper. They were tied up and seemed very exhausted. Wow, that was really good acting.

"This is a video call. This is what is happening right now." I said and hung up again. "But they're fine." I said.

"Say what you have to say." one of the many replied now. That worked out perfectly. Okay, how would I start? "You probably know my gang." I said.

"We can smell Shadowhunter's blood from afar." said one in the crowd. His face seemed familiar to me. Maybe I had seen him on the street before. "What do you want?" he asked. I cleared my throat again.

"I want to ask you to leave the gang." I suggested. There was loud laughter. Yes, I probably would have laughed too, but that was my job. I can't help it.

"You're funny." said one of the crowd. "Where's your clown nose?" he asked. Funny, I thought. I stayed serious.

"You know, we don't want a fight." I said. "We want to give you the opportunity to just stop. Let Liam fall. Live your life sensibly. Find a job, get a family, build a house. Live your life." I told them. I felt like a teacher telling kids to make the best out of their life's. Did I listen back then? No, actually not.

"Are you really that stupid?" someone asked. "They send you here alone to ask us to let Liam down? Do you think we would actually do that?" he asked. No, of course we didn't think that. We aren't dumb.

"I already thought you would say that." I meant. "That's why I brought a few advantages and disadvantages." I said and packed a note. Okay, and now I made a fool of myself, but that's how it had to be. It's all part of the plan.

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