ForeverLand: Season 1

By Odellaa

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"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE ALONE AND UNLOVED, PETER PAN" she spat with hate. "Soon I will grow up & I won't have to... More

Fate Of Infinity
Corrupted By My Demise
The Devil's Puppet
Soldier Without A Home
Escaping The Past
Pained By The Land
Alive in Stories
Denied Truths
Men of The Land
Humans of The Land
Saved By My Murderer
The Lost, Lost Boy
Fatal In Regret
Going To Eternity
My Perfect Criminal
Dears Of My Fascination
Caution Of The Depth
Broken Hearts And Broken Bones
Lonely In The Jungle
House Of Tomorrow
It's A Wonderful World
With Every Move
Fancy A Cup Of Tea Or The Truth?
Denying Facts
Return Of Home
Footsteps In The Forest
Revealing And Releasing
Changing The North
Accidents Of Eternity
Fade Into The Demons
Double Life
Lost And Found
Halloween Special: Part 1
Halloween Special: Part 2
Helpless In History
Mistake Of Dawn
Episode 40: Dripping Lives
Episode 41: Aching For Saving
Episode 43: Pleasant Turn
Christmas Special: Part 1
Christmas Special: Part 2
Episode 44: Secret Behind Holiday's Past
Episode 45: Whispers Of Desire
Episode 46: Sharp Turn
Episode 47: Slice and Dice
Episode 48: Till Next Time
Episode 49: Stranger Danger
Episode 50: Lost Behind Me
Episode 51: Old In My Dreams
Episode 52: Humans of The Forest
Episode 53: Accidents Of Power
Episode 54: Companion Of Misery
Episode 55: Accidents With Debt
Episode 56: Crave The Cave
Episode 57: Hurting The Past
Episode 58 : Destruction Of Desire
Episode 59: Aching For The Night
Episode 60: Insanity In The South
Episode 61: Boys Of Reality
Foreverland Special: Peter Before Pan
Foreverland Special: Clara Who?
Episode 62: Binding To Nightmares
Episode 63: Rescue From The Demons
Episode 64: Thieves In My Head
Episode 65: Blinded By The Darkness
Episode 66: My Salvation
Episode 67: Rotten in The Lagoon
Episode 68: Rebirth of Nature
Episode 69: Burned to The Ground
Amazed By My Home
Dance of Temptations
Determination of Yearning
Accepting The Shadows

Episode 42: Phase One

495 22 4
By Odellaa

{At the temple there is a poem called "Loss" carved into the stone. It has three words, but the poet has scratched them out. You cannot read loss, only feel it- Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha}


Author's note:

The trailer is going to take a while guys. I am sorry :( my laptop is completely shattered so I have to restart all over again! But it won't be anytime soon, after the exams (this week) I will hopefully buy a new laptop and I will work on the trailer the minute I get it. Just be patient.

For now I will be focusing on the Christmas special. I still don't have an idea on what to add in the special, it's kind of hard to combine a holiday on earth to a world that doesn't celebrate it BUT don't worry, I will definitely figure something out. There's still enough time :D

Just like the Halloween special, I want you guys to comment ideas/scenes/characters/twists, anything that you want to see in the story. I will try my best to add all the suggestions and give shoutouts to each one of you. Some already suggested and I think your ideas are great. The Halloween special was a bomb to all, let's make the Christmas one the same ;)

Okay so that is it. Read this chapter. Comment what you think of it, it might be boring to some but trust me it's just an intro to something big...let's say a twist maybe?

Now read the chapter



Love you





-Months without Clara

-I promise you Clara, as long as I live, you will never hurt

-We can take her away, That way she won't get hurt

-Clara must know nothing

-Tell them to prepare for war



What was that? Who was that? That scream...Clara! I quickly teleported to her room finding her moving like a maniac.


I ran up to her bed but quickly backed away. Clara was waving her hands around like a maniac and her legs were kicking around like a million footballs were being thrown at her. If I get close I will probably break my bones. Her body was shaking as if she has been thrown into a tub filled with ice.


Her eyes were shut which could only mean she's still sleeping. But then why is she screaming? Nightmare.



Screw getting hurt, I tried grabbing her hands to calm her down but she just punched me in the face, causing my nose to bleed.


I quickly got on the bed and sat above Clara, making my thighs hold her legs steady. I tried grabbing her hands but they were moving around way too fast.


She wouldn't awake. She must be in deep sleep. Can a nightmare make you scream this muc-holy shoot. It must be it. It has to. It must be the nightmare, the nightmare she always gets.

I managed to take hold of her hands and I crossed them above her chest. Her head was moving left and right as if she were having a seizure. In a matter of seconds her entire body started moving left and right once more, trying to escape my grip. As if she knew I was holding her down, but that couldn't possibly be the case, she's asleep.

reclinavit caput ad requiem tuam

She stopped moving and thank god she has calmed down. Her eyes were still closed. How did she sleep through all of that? I took in a deep breath and I released it with a sigh. I took a legit 5 minutes to look at Clara who was asleep so peacefully. Oh god, I am tired and I just had to wrestle a crazy female. I need to rest.

I let go off Clara's hands and got off her. I laid on the bed next to her hearing nothing but her steady breaths. I waved my glowing hand above my nose causing the blood to vanish.

God Clara she has been through so much. Nightmares are just making everything worse. I just wish she could rest. If she's not sleeping, she's fainting. If she's sleeping, she's having a nightmare. This isn't making any sense.

Man her scream. It pierced through me like a dagger in my heart. The second I heard it a million negative thoughts ran through my head.


He could have gotten to her. He could have stabbed her in the heart or cracked her neck. He could have killed a lost boy and showed her the horror. Man the look on her face would be unbelievable. Thank god it's not him Or else he would have died today. The most important thing is Clara is okay, no harm done...but why do I feel like something horrid will happen soon?

----------Next Morning------

Clara's POV:

Hmmm. That was probably the most sleep I ever had in my entire life. I know I should get up but I just want to stay here. It's so cozy. Just 5 more minutes.

The blanket was covering my body till my chest, the sun was warm on my skin, and the pillow I am sleeping on is just too cozy. It's so fluffy and-wait, why isn't the pillow fluffy? It should be fluffy. And since when do pillows have abs? I opened my eyes and I noticed my head was on someone's chest. My eyes balled out and I quickly shot up away from whoever it was. Before thinking properly, I pushed him off causing him to fall of the bed.


Shoot. It was Peter. "What was that for?" He shot up with his morning voice as he sat on the wooden floor rubbing the back of his head. His eyes were barely opened and I knew it's because the sun was too bright in the room.

"I am-*gulp* I am sorry" I said as I placed my hand on my chest feeling every single beating heartbeat. "I....didn't...mean to" I said through my heavy breaths.

"You're aggressive" Pan said through a chuckle. "I am really sorry" I said once more as I took in a deep breath. "Why were you on my bed-" that's when I imagined the worst "d-did something happened?" I asked hoping the last thing on my mind did not happen.

"Like what?" Pan asked.

Oh good. That means nothing happened. "Why were you on my bed?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well...someone had a nightmare yesterday" Pan said as he got off the floor and sat on the edge of the bed "and the only way to keep you steady was to hold you down" he continued.

"How did you know I had a nightmar-Was I screaming?" I asked. Pan looked at me and nodded as he bit on his bottom lip.

"Sorry" I said as I started cracking my knuckles. Pan must have noticed my nervous tension because I noticed he moved a little closer towards me. Now I was the one biting my lip. I was too nervous.

"What was it about?" He asked gently.

"What do you think?" I said as I rubbed my forehead.

"So it was the same ha?" Pan sighed looking at the covers.

"The shadow, the forest, Neverland, exactly the same" I said worried. I don't get it. How can someone have the same nightmare over and over again? It's exactly the same. Same setting, incidents, people. I know this isn't just a dream, it must mean something.

I looked at Pan who had a worried look on his face. I noticed his hands were grabbing the covers, squishing them in his palms.


He didn't answer. He was looking at the covers as if he were about to rip them apart. He had that death look in his eyes. As if he were about to kill someone.

"Pan?" I said gently as I placed my hand over his. I noticed at my touch he was back to his senses. His hands rested and unsuffocated the covers. He looked at me as if nothing had happened. He moved his hand away and he got off the bed. He stood with his hands fisted and I noticed his unsteady heavy breaths. What was going on with him?

"I am going to talk to Felix, see what we are going to do with Ronnie's body" he said as he turned around and left the room closing the door behind him.


My heart was filled with misery once more. I forgot. I forgot about Ronnie. How could that have happened? The nightmare was such a worry, such a distraction! I forgot everything.

Ronnie's body

I cannot believe what's left of Ronnie is a body. His precious soul is gone. Ronnie is gone. I miss him. I need him. I need Ronnie-NO CLARA, stop. I cannot cry anymore. Tears won't bring him back.

But they will make you feel better

No! I just can't! I just can't keep on crying. He's gone and I need to accept that. I know it's difficult but I have to. I just do. Maybe a hot shower will keep my mind of it. I doubt that but...I don't care. I just have to. I need to try anything.


Peter's POV:

"More arm work boys!"

"Left and right, left and right, excellent"

"Make sure that arrow hits the target right in the center"

"You three, run 5 times around the island"

"Stab that sack right in the center"

I have been training the boys like never before. No one will sleep today unless he is sweating the life out of his body. They must be extra prepared for the war coming up. They must be in perfect shape. I need all the muscle I could get. I am also sending my shadow to a quick trip to other lands, to bring extra lost boys. This is it, we are building an army.

"Felix, bring more dreamshade, lots!" I ordered Felix. He gave me a nod and vanished into the forest.

"You, build more arrows and make sure the tip is extra sharp" I ordered Adam

"You're on training duty. Make sure the new lost boys are ready for this" I ordered Philip

"Yes Pan" he said as he walked away.

"What about these?" A lost boy who was holding a bunch of broken stems asked.

"Carve them into arrows; don't leave a single piece out"

"Yes sir" he turned around and walked away

"I need everyone in tip-top shape, we need the pirates to bleed" I said to everyone as I stood in the middle of the camp, crossing my arms.

"What's going on here?"

I turned around and it was Clara. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. "A-ah nothing" I said. She cannot know we are preparing for war! It will ruin the whole plan of sending Clara away, of keeping her safe.


"We are just training, incase Hook comes back" I interrupted

"B-but he won't, right?" Clara asked worried. She had a scared look on her face.

"He won't, he won't get close to you as long as I am here" I smiled. Clara smiled back at me and she turned around ready to walk away but I stopped her by pulling her hand and twisting her around.

"I-I think you need to take a little break" I said

"Break? What do you mean?"

"You have gone through so much; don't you think you need something to take your mind away?"

"Like what?" She asked confused

"Hey Clara!" Someone said. Both Clara and I turned around to find Tiger lily approaching us. She took Clara in for a hug and she gave me a death glare when Clara wasn't looking.



"What are you doing here?" Clara asked confused

"Umm well Pan told me everything that you have been through" Tiger lily said. Clara turned around and looked at me furrowing her eyebrows. "Did he now?"

"Yes" Tiger lily said. "I am so sorry for your lose" she continued.

"Thank you" Clara managed to release a smile. I knew it was fake.

"I was thinking you should come to the south side for a couple of days, get your mind of things" Tiger Lily smiled at Clara

"I-I don't think so, I mean is it safe? With Hook and everything?" Clara asked worried

"Yes, don't worry, Hook cannot enter that side of the island" Tiger lily stated

"Are you okay with this? I mean do you mind?" Clara asked as she looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"Umm no, don't worry about it" I smiled.

"But what if Hook comes to camp?" She asked worried

"Don't worry, if anything happens I will let you know" I said. Lie of the century.

"Come on, let's go help you pack" Tiger lily said as she grabbed Clara's hand and dragged her to her treehouse. Before they entered, Tiger lily turned around and gave me a death glare.

"What was that about?" Someone asked. I turned around and it was Felix approaching me.

"It's starting, it has officially started"



"I need your help, matter of life or death"

"I don't care about your life or your death"

"Not me you idiot, Clara's"

There was a long pause between the two. Pan has been communicating with Tiger Lily telepathically. It has started. This is what the plan has been all along. This is what he was talking about with Felix.

"What happened to her?" Tiger lily asked with concern in her voice.


"I'll be right there"

Pan was already at the border waiting for her. He was sure she was going to come after she finds out her best friend is in deep danger.

Pan wasn't so fond of this plan. He didn't want to do what he was about to do. Does this mean staying away from Clara? Yes. Does it mean sending her away? Yes. But does it mean she will be safe? Definitely, and Pan was willing to do anything to keep Clara safe.

Twenty-minutes and tiger lily showed up at the border.

"Took you long enough" Pan said annoyed

"Yeah well I am not exactly thrilled to see you at the face of the morning" Tiger Lily sassed as she crossed her arms.

"Look, I don't want to be here any less than you do okay? Seeing you isn't actually something amusing to me. I just came here for Clara's sake"

"Ya what's happening? Why isn't she here? And what did you mean nothing yet?"

"There's a war coming, and I have a feeling it will be worse than what anyone could expect"

"With who?"



"What are you so worried about? Hook doesn't come to the south side"

"I am not worried about myself, I am worried about Clara"

"That's why I am here," Pan said. "I am sending her to you"

Tiger lily was confused. What does he mean he's sending Clara to her?

"It's not safe for her to stay with me. To stay in camp or anywhere...but the south side. Hook tortured her before and I know he isn't stopping, ever. He and Clara have a...a past-"

"Yeah I know about their past"

"Exactly, and now all he wants is to torture her, cause her pain. And I am sure this war he's keeping a strict eye on her."

"You cannot let that happen, Clara doesn't have magic or some psychic powers, she can't go against him"

"Yeah I know that, thank you for stating the obvious" Pan said annoyed. "That's why I am sending her to you"

"Be more specific"

"Clara doesn't know there will be a war. We can use that to our advantage. You need to talk to Clara, tell her she has been through so much and she needs a break. Tell her she should stay at your camp for a while, to keep Ronnie's death of her mind"

"Ronnie's dead?" Tiger lily shot up


"Oh my god Ronnie's dead!"

"Don't panic now, you need to stay strong, for Clara"

"You're right, you're right" Tiger Lily said as she sniffed "but!"

"Hook shot an arrow in his heart. The arrow was dipped in dreamshade"

"Oh my god" she said in disbelief as she covered her mouth.

"Now we wouldn't want that to happen to Clara would we?"

"Of course not"

"Exactly. You need to try your best, to convince her it's better if she stays with you. Remember, she cannot know any of this. She mustn't suspect anything"

"How long should she stay?"

"Tell her she can stay days but make sure she stays weeks, the longer the better. I will come when the war ends, I will come and get her"

"What if you don't make it?" Tiger lily asked

"I will make it. I have magic while Hook has a rusty cloth hanger"

"When should I come?" Tiger lily asked

"Tomorrow morning, as early as you can. She needs to leave camp as soon as possible. Do this Tiger Lily, do this for her not for me. I know we have many issues between us but one thing that will always bring us together is Clara, she needs to survive, She has to!"


Clara's POV:

"We'll pack this one, and this one, and two of these"

Lily has been packing for the past half hour instead of me. I on the other hand have been doing nothing but sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the wall right in front of me. We are leaving in a while. I don't know how long I am staying at Lily's, but she said the longer I stay the better, keep my mind of everything that has happened; me getting tortured and Ronnie dying.

Today they are going to decide what to do with Ronnie's body. God I hate saying that! Ronnie's body. Before he was Ronnie, now he's just...a body.

Shivers were sent from my neck down to my spine that made me wiggle a bit.

"And this, and this shirt too"

I told Lily I can pack on my own but she wouldn't allow me. She's treating me like a two year-old. I guess she's being just a good friend.

"And this, oh and this, we'll get this one too, and this, and this"

"Lily, I am only staying for a couple of days, you don't need to pack every piece of cloth I have. For gods sake my closet is completely empty"

"I know I know Clara but...umm...we-we are going to have so much fun which means lots of sweat and mud and anything dirty so you might need to change about five times a day" she smiled nervously. She's up to something...she's definitely up to something.

"Let's go"

In a matter of seconds, Lily grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the bed. As we exited the room then the treehouse, I noticed Pan was standing on the other side with a bunch of lost boys. They were standing so close like they were whispering something. He had a worried look on his face.

"Let's go" Lily said as she pulled me away to the other direction. "Wait!" I shot up as I stopped in my tracks.

"What? What is it?" She asked as she let go of my hand. She had a worried look on her face.

"I want to say goodbye to Pan"

"Oh...OH ya okay sure, go ahead" she smiled at me. "Thank you" I said as I turned around and walked away from Lily to Pan. Ofcourse I wasn't going to say goodbye, I had to find out what the lost boys were whispering about.


He turned around quickly to face me. He had a look on his face. A look I couldn't quiet understand. Was it worry? Anger? If anything I would say it's a mixture of multiple feelings. "Leave" Pan said firmly. All the lost boys turned around and walked away. "Clara what are you still doing here?" Pan asked

"Wow, you make a girl feel wanted" I said

"T-that's not what I meant" he sighed

"It's okay" I sighed. "What's happening? What were you and the lost boys talking about?"

"What to do with Ronnie's body"

My heart just cracked.

"Have you decided yet?" I asked as my voice cracked. I was trying to keep the sobs and tears in. "We are going to bury him" Pan said gently.


"Near camp"



"What time"

"Evenin-wait a minute, no Clara, no, you're not-"

"I am coming"

"No, you need to go with Tiger Lily"

"Staying here for a couple more hours won't change anything, I am staying"

"But wouldn't it be bett-"

"I am staying"

"But what if-"

"I am staying"

"Alright fine, on one condition though, promise me you'll leave the minute we bury him"

Why did Pan want me to leave so badly? Is something going on that I don't know of?

No Clara stop overthinking

I was meant to stay at Lily's to keep my mind of things. Even though I am staying a couple more hours here, doesn't mean I need to overthink everything.

"Well?" Pan said raising an eyebrow

"I promise"


For the past fifteen minutes I have been doing nothing but sitting on this log in front of the fire, cracking the life out of my knuckles. The sun has just set and Ronnie will be buried soon. Camp was pretty quiet; the only thing heard was a faint sound of a shovel hitting the ground. One of the lost boys was still digging.

In a matter of seconds, a hand was placed above mine and I knew whom it was before having to turn around and see. Next to me was Lily. She must have noticed how intensely I was cracking my knuckles. When I told her I was staying, she was worried at first but then she agreed when I told her Pan said I could stay. She decided to stay with me for support. I am glad she did, because I honestly do need someone.

I so far managed to keep my tears in but every now and then a tear would escape my eyes. You know that pain you get in your throat when you keep your cries in? Ya, I have been experiencing that for the past hours.

I shouldn't cry. My tears won't bring him back. They won't change anything, but they will make me feel better. I still shouldn't cry though, I need to accept the fact that he's gone and now I have to live without him in my life.

"It's time"

Both Lily and I turned around to find Pan waiting for us. I took in a quick sniff and stood up. My arm was still locked with Lily's as we walked with the rest of the lost boys to the place Ronnie will be buried in. Pan was leading the way and behind him were two lost boys carrying Ronnie who was on flat piece of wood.

I know this is Neverland but I was still determined to show some respect so I decided to wear a black dress. Everyone else was wearing their normal green outfits except Lily who decided to follow my lead. She was wearing a black shirt on loose black shorts.

The closer we got the more the nervous tension increased. The weather wasn't warm but it wasn't too cold either. It was just cool enough to send shivers down my spine. It was also slightly windy.

The lost boys in the beginning of the line were circling something and I knew then that we had reached. Lily must have noticed my nervous tension because she held arm even tighter.

When we reached and stood right in front of the hole, Lily wouldn't leave my side. I noticed the hole was too deep. The lost boy must have dug many feet below the ground.

The two lost boys who were carrying Ronnie stood right next to the spot and lowered themselves down till they were sitting on their knees. They placed Ronnie who was still on the piece of wood on the ground.

This is my cue. I was holding a bunch of orchids and daisies in my hands that I picked up for Ronnie. I unlocked my arm from Lily's and I approached Ronnie's body slowly. Everyone was looking at me and I knew it was because of how messed up and devastated I looked. As I stood right next to Ronnie, I lowered myself down and sat on my knees. I took Ronnie's hand, which felt ice cold, and placed the flowers in it. I then moved his hand and made it rest on his chest. I took in a deep sniff and stood up. I slowly walked back to Lily and once more locked my arm with hers.

Pan moved and stepped closer to Ronnie, then raised his Hand mid-air. Before he could do anything, he turned around and looked at me, giving me a smile that says 'it's okay'. I sniffed and smiled back at him, but I am sure he could tell it was fake.

His hands started glowing a purplish-bluish shimmer and in a second Ronnie was floating in the air. Pan moved his hand to the direction of the hole making Ronnie move to that direction. This is it. It's actually happening. I couldn't hold the tears in anymore. I cried. My cries were silent, no sobs or whimpers escaped but the tears drowned my face.

"It will be okay don't worry" Lily softly said. I moved closer to her and I rested my head on her shoulder, making the tears wet her short sleeve. Ronnie was being lowered slowly until he was completely underground. Pan let his hand down and it was glowing no more. He turned around to check on me then turned around again to look at Ronnie's body. I noticed the entire day Pan would look at me every now and then to check on me, probably to make sure I don't break down.

Before the Lost boy could pick up the shovel and cover Ronnie with the moist dirt, Pan said it's time to get back. The lost boys all turned around and walked back to camp. Pan was watching the lost boy cover Ronnie with dirt while Lily and I were the only ones who were still standing still.

"Let's go" she sniffed. I raised my head from her shoulder and nodded. We both turned around and walked a few steps but I stopped her. "Wait" I sniffed. I unlocked my arm from hers and I turned around to find Pan staring at me. I started approaching him and I don't know why but I was quiet nervous.

"Pan I-"

In a quick second Pan took me in for a hug. I was shocked at his sudden movement at first but then I just hugged back. His grip on me tighten and he hugged me as if someone was about to take me away from him, as if this is the last time I will see him. I don't know why but this hug made me cry even more. A couple of tears fell on his shirt and I hoped he didn't notice. I didn't want him to know I was crying because of the hug. It's like Pan exactly knew I needed a hug. As I took a sniff in, I noticed Pan smelled of fresh grass and mangoes. Basically, he smelled like a garden. And his scent made me relaxed. I don't know how long the hug was, but I was so sure that Pan wasn't willing to let go anytime soon, and I knew I wasn't either.

All good things must come to an end after all. I was the first to let go of the hug, I knew I should be going, Lily was waiting for me. Pan looked at me with sadness in his eyes, I knew he didn't want me to leave; I knew he wanted me to stay with him. Maybe that's why he hugged me. But then why is he letting me go?

"What was that for?" I asked as I wiped a tear away.

"Just incase"

"Incase what?"


Next time:

[- Why is it so quiet?

- What month is it on earth?


-It's called Christmas]

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