Reincarnated In A Otome Game...

By IShipIt0

568K 22.8K 9.2K

Quick summary: Straight guy reincarnated in a otome game, the capture targets are hot/cute, he turns gay, he... More

Chapter 1: I'm Straight
Characters Profile
Chapter 2: Still Straight?
Chapter 3: I swear I'm straight?
Chapter 4: Wait why is the straight line curving?
Chapter 5: The line is bent? WHY?!
Chapter 6: Oh god why am I not swinging the other way?
Chapter 7: Oh my god am I gay?
Chapter 8: I'm never going to admit it!
Updated character profile!
Chapter 9: ...Fine! I admit it!
Chapter 10: I'm gay but no one must find out
Chapter 11: Still in the closet
Chapter 12: The closet is slowly opening (First Option)
Chapter 13: The closet is slowly opening (Second Option)
Chapter 14: The closet is slowly opening (Third option)
Chapter 15: The closet is open
Chapter 16: I'm out, is that a problem?
Updated character profile
Chapter 17: I'm not afraid of who I am
Chapter 18: I'm gay and I'm happy
Chapter 19: IT'S A HETERO TRAP!
Chapter 20: I am not looking back!
Chapter 21: *Laughs gayly while a rainbow forms in the background*
Chapter 22: Red
Chapter 23: Orange
Characters Profile Updated!
Chapter 24: Yellow
Chapter 25: Green
[Extra] Edna's Diary
Chapter 26: Blue
Chapter 27: Purple (?)
Bad End: Harem
Bad End: Red
Bad End: Purple
Bad Ending: White
Last Character Profile
Good Ending: The Truth Of Alex
Fuck You

Bad End: Green

2.3K 108 9
By IShipIt0

"-- I choose the green door."

The emerald door shone as if to absorb all the fellow doors into its own, it rapidly grew in size almost reaching the endless white ceiling which I cannot see.

Without any helping hand, the door trembles to create a minor earthquake as it shows the heavenly sight of what the forbidden garden of Adam and Eve would look like.

Crispy dark green grasses, colourful budding flowers all of the various types from lilies to roses, trees beyond my reach as some bears familiar fruits that I once ate before such as apples, oranges, peaches and plums. 


I felt soft hands cover my eyes as I smelt a familiar spring scent, "... Haru?" I slipped out of his mingling fingers to turn to a spectacular sight.

His moss hair has grown a bit longer, his body has definitely developed and has grown a bit more muscular but was still slender,  he's taller than me by several centimetres (or inches) and his face still has those familiar youthful features from when we were younger, he skin was clean and clear, his lashes have definitely increased in volume making him seem more exotic.

I'm also very jealous that his face looks so small, like how?! why can't I have his features! ... I think of this every time I see someone attractive. I really should stop.

"Alex?" He looks at me confused, Are you alright? are you still thinking about my succession?"

Hm? what is he talking about?

That's when it suddenly hits me, my mind reels back on memories I've never had before, as of now me and Haru have graduated from the academy, I am 20 and Haru is 19 and soon to be 20.

It's pretty funny since our birthdays are about a couple of months away from each other If I was born a bit later, I could've been in his class and graduated with him.

I just had to be born in December...

In this ending, I and Haru started dating as soon as Haru graduated, although he did confess to me during the Culture festival I refused since I was only into well... Taller men.

Somehow this beansprout shot up when he entered the second year!

He managed to surpass my height within a year and I feel like he's just been getting taller.

I remembered he cried when I graduated it was honestly so adorable, what was even cuter was when he confessed his love to me again at his graduation, his face was redder than a tomato I think that's when I truly fell for him and accepted his confession.

As of now I and Haru have been dating for about a year. I knew we would have a rocky relationship since he was a prince and all, his kingdom did not accept the homosexual relationship and have been persistently pestering me.

Somehow Haru managed to quiet them down, I'm not exactly sure what he did but I did hear there has been a serial killing in his kingdom where high ranking nobles were found dead in their own home territory. It was big news for a very long time and no matter who tried to investigate into it, they always seem to disappear.

Since I didn't like the insults being thrown at me I've been working hard to try and become a perfect fit for a prince, my so-called family has hired me an etiquettes tutor, an economic tutor, a business tutor, a swordplay tutor and a history tutor. All the necessary lessons needed to prepare someone that's soon to join a royal family.

Except we're not engaged yet, but my family's manners have truly changed since they found out I've been intimate with Haru, they've tried with every opportunity they have to suck up to me, but that hasn't worked.

Except for Ken, he's still his cute adorable self, but for some odd reason he's been acting a bit guarded around me every time Haru meets up with me or even the mention of his name, there was even time I've found either Ken or Haru in a bloody state and they both said the same thing 'just a simple fistfight with some potential toys involved.'

I wasn't sure what they meant by toys but each time they have a fight I always shout at them both and have them to stop immediately.

But other than that I've been enjoying my dating life with Haru, every day has been filled with joy and my stomach just flutters with excitement to the point I can feel the buss in my fingertips.

Being in love is truly a joyous thing, Haru found me an ugly plain thing attractive, I love that feeling, of being wanted, of being loved, to have someone truly finding me attractive even with all my extra packages.

I have never been happier.

But because his kingdom does not accept our relationship his mother the queen was questioning whether or not to let him succeed the throne, he may be her only child but he has a cousin that could also succeed the throne and he has a wife and 2 concubines.

A lot of nobles have been siding with his cousin and things are looking bad for Haru.

"Maybe," I responded with uncertainty, even though I've been showing great results with my lessons it still doesn't change the fact I am a man, I cannot give birth to a successor, I cannot continue the Spring royal family bloodline.

The only possibility for me and Haru can be together is if Haru takes in a queen that will give bear his children while I'll become his concubine.

I wasn't sure how to feel about it since I just want Haru to myself but if it'll ensure Haru's succession to the throne I told Haru I wouldn't mind, but Haru got angry for the first time at me for even suggesting such a thing at me.

So now we're in a sticky situation.

To give up the throne for love or abandon love for the throne.

"You're still probably thinking I should accept a queen right?" 

I nodded in response, "I mean Haru you've been working hard your entire life to become a king, I know you're passionate about leading your people and you look up to your mother the Queen."

He remained silent, he opens his mouth multiple times to say a single response but nothing was uttered, "It's fine Haru you don't have to say anything," I tiptoed and pecked him on the cheek.

I took him by the hand and began walking down the green path and that's when I finally remembered, this is the royal Spring Family's garden, I came to his kingdom to attend the yearly founding ball as Haru's partner.

"Hey Haru, do you think her majesty would like me?" I recall meeting her once before during the twins birthday party but at the time she wanted for me to be engaged with her eldest daughter princess Lila, but unfortunately, I was gay and the princess was in love with another man so she fled in the middle of the night with her mysterious lover.

The queen was a kind and wise ruler, so she allowed her daughter to go elope with her lover, which leaves Haru as the only heir to the throne so she was hoping for a biological child to inherit the throne after Haru but seemingly how he's in love with me, the chances of that are slim.

If I were her, I would hate me too.

I felt a squeeze tugging my hand, I looked up to see a sullen expression, "I'm sure she will," his words were not convincing.

We continued walking in awkward silence, we parted ways without much to be said, once I returned to my room I was swift to pull out a heavy textbook of the Spring Family's history, it has all the major events and minor details of every family member ever born

I try to consume as much knowledge as I can, I want to impress her majesty the queen, I may not be Haru's fiance, but I'm still his boyfriend, and I want to impress the queen as much as I can.

The dreadless night went on, the empty room was filled with the sound of flipped pages and flickering candlelight, I can hear the silent cry of dogs in the night, sounds of metallic footsteps of the guards who pass by. 

It's a cold night, but a rather anxious one, I don't want to mess up, I lack years of knowledge and etiquette that a noble should have and not only that but a bastard child, my position is not favourable, so I need to do everything I can in my power to make the nobles and the people favour me, I understand the duties of what it means to his the future king's partner and I'm willing to try hard to make my future with him to be filled with happiness, I need to come up with ways to impress the queen and find ways that Haru can have an heir with the Spring royal blood to pass on the throne to.

All these thoughts, all these different voices of many nobles who voiced their opinions in the silence of the background, the pressure is heavy, so heavy.

A knock broke me out of my thinking process, I turned to the wooden door to see a familiar face, "Haru? what are you doing here?" 

The tall beansprout shone a smile and walked up to me to pull me in a tight embrace, "I heard from one of the maids that your light was still lit and was worried you might not sleep at all so she had given me a heads up about it."

I sigh, "I'm sorry, I was just anxious," he brushes the loose strands of my hair to the side, "I know you're anxious to meet with mother but, I gave it some thoughts, earlier you and I separated on a sour note, that's why I want to do something."

He pulls away to mess around with his pocket, "huh? why isn't it coming out?" I can see that his pocket was bulky and tight, Haru struggles to pull it out and has resulted to use both hands to take It out.

However, he used too much force making the mystery item go shooting across the velvet floor and rolled out the box which popped out a small diamond gold ring.

"Oh crap!" he quickly dove for the ring, but it was already too late, I had seen the ring, he slowly looks up to my face and sees a crimson face he has never seen before, "d-did you see?" he already knew what the answer was but he hopefully asked anyway.

"N-no." I stuttered.

He knows I was lying, I hid away my shy face with a hand, Haru quickly composed himself and stood up with an embarrassed face, "A-Alex," he grabbed my hand away from my face and got down on one knee, "I've always liked you since I first met you, you saved me from your horrifying sister and looked like a prince to me, you were more of a Prince then I ever was. I love you. I adore you from the bottom of my heart, you're amazing, you try harder than anyone I know, sure you have magical abilities beyond human understanding and lack etiquette but you try. You never give up and keep practising, I love that about you. So that's why-" using both hands this time, he pulled out the ring inside its cushy box, "-will you marry me?"

I felt tears dripping, I never intended to cry in front of him but I somehow did, I felt all the pressure, all the burden I was feeling just a minute ago vanished without a trace, this is why I try hard, I try hard because of him, "yes, yes I will!"

A brilliant toothy smile lit up his red face, he slipped on the golden ring and grabbed me into a bear hug, "oh thank you so much, Alex! you've made me a happy man!" he exclaims, my lips tremble and tears just kept swelling up, I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders, "as did you Haru."

That night we slept in each other's embrace, we were aware this is not something we should do nevertheless, it felt just right.

That's why, when I woke up the next day, I was expecting to see the smile and warmth of my fiance's face but instead, I woke up in pure darkness.


Am I blindfolded?

I tug my arms and legs but they were restricted I cannot move them.

I wriggled around all lost and confused, why am I tied up? is it one of the opposing nobles who didn't approve of my relationship with Haru? or perhaps the queen?! no no no, I need to calm down and don't think so drastically.

I took a deep breath and exhaled, I sharpened my ears hoping to pick something up but there was nothing, I began making a clicking sound from my mouth to hear how small of a room I'm in and surprisingly the sound echoed meaning I must be in a wide room, at least I'm not in a tight spot.


A metallic sound echoed through the room, I stayed silent as I listen well to what I can assume is a door being open, heavy footsteps transcend from above, are they coming down some stairs? am I underground?

I was scared, I can hear the footsteps getting closer, closer and closer until it stopped.

"...So you're awake Alex?"

That voice?!

I felt rough hands grabbing the blindfold and ripped it off, my eyes fluttered from the sudden light, I slowly began to adjust to the light of the lantern the criminal had brought and once I  can finally see, I was horrified by the person in front of me, "y-y-you what the-?!!"

They grabbed my mouth from saying another word.

"Shhh, you're very fucking noisy and I don't like that."

"-!----!!" I muffled as I noticed the twisted smile spreading across their face.

"I watched you know, I watched you flirting with all those dirty males, I don't understand why you would do that when you had me by your side."


"... You're very quiet, I was expecting you to create a racket but you're not, I don't like that, spill, what is the question you have to say, I can see you're eager to ask."

They removed their rough hand and finally gave me the chance to speak, "are you the demon God warned me about?"

Their eyes widened, "God talked to you?" His smile turned into a chuckle, his hands sloppily applauded like an insane man, "THAT PIECE OF SHIT WANTS TO TALK TO YOU?? HAHAHAHAHA."

They laughed until they had their fill leaving me in a strangely calm mood, maybe it's because now I know who was the one behind this?

"You are correct Alex, I am the demon you've been warned about." He snorted.

"Then tell me, why are you doing this? what are your goals?!"

"Isn't it obvious? to make your happy endings go bad."

I was confused, why is he so hung up on me? what did I do to make him hate me?

"I can see what you want to ask, I'll tell you since you're dying anyway."

Dying?! What the?!

Before I could utter a word they pointed down at my arm and that's when I finally noticed, my arms and legs were not tied up at all, they were covered in an unnatural light shade of purple, I wish they were bruises but I cannot feel any pain, in fact, I cannot feel anything at all.

"W-Wh-What did you do?!"

"I poisoned you," he laughs, "I wanted to be nice and decided to kill you slowly this time around in a nice peaceful way, I mean it's better than me bashing your head in, or chasing you or making you hallucinate from a different type of poison, I've decided to be nice and have a talk with you as I watch you slowly die."

"What on earth are you talking about?! just tell me why you're doing this?! what did I do to deserve this?!"

"... Well, you did nothing really. In fact, you were really nice to me, I even developed a small crush on you along the way, but I know it was that bullshit God of yours giving you an ability to make all the capture targets fall in love with you."

I grit my teeth, "t-then why?! why do this-!" my voice cracked, my head went limp as my body slowly feels like it's slowly shutting down.

"Oooh, look at your neck, you're becoming all purple, maybe you'll grow fat like a big blueberry and I'll have to squish all the juices out of you, but you're not blue." he sighs in disappointment.

"A-Answer my question!" I muttered as I feel my mouth slowly losing strength.

"... Well, I was created to do this, I was made in order to make your life a living hell and each time that God of yours tries to help you out, it'll only make me stronger and they cannot erase me."

I lost all feeling in my mouth, my breathing is growing weaker and slower, I can feel it, my eyes are getting heavy, I can feel the last stream of tears peaking out. I want to ask, I want to ask who was it but my mouth betrays me, his eyes warps over the sight of my slow demise.

"I'll be nice since you'll forget anyway, the person who created me was..."

My ears begin to buzz, my eyes slowly shut down and the last thing I heard before I entered my eternal sleep.

"... You"







End of Bad End.

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