Fight for you

By Brenda1morris

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What do you do when the person you thought you loved tries to ruin everything you have tried so hard to keep... More

Co-Author's Note
Reader Discretion is Advised
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 54

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By Brenda1morris

Chapter 54

~Lily's POV~

The pounding of my head and the sickness I was feeling caused me to squeeze my eyes shut tighter, I regretted drinking as much as I did. Although I only drank like two and a half beers, I feel like shit...this is why I don't drink...I'm a light weight. I groaned to myself and slowly sat up opening my eyes, I looked around the room only to be confused. Why am I in Zayn's room? I climbed out of the bed and walked into his bathroom, I did my business and then washed my hands. I then rinsed my mouth out with Zayn's mouth was, wetting my face after.

My stomach turned and I felt like absolute crap but thankfully I wasn't puking because then we would have a problem. Lily if you puke you are no longer aloud to drink! I huffed and looked up in the mirror, the sight I saw was something I wish I didn't. I was a mess; my hair was tangled and I looked pale with dark circles under my eyes, I looked like a zombie. Though my outside appearance has nothing on how I felt inside; I felt dead. With Harry not waking up and being in his condition...I felt dead. I walked out of the bathroom with a sigh and left the room going into the room Harry was in.

He still laid there pretty much lifeless and barrier I built up inside crumbled, the tears falling. I slowly walked over to his bed climbing in carefully, I placed my head on his shoulder and looked at the side of his face with a sniffle. I just wanted him to wake up so I could apologize for our fight and for being so emotional. I don't give him credit for all that he actually does; I constantly ask him to change without meeting him halfway while all he ever ask for is for me to notice that he's trying. I let out a shaky breath and reached up to run my hands through his hair.

"I don't know how much longer I can take you not being here...I need you Harry...I need you to wake up...please," I whispered closing my eyes as my voice cracked.

I was trying to be strong but I can only put up the front for so long, I can only handle so much and this...this I could handle. Harry was supposed to be okay...I knew he wouldn't come out of the fight completely fine but he wasn't supposed to be like this...this was too much and it was killing me to see him like this. I just wanted to hear his voice, to be able to hold his hand and him hold it back...I just needed him to wake up.

"Please don't leave me..." I whispered kissing his shoulder.

I let out a sigh and continued to gently run my fingers through his hair...

~Zayn's POV~

"You can't catch me!" Jawad shouted from somewhere behind me.

I let them come outside to play today because it was actually nice out, I decided they could play in the backyard rather than the park because it was safer this way. The boys yelled and screamed enjoying their time out here while I mentally had a breakdown while dealing with all of this mess. I tuned back into my phone call.

"...but that doesn't mean we can't make a way, just have to find a way to get him to break," Josh finished and I huffed.

I shook my head, "We've literally tried everything, he's denying the whole thing...keeps saying he doesn't know shit and that whatever happened...happened between them and that he was left in the dark. It doesn't matter right now though, we have him locked up and that's all that matters. The question is how is everything over there?"

"Well you're going to find this exciting...the corporate office is gone. They have been destroying the city, thankfully we got it evacuated before they could bomb the office. Let me tell you when people are scared they become so fucking hard-headed..." Josh said with a dry chuckle.

I huffed, "That was expected...they are trying to take over. And in moments of terror most humans only think fight or flight...or freeze, they tend to block out anything else."

Josh let out another dry laugh and I turned to check on the boys, they continued to run around and shout at each other. Jawad went to run to the swing and tripped causing me to suck in a breath...Fuck don't cry...don't cry...I thought to myself as I started to walk toward him, Jawad turned to Jasper and burst into a fit of giggles.

"Did you see that?" He exclaimed.

Jasper nodded, "Yeah I did and you handled it well. You deserve...a cookie!"

Jawad got up and walked over to Jasper who bent down to wipe of his pants, he then tied Jawad's shoe.

" that's why I fall...I don't know how to do that," Jawad said pointing at his shoes.

Jasper giggled, "Mom says you go under like this and then loops them. Then you tuck again and...pull!"

Jawad clapped at Jaspers shoe tying skills and I just stood there relieved he didn't cry. If Lily would have heard him cry...I would be dead...Lily was like a 'mama bear' when it came to these boys, she will punish whoever makes them cry and god forbid she walks out here because he was crying because he tripped and I was on the phone.

"Zayn? Zayn!" Josh shouted and I let out a hum snapping back to the phone call, "I said how's Harry?"

I looked down at my feet, "Uh...well he's alive...not awake yet but alive. How are my dogs?"

Josh sucked in a breath and I automatically tensed, what the fuck was that?

"Um...well about that..." Josh said nervously and I clenched my jaw.

"What is it," I gritted out, I was now worried about the condition of my dogs and it was really hard to control my emotions.

Josh sighed and then whispered, "We tried to save as many as we could but they set the house on fire...starting with the garage."

I felt my heart break, I lost some of my babies and I wasn't there to help them. I balled up my fist and looked up at the porch ceiling, I was furious.

"Find who did this and burn them. I want them to suffer like my dogs. The ones who made it bring them here," I growled and then hung up.

I couldn't believe someone would fucking do that, but then again if they hadn't they would have died. To bad they're dying either way...should have just let the dogs get you. I shook my head and turned my attention to the boys, watching as Jasper jumped on Jawad's back causing Jawad to stumble a little.

"On ward to the castle to fight the evil dragon and save the princess!" Jasper shouted pointing at the small playground we had.

Jawad ran forward as Jasper swung his arms wildly as if he was being attacked, Jawad would stop occasionally to kick his little leg out as if he was kicking someone. I chuckled watching them, Jawad soon let out a grunt falling to his knees. Jasper climbed off of him and held him looking him over.

"What's wrong buddy?" Jasper asked looking at him with worry.

Jawad reached out and then pointed to his chest, "They got me...I die now."

"No! not my Jawad!" Jasper shouted looking up at the sky.

Jawad leaned up and whispered in his ear causing him to nod, he looked back up at the sky.

"Princess are stupid and boys rule!" He shouted causing both boys to burst into laughter.

I laughed at their antics and turned to look at the back door, I was surprised Lily hadn't come out here yet. Where the fuck is she? I called out to Sophia so she could come watch the boys and I walked into the house going to look for Lily. I checked the kitchen, her room, and my room and got nothing. The only room left was Harry's makeshift hospital room, I walked in quietly to find Lily lying next to Harry with her eyes closed.

I felt my heart break a little knowing that she was going through this, but I also knew she hated when we turned this on her. It made her feel would make anyone feel weak. She didn't like that we would ask her how she was doing because she felt like she wasn't the only one who lost someone and to keep asking her that when we didn't ask the others made her feel bad. I sighed turning to leave the room and shut the door.

Before I could I heard her whisper out in a broken voice, "I'm so sorry, please wake up."

I clenched my jaw, I was angry that this was even happening. Because of a choice that we made...that he made...she was suffering and yet she still apologized. I know that he didn't mean for it to go the way that it did, there were to many variables and we didn't know what exactly would happen but this...this wasn't something any of us saw coming. The only thing I could do now what try and get everything in order for when he woke up so we could try to avoid this from happening again.

I headed down the stairs and into the study, I needed to go through Louis records to find anything that could be considered hard proof that he was involved in betraying us. I also needed to go back over the numbers of the other organizations, from there I would be able to come up with a plan. The doors to the study opened and I looked up to see Lily, she walked in shutting the doors.

"Zayn?" She whispered and I hummed.

"Yeah love?" I answered and she looked down at her feet.

She sighed, "How much longer do you think he'll be out for?"

"I honestly don't know...could be a few more days...could be months...I don't know," I replied and I saw her take in a shaky breath.

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "I don't think I can take this for much longer."

She started to cry and I stood up going over to her, I pulled her into me and hugged her tightly shushing her as to try and console her. She held onto me tightly and I looked over at the door, this was hear breaking and I really wish Harry would just wake up.

"Listen to me, I know this sucks and it's hard but we will come out of this...all of us. Harry sustained a lot of injuries but Harry is strong and he will come back to you, he won't let you go that easy love. He loves you and if he had it his way, he would be awake by now and he would be here with you," I whispered, "Plus you need to remember how strong you are...I mean you have been through a lot and yet you're just now barely breaking...if it was any of us, we would have lost it days ago."

She pulled away from me wiping her face, "No you wouldn't have, you got shot and walk around hours after like nothing happened."

She rolled her eyes and I laughed, "Doll you've been shot and I got to say you handled it just the same."

She shook her head and then sighed turning to look at the bookshelf, she reached up to push her hair from her face. She looked so small and fragile and yet she was actually very strong. She has taken a lot of shit lately but she carried it well, she didn't show how much it all truly affected her and for that she was amazing. She looked up and caught me staring at her and she fiddled with the end of her shirt.

"What?" she asked looking back at her feet.

I shook my head, "Nothing..."

I headed back over to the desk and sat down, I focused my attention on the files while Lily just stood there looking around. Max managed to escape from the island a few days back and because we are still not in a good spot I told them to fall back and to not follow him. Although I found it strange he was able to hide out here for so long without use knowing, either someone was hiding him or Liam was right that building was an estate and there was more to it then what we saw.

I pulled out my phone and called Niall as Lily came to sit in front of me, the phone rang four times.

"Hello Malik!" Niall exclaimed and I laughed.

"Hello Horan, I need you to do me a favor," I replied and Niall whistled.

"And that is?" he asked.

I looked over at Lily who stared at me as I talked, "I need you to send a group back to where they found Harry. I need them to search completely search it for any underground bunkers or a basement."

"What are you thinking Malik?" Niall responded and I sighed.

"I'm thinking either that place is an estate or someone helped with hiding Max, there is no way he managed to stay here this long without being caught. We need to look into it...tell the others you're going back because we are looking for traces of a bomb or something...don't tell them the real reason," I replied and Niall let out a huff.

"Roger...also I picked up that package...nice little car you got, they should make them adult sized," Niall said and I laughed.

"I agree but sadly they don't," I chuckled causing him to laugh.

He sighed again, "Alright, I'll get on it."

We hung up and I turned my attention back to the screen, if it just so happened that he had been hiding there than we would need a different approach on breaking Louis but if he hadn't then Louis is going to be in for a rough questioning.

"What's going on?" Lily asked causing me to look at her.

I shrugged, "We may have found something but I think its best that I tell you after I know for sure."


"Look I know that you want to help and be a part of this and you can be, but I can't really give you information I don't have. So until I know for sure I think it's best that I wait," I said looking at her and she nodded.

"So this has nothing to do with you thinking I can't handle it or something?" she asked and I shook my head.

I sighed and then stood up, "Lily I know you can handle anything thrown at you, I know that. You literally were told that we were a part of a gang and we planned on starting a war in which everyone could potentially die and you just shrugged it off and pretended like that wasn't some crazy ass news. So yes I think you can handle it, I just don't want to give you wrong information."

"I can except that for now...just tired of you guys always leaving me to find out right in the middle, shits annoying," she whispered looking away and I nodded.

"Yeah well Harry order us not to tell you stuff unless it was absolutely necessary and even then if you still not knowing was possible then we were to keep it that way...Harry just doesn't want you to be scared off and leave him...what we do...who we are is a bit intense and a normal person...well they would be scared," I replied and she looked at me with a raised brow.

She crossed her arms, "So...I'm not you then?"

I chuckled and looked down at the desk, I guess that is what I just said. I let out a sigh as I reached up to push my hair back and looked back up at her.

"'re're definitely one of a kind and Harry is very lucky to have you...anyone would be," I said whispering the last part.

She hummed and I let out a puff of air, I meant what I said. She was different from most of the woman I have met and definitely different from the woman Harry has met so, I wasn't lying when I said what I said. I also wasn't lying when I said Harry was lucky to have her because he was, she put up with a lot of shit for him. I let out another sigh and decided to change topics.

"So what was your parents like growing up?" I asked watching her, she looked up at me and shrugged.

"They seemed normal enough...I mom was always home; cooking, cleaning, and taking care of me and dad worked most of the time and when he was home he was helping mom out with stuff around the house. They were you know loving and all that shit...although I will say my dad and Jason...well mom hated when Jason came around only because he and my dad would fight..." She said picking at a string on her pants.

"I can't believe your dad was Marcus...fucking wicked," I chuckled and Lily looked up at me confused.

She shook her head, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"He was fucking sick," I replied shrugging my shoulders.

Marcus Bennett was one of the most ruthless killers in Anileis Thanatos, he was an assassin and to be fair had he not of told me what he does I wouldn't have known. What made him stand out was he never killed people the same way, it was different every single time so there was no way of catching him. He was amazing at his job and he knew it...everyone did, that's why I am actually surprised Lily is the way she is. She's so sweet and innocent yet her dad was a hard-core murder. Then again he was good at hiding who he was and she was raised as an innocent so...

"What the fuck?" Lily sneered confused and I looked at her with a raised brow.

I didn't understand why she was so shock and confused by this information, Harry and I had already told her who her dad actually was...well we informed her that he was a part of the gang anyways. Her confusion was making me feel like that conversation may not have actually happened.

"Lily your dad was a gang of our greatest members ever," I said slowly so she would understand the intensity of the situation.

She looked at her hands like they held the answer, "I know he was a part of guys are too..."

"Marcus was one of the greatest gangsters alive...shit I looked up to him growing up, I wanted to be just like him," I said sounding like a fan girl, I shook my head.

"Wait...okay I got it now...never mind. So what does this mean in terms of Jason?" she said a look of realization coming across her face, "Also you need to work on the way you phrase shit."

I looked at her confused and thought back over what I had said, it suddenly dawned on me that when I said he was sick and wicked that she took it for the literal term rather than how I intended it; which was cool or like amazing. I laughed because now I understand how I lost her...I really thought she forgot our conversation about this, fucking great.

I smiled at her, "Sorry love...didn't mean to confuse you but yeah your dad was pretty fucking amazing, it was a good thing he was on Mark's side otherwise we would have had trouble. As for Jason he was from Klapei which actually means they honestly should not have had contact with each other. I'm surprised Mark and Michael even allowed it."

I stood up stretching and then when to the bookshelf pulling out a file and opening it, "Although this could be the reason for Jason's betrayal..."

"Well I know Harry said Mark and my dad were super close, so close that I was supposed to leave my uncle's to go stay at Mark's...but that didn't happen," Lily said quietly.

"Do you know why?" I asked curious as to if Jason may have told her something.

She shrugged, "I don't know really. All I remember of that time is that my dad was nowhere to be seen and my uncle started acting night at dinner my mom told me that I would need to go live with my aunt and uncle for a while and that it would help if I I did. Two months after I got there was when I was told my parents died in an accident and so I continued to live with my aunt."

"What happened to Jason?" I asked and again she shrugged.

She reached up to push her hair from her face, "He came back...I didn't think much of it because I was twelve so...but before I had left to go there I overheard my dad and uncle talking. My uncle was pissed off at my dad...something about he should trust him but my dad ignored him..."

"I know about that don't remember anything else about what they were saying?" I asked cutting her off.

She leaned back and closed her eyes trying to think, I had a theory that would put this all into perspective but I couldn't be sure if it was what I thought it was. If I was right then I would know Max's motive and we would know who to draw him in more adequately. Jason was a traitor which wasn't uncommon at the time, everyone was against each other like now which meant people would switch to the side they thought would win. If we knew what happened then I could stop it from repeating. If only it was that simple Zayn...if only it was that simple. I was about to say something when Jawad busted through the door.

"'Ama look what I found outside!" Jawad shouted holding a box with a note attached.

Lily got up and took it out of his outstretched hands and turned to me with a raised brow, she looked back down at it and opened it. She let out a scream dropping the box, she turned to Jawad and covered his eyes. I rushed over to see what was going on and found lying on the ground was a severed hand, I reached down to pick up the note.

I took one of your men Harry and next it will be one of you, I'm coming for what is rightfully mine. I know that you made it back which is a sad case for me, we could have had so much more fun had I know you would have survived. And for you Zayn, I am starting to question your skills, how is it you haven't found me yet? Did I actually leave or am I still here? Who knows...certainly not you of course otherwise this poor bloke would still have his hand.

Can't wait to see you.

I finished reading it out loud and looked up to see Lily looking at me in horror, her grip on Jawad tightening. I dropped the note and moved to grab Jawad and he shook his head at me.

"She's warm," He said and looked at him in disbelief.

I turned my attention back to Lily, "He's still here? Zayn what are we going to do?"


"'Ama I want to see the present!" Jawad whined cutting me off, Lily looked down at him with wide eyes.

"No son you don't need to see," I said reaching down to grab the lid.

I used the lid to put the hand back in the box and then I closed it setting it on my desk. He made another move and Harry wasn't even awake yet. This was bad and I didn't actually know what to do, if we did end up needing to move then it would be difficult with an unconscious Harry. And if they just attacked we would basically be wiped out because we didn't have enough men here. I turned to Lily who now looked pale and before I could say anything she fainted smack her head on the edge of the chair that was next to her. I ran over to her and held her to me...What the fuck was that?

"Sophia! Help!" I shouted as Jawad stood there scared, "Lily...Lily!"

I continued to call for her as I gently tapped her face but she wasn't coming to. I was in a panic because she hit her head pretty hard and I was now worried she would wake up at all. Sophia came running into the room and let out a gasp rushing over to me, she kneeled down and looked at me.

"What happened?" She asked her voice showing her panic and anger.

I looked at Lily, "I...she just fainted...I don't...she fucking fainted!"

I was a fumbling mess as my mind raced due to shock and panic, I didn't think she would faint. She shot a gut in the head and didn't is a severed hand to much? Sophia reached up to grab my shoulder to get me to look at her and focus.

"We need to move her to the couch," Sophia said causing me to nod.

We both stood up and I picked Lily up carrying her to the couch, Jawad followed behind silently. I laid her down on the couch gently and backed away, Jawad climbed up on the couch to lay on her.

"Jawad you can't lay on her right now," I whispered pulling him off setting him on his feet.

He looked up at me with sad eyes and whispered, "I just want to love her Baba, she got hurt."

"I know but not right now okay?" I whispered back with a small smile.

I was trying to hide the fact that I was actually freaking out, she hit that chair really hard and I was afraid of the damage. I moved to sit next to the couch and looked up at her, her breathing seemed normal and her color was coming back so maybe she would be okay. Unless she's not and you're just imagining things like always. I shook my head and looked down at the floor, I needed to focus.

"So what do we do now?" Sophia whispered.

"We move...we can't stay here much longer or else we will all be hurt," I replied not looking up.

It was the only option at this point, we would move the woman, children, and the severely hurt off the island to somewhere else. I will need to call in reinforcements to help with taking down Max and the others and basically have the war here...there was no point in trying to move the location of the attack because no one would be left here to be hurt.

"How long?" She asked uneasy and I shrugged.

"Day after tomorrow or the next?" I answered unsure.

Sophia gasped in shock, "Zayn that's so soon, how are we going to pull that off? Harry can't even be detached from his machines for that long and the other men haven't even healed!"

"I know that!" I shouted finally looking at her, I sighed, "Look my main priority is to make sure that you, the boys, and the other wives and children are safe okay? So, I am going to send you guys off. I know that some aren't healed yet but the ones that are severely hurt will be going with you while the rest stay...excluding Harry...Harry will have to stay here with me."

"Are you mad? Zayn if they are already making moves then that's suicide! And do you really think Lily will leave if you both are here?" She said looking at me with wide scared eyes and I huffed.

I stood up from my spot, "She doesn't have a fucking choice! This isn't some fucking joke Sophia! If I don't move you...if I don't try to protect you then I would have failed as leader and Harry would kill me! So I don't care what you or her have to say about this choice, you will follow it because it's a damn order and I don't want to hear anything more about it!"

I went to head to my room but stopped when I noticed Jawad climbed back up onto his aunt, he kissed her cheek then laid his head down on her chest with a smile. I shook my head and continued to make my way up the stairs. I now needed to make phone calls and figure out how to move them without making it obvious.

~Vanessa's POV~

I paced back and forth as Jamie shouted on his phone, he was angry which was reasonable seeing as how my brother and Harry almost died. I was so angry at Jamie though, he promised he would help them and then didn't and I was starting to believe that I couldn't trust him. His excuse this time was that this attack was one that was suddenly planned, it wasn't actually apart of the war. His informants didn't actually get the information on this attack until they were already moving in. He's a liar and you and Noel need to leave now!

"What were my orders to you? I told you they weren't supposed to be should have fucking followed them there! How do I fucking know that's your job! It doesn't matter now launch the attack, they die tonight. All the ones that are here kill them!" Jamie shouted and then hung up.

He turned his attention to me and I just stood there glaring at him, he sighed and pointed at his phone.

"I'm going to call them now," He whispered and I scoffed.

"It's a little fucking late now don't you think? They already almost died and for what?" I shouted, I was starting to feel sick, "You promised and you lied to fucking lied to me and you don't even look sorry about it!"

"I didn't lie, I misjudged the situation. I didn't know they would attack full force like that right now, no word had been spread," He argued back and I rolled my eyes.

I waved him off and headed out of the room, I couldn't stand to look at him. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water, I took the cap of and gulped it down. I needed to go back to my brother staying here wasn't an option anymore, I needed to make sure he was safe.

~Lily's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes and brought my hand up to my head with a groan, I felt like I had been hit by a car. What happened? I looked around the room to find that I was laying in the living room, Zayn sat in a chair across from me asleep. I kicked my feet over the side as I sat up and moved to get up, I pushed myself off the couch to stand. I lost my balance for a second and wince at the pain in my head, I was able to regain my balance standing up straight. I sighed and tried to think about what happened yesterday but everything was fuzzy and my head was pounding too much for me to think. I went to walk into the kitchen and had to catch myself on the wall, there was a high-pitched ringing in my ears.

When it seemed to quiet down some I continued to try and make my way to the kitchen but was stopped when someone from behind me grabbed me, I slumped into them too tired to fight them off. If this is how I die then so be head hurts.

"Lily what are you doing?" Zayn asked his voice soft.

I tried to clear my throat but my voice still cracked, "I need something for my hurts."

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could have gotten it for you?" Zayn said with worry in his voice.

I let out a dry laugh, "Zayn stop...I'm okay...I think."

"Yeah because that's promising," He said sarcastically still holding me up.

Zayn picked me up and carried me back to the couch, he then turned to leave the room. I sat there waiting for him to come back and when he did he had a glass of water and a pain pill. He handed them to me and I took them, I placed the pill in my mouth and used the water to swallow it down. I gulped down the water and then leaned over to set the cup down, Zayn watching me intensely. I let out a huff and leaned back.

"You'll be leaving with the others..." Zayn said suddenly and I snapped my head up to look at him.

"I am not leaving again...I am staying here with you and Harry," I sneered sitting up.

He looked at me through a glare, "You are leaving with them because it's a fucking order and I won't repeat myself."

"You don't get to order me around Zayn! I am not one of them, if I choose to stay then I choose to stay and there is nothing you can do to stop me, l am staying and you can't stop me," She snapped and I stood up.

"Do you think this is something I want to do? I can't lose you or my son, I can't lose you both so you are going...I don't fucking want this! I don't fucking want this but I have no choice! I can't risk your life or his! This isn't an argument Lily!" He shouted his voice cracking.

I stood up and pulled him to me and he held me tightly to him and I sighed, "Please don't make me go...I can't leave you guys here...please. They will just follow you have to know that they will, keep me here so they stay here. The others will be safer that way."

"I can't...I can't risk your safety..." Zayn replied his tone low and desperate.

I pulled away, "But I can if it means keeping them safe...Jawad, Jasper, and Sophia mean a lot to me and I want to keep them safe. Let me do this for me...for us."

Zayn sighed but nodded finally giving in, I pulled away from him and looked at him. He cupped my face and leaned in to kiss my forehead pulling away with a sigh. He turned and walked away with a sigh, I wiped my face and let out a groan in frustration. I got that they were trying to keep us safe but if I was the one Max wanted how would sending me with them do that? I huffed and headed upstairs, it was a struggle due to still feeling dizzy but when I finally made it; I headed to my room.

I knew that if he moved us, he wouldn't be able to move Harry so that meant he and Harry would be here. I couldn't leave without knowing Harry was actually going to be okay either, the fact that he thought I would was stupid and I wish that they would allow me to make my own choices. I moved to sit on the bed and I covered my face, he seemed so broken just now.

I had never actually seen Zayn look so concerned about a situation before, normally he seems so sure but I guess with the mixture of Harry being out, Louis being a traitor, and the others spontaneously making moves it was only natural that Zayn would feel...worried. I soon felt hands threw my hair and I looked up to see Sophia, she smiled down at me.

"Love you know that he just wants to keep you safe," She whispered cupping my face.

I sighed, "I know...but sending me there...with all of you will put you all in danger. It's not fair that everyone is risking their lives and yet I am forced to be protected...I didn't ask for that."

"You have to see it from are side too. I know that there is another member out there who is after you and he may have other members help to do so, but this war...this fight between The Order and Anileis Thanatos was always going to happen, even before you go involved. The boys feel like if anything were to happen to you outside of the one members issue than it's their fault...Lily they love you so much and they only want to make sure you're okay," Sophia said stepping back from me.

I shook my head, "That's not fair! If Harry or Zayn or you or anybody gets hurt because of Max's vendetta against me then it a simple shrug of the shoulders? How am I supposed to live with that? Why is it that I have to be the one that's protected? Why is it that everyone can die for me but I can't do the fucking same! It's not fair, there our families being torn apart literally...because Harry is having members go after Max and then they die and then what...we send out more? I can't...we can't...this stops now!"

I was irritated and just done with the whole situation, Sophia nodded will taking a deep breath and I turned away from her. I walked in the bathroom and turned on the shower, I needed to think and this was the best place to do it.

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