Fight for you

By Brenda1morris

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What do you do when the person you thought you loved tries to ruin everything you have tried so hard to keep... More

Co-Author's Note
Reader Discretion is Advised
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 17

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By Brenda1morris

Chapter 17

~Zayn's POV~

*The next day*

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen letting out a yawn, it was seven in the morning and I would still be asleep if I didn't have to wake up to piss. Lily and I stayed up until four in the morning watching horror movies. We went from The Conjuring marathon to The Halloween series, both of which was too much for Lily apparently. Lily was still upstairs asleep, she got scared and decided to climb into my bed...scared the shit out of me when I turned over and there was a person balled up next to me. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle; I opened it and took a drink. When I turned around Lily stood there with her blanket wrapped around her. I jumped and choked on the water causing it to spew from my mouth and turn into a coughing fit.

"What the fuck?" I wheezed in between my coughing fit.

"I woke up and you were I came in here," she said with a chuckle.

"You know you shouldn't watch scary movies if you can't handle it!" I replied with a hand over my racing heart.

"Well Harry broke the door so I could see into the hallway and it was creepy, so I ran to your room..." She said with wide eyes.

"How did you manage to run with your guy's blanket around you and not fall?" I asked genuinely impressed, she was clumsy and that comforter swallows her whole.

"Who said I didn't fall, you just sleep like a damn rock," She said in all seriousness, I couldn't help but laugh at her.

She huffed and walked over to the counter and sat in one of the stoles...well she tried to but the blanket caught and she ended up falling over it. I laughed harder my ribs and stomach hurting, I was starting to have issues with breathing.

"" I managed to get out, "Ohmygod!"

I looked at Lily through tears, she stared back at me with a glare. She got up and placed her hands on her hips, I couldn't stop laughing it was becoming painful.

"Help!" I cackled out, causing her to stare at me.

"Feel the pain!" She scoffed with a laugh.

I leaned against the counter and tried to catch my breath and compose myself, but every time I thought I was done; it happened again. Finally I was able to calm down and I wiped the tears from my face and looked up at Lily. She had an amused look on her face.

"I'm glad you found that so hilarious," she said with a small laugh.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to laugh so hard but fucking hell woman. Are you okay though?" I asked somewhat breathless.

"Yes, although the question is are you okay?" She replied with a smile.

"Yeah...yeah," I replied, the kitchen phone rang. I walked over to answer it, turning to look at Lily, "Hello?"

"It's Vanessa...Zayn I'm pregnant," My sister's voice came over the phone.

My face turned into neutral expression, "What?"

"I'm pregnant Zayn..."

"What does that have to do with me? Why are you telling me this?" I sneered knowing she probably wanted money.

"Well if you had let me finish you would know it's because its Max's and he wants nothing to do with me," She said, "I need your help."

" absolutely fucking not, Vanessa you are to stay away from him you hear me...otherwise don't be mad at me when you witness his death!" I snapped balling up my fist.

"You...don't act like you care now Zayn. Just help me get him back," She huffed.

"I'm not pretending anything, I'm serious stay away from him," I sneered hanging up.

Suddenly Lily was standing next to me with her hand on my arm, "Who was that? What's going on?"

"My sister...she's pregnant," I answered dully.

"Well that's exciting..."

"It's Max's Lily. She is pregnant with Max's baby" I said cutting her off, I looked at her.

Her free hand flew to cover her mouth, "Oh no."

I sighed and walked away from her, my sister was pregnant with a monster's baby and if I thought I wanted to kill him before, I definitely want to kill him now. I went and sat at the counter, Lily still standing there in a state of shock. I huffed and leaned my head against the cool surface, how could this morning go from hilarious to terrible in a matter of seconds.

"Does he know?" Lily whispered playing with her fingers.

I looked at her confused, "How would I know? I mean I don't think so but..."

"W-what is she going to do?" she asked her voice cracking, so she cleared it.

"I mean she's probably going to tell him...she still wants to be with him, " I replied, turning to look at her with a raised brow.

"No! S-she can't, He'll make her get rid of it...she can't tell him," she said in a sudden panic, causing me to jump.

I sat up and looked at her, "Lily...I...what's wrong with you?"

Lily suddenly went still and just stared at me, the look on her face saying she was trying really hard to compose herself. I didn't understand what was going on but the sense of fear and panic coming from her was making me anxious. Lily shook her head and stood up as if she finally made a decision to some unknown ultimatum. I watched her curiously...

"You don't understand, if Max finds out he will get rid of it no matter the circumstances...she will get hurt Zayn," she said her voice shaking, as she tried to emphasize her point.

I furrowed my brows at her reaction, she was shaking and she began to open and close her hands anxiously, "Lily, I...look I will look into it, but you need to calm down...she'll be okay."

She began to hyperventilate and tears streamed down her face, "Zayn you don't understand damn it. you have to make sure she is safe...he gets violent...please call Harry or someone to protect her...bring her here or something?"

She managed to gasp out holding onto me, I stood up and pulled her to me. She continued to hyperventilate as I tried to get her to calm down, "Okay! I will call Harry...Lily you got to breath for me."

"not again...please help her..." she said going limp as her body shook from the sobs and her trying to catch her breath.

I leaned down to scope up her legs and picked her up taking her to the couch, I laid her down and then ran upstairs to call Harry. I walked into my room and grabbed my phone, dialing Harry. It rang four times and then he answered,

"What's up Zayn?" Harry said sounding distracted.

"Vanessa's pregnant and now Lily is downstairs having a damn panic attack," I said leaving the room to go back downstairs to Lily.

"I don't understand how those two things go together?" Harry said confused.

"Me either, but she insist on you or someone bringing Vanessa here," I replied.

"I'll bring Vanessa, I'm on my way," Harry said and then hung up.

I don't understand what is happening, but hopefully this works out. I walked back into the living room and Lily was sitting up, she looked over at me and her eyes began to tear up again.

"No, no, don't cry again. I called Harry and we are taking care of it...they are coming here," I said in a panic as I came and sat next to her.

She laid her head against my shoulder and we sat there in silence as we waited for them to show up.

*Three hours later*

Lily was finally calmed down and had fallen asleep on my shoulder, I sat on my phone and played solitaire as I continued to wait. Suddenly I heard the sound of tires pull into the driveway and then could her voices coming toward the steps. The door soon opened and Harry and Vanessa's voice filled the house.

"Why do I have to be here," Vanessa whined.

"Shut the hell up already and go sit down," Harry snapped back walking in first.

He walked around the couch to Lily and squatted down in front of her, he shook her gently while calling out her name softly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Harry, sitting up. Vanessa went to sit in the chair in front of us and Lily followed her movements, she looked as if she was looking for something. She soon let out a relieved sigh.

"Princess are you okay? What's going on?" Harry asked looking at her.

"I'm sorry, I know you were busy...but she was in danger...if he knows," she whispered trying to hold back more tears.

"Hey, hey it's okay princess...she's here and she's safe," Harry said looking between us, I shrugged.

~Lily's POV~

I sat there with a worried Harry and Zayn and confused Vanessa; my mind was racing. If Max would have found out or her, it could have been very serious for her. Harry and Zayn kept staring at me, while I kept stealing glances at her. He hadn't gotten to her yet, she will be safe here.

"Lily what happened? why did you freak out like that?" Harry asked trying to read my face.

I took a deep breath, I never thought I would have to talk about this again, it was probably the darkest point of our relationship. I wanted so badly to go back and change what happened, but with time I was able to come to terms with my mistake...

"I was three weeks pregnant..."

*Flash back begins*

Today was a busy day, I had a doctor's appointment and then I had to go to work. After work I would meet up with Max to have dinner and I was so excited, I already picked out my outfit with the help of Brooklynn and even went to get my hair done. The sun was bright today and the smell of the flower shop next door to the doctor's office helped in creating a calm and happy feeling. I walked into the doctor's office and walked up to the receptionist, who smiled at me cheerfully.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" She asked sweetly.

"Hello, My name is Lillianna Bennett. I have an appointment with Dr. Solomon," I said with a smile.

She smiled with a nod and handed me a clip board and pen, "Okay just fill this out and we will call you."

I replied with a polite thank you and took the clip board, turning to go and find a seat. I pulled the pen from the top of the board and began to fill out the form. It asked the basic questions on why I came to visit and other information; once finished with it I brought it back to her and returned to my seat to wait. After about twenty or so minutes a nurse walked out.

"Lillianna Bennett?" The nurse called, she looked like she was over her day already.

"That's me," I replied standing up while grabbing my purse.

"This way," She said with an attitude, I just nodded and followed her back.

She took my weight and height and then lead me into a room, I sat on the bed and she then took my temperature, blood pressure, and asked all the basic questions. Once done she left the room, leaving me to sit there on the bed in silence. She was so rude. I waited another twenty or so minutes and Dr. Solomon walked in with a bright smile.

"Hello, Lily! How are you today?" Dr. Solomon asked with a smile.

"Hi, Dr. Solomon. I've felt better to be honest and you?" I replied smiling back.

"I've been good. Honesty is needed if we want to fix it, so tell me what's going on?" He said grabbing his clip board and taking a seat.

"I don't know, I woke up two days ago feeling really sick and I couldn't keep anything down. I checked my temperature and my thermometer showed I didn't have a fever, so I thought maybe it was broken and decided to make an appointment," I answered looking at him.

"Hmm. Well it says here your temperature is normal, so it's not the thermometer. Why don't I have you pee in a cup and I'll draw some blood and run some test okay?" Dr. Solomon said looking at me with a smile.

I nodded and did as requested, once finished I again sat in the room alone as I waited for the results. Peeing in a cup is freaking hard I really hope I won't have to do this again. After about an hour Dr. Solomon walked back in with a grin on his face.

"So the results are back...congratulations you are three weeks pregnant," He said looking up at me from the clipboard.

I froze in my spot...I'm going to be a mom? But I'm only sixteen...fuck it I'm going to be a mom! I smiled at Dr. Solomon and stood up, shaking his hand. I left the doctor's office; I couldn't wait to tell Max later at dinner. The rest of the day flew by fast due to the excitement.

[later that night]

I had just finished getting ready for dinner and headed out of the apartment to meet Max, he decided to take me to some fancy restaurant downtown. The whole drive was spent with me thinking about how I was going to tell him. I knew it was going to be tough because we were still young and in school. It was also an issue due to the fact that we both worked...him more than me, but I knew we would find a way to make it work. When I arrived, I parked the car and walked in. The server greeted me and I told them I was here to meet Max; they took me to our table. Max soon came into view and I grew more nervous. I sat down and he smiled at me.

"You look so beautiful tonight," He said with a grin, "I took the liberty of ordering for you, I hope that's okay?"

"Yes, thank you," I said with a smile although I was worried about if I would like it or not. He always orders weird food; sometimes it's good, other times...not so much.

The waiter came over and poured some wine, I was surprised because we were minors. Max must know the people who own this place. I smiled but didn't touch the drink. Max picked his up; holding it out to cheers. I picked mine up and he paused.

"I got a promotion today at work, in no time I can be under the vice president!" He said excited, clinking our glasses together.

"Congratulations," I said setting the glass back down.

Max stopped mid drink and looked at me with raised eyebrows, "Why aren't you drinking?"

I smiled at him widely and whispered, "I'm pregnant."

Max stared at me shocked and then he stood up walking around the table to me. He got down on one knee and placed his hands on my stomach, "Really?"

I nodded holding back my tears of excitement, he leaned up and kissed me. I kissed him back and he returned back to his chair, the food arriving not long after. We ate in silence, smiling at one another every once in a while. I was so excited and nothing could ruin this day.

After dinner we returned home laughing and talking. When we walked through the door of the apartment, I immediately went to change; Max following. After changing I walked out of the bedroom to head back to the kitchen. Not long after Max walked in as well, the atmosphere had changed from playful to tense. I looked over a Max in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked setting the cup I had grabbed down.

"Tomorrow you will get rid of that thing, I will not let it ruin my success," Max sneered looking at me, throwing money down on the counter.

I looked at him horrified, "What?"

"Lily I am serious; you will get rid of it or so help me God..."

"I will not do such a thing! What is wrong with you? I thought you were happy about this?" I exclaimed cutting him off.

"Why would I be excited about that? Not only will you get fat, but it will ruin my future plans! I just got a damn promotion and I will not give it up to spend time with that!" he shouted coming over to me.

He grabbed on to my arms and shook me harshly, "Ow, stop! Max get off of me!"

"I want it gone Lillianna, I don't have time to look after it," Max shouted.

"No! I..."

He freed one of his hands and before I could see it coming, I was punched hard in the stomach causing me to double over gasping for air. I went to move but he punched me in the face and then kicked me down, I cried out and tried to ball up. He started to kick me in the stomach and then he got down and landed another punch to the face, my vision blurred.

"I don't want a fucking kid or a fat girlfriend! So if you don't want to get rid of it professionally, then I'll get rid of it myself!" he shouted at me.

"Get off...of me! Help! me!" I cried out trying to get away, but it didn't work I was to hurt...and it only made it worse.

Eventually my body gave out and I passed out due to all the pain; when I woke up, I was in the hospital. A nurse walked in and gave me a sympathetic look, I just looked at her.

"Do you remember what happened?" she asked causing me to nod, "I'm so sorry, but you lost your baby. The police are looking for your attackers...your boyfriend is here; he went to the vending you want me to go get him?

I shook my head and she just nodded leaving. Soon Max walked in and came to stand by me, "You will not speak of this again or else."

I nodded and fought back the tears.

*End of Flashback*

I looked down at my hands, that was a dark secret that I had to live with. I guess that's why it didn't hurt so much when Max left me...he was someone else's problem now. And to be fair people do change for the right person, I just wasn't her. But seeing his behavior now I knew that he hadn't changed and if they didn't get to Vanessa, she would be in serious danger. I will always feel guilty...guilty for allowing him to kill the baby and then staying with him still and guilty for knowing what kind of monster he was and not caring at first because she was his mistress. I let out a sigh covering my face with my hands, I was young and dumb and scared and I honestly prayed that he would just leave; so when it happened, I took that opportunity and let him walk out.

The sudden sound of someone crying had me snap my head up to find the source, I looked over at Vanessa who had her mouth covered.

"I...I am so sorry that you had to go through that. You didn't deserve it...I am so sorry," she said with a sob.

I cleared my throat and leaned up so I could wrap my arms around myself, "It's not your fault, it's mine. I should have just agreed to go to the clinic...if I did that, I would have been able to just leave and the baby would still be here but I didn't...I failed to protect that baby. Although I wish I would have met you under different circumstances...I refuse to let it happen again."

" wasn't your fault...he's sick and twisted..." Harry whispered cupping my face.

"I guess I thought that as long as the next person didn't get pregnant, they would be safe you know? Or that she would be smart enough to tell someone...anyone...I mean Brooklynn doesn't even know because he covered it and never mentioned the baby. He just said I was mugged and came up with this huge lie and she ate it up...I had no one to help me..." I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed, squeezing my eyes shut, "Max took what was supposed to be a happy moment and destroyed it. I couldn't let him do it again..."

"He won't..." Harry stood up and kissed my forehead, he then walked out of the living room; the sound of the front door slamming could be heard soon after. I looked at Zayn who just stared back at me.

"You can't blame yourself for what happened, he's a monster. I'm going to call Harry to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid," Zayn said standing up, I nodded and turned my attention to Vanessa.

"I am so sorry that, that is what you had to deal with," Vanessa whispered.

"It was a tough time, but I am better now I think...I mean I don't think about it as much as I used to and he I was able to be free. Honestly as fucked up as it sounds if it wasn't for you, I would probably still be stuck with him," I replied, whispering the last part.

"Yeah well...I'm still sorry," she said, "I guess I should just think about the positives like the fact that you didn't hate me enough to leave me in that mess...even though I would have deserved it."

"No! No matter what happened, you don't deserve that. No one does; yes, I was angry at you at first because I had this crazy illusion that we could one day be fixed...that I could fix him...but then I realized that in the end I couldn't; it was you who helped me realize that. So, no you do not deserve to be abused and treated like shit because he made the choice to cheat with you...and I don't hate you for what happened, if anything you should be mad at me for not warning you sooner," I replied looking at her.

She covered her face and sobbed, "I'm sorry...I shouldn't be crying, if anything it should be you who's supposed to be crying...I'm just so emotional right now. God, thank you for saving me...I didn't know the actual danger I was in."

I walked over to her and gave her a hug, causing her to tense. She soon relaxed into it and hugged me back, "As long as you don't go back and learned a lesson here, then all is good."

She nodded her head and hugged me tighter, I turned my head to see Zayn standing there with a small smile on his face. I pulled away and looked at him letting out a shaky breath while rubbing my hands on my thighs, I was trying to keep my composure but it was hard.

"What's going on?" I asked with a concerned look.

"I am the closest person to him, if I go now, I can catch him...but that means you'll be here alone," Zayn said with a sad smile.

"That's okay, just bring him back," I answered walking over to him.

"Okay...I'll let the dogs out. So don't go outside, they will attack. I am also going to let Gotham in...stay away from the windows and doors and Gotham will make sure the other's stay out," Zayn said walking away to the door, I followed behind him.

"Got it...go we are safe, you go get Harry," I replied and Zayn nodded. He opened the door and whistled. Gotham came running up the driveway and bounded up the steps.

Gotham came in and walked over to me, sitting down with a dopey look on his face. I smiled at Zayn and then he left. I walked into the living room and Gotham followed, he spotted Vanessa and growled causing her to jump.

"No, sit," I said snapping my fingers and he listened, "She is good, so you be a good boy and let her pet you."

Gotham walked over to her and sat waiting for her to pet him, she reached out hesitantly while he just sat there. She gently began to pet his head and he laid his head in her lap.

"It's been so long since I saw him, it's no wonder he doesn't remember me," She said softly, "He was the cutest fat and round."

"He's such a big baby, Zayn won't let me have him...although now I know why," I said whispering the last part.

"Oh, so he told you...It was another beautiful thing turned dark...he was so excited about having a son, that's all he talked about. Gotham was going to be his son's present but as you know that didn't work out," She said her tone soft.

"It so sad that that has happened to him, but I know he will find him. I just hope he doesn't blame her to much...she was sick and even though I don't understand how all this works...I know it couldn't have helped with how she was already feeling," I replied looking towards the kitchen, "Are you hungry?"

"Oh yes! Food sounds nice!" She said getting excited.

I chuckled and stood up going to the kitchen, Vanessa and Gotham following behind me. We entered and I walked to the fridge and began to grab the ingredients to make some spaghetti, Vanessa stared at me intensely. I began cooking the food while chatting with Vanessa, Gotham laid happily in the floor by the sink.

"I know that you probably don't want to talk about it...but where are your parents?" Vanessa asked suddenly.

I continued to stir the meat in the pan, "They died when I was younger...of course the circumstances that I was told were much different then what actually happened."

"Oh...sorry..." she whispered.

"Don't be, death is a part of life...I mourned and knowing my parents they would hate for me to be so upset about it. My mom told me when I was younger that as long as my heart still beats, the people I've lost will still be it sounds somewhat beautiful, but as a child it gave me nightmares," I replied with a soft chuckle.

"I could see how that would happen," she laughed, "So what happened did you go live with family or?"

"I first lived with my uncle and aunt, when they left, I was adopted by some family friends and...yeah I mean it wasn't all like sad and you know tragic," I said finishing the food.

I turned off the stove and made our plates, I then walked into the pantry to find dog food for Gotham. I finally found it in the back and grabbed him some food, I walked back out and set it down in front of him. I then sat down and began to eat.

"How was your adoptive parents," She asked taking a bite and then humming at the taste.

"I mean they were nice? Before my uncle left I had already been living with Max, then at seventeen they disappeared and it was basically just like to fulfill my aunt and uncles will, we didn't interact much or anything...but I got a sister out of it so that's always cool," I said looking down at my plate.

I never realized how crazy my life had been until talking about it out loud; At twelve years old I moved in with my aunt and uncle, at thirteen my parents died, at fifteen Max and I started dating and eventually moved in together, at sixteen I got my first job and almost had my first child, seventeen my uncle and aunt disappeared and I was adopted, and at eighteen things kind of just stayed planish besides me changing jobs to work at the bookstore. Of course, there were normal trivial issues; the big ones seemed to be very big.

"You have been through so much in such a little time, you are a very strong person for being able to push yourself through it," Vanessa said wiping her mouth, "I would have had to be checked into a mental clinic."

"You know I didn't realize how crazy it sounded until now...I probably should talk to a shrink at this point..." I said with a laugh, although I was actually serious.

There was a moment of silence and suddenly I saw Gotham stand up and he began to growl, I looked at Vanessa who was already staring back at me. I stood up slowly to see what it was he was looking at; he was just staring at the door. I turned to Vanessa and shrugged, "One of the other dogs could be out there?"

She stared at me and I turned back to the door, despite Zayn's warning I walked to the door. When I turned back to look at Vanessa, she was sitting on the counter with wide eyes. I laughed at her antics and opened the door, sure enough there was a dog on the other side. He was a light grey color with white on his chest, and he was stocky. He looked like he could be Gotham's brother. I cooed at how cute he was, while he just stared at me. Suddenly he jumped and I was knocked over, I let out a short scream.

I prepared myself to get bit, but instead my face was covered in slobber. I tried to turn my head from his kisses but it wasn't working, at this point I was worried I would die of suffocation.

~Zayn's POV~

I managed to find Harry before he got too far and stopped him from getting to Max. I pulled into the driveway, Harry pulling in right behind me. I got out and turned to look at Harry, who just glared.

"He deserves to die...that bastard is fucking disgusting and deserves to die," Harry spat slamming his car door.

"I know that Harry but we can't do anything rash right now! If we kill him now, we die too. So just follow the plan and I promise you, you'll get the chance," I said calmly.

"Yeah whatever," Harry said walking past me and up the stairs.

I followed after him and we entered the house, the moment the door opened I could hear a commotion coming from the kitchen. We walked in and I stood wide eyed at the scene in front of me; Vanessa sat on the counter shouting that she couldn't call me because she didn't have her phone, and Lily laid on the ground being licked to death by Gotham and Dax. Two of my most vicious dogs...she managed to turn to of my most vicious dogs into to loving dopes! I whistled and both dogs came to me, Vanessa stared at us like we were some holy saviors and Lily sat up trying to catch her breath.

She got up and went to the sink to wash off her face when she was done, she turned to us, "Thanks."

I crossed my arms and raised a brow, "How did he get in?"

Vanessa coughed and got down of the counter while Lily turned away from us. Harry walked over to Lily and wrapped himself around her.

"Well I may or may not have opened the door," she said shyly.

"I told you not to, you could have gotten hurt Lily. You're lucky all he did was lick you!" I sighed; she was really lucky.

"like you said the worst that happened was they almost licked me to death and if that is how I was meant to go well fuck it, I am happy with it," Lily said pulling away from Harry, who just looked at me with a smirk.

I just stared at her; I mean what do you even say to that? I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers and Dax and Gotham laid down. Vanessa stood there trying to hold in her laughter, while Harry and Lily just stood there looking at me. I wasn't mad because I really couldn't be, it would have been her fault if she got hurt.

"Why do you insist that they are so aggressive that I can't even open the door?" Lily asked with a frown.

"Look I raised all of them to guard and attack, when they are out there that's what they are supposed to do," I replied with a huff, "You're lucky it wasn't rocky at the door, because he knows how to open it and he's not so nice."

"Rocky?" Lily asked.

"My Rottweiler, he is old and mean just because," I said looking down at Dax and Gotham.

"At this point mate, I think she could make any of them into big babies...Dax is quite mean...even to you and yet he looks like he's in love over there," Harry said with a chuckle.

"How many breeds do you have?" Lily asked with wide eyes.

"Two Rottweilers, six Pitbulls, two Doberman, four bull dogs both English and French, three Boxers, two Shih Tzus, and a Chihuahua," I replied continuing on my fingers, Lily stared at me like a mad man.

"None of those sound remotely aggressive...maybe the Shih Tzus but come on really?" Lily laughed looking at me.

"That was the point, back when I first started training them Liam said that it was only easy because Rottweilers, Dobermans, and Pits are obedient so it would be easy to get them to listen. So we made a bet, if I could train the Shih Tzu and the Chihuahua to be as obedient as the others then he would pay me a hundred and fifty bucks," I replied with a smirk, "That one hundred and fifty bucks was spent nicely."

"No one cares about your dirty money! I want to love the puppies!" Lily said running over to me, she gave me a puppy dog face.

"Oh no! You will not make all of my dogs lovely little dopes! They are guard dogs and are meant to be aggressive!" I said my voice cracking at the end.

"Zayn they still need love!" She whined.

"They are loved! I love them!" I scoffed feeling offended.

"Yes! But they need cuddles and tummy rubs!" she said doing a little jog in place.

"I do that too! I'm not a monster!" I huffed again offended.

I looked over to my sister and Harry who just shrugged and looked away, I turned my attention back to Lily. She had her puppy dog face on and her hands clasped under her chin, she looked so adorable. Stop making that damn face! I covered my face and groaned.

"Fine...fine you win..." I said walking to the still opened back door, I pointed at Harry and glared, "This is your fault."

"Woah, woah, woah, how is this my fault," Harry said putting his hands up.

"Because she's your girlfriend therefore your fault!" I said leaning out the door and whistling.

I watched as all the dogs came running, they looked like a heard of excited children. They came filing in and took a seat, I watched as Lily began to shake in excitement.

"Wait, wait, wait...what are their names?" She said putting her hands out.

Starting with Gotham I listed them, "Gotham, Dax, the black and white Pitbull is Harry, the all-white Pitbull is snow, the black with a white chest is Nate, the white with a black chest is Meliodas, the Rottweiler with a nub is Sam, the Rottweiler that's older looking is Rocky, the first Doberman is bear, the second Doberman is Grizzly, The first Boxer is King, the second Boxer is blue, the third Boxer is Ajax, the first English Bulldog is bonnie, the second English bulldog is Bella, the first French Bulldog is Achilles, The second French bulldog is Hercules, the fist Shih Tzu is princess, the second Shih Tzu is Betty, and last but not least the Chihuahua is Monster."

I took in a deep breath; I had never had to name them to anyone so it was a lot. Lily looked at me confused, "So what's up with the names dude?"

"Oh yeah so Jasper...Sophia and Liam's son helped me name them. Can't say no to a two-year-old," I said crossing my arms.

"Makes sense...anyway...come here babies," she said getting down and opening arms.

Gotham and Dax were the first to go and then the rest followed. Lily laughed in excitement while Vanessa, Harry, and I stared at her in amusement. She kept switching between each dog, all of them demanding her attention.

"She is such a child," Harry and I said in unison.

"She deserves to experience these happy moments...she's been through a lot," My sister said with a sad smile.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, I was surprised she would say something so...nice? I nodded my head and then motioned for her to follow me, we needed to have a chat. We walked out of the kitchen and head to my downstairs study; when we walked in, I shut the door.

"I know what you're going to say and Zayn I don't want to argue with you," Vanessa said with a sigh as she went to sit down.

"So then don't...Vanessa you know that you can't be reckless now that your pregnant. This Baby will be counting on you to protect and take care of it," I said going to lean against the desk.

"I know Zayn and I will try..."

"No, not try. You will! All the parting and getting into trouble is done, and you need to stay under the radar because if and when Max finds's not going to be pretty. Why did you even choose him? Of all the guys...him?" I said popping my knuckles, "Also we need to talk about the fact that you called Harry and threatened him?"

"Look don't come at me with what I'm supposed to do Zayn. You don't know what I'm going find out all this stuff in a matter of hours and then being brought here. Look I just wanted a chance at happiness...I wanted to try and have a normal life. Just yesterday I was madly in love with a sweet guy, now I'm in love with a fucking psycho," Vanessa said pushing her hair from her face, "And it wasn't intentional I was desperate okay? I just wanted Max back and I knew that if anyone would be willing to help, it would be Harry; you know since Max is trying to go after his girlfriend."

"So let me get this straight not only did you sleep with this poor girl's ex but then got knocked up! I mean he wasn't even single when you got together and what? You thought he was going to change to be with you? Come on Vanessa seriously? And then you thought it was a brilliant idea to call Harry; her current boyfriend so that you could, I don't know come up with some crazy plan that would essentially have The Order come down on us! Like what the fuck were you thinking? Are you mental?" I snapped, she was always so irresponsible and only thought about her own personal gain.

"I know it was stupid Zayn, but at the time I just wanted him back. And yes okay, I never said that it was a good idea, but I was desperate. I thought that if we could work it out then maybe one day we could settle down and have a family...I didn't know that he was...sick. Look it was a mistake and I shouldn't have tried to involve Harry, that wasn't right but what would you have done?" She said leaning back against the seat.

"Yeah well had you of listened to me, this wouldn't have happened. I mean he's literally the enemy here, I told you to leave him alone. You never listen...what? Did you think that you guys one day deciding to have a baby would mean we would just accept it and everything would be fine?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You did! Don't try to yell at me for something you did Zayn! I said I made a mistake and I'm accepting it alright!" She snapped looking at me with a glare.

I sighed and looked at the wall, "Your right I did think that and you know what that got me? A dead girlfriend and my son missing. Do you not realize I now have a son somewhere out there, who doesn't even know I exist? I have to wake up every fucking day thinking about a kid that I will never see, because his mother ran off with him, only to kill herself and have our baby taken away! I never even go to hold him, Vanessa! He had to grow up thinking I didn't want him, that I hated him. He is out there hating me for something I had no control over."

"Zayn, I know but this is not the same, I'm sorry for trying to involve Harry. And I am sorry for not listening because I really should have but I was blinded by love..." She said with a sigh.

"You have to do better, you really do," I said standing up, "please for your sake and the sake of the baby, stay away from him."

"I know and I will, she made me realize how stupid I was and how horrible of a person I am," she replied.

I nodded and walked out of the room; my sister was always so self-centered. She only cared about herself and didn't care who got hurt in the process. As long as she knew what she did was wrong there wasn't a reason for me to be so cruel.

I entered the living room where Lily laid with all of my dogs, she looked like she was in heaven. I guess the reason I didn't want her to love them so much was because I knew she would try to steal them and they were mine, I refused to give up any of them...they were my family. Harry sat on the couch on his phone, I went and sat across from him. Vanessa soon appeared and sat down in the chair.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked Harry who put his phone away.

"Well she'll have to leave...she can't stay here, it's a risk to the plan. Unless..." Harry said placing his hand on his chin.

"Unless?" I asked suspicious of his idea.

"Maybe this could be beneficial, hear me out. We can have her call him, tell him that she is leaving give him a false location and have him go there. When he arrives, we can ambush him...she will be safe and out of harm's way the whole time," Harry said.

"No, I do not want to be involved...I don't get involved with this shit absolutely not," Vanessa snapped.

"Anyways, we take her to the old warehouse have her take a picture there. She then calls Max and tells him how she wants to leave because of the baby and when he ask to see her; which we know he will, she gives him that address. On the day of the meeting she sends him the picture letting him know she's there waiting; all the while she will be long gone and we can show up and take him out," Harry said having already thought of everything.

"That could work...have Liam and Niall be there with a few of the other guys, he won't see it coming," I replied thinking it over. She would still be safe and we can get rid of one problem.

"Excuse me? Are you not listening to me? I said no!" Vanessa snapped standing up.

"This is the least you could do and you'll be safe, you won't even see him," Harry spat back leaning back in his seat.

"Look we all have to play our part here; we are all in this. This isn't even a big request, you are a part of this just like the rest of us," I said looking at her.

"I didn't want to be a part of this life Zayn. I didn't fucking choose this! If it's so small why don't you have her do it?" I snapped.

"Well you are! This is who we are, this is the life we fucking live! You don't get to choose, none of us did. We can't use her because they would know it was a fucking trap, you're the better option because you already went against us once when you choose to sleep with him, he wouldn't think twice about you being on our side now," I snapped back.

"Again I thought that it would be a way out, a way to happiness and I admitted that it was a dumb mistake. Plus you said that I needed to protect and take care of this baby and now you want me to tell him about it?" She said throwing her arms out to her side.

"He's still a fucking gang member, just from the other side. You wouldn't have gotten out because he's not giving this life up, in fact you're lucky that you got away from him now. And like we said; He won't be able to get to you, we will have you protected and safe," I replied looking at her.

She looked between Harry and I and then sighed, "Fine, I'll do it. But after this I am out for good. I want to be able to leave."

"I can arrange that for you, we will send you were ever you want. We'll set you up with housing and money as well, but that means you can't turn back no matter what happens," Harry said looking at her with a serious face.

"Okay...Japan," she replied sitting back down.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"I want to go to Japan," She said.

He nodded his head and looked at me, I just shrugged. It seemed that we were one step closer to getting to Max.

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