Transmigration as an Unknown...

By saikkuro

284K 12.1K 5.3K

I, Miyazaki Daichi was transported inside my sister's favorite otome game as an unknown character. And that s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Art Dump (not an update)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Thank You

Chapter 8

9K 447 125
By saikkuro

(Warning, the chapter contains hunting of an animal, graphic description mentioned.)

Chapter 8

"Haaaa~ I'm so tired from all the work!" I stretched my arms. Papers were scattered all over the desk. Mark-san starts to pile them neatly and put away the materials.

"You can say that. Hey Mark-san, can we have snacks at the Gazebo?" Satoru asks as he stands up and stretched his limbs.

"Yes Satoru-sama." Mark complied.

It's been 5 years since I got transported to this world. I told Mark-san about Satoru seeing that he was spotted by Mark on the day the inn opened.

I couldn't keep it a secret from him and so I explained that I hired 'Amy' and that 'she' will be disguised as a boy whenever meeting with me. I also explained that 'Satoru' will be 'her' name while disguised as a boy.

Mark believed me and agreed with the idea. Which was quite rare for him too.

We were now outside taking a break.

"I hope the peaceful days last." I state in my former language as I drink my tea.

"I can relate. You're in a much tough predicament than me though." Satoru nonchalantly stated.

I sighed.

Indeed, unexpected things have been happening. Not only were there problems that came from outside that's affecting the story, the two targets...

When I told Satoru about it, he replied that he knew from the start when he first saw me but decided to see how I would take action first. He admitted it became worse from what happened.

It started a year and a half ago. Everything was going smoothly, that is until I was caught up in an accident.

It was something none of us expected.


"You are scheduled to attend the annual hunting." Mark announced as he takes the stack of papers from my desk.

"Oh yeah, it's that time of the year. Will I be able to join father at hunting this time?" I ask as I look up at Mark.

"I am uncertain if you will be able to participate." I look at Mark in skepticism from what he said.

"Haven't I been showing amazing progress at swordsmanship and archery? And I'm quite sure it will be beneficial for our reputation." I reasoned.

"One will agree, but it will be Master Albert's decision whether to allow the young Master." I look at Mark irritated as I puff my cheeks.

A knock was then heard. Mark looks over me for permission. I nod and Mark heads over to open the door. We were surprised to see our maid with the two Princes' behind her. The maid backed away, making way for the twins.

"Greetings your Highnesses." Mark bows at the two. "I apologize for the lack of preparation. We were not informed of your arrival."

"It's fine. We wanna see Royse if it's possible." Henry stated.

Now this was a surprise. The two would always notify us if they were visiting. Mark opened the door wider to let the two enter.

The two examined the room, surprise and amazement were evident in their expressions. Of course, this is the first time they've entered my office. It made me feel smug about it. Although they must have a bigger study room than this, but who cares.

I stood up from my seat and went towards the two and bowed.

"Greetings, William onii-sama, Henry onii-sama. What brings your sudden visit?"

"Did we not tell you to call us by our name?" William asks, his face showing discomfort.

I sighed inwardly. Even if I'm older than them mentally, physically they're older and they're royalty. Well, seeing them being persuasive I see no problem.

"I'm sorry William-sama and Henry-sama." I corrected my self.

The two smiled, satisfied.

"We're sorry for not informing you, but we would love for you to join us on the hunting event." Henry announced.

I stared at the two. Wondering if I heard wrong, I look at Mark. As if reading my thoughts, he nods.

"Uhm. I have yet received permission from my Father if I am allowed to participate in this year's hunting event."

"Surely Marquess Albert will allow Royse. I have heard rumors that your swordsmanship and archery ability is that of a master." William stated.

I look at Mark.

'Didn't I tell you.'

Mark must have understood my thought as he only sighed in silence.

"That's merely overestimating me. But I would love to join this year's hunting event if possible." I smiled sadly on purpose. If Mark doesn't think I should participate this year, then I'll use these two to make Father allow me.

"Then we will talk with the Marquess. Don't worry, we'll be there for you." William excitedly assured.

And that's how I was able to join the annual hunting event. Satoru commented on how 'sly' I was. I think 'desperate' is the right word.

"Are you excited Royse dear?" Mother asks. We were currently on our way to the destination. Since this will be my first time participating, I felt my adrenaline taking over me.

"Yes. I'm so excited! I will catch us a big deer!" I proudly announced.

"I'm sure Rosey will do amazing!!!" Aneki excitedly declared.

We arrived at the Hunting Grounds. We headed towards the gazebo and saw the other nobles gathered. There were also tents for the medical team.

"Greetings Marquess Frostenden! I look forward to this year's hunting event." Greeted a noble middle-age man.

"As I you, Viscount Vazquez."

"Will Sir Royse be participating?" Ask the curious Viscount as he looks at me.

"Yes. We decided to allow Royse to participate."

"My. That is incredible! I have heard that Royse is a prodigy, not only in his studies but also in combat." Complimented Viscount Vazquez's wife. I could only smile at the couple.

"I am very much grateful to hear such words, but I'm afraid rumors overestimate me too much." I replied.

"I doubt that." Spoke someone.

The person then walked in front of us.

"Your Majesty!" All of us bowed.

"Please raise your heads." We rose our heads. King Alden looks at me and smiled fondly. It still felt awkward speaking with the king despite visiting the castle often.

"I hope Royse enjoys his first hunting."

"I will enjoy it to the fullest, your majesty." I smiled whole-heartedly.

Unknown to Royse, a few nobles went weak to the radiant smile that Royse displayed.

The King chuckled from the scene. No wonder his sons were overprotective.

"William and Henry are very excited to have you participate." The king stated, for a few seconds, the king showed a tired expression after mentioning his sons.

Although I can guess why...

"Yes. I am grateful that William onii-sama and Henry onii-sama invited me to join them." I can't really call the two of them by their given name in front of their dad...

"I will now return to the other guest. I wish you the best." With that, the King left. Other nobles also went to the other guests to greet them.

"I will bring us the best catch!!" I announced excitedly as I throw my fist in the air.

"I'm sure you will." Mother fondly patted my head. "Your father will be there to assist you, and it seems Henry-sama and William-sama will also be there for you."

I can't hunt the way I want if I have any witness, but since this is my first hunting event, I can't go all out. I sighed mentally. At least I get to participate this time!

"It's fine! I'm also a man! I can protect myself!"

"Royse-kun is still a boy. But if he shows his capabilities, maybe those two will acknowledge that Royse is a man." Catherine showed up and looked at me.

Somehow her looks were suggesting something.

"Catherine-sama!" Aneki excitedly announced.

"Hello Rohesia-chan. I have heard from the two that Royse will be participating."

"Yes! Rosey will be! I'm sure he will do great!"

I could see aneki with dog ears and tail.

Catherine chuckled, her expression soon changed into a serious one.

"Please do be careful Royse-kun. I know that the grounds are guarded by knights, but you still must be careful." Catherine advised. Probably because of what happened at the tea party at least 4 years ago. It must have left a trauma.

"Thank you Catherine nee-sama. Although I want to display my abilities, I won't stray too far from everyone." I smiled, thankful that she's worried for me.

Catherine smiled along with mom and sis. We then heard a trumpet, signaling that it was time for the hunt to begin.

"We'll be going." Father announced. We waved our farewells and went towards where the participants gathered. I looked around the crowd, trying to search for the twins.

"We will now be starting our annual hunting event. Please make sure that you are not experiencing any problem in health and can truly be able to participate. We wish for everyone to enjoy today's event to the fullest and bring in the best catch. You may begin."

Me and Father went to our horses and rode them. We headed out towards the forest and started to search for our catch.

I probably will get scolded by two because I went first and left them behind. The thought made my sweatdrop and sighed.

"Master!" Called a familiar voice.

"Andrew!" I look behind only to see my first pupil.

"I'm very happy that Master has participated. But I won't hold back! My title will disappear if Master brings in a bigger catch than me." Andrew determinedly declared.

The Stewart Family earned the title of Baron, allowing Andrew to participate in this event. And of course, ever since participating, Andrew earned himself a lot more fans.

"Then I will do the same. I should make my first participation memorable after all." I smirked.

Andrew smiled back and bid his farewell. That Andrew, although we haven't been seeing each other for a while, I can tell that he's stronger than before.

I should reward him for his hard work.

"The Stewart family is making a name for themselves. I'm sure there's more to come for them. We better not lose huh. Shall we head on Royse?"

"You said it Father!" I beamed. We continued our search and spotted a deer.

Although I can easily detect the creatures, I'd rather not rely on my ability. This hunting event was made for nobles to display their ability to hunt with weapons. I'd feel terrible to use my ability to my advantage.


"Yes father." I brought out my bow and positioned my arrow. With one shot, the arrow pierced through the head of the deer.

"As expected. I'm proud of you son. I better show off now do I." Father complimented.

"What are we gonna do about this catch?"

"Don't worry." Father brought out a stone that has a carve of our family crest.

"This stone contains magic. If we put this on top of the catch, no one will be able to touch it except us."

"Hee~. That's amazing. It's kinda similar to the keys in Ryokan." I said out loud.

"Indeed. Shall we continue our hunt?"


Before we knew it, it was already the afternoon. Hours easily passed without me knowing.

"I'm sure others must be returning now, do you still want to continue?"

"I think we've hunted more than enough." I was also starting to get hungry.

"Ok. Then let's get our catch and return shall we."

"Yea!" I beamed, satisfied for today. Although it wasn't the same thrill when pursuing thieves and such, I was still satisfied.

When we were headed back, we saw a trail of blood.

"Uhm. Father, is this normal?" I ask worriedly.

"Yes. It may be someone's prey that got away while injured from a shot."

"Ok...." Even if that's the reason, I couldn't help but worry. As we continued our way back, the atmosphere felt different.

We then stumbled upon more bloodstains. Now we were alarmed. I suddenly felt a few headaches. The signs were familiar and I knew something was not right.

"Uhm Father?" I ask as I look at him. Father felt his sweatdrop and commented at the sight.

"This is quite barbaric. Although there are nobles with experience in wars and are used to this kind of display, I doubt for them to leave such a mess."

We were then surprised by what we saw next. There was a dead bear with a huge gash. And most of all there wasn't any stone found at it. Father inspected the area and surveyed the bear.

"Is there someone else here? I'm sure knights guard the grounds until some part of the forest as a limit of where until we can hunt." Inspecting the bear once more, Father's expression changed.

"With a catch this big, surely the person would leave a stone. Royse, we better return quickly."

I nod, understanding the sudden turn of events. If it isn't a noble, then who? The headache soon started to become severe. With this sign, this must be something that's affecting the plot critically!

I activated my sensitivity space skill. I saw the other noble's figure, but what took me by surprise is that there were unknown figures that showed threat.

And they were headed towards the royal family.

"Royse?" Father asks.

Albert was suddenly worried about seeing his son pale.

"Are you ok?"

"Father." I started sweating buckets. I silently called my status box and saw my mana stats depleting.

This is bad....

"I'm fine, maybe I feel tired." I forced a smile. Damn it, of all the time!

"Then we shall hurry. Are you ok with riding by yourself?"

"Yes Father. I don't think it's severe. Let's just hurry."

We gained speed. While Father was leading the way, I summoned my shadow clones and made them go towards the royal family while concealed.

After doing so, I immediately felt a huge amount of mana that was consumed. I just need to hold out longer. I took some mana potion and buffed myself with pain reduction and mana replenishing buff. This will last for 5 minutes, but that's more than enough to stop the unknown figures.

Still using my sensitivity skill, I saw that we were nearing the resting grounds, but the buffs suddenly started to disappear.

It hasn't been 5 minutes?! Why is it disappearing?!

Suddenly our horses halted. The horse I was riding panicked and accidentally made me fall off him. It then ran away.

"Royse!" Father shouted. He hopped off his horse and assisted me. Father was then surprised when he felt my temperature.

"Royse! You have a fever! We better get you to the medics!" He carried me, but we were surprised when figures suddenly appeared before us. Father could only glare and realize who the cause of the sight from a while ago.

"We almost let these two escape back to the den." Spoke the taller man.

"Yea close call. Now, we better wrap this up quickly." Replied his companion.

Father settled me on his horse and unsheathed his sword.

"How were you able to pass the guards?!" Father furiously asked.

"Woah there. Hmmm. Of course because of our master!" Spoke the taller figure.

The two then charged at father. When one was headed towards me, father immediately stopped the guy from doing so.

Father is amazing, but what I'm more worried about is the current environment. It was evident that Father realized something was wrong since he attempted to try and cast a skill.

I can't use my abilities and I'm slowly losing my clones. There must be magic nullification around the area but who would be able to use such an ability.

The guy said 'Master' a while ago. Is that person the cause?

Then everyone is in danger. It was not something anyone can cast.

I was slowly losing consciousness. But I can't lose now. Using more skills and different attributes at the same time is difficult and risky, but if the signs are these severe, then I better do all I can to stop what's about to happen.

Let's see who has stronger nullification magic!

I focused on everyone's whereabouts. After sensing them, I focused on sensing the radius in which the nullification ability was applied.

Finally getting all of the info I want. I unleashed my nullification skill within the radius of everyone. I used Dark magic to also conceal the sudden burst of mana.

After the enemy's nullification disappeared, I immediately summoned as many clones as I can, have them wear a disguise and conceal themselves. Finally making them head out towards everyone.

If that Master of theirs used nullification magic, that could only mean that they knew of my clones and immediately took action.


If they have a skill that allows them to see concealed figures and such...

I just gave away both of my identities....

damn it.....

"What on earth just now." Father then sensed the change in atmosphere. He brought out his hand and saw he can use his skill again. He made his sword covered in flame.

The two figures then panicked and became confused.

"Hey! What Happened!??"

"I don't know, but master's ability disappeared!!"

Seeing the two was distracted, Father used the opportunity to attack them. Leaving a huge wound, the two sweated in fear and backed off.

My clones are also starting to finish off the remaining figures, this should be ending soon. I started to close my eyes.

"Now I wondered what was going on." An unfamiliar voice announced.

This made me wide-awake. Why wasn't I able to sense him with the space skill!?!

A white-haired man with ruby eyes appeared and smiled at us.


"What's going on Master?!"

The 'Master' walked towards us while showing an amused look.

"Calm you two. I know you're confused. I'm also dumbfounded by what happened. It seems this mission has more to offer." The man announced and looked at me.

"To think I would find such treasure." 

I was suddenly surprised when the voice spoke beside me.

I was being carried by the man.


"ROYSE!!!" Father shouted.

"I think you're worth more than those royalties." The man smiled at me.

A chill ran down my spine.

This man.

He's bad news.


He has a stronger level than me.

"You're not the only one with Dark attribute, my little kitten."

"Let go of Royse!!!!" Father furiously shouted.

The man suddenly unleashed a wall made of Dark attribute around Father.

"F-Father.." I tried to shout.

"Announce retreat to everyone left." The man stated.

"B-but Master-"

"It's fine. Our plan is foiled, but it's not as if we didn't gain anything from it." The man cuts off his companions' word as he smirked and looked at me.

I felt my body tense and realized what the man wanted. I gulp seeing the current situation. I was losing consciousness.

I look at father. It then occurred to me.

He can't see anything right now.

I can let lose right?

I smirked, causing the man to become dumbfounded.

"I hell am sure you're stronger than me when it comes to Dark attribute."

I grabbed his collar, bringing his face near me. His face shocked, his pupils were dilated.

"But who said I only use Dark magic."

With that, I summoned gates below all of the unknown figures in the forest. I flinched at the sudden amount of pain inflicted. The buffs were back, but it wasn't enough to fight off the effects happening.

The man felt a sudden change in the environment.

"You're in my space now." I smirked.

"You-" The man couldn't finish his words as he felt paralysis throughout his body, making him let go of his hold.

I fell off the ground. I slowly stood up and went near the man.


With that, the man fell through the gate.

I was slowly losing consciousness, but I was sure I saw the man smiling before he fell.

Finally, sensing all the unknown figures disappear, all my strength left me and met with the cold ground.



Pardon for the late update!!!!! I don't know if someone is still reading this, but if you are still reading this crappy story then-



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