Ready to run

By vivschreibt

57.8K 3.3K 2K

[COMPLETED] "Please, don't go, Magnus." Alec said imploringly as a tear ran down his cheek. "I need you." he... More

Officer Bane
Mr. Beautiful
It's always drama
As if the butterflies were going crazy
I missed you, you know?
You had me at Sushi
Maybe I'm just paranoid.
He doesn't deserve you.
I don't need your protection.
I am Nick and you are?
You are not the solution for everything
Maybe I should get to know her.
We are called Shadowhunters.
Off to New York, baby.
More for me!
Pure luxury.
Awh, is he a newbie?
Good night, Magnus.
Maybe you let Magnus decide.
Do you still care about me?
I have tea for you.
Leave me alone!
Oh, a girl. How cute.
Because you love him, sweetheart.
That's what I like about you.
I know it hurts, but it's over.
You are incredible, Magnus.
Be honest with me!
What are you thinking about?
You think I'm handsome?
I'll be fine.
Where is he?
Magnus, stay awake.
I always cared about you.
He is now in a coma.
Eat your sandwich
I'll tell Elliott.
She left someday.
Hello, dad.
I am engaged.
You two deserve each other.
I'm sorry I wasn't there.
I want to kiss you, just me.
You don't have to.
You are beautiful, you know that?
God, you're so selfish.
Please, don't go.
Let him go.
I'm the better man!
I want to feel again.
I'll stay with you.
I forgive you, Alexander.
I don't want to hurt him.
I'm going to wait for you.
You'll come back to me.
You always underestimate us.
Better my death than his.
I was losing my mind.
I love you.
Don't forget me, okay?

Mortal east side.

920 54 15
By vivschreibt

Out of breath, we got back to the small dirty apartment. I don't think they followed us, but Alec insisted on running. I have a lot of stamina, but that was exhausting. We went back to the small apartment where everyone was still sitting around. What was their daily schedule like?

"Why are you breathing so loud?" Blake asked annoyed. I can't even imagine this guy in a good mood.

"They found Magnus' house and broke in. We had to leave." Alec answered a little annoyed. Blake stood up and walked towards us. He was kinda intimidating. I mean, I'm not scared of him but, he annoys me on another level and I feel like he might scare other people easily.

"I told you it's stupid to go back." he said. Alec just rolled his eyes. How can you complain so much about little things?

"Everything went well, calm down." I said and he looked at me angrily. Okay, maybe I should stay quiet. Even Alec looked at me in surprise.


"Blake, we have to go." Nick said now, interrupting Blake. Good, because I didn't want to hear what he had to say. Blake sighed and turned to Nick. He nodded and gestured to Eliott to get up.

"Somebody has to stay with the problem." said Blake, looking at me. Oh, I'm the problem. How nice of him.

"Stop calling him that, he's not a problem." Nick said now. He looked at me and our eyes met. I smiled a little. I was glad that at least one defended me. Alec didn't.

"You only say that because you find him attractive." said Eliott. That was the first thing Eliott said since I was here. Nick gave Eliott an angry look and Alec gave Nick an angry look. What's going on here? Was that true? Did he find me attractive? I doubt that.

"I'll stay with him." Alec said now. I was hoping that he would stay there, even if I was angry with him. I wanted to be near him. After all, I missed him so much. "Go ahead and take care." he said and threw the key to Blake. He nodded and the three left the apartment. It was only me and Alec. What now?

"Where are they going?" I asked as I looked around a bit. The apartment was small and a little dirty, but as far as I know they move around a lot. Am I suppossed go with them?

"They go trough different streets and look for the other gang members. Most of the time gang member who committed a crime recently." he explained to me. "Would you like to eat something?" he asked. I shook my head. I haven't been hungry in a while. Not since he left me.

"Which gang?" I asked with interest. „And why?" I tried to understand all of this a little. He opened the fridge.

"Mortal east side. They are our enemies, we try to find them but they are the most dangerous and best ones. We try to get informations out of them and get revenge for the people they've hurt." he explained to me. Mortal east side. Never heard of that. "How long haven't you eaten? You have to eat something." he said. As if he cares.

"I am fine." I said. "And why do they hate you so much?" I asked and turned to him with my arms crossed. There must be a reason why this enmity came about. He took a pack of food out of the fridge.

"Because we're trying to stop them." he explained. "The police won't do it so we have to do it. We don't hurt innocent people, Magnus." he explained.

"That doesn't make it better." I said. "Why didn't you ever go to the police?" I asked. It didn't make sense to me. Alec turned to me.

"Because we all made mistakes. The things we did would only follow us and we would go to jail ourselves." he said. "I never said we were the good guys, but we're not monsters either. I never murdered anyone." he said a little louder. "And I wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't do anything wrong. At least not anymore." he added. So he did? I sighed.

"You hurt me." I said softly. There he was again. The lump in my throat. I swallowed it. I wouldn't cry in front of Alec.

"Magnus, let's not talk about it." he said and started eating. I couldn't even see what he was eating.

"Why not? Do you think you can sleep with me once and then throw me away like some trash? Was that your plan?" I asked angrily. He looked at me in surprise and put his food away.

"What? No! It wasn't like that!" he said defensively. I felt the tears in my eyes. They burned.

"Really? Because that's exactly what it looks like to me." I said angrily. He shook his head.

"You see it all wrong." he said and turned away again. How can he be like that?

"Then explain it to me, damn it!" I said out loud. He was silent. "You see, you can't explain it because I'm right. You just wanted my body and now I'm stuck in your gang stuff." I said. "And I didn't betray you because I thought there might still be a little chance for us." I said, wiping the tears of anger away.

"Magnus, I.."

"I would like to rest." I said and interrupted him. He sighed and nodded. He pointed to a door further back. I didn't notice it at all. I opened it and there were two mattresses on the floor. Who usually sleeps here? I sat on one and noticed the smell. That was probably Alec's mattress.

"You can sleep here on my mattress, I'll sleep on the sofa." he said. I nodded and lay down. I didn't want to know who else was next to me. With my luck, it was probably Blake.

I turned away and heard Alec close the door. I pulled the blanket close to me and picked up his smell. A tear ran down my cheek. I didn't want all of this. Who knows how long I would have to endure all this? I closed my eyes and at some point I drifted off to a deep sleep.

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