Toxic Merman (JonDami Fic)

By CyrusLiam2

71.8K 2.8K 495

A Journey Back Home - Damian Wayne The sequel of If Only 💐 A horrifying natural disaster struck Metropolis... More

Little Birds History
Rapunzel? Jonzel?
Taste of the World
Is this the End?
Go Home Sweetie
Zayka Dept
Is This How You Felt?
The Bat and Superboy
This Is Nice
The Transformation
Siren Damian
A Tragedy
My New Home
Good Night
Iruka, The Dolphin
Burning Torture
Boy of Steel and a Raven
Ryn and Donna
Friends and Family
Mariana Trench
Mission Accomplished
Adults Talking
The Indian Ocean
Family Feast
You're Perfect
Under the Same Moon
Enjoying the Perks
A Dolphins Wish
The Journal of a Robin
Knowing the New Me
Mysterious Song
What a Day
Knowing Myself Again
3 Weeks Later
One with my Tail
Too Sad To Cry
A Dolphins Cry
The Mothers Hatred
Zayka's Revenge
Mourn of a Prince
I'm Saved
The Transformation Plan
Welcome to Atlantis
The Echo Globe
Discovering a Hidden Truth
Make Peace
We're Too Late
Burial Tranquility
Revenge or Forgiveness?
Goodbye, Siren Damian
Welcome Back, Damian
A Chance
Mission Succesful
The Selection
The Result
A Beautiful Reunion
Farewell, Iruka
All's Well that Ends Well
A Warning
The End

To Our Little Diamond, Bruce

802 35 5
By CyrusLiam2

Wayne Manor


"Finished!" I cool down my heat visions, and feeling extremely exhausted for using up a lot of energy. Melting a titanium bar is not an easy job. I wonder how Bruce would've done it if it weren't for me.
          "That was fast," Bruce said, walking towards me, wiping his hand with a cloth. He stood next to me and studied the melted iron. "Good job, Jonathan."
          "Thanks!" I said, picking the container and handing it to him.
          "Just one more thing." He said, taking the container. "In the living room, there's a box full of malfunctioned batarangs sitting on the fireplace. Could you please bring those here?"
          "Sure, be right back," I said as I got off my feet and made my way out of the room.
          I got out of G.I.T.C and head towards the living room... or for which I call it, the Family Room. It wasn't far which is fortunate for me because I'm really exhausted... but I don't want to stop until Mr. Wayne says I could.
          I reached the living room and as he said, there's a huge black box sitting above the fireplace. I flew towards it and carry it with my palms underneath the box. The top was opened which made me see there were at least more than 20 damaged batarangs in it.
          I was about to head back towards G.I.T.C but the decor of the fireplace stopped me. It turns out that the large box was blocking the beautiful decorations behind it. There was a picture frame of the Bat Brothers.

All of them looked happy accept for Damian. Of course... I chuckle when my eyes landed on Damian... I giggled to the thought of how Damian fails to smile in pictures.
         Right next to the frame was a bowl of pine cones and a few candle stands.
         Towards the corner, was a decor that really caught my attention. It was a blood-red diamond in the size of my fist, seated in a medium-size box, kinda like a wedding ring box but slightly bigger.

          Though there's no sunlight or any source of light shining in the living room, I can still see hundreds of myself in the diamond. It was really mesmerizing.
          My eyes then gaze towards the bottom where the words "To our Little Diamond, Bruce." were encrusted with white gold that still shines just as bright as the diamond sitting in it.
          This is for sure Bruce's possessions but it made me wonder who bought it for him. Could it be Selina? Since she's a diamond thief... maybe, maybe not. Not to be a nosy Nancy, just to know for fun sake.
          I decided to end the sightseeing here and head back to G.I.T.C. I turn around and flew towards the room. I flew in and head towards Bruce, handing him the box.
          "Here." I held out the box. "Are you gonna repair the damages with the iron liquid?"
          "Yes, usually it'll take some time but thanks to you, it'll be much faster now since there's no need to melt the iron for every batarangs."
          "Glad I can help," I said.
          He took the box and placed it next to the liquid iron which was sitting above a heater which I'm guessing is to balance the temperature. He pulls out a batarang from the box, together with a few tools from the table and fasten his protective glasses and began mending up the damages.
          I didn't want to ask but then since I have nothing to do... what the heck.
          "Hey, Bruce... the diamond on the fireplace, who gave you that? It's so beautiful." I ask.
          He instantly stopped and stood straight.
          "I mean, if you don't mind me asking... no special reason." I said, hoping that I didn't sound rude.
          "My parents." He said under his breath as he turns to face me. "According to Alfred, they were supposed to give it to me on my 21st birthday... but as you can see, they didn't have a chance to do so."
          Way to go Jonathan... I just had to ask a topic that seemed harmless but it turns out to be a taboo one.
          "I... I'm sorry, for asking Mr. Wayne." I apologized "I didn't know that the diamond had a connection with your parents."
          "It's alright, you don't know about it so it's not your fault." He smiles a sad lopsided smile.
          Now I feel really really bad. If Damian were here, he knew when to shut my big fat mouth or at least punch it.
          "Did you know that diamond is called a Ruby Sapphire?" He asks with a new smile. "It is one of the world's most expensive gemstone ever."
          "How much do you think that costs?" I ask.
          "I did my research on the company that sold that gem to my parents and the origin of it." He said. "That diamond is worth 3.2 billion dollars and counting."
          Not gonna lie, I almost choke on my own saliva when I heard that. Almost. I was really shocked by the fact that a small gem could cost up to billions.
          "But... it's so small... I was expecting maybe hundreds... maybe even thousands... but not billions." I try to say it as clear as possible.
          "It's not the size of the gem that matters, Jonathan. It is the values it contains." He said. He put his tools away carefully and dust his hands. He then walks over to a shelf filled with books towards the west side of the room. He pulled out a blue hardcover book that's titled Minerals of the World. He walks back towards me while flipping through the pages.
          "You see Jon, ruby is believed to be a protective stone that can bring happiness and passion into the life of its master. Apart from its red color, it makes a perfect gift for a loved one. Because the ruby's hue is close to the color of blood, which carries oxygen to all parts of the body." He said, referring to a page in the book. "It is believed that the stone has the power to align and lend energy to the body. Not only that but to protect the owner from negative entities that leach positive energy, promoting spiritual vitality and wellness overall."
          "So, your parents got you a ruby to protect you?" I ask, scratching my head.
          "I don't know really." He said, closing the book. "I've done my research on these gems and it makes wonder whether my parents had made a mistake."
          "Why you say so?"
          "As I said earlier, rubies are meant to bring positivity into the owners' life... but in all my lives, I've been attracting the opposite." He said with a sad voice. "Sometimes I wonder if the gift was really meant for me or was it meant for someone else that has the same name as mine."
          Way to go again, Jon... as if he doesn't have enough sadness in the current timing... I just had to bring up the gem topic. Though he didn't shed a single tear, his navy blue eyes and sad tone has already given out too much.
          "For what its worth, I don't see you as a negative person, Bruce," I said. "I've said this once to someone... your rough past doesn't define your future or entire life... it was just an event that made you who you are today... The Batman."
          "We can't choose where we come from but we can choose where we go from there." I smile. "I believe The Batman, Bruce Wayne, Gotham's Billionaire Playboy or whoever you are, you're gonna be happy someday. I know you will."
          "Thank you, Jonathan." He said, sighing and meeting my eyes. "You've always been very... gracious about us. Even when we aren't."
          He scoffs in a good way. "I can see why Damian values you a lot." He said. "You're a good soul, Jonathan Kent... don't let anyone change that."
          "Thank you," I said, feeling so good.
          "I notice you have burn bruises on your body." He said as he was walking back towards the shelf to keep the book. "What happened? And more importantly, does it still hurt?"
          "Bullies," I said, didn't think there was a need to hide it from him. After all, we are friends now and I shall treat him like one. With respect, of course. "And no, it doesn't. The bruises, along with my new and old scars just need time to heal."
          "Is Clark aware you're being bullied?" He asks.
          "No... both my parents don't." I said, facing down. "Please don't tell them. I don't want them to worry. They already have enough struggles in their daily routines."
          "I won't." He stood in front of me and place his hand on my shoulder. "But if you want me to, let me know. I know how to approach them properly."
          "I probably won't... but I'll keep that in mind," I said.
          "Good." He took his hand back. "Now, why don't you rest... I can handle things from here on."
          "You haven't slept last night so you should get some shut-eye now."
          "Yeah... I am feeling really tired." I said.
          "You can sleep in Damian's room... like I need to tell you that." He chuckles. "Please... use whatever you need to make yourself at home... the gym, movie room, sauna, jaccuzi, anything... as a thank you for your help."
          "That all sounds really good... but I think I'll take your first offer which is to get some shut-eye," I said. "I'm so tired I might sleep off until night comes."
          "And if that happens, not to worry... I'll let your parents know." He said. "Though I strongly encourage not to because you'll mess up your bed timing and experience another sleepless night."
          "Good point." That makes sense. I for sure do not want another sleepless night. "I'll just take a nap then."
          "Sure." He said as he walks back to his working spot. "Let Alfred know if you require anything. I'm proud to say that this is your second home."
          "Gee... Thanks a lot, Bruce." I blush. "Though I don't know if I'll ever get used to calling you by your name."
          "You'll get the hang of it... everyone does." He chuckles. "Now, go along and have a good nap, Jonathan."
           With that being said, I took off the hardware clothes and picked up my backpack from the corner of the room and make my way towards Damian's room. I stood in front of the door and push it open.
           The moment I stood in the room, his smell slammed against me. I then realized how long it has been since I've had him close in my arms to smell his smell.
           It's nearly 11 am.
           I kept my backpack on the desk chair and pull out a set of clean clothes and a towel because I need a shower.
           Before I head towards the bathroom, I pull my phone out and noticed I had no calls or messages from my parents. I'm guessing they still haven't noticed that I'm not in the house.
           I kept the phone away and head on straight to the bathroom for a shower.
10 minutes later...

           Before this, I've never noticed the amount of products Damian used for his skincare. It's no wonder his skin is so flawless. He takes care of it.
           Back home, I too have skincare products such as lotion and lip balm. But unfortunately, I've lost my confidence to apply them in public when Tucker called me a faggot.
           I just don't get why only girls are allowed to take care of their skins and boy only get to do it behind walls. We care about our skin just as much as them. Well, most of us do.
           I've taken a shower, dried myself off and put on my clothes. I felt so much fresher.
           I got out of the bathroom and kept my toiletries into my backpack. I then took my phone, switch on the fan and went over to the bed.
           The bed looks so... neat. Knowing Damian, he doesn't have an OCD to keep it this neat. Maybe he's just never slept on this bed for a while.
            I sat down and dust my feet before fully lying on the bed. Immediately I felt my eyelids dropping. I switch my phone to silent mode and kept it on the bedside table.
            And in just a few seconds, I slept.

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