The Unexpected groom{Complete...

By myworld92

431K 21.1K 1.7K

How do you feel when you get married to a person whom you saw few times and chatted with him/her in facebook... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 39

Part 38

6.2K 335 18
By myworld92

Thank you for all the support and for your patience in waiting for the update.

Here is the next update. Added little bit of the leads convo from flashback for better understanding of this chapter.

Hope you all like this update :)


"I ….saw... it somewhere.....I have seen it." murmured Madhu repeatedly trying to remember where exactly she has seen it. Holding her head, she sat on bed while Rishab moved forward to support her.

He hurriedly filled a glass of water and handed it to her. Taking few sips from the glass, Madhu wiped her forehead and cupped her face with her palm supporting her hands on her knees.

“What happened, Madhu? Why are you sweating? Do you want me to call doctor?” asked Rishab worriedly after few minutes.

“No, I’m fine.” said Madhu shaking her head while wiping her face after relaxing a bit.

“No you’re not, let me call doctor once.” saying that Rishab stood up from the bed but Madhu stopped him by holding his hand. She got up and removed the towel from his neck to get clear view of the tattoo present near his heart. She caressed it and noticed the faded nail scratch present near the tattoo. Looking at him, Madhu asked "It was you, isn’t it?”

“Who, Madhu? What are you talking about?” asked Rishab confused and worried at her behaviour.

"This.." Madhu stammered pointing at the tattoo and continues "This proves that you were there that day, don't deny Rishab."

"Which day Madhu?" asked Rishab nervous while Madhu stared at him silently. She could never forget that day which gave her nightmares for weeks.


Madhu’s POV:

It was years back when Madhu was working in Pune while RK shifted to Mumbai and quit his job, but they were in touch through Facebook.

 RK: Evening madam

Me: Good evening..should I say SIR?? :P

RK: If you wish :P

Me: hehehehe

RK: busy??

Me: no work yar....what abt u??

RK: hmm free only

Me: what are you doing to kill time??

RK: to kill time I’m using knife and insecticide

Me: bad joke

RK: I never said it's a joke :D

RK: really free??

Me: some work is there...why??

RK: just for GK :P

Me: you have enough of GK doesn't stress your brain further :P

RK: still knowing more is not bad right??

Me: ya ya not bad, continue improve your GK :P. If u have time, please share your knowledge with me also ;)

RK: What KT you want?? (KT means Knowledge training/transition)

Me: anything...choose yourself one topic

RK: just say it or else I’ll give KT of you :P

Me: hahahaha, I know about myself no need of KT

RK: But do you know what I know about you?? **winking smiley**.......that's the KT

Me: hahaha so then tell me

RK: that’s confidential :P:P. So say what KT you need??

Me: escaping ah?? I know apart from my name you don't know anything about me

RK: I know you cried a lot when you fail in the 1st attempt of the training exam and I know how much happy you were when you cleared in the second attempt.

Me: Apart from these, you don't know anything right  :P

RK: who said I don't know?? Don't try to pull words out of my mouth and you can’t :P. I said its confidential **winking smiley**

Me: Admit the truth yar, you don't know me. I’m not trying to get anything from your side because I know that you don't know anything

RK: Come on, ok! I don't know. Are you happy now??

Me: Yeah  

RK: Believe me, I know something about u.

Me: What is that something?

RK: Hey! your message got encrypted. I can’t read it properly 

Me: Chaaa... don’t lie

RK: Nope, I never speak lie. Omg !  Lie, what does it mean?? Per kg how much it is?? and where can I buy it??

Me: Whatever!! are you not leaving for the day?

RK:  How can I leave you :P

Me:   OMG

RK: Haha will leave in 15 minutes. You are afraid on seeing my reply right??

Me: hahahaha nope, why should I be afraid of u?

RK: why not ???? don't I look scary 

Me: Nope

RK: So, I am handsome right?

Me: Noo

RK: Don't lie 

Me: why should I?? I don't tell lies like you 

RK: I don't know lies at all :(

Me: This itself is a lie.

RK: hooo this what called as lie. I just came to know, thank you for KT on lie 

Me: hehehheh such a chain of lies

RK: haha, I don’t know that you can speak this much. You know I thought you are very silent and won't speak to boys much, that's what I like most in you !! your silent nature 

Me: Thank you...!! Now is your opinion changed ??

RK: No, you speak to me friendly, but it doesn't mean that you speak to everyone like this. I still know that you won't speak much, especially with boys

Me: **shocked smiley**

RK:  :D

Me: Do u want to know why I am friendly with you??

RK: tell me why???

Me: It’s confidential 

RK: **anger smiley**. Ok bye I’m leaving, see you soon.

I didn’t login to Facebook for months because of my busy schedule. After Christmas when I was online, got a ping from him.

RK: Hi babe, Belated merry Christmas and Advance happy new year

Me: Hi...Thank u and wish u the same...What's babe??

RK: Just like that, simply HI is not soo spicy, isn't it??

Me: Ohh you want spicy ah??Go to cafeteria and ask some mirchi powder in kitchen and eat it :P

RK: devil

Me: heheheheheehehe

RK: My tongue will die :(

Me: No problem, you will never ask for spice in future  

RK: Then actually I can’t ask. I will be baebae bae, won't be able to speak

Me: hehehe

RK: So how are you babe?? :P

Me:  You will definitely get nice beatings from me. I’m good, how are you??

RK: I’m waiting for that day. I’m good

Me: hehehehe

RK: How work going on...are you enjoying??

Me: ha somewhat better...u??

RK: Hmm good...Did you went to your home??

Me: Nope... for new year or after that am planning to go

RK: Good, are you not getting jealous ?? :(

Me: Why should I be jealous??

RK: You’re not staying in home and I’m staying at my home 

Me: hehehehe, no but just feeling sad that I am not getting time to visit them frequently, but I talk to them daily more than 3 times. For me as long as relationship doesn't change, I will be fine. Anyway I’, planning to take 10 days right so can make it up to them :)

RK: Good...Enjoy :)

Me: hmm :)

RK: What are your hobbies??

Me: Reading books, movies and listening to music

RK: hmm reading books interesting!! Are there any other things that you like to do??

Me: I like travelling and I love visiting new places especially seashore and hill stations...why are you asking me all this??

RK: Nice... just wanted to know about my friend, is it bad??

Me: oh nothing...what are your hobbies??

RK: I spend time with friends, partying. So, tell me have you visited all the places near Pune??

Me:  No, but I love to visit those places :(  

RK: hmm

Me: So, what plans for new year?

RK: First tell me your plans Babe??

Me: again babe 

RK:  You don't like babe??

Me: nope

RK: then how can I call you??

Me: call me by my name

RK: that's too big yar

Me: You can call me Madhu

RK: Madhu is male name, right??

Me: Yeah but it is my half name, right?? All my friends call me Madhu.

RK: hmm but I don't like that :P

Me: **angry smiley**

RK: hahaha...Going to meet a friend who is special to me :)...this is my plan for new year. What's your plan??

Me: Not yet, planned anything

RK:  Hey advance happy new year. I would like to wish you at 12:00 at night but you won't give me your number :( so have it in advance

Me: hehehehe thanks and wish u the same :). You can wish me through Facebook na :P

RK: I would like to call you and wish you, but you are not giving me your phone number

Me: You already told me that you are just asking my number to make some funny conversation na then why to give you my number if you are not serious about it?? 

RK: Are you thinking that I’m asking number just for funny conversation? No, I’m serious. It’s ok, don't give me your number just give me a call at 9**********  . You know there is one saying

Me: What??

RK:  If you don't get the mobile number from whom you want it, then give your number to them. It is there in Bhagavat Geetha, page number 205 

Me:  In which Bhagavat Geetha it is mentioned??

RK: There is only one Geetha right?? It is said that "******************************"

You don't read Bhagavat Geetha, POOR GIRL!!

Me: You seriously gone crazy. Tell me the truth, have you at least touched that book once in your life ??

RK: Trust me I read 2 pages in it

Me: hehehehe

RK: Don't laugh **angry smiley** Are you going to call me or not?? Enjoy, I’m leaving for the day. Wish you the happy new year in advance 

Me: Thanks, and wish u the same :)

RK: In any case if you want to wish me on the phone, my number is there in the conversation please use that

Me: RK, you know that I won't call you then why are you making this hard for me 

RK: Change is the only thing that won't change. I believe in that 

Me: I didn't get u

RK: Nothing, children can’t understand those...Bye

On 31st December:

Anju convinced me to join a new year party hosted by one of her friends who is from our training batch. As the party is near to both office and hostel, I didn’t have any excuse than to accept her invite. She had a planned leave that day, so we decided to meet directly at the venue but unfortunately, I had to stay late in office as there was an important meeting with the manager and delivery lead. I informed her that I might not be able to join her but being adamant she is, convinced me to join her even if it is late. The meeting was scheduled at 6:30 PM and an hour later, I was busy preparing documentation based on our discussion in meeting and that needed to be done on priority as it must be sent to higher management. By the time I finished it, it was already 11:15 in the night. I called Anju and informed that I will be going to PG directly as it’s already late and I was too tired to go anywhere than taking rest. Understanding my situation, Anju told to go home safe.

Feeling exhausted and hungry, I came down from the building and asked the security to arrange a cab for me. As it was 31st night, cabs are not available and having no mood to wait for cab I decided to go by walk. Lucky for me it will take 15 minutes' walk from my office to PG. The usual route which I preferred for walk is blocked and some celebrations were going on road.  So, I turned to other street where there are less houses and is more of trees & bushes, also little long route.

While walking minutes later, I sensed someone’s presence and turned back but found nobody. Thinking it as my imagination I continued but then again, felt as if someone is there, scared I started walking fast then heard footsteps behind me.  Scared is not the right word to describe my feelings at that time I was terrified sweating badly and turned to look who it was but again didn't find anyone. My mind was completely blocked, and I started cursing myself for leaving office alone at this time without thinking about safety or I should have at least waited for cab. I prayed god for nth time to help me until I reach my PG.

Due to tension and fear I lost all the energy still continued walking as fast as I can when I was about to take a left turn, I crashed into someone and lost my balance and fell down. When I looked up, I saw a man standing there smirking at me.

When he was about to reach me, I threw a stone which I noticed beside me then getting up ran away from there.

Suddenly I started feeling dizzy but still tried to run which made me dash to a pole. With my vision blur because of the hit, I tried running but dashed to someone and was about to fall back, as a reflex I held his shirt for support. Before I look up my eyes started to close and the last thing, I saw was a tattoo. I tried to pull away, but that person held me to himself, feeling scared I scratched his skin; that was the only memory imprinted on my mind.

Next when I opened my eyes, I was in hospital with Anjali beside me and soon my parents came as she informed them about my condition. I got to know that I'm fine apart from few scratches and fracture of my leg.

When I asked Anju, what happened to me she just told that someone saw me, falling on road because of dizziness then he admitted me in hospital and called Anju from my mobile. I mentally thanked that person for saving me from that stalker and admitting me in the hospital. I tried to find him but didn’t know who that person was as no one asked his details and he just admitted saying that I'm his friend. But I heard from nurse that he stayed till Anju reached hospital but left without meeting her.

Later, I got discharged and went home as I was advised to take rest for a month and my parents were not ready to leave me in that condition. After that incident, I got nightmares for few months wherein I was chased by someone and a person who has the same tattoo used to save me. Whenever I tried to see the face, I couldn't but I always included him in my prayers as he was the one who saved me from that day.

*****End of Flashback & POV*****

“You were the one who saved me from those men that day, isn't it?" spoke Madhu, looking at him expectantly.

Rishab stared at her for few seconds and slowly nodded his head as yes, understanding her question.

Though Madhu knew his answer, she is speechless to get it confirmed she removed her hand from his chest and sat on the bed silently.

“How did you recognize?” asked Rishab in surprise.

“That tattoo is the last thing I remember before fainting.”


“What happened to that guy who followed me? Did you see him?” asked Madhu curiously.

“He ran away as soon as he saw me from distance. If you weren’t unconscious, I would have chased him.”

Madhu nodded understanding then frowning she asked, “How come you were there on that time, Rishab?”

“I have planned to meet you that day in the party.”

“Why?” asked Madhu confused then recollecting something she spoke “Wait a second, you said you were going to meet someone special, was… it ….me?”

Rishab nodded his head and started speaking “I wanted a proper chance where I can be more than Face book friend. I wasn’t getting any so tried to create one to meet you face to face. But luck wasn’t in my favour that day, I waited for you in the party with so many hopes but when Anju informed me that you weren’t coming, I couldn’t sit there. Like always came to see you hoping to get a glimpse of you before you reach PG. That’s how we got bumped into each other with you followed by a guy.”

 “What do you mean by like always? Why didn’t you tell me about it all this while? Why did you hide from me that it was you?”

Rishab sat near her, gently taking her hand into his he spoke softly “Madhu, hear me out. It’s nothing like what you’re thinking. Purposely, I didn’t hide anything in fact had been waiting for a perfect time.”

Hearing him, Madhu looked at him and questioned "If you didn’t hide then what is all this, Rishab? These albums which are full of my pictures and the person who saved me on that fateful night was none other than you. What is all this, I’m not understanding anything. So many thoughts are running on my mind."

"Madhu, relax. I will tell you everything." said Rishab taking a deep breath.

Before she could say anything, he added "But please listen to me carefully before you come to a conclusion." to which Madhu nodded her head doubtfully.

Rishab looked around taking his time to speak the facts he had hidden from her, seeing him tensed Madhu face turned pale and worriedly she asked, “You didn’t do anything wrong, right?”

“No Madhu, I’m just worried whether you would misunderstand and try to go away from me after hearing everything.” mumbled Rishab but audible to Madhu.

“I won’t judge you but tell me honestly.” said Madhu sternly gesturing to the tattoo and the albums.

Rishab thought for a moment thinking from where to start and looked at his wife who is staring at him curiously.

“I will but you answer this, when do you think we have seen each other after our training?” asked Rishab looking at her in the eyes.

“On the day of our marriage, as we didn’t get a chance to see each other though we were engaged. I’m excluding that Dec 31st night as you have seen me, but I didn’t know that it was you till now.”

“That is true but for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You remember our Facebook conversations after I got transferred to Mumbai?” asked Rishab to which Madhu nodded her head.

“I have seen you during that time when I came to Pune to meet my friend.”

“What? When? Why didn’t you meet me when you saw me?”

“After few months of my transfer, I came to meet my friend and unexpectedly saw you in the building opposite to his flat I then realized that it was the PG where you used to stay. Regarding meeting you, answer me honestly do you think you would have agreed to meet me?”

Madhu thought for a while and then said, “Maybe I wouldn’t as we were never interacted much during training except our messages on Facebook.”

“I knew, that’s why couldn’t meet you without any proper reason. There is one more important information that you need to know.” said Rishab avoiding looking at her.


Rishab took a deep breath and closed his eyes while saying "I followed you every alternate weekend for nearly two years."

"What!!!!" shouted Madhu making him look at her scared.

"Actually.....that....." stammered Rishab looking at Madhu's face.

"Why are you stammering? What exactly do you mean by following me every weekend??"

"I don’t know how to put it but…. actually, I used to wait for you to come out of your hostel and then from there I used to follow you wherever you went like orphanage, shopping. movies etc..." answered Rishab while avoiding looking at her eyes.

Seeing Madhu silent, Rishab then told her everything about how he saw her again after one year of their Facebook chat where he came to Pune to meet his friend and how he saw her dancing in rain, then following her to orphanage and clicking photos of her then following her whole day. Also, he openly shared on how he struggled to realize his feelings as to why he followed her that day without thinking rationally. He confessed how he had been stalking her whenever he came to Pune and how he started visiting his friend frequently just to get a glimpse of her. Then how he had been trying to get chances to interact more with her.  

“That’s why you always ended our conversations with see you soon!! I wondered instead of saying bye why you always add that. But now I understand, you really meant it when you said see you soon and not to forget about the thing where you said that you know more about me than what I think. I thought you were just bluffing but never in my dreams thought that you would be this crazy. I realized that you care for me and love me from the way you treat me from the day of our marriage but this……this….I’m speechless” said Madhu astonished.

Nodding his head, Rishab said “You might be thinking I fell in love with you after our marriage but no! I had been in love with you since a long time Madhu. It’s just that I didn’t get right opportunity to face you all those years.” said Rishab and felt relieved for sharing this with her.

All these years he had been struggling to keep it within himself but now he shared it with her.

His relief is short lived seeing Madhu glared at him and with gritting teeth she spoke “So you stalked me!”

Shaking his head vigorously, Rishab spoke worriedly “I swear Madhu, I never tried to harm you. It was a healthy stalk.” Then realising what he said he mentally face palmed.

“Stalking itself is bad and you’re saying it as a healthy stalk!” Madhu glared at him, making him look at her pleadingly.

“I was crazy that time, all I wanted was to see you often to keep myself sane. I just used to feel happy seeing you from distance, that’s it!"

“Say something Madhu.” said Rishab after few minutes as she just stared at him. When she didn’t utter a word even after his request, Rishab held her hand and squeezed it while saying “You’re scaring me, Madhu. Please say something.”

"What do you want me to say, Rishab when my husband reveals that he stalked me for years which I don't have any clue. Honestly, I don't know what to say. I'm still trying to absorb this fact."

"I understand but please don't misunderstand my intentions. I have never done this with anyone, but with you I don’t know why just seeing you from distance made me peaceful." 

"Why didn’t you ever come in front of me in all those years? At least once?"

"I badly wanted to confront you and have a proper conversation but knowing your nature I knew that you would limit your interactions with me once I meet you or worse you would stop chatting with me. At that point, I couldn’t afford to take that risk. Moreover, I didn’t know what to speak if I meet you when I have already fallen for you while for you, I wasn't even a friend. I was preparing myself to speak to you but one day I heard your conversation with your friend in the Orphanage that you will have an arranged marriage and that you don’t believe in love before marriage so I was waiting for the right time as I don’t want to mess up any chances."

Madhu nodded her head as that’s what she used to say whenever she has any conversation with her friends on love, marriage.

“But I couldn’t stay away like that, so I decided to meet you and started looking for a right moment. You remember Anju pestering you to attend new year’s party on the day of accident?” asked Rishab

“How can I forget that day? I can’t imagine myself if you didn’t save me that day.”

“Nothing will happen to you when I’m there Madhu, I can assure you on that.” Promised Rishab.

“You planned to meet me that day.” asked Madhu with a smile.

“Actually, I planned that party along with my other friends and insisted everyone to invite all our training batch mates so that it would be like a get together.” answered Rishab sheepishly.

“I requested Anju to invite rest if I missed any batch mate. I clearly know that she would include you as she has told about you both being close friends by that time. I waited hours for you in the party, but you didn’t come. Suddenly I had some uneasy feeling, couldn’t stay in the party so asked Anju casually about you. She informed that you were in office till that time and would go to PG directly. So, thinking to see you once before you go to PG, I came out of the party and on the way, we bumped with each other. As soon as I held you in my arms, you lost conscious.”

Having nothing to say Madhu nodded her head and looking at the marks on his chest she said “That nail marks proves that it was you. I hurt you thinking it was the guy who was following me that day.”

"I know, when I was trying to help you scratch me hard that later I had to apply ointment for the pain." joked Rishab to lighten the mood but Madhu silenced him with a glare.

“You joined me in the hospital, was with me whole time. When they told that I’m fine you informed to Anju anonymously, right?”

Rishab nodded his head, he couldn’t bear seeing Madhu in that condition. All he wanted to do was kill those guys. Unfortunately, he escaped and he had to take Madhu to hospital.

"I tried to find who it was thinking that he was really one of my friend but I couldn’t & have convinced myself that to make them give treatment you would have lied that you are my friend."

“Hmmmm, I couldn’t see you that month as you went to your home.” said Rishab upset remembering how he used to miss seeing her on weekends.

“Yeah I was asked to take rest and my parents didn’t allow me to work.”

“I know”

"So, you approach my parents for marriage?" asked Madhu confused, her mind filled with more questions.

"Actually, that is a long story." said Rishab cheekily.

"Tell me now." demanded Madhu unable to hold her curiosity.

“I will but tell me this, you’re not angry on me, right?” asked Rishab.

“All I feel at present is confusion, tell me everything or else I will kill you.” warned Madhu making Rishab nod his head scared.

“You might be knowing that our fathers met again after so many years during their College Alumni?” asked Rishab to which Madhu nodded her head as yes.

As per her knowledge, from that function their friendship rekindled and that’s how she got proposal from his parents.

“My dad and Mom went to that function.”

“Yeah, old students can bring their spouses. Maa couldn’t go as she wasn’t well that day.”

“Hmmmm during their conversation, your father got a call from you. Seeing the way, you both were talking on call as if you’re friends and the way your dad spoke about you, made my parents interested on you. They asked more about you and saw your photo from uncle’s mobile. My parents especially my mom got captivated, you’re what exactly my parents imagined having qualities in their daughter-in-law. They were sure that you would be more like a daughter to them. So, they made up their mind and sent a proposal to your dad which I had no idea but then I agreed later.”

“So, you’re saying that you agreed as your parents wanted you to marry me?” asked Madhu narrowing her eyes.

“No, I married you because I love you.” said Rishab winking at her.

“Oh, if you love me then how come you agreed to marry me as you don’t know that it was me whom your parents are talking about?” asks Madhu raising her eyebrows.

“Who said I don’t know that it was you when I agreed for this marriage. In fact, I agreed to our marriage as soon as I came to know that it was you about whom they’re talking about.”

“But we never met, right?”

“Yeah…. but……” Rishab dragged his words seeing her impatient.

“Tell me!”

“Ok ok, don’t kill me with those looks.”

“Then you better speak without building suspense.”

“After sending proposal from our end, I was angry at my parents for doing such thing without asking me. I couldn’t tell them that I love you when you’re not even aware about my feelings, confessing my love to you is not possible knowing your mindset. “

“But how come mom, dad didn’t ask you before sending a proposal?” asked Madhu surprisingly as both their parents wanted things to be done according to their children’s wish.

“That, during casual talks when they asked about my relationship status, I said I don’t have any girlfriends and will leave it on them to decide. I even dramatically added that I would marry the girl they choose without even seeing her.” said Rishab sheepishly.

“So, they thought you would be fine for this proposal?” asked Madhu.

“Yeah, I didn’t know that they were serious in getting me married.” said Rishab with a little blush.

Madhu laughed and said “Then?”

“I was so angry at my parents that I didn’t even look at your photograph while Your dad took time to consider the proposal.”

“Then how did you realize that it was me?”

“That time our company’s 25th anniversary preparations were going on, we planned to have grand celebration. Me and dad started inviting close friends in person, in that I had to accompany him to your home. There I was surprised to see your photographs hanged on the wall. That’s when I realized that it was you to whom they sent proposal. Before going inside your home, I was praying that your parents should not like me but after coming out it was totally opposite. I was really tensed after coming from your house as I couldn't guess whether your parents liked me or not." 

"Then?" asked Madhu frowning though she knew the answer.

"Later, we’re informed that it’s a yes from your end, but they wanted you to take up the on-site opportunity. I was more than willing to wait for you, knowing that you would be mine" said Rishab with a smile remembering the day when her father informed them about their decision. He was on cloud nine to know that he was about to get married to the girl he was in love with.

“But you denied sharing your photo.” spoke Madhu glaring at him.

Rishab laughed and said, “I wanted to meet us in person as I don’t want to miss your expressions when you see me as your groom but some or the other thing didn’t let us meet.”

“We got officially engaged without even meeting.” said Madhu with a sigh.

“Yeah that was fun at least for me, I was waiting for you here to make you mine and luckily, everything went well and here you’re sitting with me as my wife." Said Rishab with a smile.

“What if that girl wasn’t me Rishab? Would you have still agreed to this marriage?”

Rishab smiled at her question and taking her palm to his lips, he pecked it and questioned “You do know the answer, don’t you?”

Madhu nodded her head “But….”

Shaking his head, he spoke “I would have never agreed to marriage if it wasn’t you, Madhu. I would have confessed to my parents about you and would request them to cancel the proposal. I would have found a way to meet you and tried to make you fall in love with me. If that wasn’t possible, I would have made my parents send a marriage proposal to your parents. I never wanted you as my girlfriend Madhu, when I realized that I love you I wanted to make you my wife.” said Rishab honestly which made Madhu silent for few minutes.

“Are you angry on me?” asked Rishab seeing her sitting lost in thoughts.

“I don’t know Rishab, I’m really disappointed to know that you stalked me, but I don’t know why I couldn’t get angry on you or feel angry about it. May be seeing you and knowing you closely for all these months, I knew that your intentions might not be wrong but as a girl to be stalked by someone, I feel I was careless not bothering about my surrounding. I need some time, I really don't understand what I'm feeling right now, just need little time to settle with all these things.”

Nodding his head, Rishab cupped her cheek “You were never careless; I was good in hiding from you while following. Take all your time Madhu, I knew that you would understand but was little scared imagining your reaction. Thank you so much Madhu for hearing me without judging my intentions wrongly.” spoke Rishab honestly while she managed to smile at him. Kissing her forehead, Rishab embraced her in a hug.

Next day went like a jiffy with Madhu silent and in deep thoughts all day while Rishab intentionally stayed away from her to give space for her but at the same time worried what she would think about him now even though she said that she wouldn't judge him.

At night, Madhu lied on bed with her back to Rishab. He contemplated whether to hug her or not; Pushing his thoughts, he moved close to Madhu and hugged her then kissed side of her neck. She got surprised feeling him close as whole day he was avoiding her which made her little sad.

Unknown to her she felt better feeling him close. Shyly, Madhu gave a side look and held his hand which was circled around her waist.

Slowly Rishab turned her and made her lay on her back, hovering over her, he pecked her lips making Madhu look at him startled. Grinning, Rishab bit her chin lightly making her giggle.

“I love you, Madhu; I really do. Never doubt that, please.” confessed Rishab looking into her eyes yearningly.

Pushing away all her thoughts and worries for time being, Madhu gave a smile and pulled him close to her pecking his lips as reply to which Rishab gladly turned to a passionate kiss. Her smile and acceptance made him realize that Madhu forgave him and is not holding any grudges on him for following her without her knowledge years back.

Somewhere he knew that it was wrong thing to do but as they say people do many crazy things in the name of love and this is once such crazy thing which he couldn’t stop doing that time. But he felt blessed to have a wife like Madhu who understood his intentions without making a big issue.

Smiling he kissed her forehead lovingly then hugging her, he fell into deep sleep as there are no secrets between them now and he hoped for their happy future ahead. But unknown to him, Madhu couldn’t sleep a wink like the precious night and stayed awake whole night looking at him sleeping like a baby. She herself couldn't figure out what is bothering her.

Please do share your views :)

Next chapter is the last part of this story and shall post it within this week.


10 March 2020, 10:10 PM

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