Ready to run

By vivschreibt

57.8K 3.3K 2K

[COMPLETED] "Please, don't go, Magnus." Alec said imploringly as a tear ran down his cheek. "I need you." he... More

Officer Bane
Mr. Beautiful
It's always drama
As if the butterflies were going crazy
You had me at Sushi
Maybe I'm just paranoid.
He doesn't deserve you.
I don't need your protection.
I am Nick and you are?
You are not the solution for everything
Mortal east side.
Maybe I should get to know her.
We are called Shadowhunters.
Off to New York, baby.
More for me!
Pure luxury.
Awh, is he a newbie?
Good night, Magnus.
Maybe you let Magnus decide.
Do you still care about me?
I have tea for you.
Leave me alone!
Oh, a girl. How cute.
Because you love him, sweetheart.
That's what I like about you.
I know it hurts, but it's over.
You are incredible, Magnus.
Be honest with me!
What are you thinking about?
You think I'm handsome?
I'll be fine.
Where is he?
Magnus, stay awake.
I always cared about you.
He is now in a coma.
Eat your sandwich
I'll tell Elliott.
She left someday.
Hello, dad.
I am engaged.
You two deserve each other.
I'm sorry I wasn't there.
I want to kiss you, just me.
You don't have to.
You are beautiful, you know that?
God, you're so selfish.
Please, don't go.
Let him go.
I'm the better man!
I want to feel again.
I'll stay with you.
I forgive you, Alexander.
I don't want to hurt him.
I'm going to wait for you.
You'll come back to me.
You always underestimate us.
Better my death than his.
I was losing my mind.
I love you.
Don't forget me, okay?

I missed you, you know?

1.3K 69 20
By vivschreibt

I was awakened by sun rays shining on my face. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw everything blurry, which is why I rubbed my eyes. My eyes fell on the window, where the sun's rays came from. I had probably forgotten to close the curtains.

I sat up and looked next to me. Next to me was Celine, who still seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I smiled because there was an empty bowl next to her, in which there was popcorn last night. Her hair was messy, but still she looked pretty fresh.

The date with Alexander was on Tuesday and today was Saturday. I keep thinking about this date. I didn't have a nicer one in my life. Celine and I had a movie night last night. Of course she stayed with me because we don't know it any other way.

I could see Celine slowly opening her eyes too. However, she didn't seem pleased with the sun's rays. She looked rather annoyed. I smiled. She looked at me sleepily and then sighed.

"I'm hungry." she said. Wow, is that really the first thing she has to tell me? I laughed. She also rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"I wish you a good morning too." I replied and she laughed softly. I pushed my duvet aside and grabbed my golden bathrobe. "I'll see what we have." I said. "Maybe we have to get something." I let her know and she laughed.

"You mean YOU have to get something. I'll stay here and enjoy my free Saturday." she said and stretched. I shook my head laughing.

"You're unbelievable." I said. I left the room and went to the kitchen. Behind me I heard Celine chasing me. With a smile I looked around the kitchen and as expected I had nothing. "That looks bad." I said and turned to Celine, who looked at me in shock.

"How can a person have nothing to eat? How do you even live?" she asked with her arms crossed. I shrugged innocently.

"I always get something on the way to work." I explained and Celine sighed. "I'll have to get us something." I stated. She nodded and at that moment the doorbell rang. I looked at Celine in confusion.

"Who is this?" she asked and I shrugged. It was nine o'clock in the morning. Nobody would visit me at this time, except Celine, but she was standing in front of me.

"I don't know." I said and went to the front door. Cel of course followed me because she was very curious. I slowly opened the door. It was Alexander standing at the door with a bag in his hand. I stared at him in confusion. What was he doing here?

"Good morning, I hope I didn't wake you up or bother you." he said with a charming smile. I slowly shook my head.

"Mags, who's that handsome man at your door?" Celine whispered in my ear, but Alec must have heard it because he laughed softly and held out his hand.

"I am Alec and I assume you are Celine?" he asked. Celine nodded and stared at me with her mouth open. Right, she didn't know what he looked like.

"You're Alec? I mean, Mags said you looked good, but I didn't expect that." Celine blurted out. I looked at her reproachfully and Alec laughed.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked and stepped aside to let him enter. He came in and looked at me with a smile.

"I thought you might feel like having breakfast together. That's why I went to the bakery and brought croissants." he explained. I smiled. How cute is that? I wonder why he didn't just call, but it kind of made it more special.

"You are our lifesaver!" Cel said and took the bag from him. She ran into the kitchen with it while Alec and I were still standing here.

"Do you live together?" he asked and I shook my head. I thought he was going to ask something like that. At first I was also afraid that he thought we were a couple, but he didn't seem to believe that. That was good.

"No, we just spend a lot of time together." I let him know. He nodded with a smile. He was getting closer.

"I missed you, you know?" he said. I felt this tingling in my body again. It was everywhere. He was kind of the kind of man everyone dreams of. He was just... perfect.

"I missed you too." I said and he came closer. Everything was so normal. We have dates. We have breakfast together. The way it should work. I didn't think I could have anything like that after going through everything with Camille.

"Are you coming?" Celine called just before we could kiss. So I'm going back. Alec smiled sheepishly and I did the same. Together we went to my dining room. There were already three plates and the croissants were on the table. Celine sat excited and just waited for us.

We sat down and started eating together. This picture was kind of surreal. I mean, Alec, Celine and I sit together at the table and eat breakfast together.

"So Alec, what do you think of my Mags?" Celine asked with her mouth full. I looked at her reproachfully. I should have expected that. Alec laughed softly.

"He is very charming. He doesn't care much about expensive or modern things. It seems that he only cares about who is by his side. I like that." he explained. I smiled at him. He was right. I didn't care what I got or how much. As long as I had Celine, I didn't care.

"What is your friendship like?" then he asked. Celine and I grinned at each other. How would you describe it?

"Deep and honest. I mean, she knows everything about me and there is nothing that I wouldn't tell her. No matter what it is, she would never tell anybody else or judge me, am I right, Cel?" I asked and she nodded with a smile.

"That's true. So if you two are becoming more than just friends, always count me in." she said and I laughed. "Okay, maybe not always. Sometimes I leave you alone, but only sometimes." she said and we all laughed. She said if we're ever more than friends. Who knows if it will come to that at all. I think we should have some dates before that.

"I think I can live with it." he let us know. It is strange how someone can come into my life who I really like just like this. I had the feeling of knowing him, even if I didn't know that much about him.

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