Don't Forget Love || Seokjin...

By Dina-soar

192K 11.1K 8.4K

Chef AU How could he possibly become head chef when you deserved it more? Another year of staying sous chef a... More

Not Mentally Ready
Important Ingredient
Successful or Fun
Cookies & Goals
The Applicant
Bad Morning
Just Good
Grocery Store
After Work
Making Bread
Sneaking Off
Three Words
Back In Amore
Slip Up
Just For A Second
One Month
Out In The Open
Silent Caring
The Phone Call
Eat Up
Appointments & Visits
Friends Over
Comfort Zone
Personal Question
Don't Forget Love
|| Author's Note ||

I Love You

4.9K 299 193
By Dina-soar

Bonus Ending

The three months of summer vacation was over. Not that it was ever truly a vacation for you. It had been for Daeho aside from working more hours than he had ever put into school. Now that school was back in session, things were going to change for a lot of people. Daeho no longer had to go back to live with Jiyoo. Everything between them was completely cut off. Jiyoo refused to send over any money or let herself be attached to Daeho anymore. He was completely your responsibility. The legal papers would take a while to get finalized, but you were basically Daeho's legal guardian from now on. He's staying with you until he's ready to leave the nest on his own. He's already saving up quite a good sum for college to become a chef.

Both Haesung and Daeho had plans to become a chef in the future. Those two were closer than ever before. Especially since Daeho attends the same high school as Haesung now. They still spend just as much time together or close as they could get compared to summer. When they finish school, they hop on Haesung's bike over to Délice. They technically don't have to but insist on coming. They do homework together outside and then come in for the four hour shift. Sometimes they flip it around and do whatever they're feeling. Even with school, the two boys were insistent on keeping their jobs at Délice. They weren't going to quit with all their favorite people working there.

It's a good thing you're one of Daeho's favorite people. He's happy to continue working alongside you which is so adorable. Having him around and taking care of him only makes you feel more like a mom. It's something you've really grown to embrace now that have him around forever. There's no way you're letting this new piece of family slip away. Daeho is your son and you hummed to yourself as you drove him to school. The boy sat in the passenger's seat, not thrilled to hit the textbooks in the slightest. He never cared for school but at least he finally had a genuine friend going with him. Anytime anyone mentioned Haesung graduating early though, Daeho told them to shut up right away. Daeho is going to enjoy the time he has with his new schoolmate.

"We're here!" You slowed down in the crowded parking lot. So many teenagers were getting out of their parent's cars while some were riding their bikes. Some only walking from their nearby homes and chatting with friends. Daeho held his bag close, groaning as he stared at the large building.

"I'd rather work." Daeho scoffed.

"Come on. At least finish high school." You laughed, bringing your hand up to pet his hair. You fixed his hair up, pushing some of his brown locks out of his face. "My handsome boy~!"

"Eomma!" Daeho whined, unbuckling himself right away. He couldn't stand it when you babied and doted on him. Well, he pretended not to. He pouted at you with his cheeks puffed out. "I'm going to leave!"

"Ah, fine!" You sighed as he reached to open the car door. "You're lucky Haesung-a is waiting or else I would have demanded a little kiss." You grinned as his face flushed. He shook his head as he stepped out of the car. Unfortunately for Daeho, he takes some time getting out of the car. "BYE, SWEETIE!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! HAVE A GOOD DAY AT SCHOOL!"

"Hi, Imo!" Haesung waved with a smile while Daeho was red in the face. You greeted the boy before Daeho could slam the door shut. He kept his eyes on the ground as he rushed to Haesung. It was now your turn to embarrass Daeho. Haesung wrapped his arms around Daeho's shoulders as they went inside past the school gates.

Those two have only been in school for three months. While Haesung was in his third year, Daeho was a second year. Though they couldn't share any classes with each other, they always met outside of class. You're honestly lucky Daeho hasn't caused any trouble at school. The only time you had to deal with something was when he skipped class to crash Haesung's class. Somehow he thought that was a good idea. You made it clear with him though that if he begins to perform poorly at school that you'll have Jackson temporarily let him go. That had Daeho terrified so you basically had nothing to worry about. He also had Haesung around to help and inspire him.

Taking care of Daeho was no longer a huge worry in your life. The two of you had a strong understanding so it was nice. Driving out of the school parking lot, you made your way to Délice. After dropping off Daeho is when you headed over to work. The timing always worked just right. Eventually you turned into the staff parking lot of Délice, seeing a couple of your coworkers already here. They began to turn their heads as they saw you driving into the lot. A few them were getting excited to see you. A little too excited. Everything was fine until Taehyung ran in front of your car to cheer at your arrival.

"Hey! Out of the way! I'm trying to park, Tae!" You rolled down your window. The male continued to dance in your parking space. "Taehyung!!"

"Pistachio!" Jackson hollered. "Let Peanut park!"

"On it, Sir!" Taehyung saluted his boss as he finally moved. You giggled, parking your car thanks to Jackson. Sometimes starting the workday could be a fun struggle. Exiting your car, you smiled at all your coworkers. Taehyung was running around the parking lot while Jimin watched, drinking his coffee. You assumed the empty cup in his hand was downed by Taehyung. He seemed to have more energy than he typically had in the mornings.

"Don't fall!" Jimin warned. He shook his head softly at his friend who was having the time of his life. Next to him was Jackson who gave you a friendly wink. One that clearly didn't mean anything. Though a certain someone didn't take it that way. It also didn't help that your smile grew from the wink.

"She's taken, pal." Seokjin lightly pushed Jackson's shoulder. The male rolled his eyes, but Jackson always found it humorous with how jealous Seokjin could get with him. No matter how much Taehyung hugged you or how many times Jimin bought you coffee, no one got Seokjin jealous like Jackson. You shook your head softly as Seokjin walked over to you with a smile. A tiny squeal left your lips as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Hey there, Love."

"Hello, Oppa." You rested your hands on his arms.

"You guys are pretty lovey dovey for seeing each other almost every hour of the day," Jimin stated. Jackson and Taehyung nodded, the three of them watching while Seokjin and you were in your own little world.

"Let's have a fun and successful day." Seokjin kissed your forehead. A light blush spread across your cheeks at his actions.

"I wouldn't have it any other way!"

The two of you practically made Jackson sick. Well, that was a bit of an exaggeration. At the same time it wasn't too far from the truth. Seokjin and you were very loving towards one another. It was major news to everyone at Délice when it was announced that the two of you were dating. Jackson almost lost it and had to have a long conversation with 'Acorn' about how he should treat 'Peanut'. Essentially, Jackson was looking out for you as a big brother. Seokjin didn't really see it that way and told Jackson that you were off the market so he should keep his hands off. You really have no idea how he believes Jackson was ever into you romantically for the short time he was working with you guys.

Then the rest of your coworkers were pretty stunned. They couldn't believe you would actually date someone. Much less have it be Seokjin. The two of you were seen as a strange couple to the rest. Only Taehyung and Jimin were supportive from the staff. Taehyung was so happy to see the two of you together and Jimin was happy he could shove it in Jungkook's face from time to time. These two weren't the only supportive ones though. Haesung was ecstatic when he heard the news. He believed the two of you were soulmates and had been waiting for the day that Seokjin and you made it official.

Lastly, Daeho. Your little baby almost couldn't believe it when Seokjin and you told him privately. He thought it was a joke at first. Some kind of prank Seokjin and you had created together. He really didn't buy it the first week despite everyone accepting it. Isn't this what Daeho always wanted? The boy was unsure until he caught Seokjin kissing you. It finally clicked in the boy's head that the two of you were an item. At that point, he wouldn't stop screeching and was happy to have his mom and dad together. He got what he wanted and he even has the three of you as his screen background on his phone. Most teenage boys don't use a family photo, but your precious baby did.

Seokjin and you walked inside Délice to get to work. Jackson clapped his hands, getting Taehyung and Jimin to finally go inside as well. Since Daeho and Haesung couldn't wash dishes for the first half of the day, that's when Taehyung and Jimin came in. They washed dishes until the boys clocked in before they acted as waiters or went home themselves. Occasionally when Seokjin or you couldn't watch the kitchen, they stepped up too. Jackson trusted Jimin and Taehyung to be in charge for an hour or two. Jimin would act as head chef and Taehyung as sous chef just like when they were in Amore. It was mainly the first month of Daeho going into school that you really needed Taehyung to be sous chef for you at times.

Things have calmed down thankfully. You were getting your life in order and you couldn't ask for anything better. You prepped for the day, Seokjin bothering you as he always did. You may love the man, but you're still trying to do your work here. Seokjin practically hung around like a puppy until he actually had to start working himself. The day was going well and you got so excited the second it was past three in the afternoon. Daeho and Haesung would be coming here soon. As you chopped cilantro carefully, you heard the back door to Délice open.

"Where's Eomma!?" Daeho's voice shouted. He marched into the kitchen in his school uniform, looking more adorable than ever. You couldn't help cooing at him quietly. The boy quickly found you, marching up to you with a frustrated expression.

"What is it, Baby?" You asked.

"No embarrassing me in front of everyone!" Daeho huffed.

"I'll think about it." You shrugged as he whined. He began to tap on your shoulder repeatedly, hoping that would make you give in. He could be such a child sometimes. You laughed at his actions, continuing with the cilantro.

"We should probably go change, Dae," Haesung said. He waited for Daeho to stop, but it looked like Daeho would be doing this for a while. Daeho was being stubborn and persistent as always. That is until he was finally plucked away from you.

"Go change for work or do your homework, Dae." Seokjin patted the boy's back. Daeho let out a small groan only for Seokjin to get more stern. "Listen to your, Appa."

"Yeah, yeah." Daeho sighed, getting his cheek pinched affectionately by Seokjin. Eventually Seokjin let his son and Haesung use the staff bathrooms to change. They came out a couple minutes later dressed for work. The two of them put their backpacks in the small storage room, rushing over to Jackson's office. Haesung called out for the man while Daeho harshly knocked his knuckles on the door until Jackson opened it up. The man sighed with a small smile to see the two teenagers. "We're clocking in, Chef Wang!"

"Alright, four hours only!" Jackson reminded them as they rushed to their station.

"We know!" Haesung shouted. The two boys immediately went to tickle Jimin and Taehyung out of their station. Jimin and Taehyung squirmed wildly, obeying the other two as they were kicked out. Haesung and Daeho dusted off their hands when they had the job done. Jimin stumbled out of the dishwashing room, catching his breath as Taehyung stood with soap all over his arms.

"Do they really have to tickle us every time?" Jimin frowned.

"What I do with the bubbles?" Taehyung tilted his head. Slowly, Jimin straightened his posture to look back as his friend. Taehyung kept his arms up, the bubbles either beginning to pop or run down his arms as liquid. He patiently waited for an answer as Jimin scooped up a small amount to place on Taehyung's nose.

"How's that for an answer, Pistachio?"

"Hazelnut, I was being serious!"

The work day continued as normal. Seokjin and you stayed on top of your posts, refusing to take a break for a second. Haesung and Daeho had the same attitude back in their station. They wanted to make up for all the hours they lost being at school. Even though Jackson told them it was fine, they worked hard. You're sure the boys are tired after working, but they always have the biggest smiles on their faces when they finish their shifts. As soon as they were done, Jimin and Taehyung stopped waiting tables to return to dishwashing. The teenagers went outside to do homework for the rest of the time that they were at Délice for. They could technically leave early which they have a few times before. This time, they stayed.

When Délice was getting closed up, you did a few last checks around the kitchen. Seokjin was holding your purse by the door as he waited for you. Jimin and Taehyung had to push you towards your boyfriend, promising that they would do the closing routine for you. No matter how much you tried to fight them on it, they won the second they said you had a family to go home with. They got you there. They waved at you and Jackson as well, wishing Seokjin and you a good night. Grabbing your purse, you left the back entrance with Seokjin. Haesung and Daeho were currently playing on their phones until they saw you two come out.

"Alright boys, say goodbye for the night." Seokjin walked over to his car. You were opening your own car as Haesung and Daeho hugged. Haesung squeezed Daeho, lifting him up and bouncing him like a baby. Daeho began to squirm and scream for freedom. Seokjin whistled, telling them to hurry up already. While Daeho was relieved, Haesung pouted. The elder waved, watching his dongsaeng rush to the passenger side of your car.

"Get home safe, Hae," You said to the boy.

"Will do, Imo!" Haesung bowed. He took steps to his motorbike as you backed out of your parking spot. Daeho kept waving to Haesung until he couldn't see him.

It was back to just the two of you. Daeho instantly started messing with the radio, playing the songs he liked. He happily did as he pleased knowing that you loved him too much to scold him just yet. Daeho has been through a lot and is slowly healing. He no longer has gluten in his system anymore with his strict no gluten diet. Then his digestive system had recovered which you were still grateful for. He knows better now than to even risk eating gluten for fun. Daeho does a good job taking care of himself with taking his medication. You don't have to remind him, but mainly because you have your own to take too.

While Daeho had his pills for anxiety and depression, you took some for anxiety as well. It helped ease a few of your worries about germs. To be honest, it was mainly your psychotherapy that was helping you. Talking to someone and receiving treatment for your problem has been a great experience. Not everyone will have the same kind as you, but you're grateful that it worked for you. There were still things you were working on overcoming but you were already doing better. For example, you were able to drive to and from work without wearing gloves! They were in your purse for emergencies, of course. Still, you were proud of yourself. The gloves were on for everywhere else though these little steps really did help.

"We're home!" You chirped to your son. Daeho was already removing his seatbelt, impatient to get out of the car. You chuckled to yourself as you got out. Parked right next to you was Seokjin's familiar black car. Walking up the driveway, you watched Daeho run inside the house. Somehow he still had energy after the long day. Removing your shoes at the door, you switched into slippers as you stepped inside. Time to get comfortable in your new home. You've been living here for just a couple months since you needed more room. It wasn't really practical to have three people living in a one bedroom apartment.

"I'm already getting started on dinner. It'll be done soon!" Seokjin called out. He stood in the kitchen in his casual clothes already. Daeho came out of his room, whining immediately as he rushed to the kitchen.

"I told you not to start without me, Appa!" Daeho rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands.

"You can still help, Dae." Seokjin chuckled.

"Leaving me out of the fun?" You crossed your arms. A scoff left your lips as you walked over to them. Seokjin paused, not understanding why he was getting attacked like this for no reason.

"I didn't shut down the kitchen, d*mn. Both of you are free to help!" Seokjin sighed as Daeho and you laughed. There are clearly some similarities between the two of you.

Aside from picking on Seokjin, making dinner was a fun process. It was always how the three of you ended the day together. It became a tradition just in the first week of living together. Obviously, it was your favorite family bonding experience. Nothing could be more perfect than cooking with your two favorite boys. Daeho liked it as well, enjoying his moments with Appa and Eomma. Then Seokjin used this time to dote on Daeho and also flirt with you more than was necessary. Seokjin always got bold, calling you his 'wife' from time to time. You would always hit him, saying he never got you a ring. Then he had the same response which is, 'so you would marry me?'.

Not any time soon, but you can definitely see it.

"Goodnight, Eomma and Appa!" Daeho got his goodnight kisses from the both of you. The boy shuffled over to his bedroom, yawning heavily.

The three of you had finished washing the dishes and brushing your teeth. That left Seokjin and you alone out in the living room. Seeing how late it was, the two of you didn't want to stay up any longer. Tomorrow is going to be a harder day if the two of you push it. Getting inside your room, you jump onto your bed happily. You could already feel yourself sinking into the mattress. Seokjin laughed at you as he closed the door behind him. He crawled onto the bed himself. You were comfortable under the covers, ready to fall asleep. Despite that, you lifted the covers for Seokjin to slip under. Seokjin thanked you as he wrapped his arms around you. It's always comfy snuggling with Seokjin before the two of you fall asleep.

"So no shower before going to sleep?" Seokjin asked.

"Look at me go." You grinned. He squeezed you tighter, kissing you on your cheek.

"I love you so much." Seokjin hummed. You liked feeling his warmth, letting yourself lean into him.

"I love you too," You said as something came into your head. "Y'know...I found out you tricked me."

"Tricked you?" Seokjin almost pulled away in shock. He blinked multiple times, trying to make sure he heard you right.

"Yeah! About friends snuggling!" You told him. "I asked Daeho and Haesung if they ever snuggled too since it had been on my mind a lot last week. You know what they said? Well, Daeho swore a lot just to say 'no' and Haesung said only if they were super comfortable with each other. Daeho still didn't look like he would ever want that type of affection from his friend." Seokjin swallowed hard behind you. "So that got me thinking. I asked Haesung what he thought about the situation that happened with us. I told him it as if it were a hypothetical question and he told me that the guy was definitely tricking the girl just to get close to her!"

"D*mn it, Walnut!" Seokjin huffed.

"So it's true?" You raised a brow.

"Yeah...not that it matters much anymore now." Seokjin chuckled, cuddling you more. "We're together now so that justifies it more. I did it for a good reason!"

"Whatever you say, Acorn." You sighed happily.

"Don't call me that!"

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