Suddenly In Love

By naomigscott

53.3K 1.6K 642

Naomi and Mena Au More

Locker 206
What does he know?
The Stranger Who No Longer was a Stranger
Evening Picnic
Goodnight Sir
I love you mom and dad.
Unknown Sender
Just smile
Not Too Much Fun
Love Birds
Not Official
Hop On
Pretty Girl
New Girl
Crazy Eyes
The Way You Look at Him
Show Me You Love Me
Can't Sleep
Pepper Spray
For Better or for Worse
Sleep Over?
Under my Bed
Hang Out
Need You
Break up
Out of Here
On One Knee
I'm sorry
Have Fun
Wake Up
Straighten Up
Best for You
False Alarm
New Start
I Chose You
It Was Her
Sort it Out
Somewhere Fancy
About Time
60 years
I'll Take That
I'm not
First Time Wasn't a Charm
Fine by Me
First Fight
Say Nothing
Lied to Me
Not Hungry
Back Home
Should we?
Shut Up
Four of Us
Moody Pregnant Girl
Careful What You Wish For
Love Your Love
Have a Talk
Walk in the Park
Save it
Let Yourself
Platonically Husband and Wife

We Both

387 11 3
By naomigscott

Naomi's POV

I woke up to Mena putting his hand on my forehead. "Hey, you feeling better?"


"We should probably get you checked out in case you caught the flu or something babe."

I quickly sat up, "No, no doctors."

"Nay come on, you're not telling me you've still got that fear of them."

"It's not a fear Mena I just don't like them and I'm not going anywhere."

"You don't have too I called one to come here."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"What? What is it?"

"I know this was 3 years ago but maybe just maybe you could think to the past and remember how things ended the last time you pressured me to do something I didn't want to do."

"Naomi you're sick, theres nothing wrong with that, you just have to get checked out that's all."

"I don't want anyone to check me out for anything, like I said I'm fine."

"Well you didn't seem fine, you've been moody for days and suddenly today in the car you can't even look at me. What's gotten into you?" Mena snapped at me.

Taking in a deep breath and I closed my eyes. "Can you just please leave me alone right now?"

"And you know what, it's impossible to forget everything that happened three years ago because it seems like history keeps repeating itself and I'm sick of it. One minute you're fine, the next you're angry at me. I don't know what you want from me anymore, it's exhausting Nay."

"I said just leave me alone!"

"Fine by me, I'm done fighting Naomi. I'm done guessing, this is on you now." Mena grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the room.

For a second I took in the silence of the room, trying to prevent myself from crying but it was impossible. Mena was right, I couldn't even deal with myself anymore. Everything felt so difficult, so intensified.

The more and more I thought about it, the more it became clearer, I couldn't do this.
I wasn't ready and by the looks of it I didn't think Mena was either.

Walking into my closet I grabbed one of the tests I took and looked at myself in the mirror before I started crying again. Quickly I looked for my phone and dialled Nasim again.

"Hey, did you tell him?" I waited a few seconds until I figured out what to say. "Nay, is everything okay?"

"I can't do this Nasim, he's not ready, I'm not ready."

"Naomi you've gotta relax, where is Mena right now?"

"I don't know,"

"I'm on my way." She hung up the call. Sitting in my closet I stared at the test for about half an hour until I heard footsteps approach me. "Nay? Oh honey." She lowered herself and gave me a hug. "It's all going to be alright baby I promise."

"I'm so scared,"

"Who else knows?"

"No one I couldn't even tell my mom."

"Okay..." Nasim looked down and bit her lip, "Look I can't believe I'm about to say this but, if you don't want it... I can take you to, you know. If you want,"

"Should I?" She shrugged her shoulders at me. "I've waiting so long for this moment, but I just... I wasn't ready for it now."

"Well, we can also just get you checked out and you take it from there. I mean you have to go in either way so, just go in for a check up."

"Yeah that sounds good," I let out a breath, "I guess I'll get dressed then."

I quickly slipped some jeans and a sweater on and headed out the door with Nasim. As we got closer to the clinic I could feel myself shaking, I was so anxious. Nas parked right out front, "Hey, it's okay." She squeezed my hand.

We both hopped out of the car and went in. The lady at the counter greeted us, "Hello how may we help you?"

"We called about a consult, she's pregnant and wants to get checked out."


"Naomi Grace,"

"Ahh yes, you can go straight in the doctors been expecting you,"

"Thank you," Nasim nodded before turning back to me, "Family friend,"

Walking inside I noticed a women come up to me, "Hi I'm Dr. Shannon its nice to meet you, Nasim, honey how are you doing?"

"Hey, Jenny I'm good, this is my best friend Naomi."

"Hi," I smiled nervously.

"So, Nasim here tells me your expecting, congratulations." 

"Yeah, thank you."

"Alright, well you can just take a sit right here," I laid down on the chair and raised my sweater up, "Okay, I'm going to apply small bits of pressure and you tell me if theres any discomfort okay?"


"Nothing too much honey don't worry," She smiled, "Okay so does any of this hurt?" Jenny felt around my stomach.


"That's good, great actually. Have you been experiencing any symptoms?"

"Ugh everything, all I do is sleep, I can't eat without throwing up, I can't even smell food without throwing up, and I'm so moody its horrible."

"And how's your husband dealing with all that? You know you need a great support system for these kind of things."

"Boyfriend and... he doesn't exactly know yet." I bit my lip nervously.

"Ah, that's alright lots of women don't tell their partners after a while, it usually takes them a little time before they get out of the shock."

"Tell me about it," I sighed.

"Well Naomi, I'm going to put this really cold gel on your tummy and we're going to check for that little baby alright?" Nervously I nodded in agreement. Jenny turned on the monitor and started passing the small probe on my stomach, suddenly something popped up on my screen. "Ahh theres the little guy or girl," I could feel myself tearing up as I turned to Nasim who was already bawling.

Nas came up to me and held my hand as I turned to look up at her, "I wish Mena was here to see this, it's so beautiful Nas."

"It's incredible," She giggled as she cried, "I'm so happy for you Nay,"

"Well I don't mean to interrupt but Naomi, heres your picture, you can schedule another consult for the next two weeks. Congratulations sweetheart!"

"Thank you," Jenny smiled at left the room. Nasim and I picked up our things, payed and scheduled my next visit.

As we hopped back into her car she turned to me smiled, "So does you rescheduling mean I'm going to be an aunty."

"Yeah, I think so."

"Aw yes! I'm so excited, oh my gosh we have to buy clothes and decorate the room and plan a baby shower and—"

"Wow slow down there girl, I've still got to tell Mena."

"And that will be no problem at all."

"What do you mean?"

"Well turns out he's with Will currently at Joes so we'll just go there and you guys can discuss your matters."

"Or I can just go home and do it in private with him." I scrunched my nose, "I just don't feel like going out right now,"

"Oh alright,"

"Thank you." I sighed in relief. Pulling out my phone I texted me,

"Hey, we've got to talk. Please come home,"

"I'll be there in 10."

Nasim dropped me off at the apartment. I nervously sat at the couch waiting for him to arrive. Not too long went by before the I heard the front door unlock. Mena came in and walked up to me still maintaining his distance.

"Okay, look I'm sorry okay. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. But... there is an explanation."

Mena looked up, "Look Naomi, I get if you're tired of this."


"I'm not going to keep you in a relationship where you're not happy."

"Wait what?"

"I love you and that's never going to change and thats why I wanted to today to be perfect, I needed it to be perfect because I'd finally gained the courage to tell you how I really felt and everything just went wrong and I—"

"What are you talk about Mena?"

"This," My heart instantly dropped as I noticed the black box on his hands. "I've thought of this moment for years, I never once thought it'd actually be you but it was, it was you. And I loved you I still love you and I really do want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't care if you get moody or if you eat too much strawberry jam or if you can't master your moms Dahl recipe." I felt myself let out a small laugh as I cried while looking back at him. "What I'm saying is Naomi, I'm willing to push everything aside because I love you, but I guess if you don't feel like that anymore then I understand." He turned away but not before I could stand up.

"Mena wait,I love you. I do feel that way and I want to feel that way for the rest if my life. We both want to feel that way for the rest of our lives."

Mena turned around confused, "We both?"

I sniffled as I put my hand on my stomach, "I'm pregnant."



"When'd you find out?"

"This morning,"

"So that means that, all this time you've just been...but how?"

"That morning after Nasim's engagement I forgot to take my pill and it just happened," I bit my lip nervously, "Are you okay with that, because if you're not I—"

"No, I mean yes but just, wow." As Mena sat down I handed him the picture. "Is this..."


"We're having a baby," I noticed his eyes get watery as he looked up.


"Oh my gosh we're having a baby!" He gave me a kiss as he got up, "I guess theres no time better than this one then," Mena quickly got down on one knee, "Naomi Scott I'm willing to be the best husband and the best dad. Will you marry me?"

The answer had never been clearer, reaching for his face he got up and gave him a kiss, "Yes, a million times yes." Mena opened the box to reveal a diamond ring. "Oh my gosh its so beautiful, I love you so much baby."

"I love you so much, I can't wait to marry you, I can't wait to meet our baby..." Mena stared me in the eyes, "and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"How did I ever get so lucky?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I guess we gotta thank Locker 206 huh?"

"You have no idea..."

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