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Mena's POV

I quickly headed inside to grab my things and leave.

"Oh my god, what the hell happened to you?" Nina got up in shock as she noticed the blood on my shirt.

"Look it's nothing Nina, I have to go, I'm sorry." I grabbed my jacket and sped out.

"Mena wait!" She grabbed my arm. "What is going on?"

"Look I don't want to talk about it okay, just leave me alone."

"Mena, come on. You seem like you have...issues."

"I don't have any issues, just stop it."

"Alright I'll back off." Nina sighed. "I know it isn't my business but for what it's worth, I'm here if you need to talk I guess."

I couldn't help but feel all the guilt in the world. "Nina wait." She stopped. "Look I'm sorry okay, it's just... Nay and I, we used to date."

"Used too? As in no more, right?"

"Yeah, I guess." I walked over to a bench and sat down. "She was really everything to me, but then one day we got into a stupid fight and it all went down hill from there."

"So if it all went downhill, why was she here?"

"Nay is... complicated, she's been through a lot. She's still going through a lot, I don't know at this point."

"She sounds like a bit of a handful."

"She wasn't I mean she sounds like it but it's just ... whatever it doesn't matter anymore."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think she was really dumb to let go of a guy like you. But in the end it all works out."

"How do you know?"

"Because now that I know your single I can do this." Nina pressed her lips against mine. I couldn't help but kiss her back instantly. We both pulled away. "See? I told you it all works out." Nina giggled.

"Yeah, I guess it does doesn't it."

"Now get that pout off of your face, you're going home and getting all cleaned up come on."

"How'd you go all mom on me in like 2 seconds?"

"Well, a girl takes care of her guy right?" She extended her hand.

"So now you're my girl and I'm your guy?" I giggled and got up.

"If you want." Nina said as she smiled.

"I'd like that." I grabbed on to her hand and walked to her car.

We got in and headed over to my house, the ride was silent. Had she actually kissed me? Was ready for that? Am I even over Nay yet? So many questions crossed my mind. Finally we made it home.

"Well, I guess this is my stop. I reached for the handle and took a pause. Gently I put my hand on her cheek and pulled her in for a small kiss. I smiled, "Goodnight Nina."

"Goodnight Mena." She chuckled. "That's sounds so cringy, how it rhymes."

"Way to ruin the moment."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Goodnight, take care of that hand."

"Alright, see you at school."

She sped off in her car. As I walked into my house I felt a presence in the kitchen.

"Who was that?" My mom said as she sat on the stool.

"It was no one, just a friend." I tried covering my shirt with my jacket.

"Is that why you kissed her? That's some friendship you've got there..." She got up and made her way upstairs. "Good night." I could tell she was mad, in her defense it was past eight.

I sighed, "You can never win Mena." I put my phone on the nightstand and felt it light up.

"I had a good time tonight :) lunch at school tomorrow?"

"Sounds like a plan. Good night!"

I connected my phone to my charger and noticed it lit up again, revealing my lockscreen of Naomi and I. I grabbed my phone again and switched it to an iPhone picture. "Time to move on Mena." I said to myself as I took of my shirt and headed to bed.

Naomi's POV

I sat in my room, pressing ice on Jordan's busted lip.


"Sorry, you should really put some ointment on that you know." I said as I looked up at him. "How are you feeling?"

"It's alright, it's just a few small bruises." Jordan took a pause. "How are you feeling?"

I sighed. "I don't know if I feel anything really...I couldn't even recognize him Jordan."

"Well in his defense, I did kiss you, so I deserved it."

"I mean I kissed you back so I guess I deserved getting rejected."

"You don't deserve life being a bitch at you Nay. I know it may feel that way, but you deserve happiness. And whether that comes from him or someone else, I know it'll come eventually." He grabbed my hand.

"Thanks Jordan, it really means a lot." I smiled back at him. "You know I don't mean to ruin the moment but, what are we telling my mom tomorrow? Cause when she sees you she's gonna go all Indian remedies on you."

Jordan chuckled. "Just tell her... it was finally time for me to be your superman. I mean, I think it was well overdue."

I giggled. "You stupid head. I can't believe you're all busted up because of me." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Husbands honor!"

"Yeah, I guess." Silence arose. "What am I going to do tomorrow at school Jordan? Like, if shes there with him, I—"

"You will walk the other way and ignore it. If you want him to miss you, make him miss you."

"But how do I do that if I'm a mess."

"Don't be a mess. Search for things he use to love about you, make him gain curiosity again. Eventually he'll cave in. Men are easy, we don't know what we've got until we realize what we're missing."

"Yeah I guess that makes sense. I just got to be me before I knew he existed."

"Exactly. Now, you go shower and sleep, you've got school." He got up from my bed.

"Ugh, why can't I be in college like you."

"Don't say that, college is... crazy. Trust me you're happy where you are now."

"Whatever, goodnight Jordan."

He chuckled, "Goodnight Chub." He walked out my door.

"Hey, Jordan." He turned around.


"Thank you... for everything." He smiled back and I closed the door.

I quickly ran into my closet, picked out an outfit and grabbed my extensions. "Alright Nay, time for a change. Make him crave you."


Nay is getting a transformation!!! Can't wait for you guys to see what's going to happen!

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tw: eienahoughiin

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