Locker 206

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"To the owner of locker 206:

It wasn't a sunny day when I first saw you, it was actually a gloomy day. Grey clouds covered the sky, the wind made the trees make that crackling sound. It smelled like rain although it wasn't raining. I remember it like it was yesterday. I know you didn't notice me. But the first time I took a glance at you I couldn't help but keep looking. Your smile was beautiful, full of happiness and quirkiness. Your hair was the perfect shade of black, and your curls fell perfectly into place. You were wearing a leather jacket, that one with the little buttons on the side. And your little nose, always with that smirk of yours hinting your curiosity. It's one of the first things I noticed of you, again, I couldn't help but stare. That day I just knew I had to meet you because, in seconds, I fell endlessly in love with your unmatchable, mesmerizing beauty.

I know I intrigue you, but since we haven't formally met, I'll introduce myself, my name is Mena. I'm sorry I don't do this personally, I feel like I'm better with written words. I would love to take you out on a coffee date, or a dinner date or a stroll on the park. I'll be waiting for your response. Oh and if you don't know where to leave it, just leave it in locker 206, it's not mine but I'm sure your curious self will figure out who I am before the afternoon ends.

Sincerely, Mysterious Mena."

"I looked all around me. Who could it be? Am I really that oblivious?" My frustration was getting the best of me, let's just say it hadn't been a good day.

"I don't know Nay, he got us both cause I have no idea either."

"Nasim you have to know you know everything. Please help me out."

"Naomi, I don't know. Just go out with the guy, whoever it is it can't be that bad. Last time you went out with someone you were fully aware of their existence and it still went terribly, maybe this one isn't so bad."

Rolling my eyes was automatic. It's not my fault guys here are weird. I glanced over at the folded up piece of paper in my hands. Maybe she's right. It couldn't be so bad. I re-read the letter once more, every time I did I couldn't help but get tingles. My curiosity was truly getting the best of me, and so were my hopes of this being someone special.

"Okay..., I'll do it. But, I swear if its a creep you owe big time."

"Hey this isn't on me its a personal choice... but should we start working on the response?" Nasim said with an excited face.

"Oh shut up we're going to be late for class."

I headed to biology class and started brainstorming the response letter.

Dear Mysterious Mena,

Given as I don't know who you are, I'd like our first date to be somewhere relatively public. A cup of coffee seems okay... unless you don't like coffee a simple ice cream date would be nice as well. Does 1 pm this Saturday (aka tomorrow) sound good for you? You know where to respond. And just incase text me at 983-632-3850.

Kisses, Naomi.

After class, I left the letter on locker 206 as requested. Like always my nosy butt had to stay there and wait a while, but as I thought the mystery man never came. I'm assuming he knew I'd probably do that. I made my way home, cleaned my room, took a warm shower, washed my hair and painted my nails for my date.

"I don't know why I'm all excited. Should I be? Maybe this is a mistake Nas." I said to Nasim as we spoke on the phone.

"Relax, girl. This feels different..."

"Right? I don't know its...weird but in a good kind of way you know?"

"Yeah, I get you. But listen you gotta be careful, have your phone in hand at all times okay?"

"Of course, but look I gotta sleep I can't have huge eye bags for tomorrow, so we'll talk later alright?

"No worries, see you Nay."


I hung up the phone and made my way to bed. Who could he be? The thought of him made my stomach tingle and I didn't even know him. Before I knew it, I fell asleep to the thought of a complete stranger, that for the moment made me the happiest girl in the world.

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