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Naomi's POV

"So Naomi, we hear you've got big plans coming up with someone... that's been fairly present in your life, I guess we can say." Jimmy raised his eyebrows at me.

"Uhh yeah, I've booked a pretty cool role..." I giggled nervously.

"Which is..."

Looking back at my agent I made eyes at him. He nodded. "I am going to be Princess Jasmine in the upcoming Aladdin film."

The crowd strongly cheered after finally answering the million dollar question. "And Aladdin is being played by your..."

"The father of my babies, yes."

"I take it it must be little bit awkward, no?"

"I mean it's work, I do my job he does his and the girls can be at work and be around both of us so I think it works out,"

"So to make it clear, you two are not together because you're with a mystery man?"

"Umm no we're not together, we haven't been for a while."

"And the mystery man?"

"If there is one he shall remain a mystery." I nodded.

Jimmy laughed it off and continued to play a series of games. Before I knew it the show was over and I was on my way backstage. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Oh that was amazing sweetheart," my mom gave me a kiss as I walked out of the stage.

"Thanks," I giggled, "So what do you think?"

"I think it's exhaustingly amazing,"

"Yeah, thats a pretty accurate description," I smiled.

"Well, we gotta go we just stopped by but we're late for our flight back home."

"Aw but stay, we have room in my room and if not I'm sure we can work something out,"

"This is the fourth cancellation you're going to get your father fired," she laughed.

"I mean after this movie... will that matter?"

"Not to you it won't,"

"Fair point,"

My mom pulled me in for a hug, "I love you Gracie, I know we missed out on so much but I really—"

"Mom," I felt myself get teary-eyed as I tightened my arms around her. "We've talked about this we're good I promise,"

"I know but... I just don't feel like it's enough,"

"Well it is I promise! Kiss dad goodbye for me please,"

"Will do," she nodded, "And hey when are you going back to London?"

"Three days, why?"

"Okay good, I sent a few presents for the girls," she winked.

"Mom you've bought them way too many things,"

"So what? That's grandma's job, spoil spoil spoil!" Rolling my eyes I looked at her. "I know that face, don't you dare save them for christmas, I'll be calling to make sure they receive them," she raised her eyebrows.

"Whatever you sa—" Suddenly I felt Tiffany come up behind me.

"Hey Nay, we gotta talk,"

"Alright I'm going, love you guys, see you soon!"

"Love you," was the last I heard as my mom ran out.

"What?" I turned to Tiffany.

"We gotta have a chat," Tiffany said before I opened the door to my dressing room.

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