Hop On

441 22 5

Mena's POV
It's been a few weeks. School has been... quiet.
I sat at the bench, the same bench where I watched Naomi slowly disappear into the distance after we talked. She was everything to me, I truly only wanted to be with her. But she was right to let me go while she figured everything out, and to be quite honest it kind of relieved me to find out she found the maturity to do so.

I slowly stood up and made my way home. I pulled out my phone and started walking, until suddenly, someone I felt a liquid falling on me. "Oh shit."

'Crap! I gotta call you back." She put her phone away."Oh gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that." The tall, brunette said as she tried to wipe of the coffee she had just spilled on me.

"Bad day to wear a white shirt I guess." I said as I looked up at her. Her eyes were mesmerizing and her smile, breathtaking. Quickly I cleared my throat. "I mean, it's alright, it washes off." I responded once again as I caught a gaze of her beauty.

"I—I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." She pressed her teeth together. "I'm Nina, I'm new in town."

"I'm Mena, and that rhymes oddly enough." I chuckled.

The girl gently smiled as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "Well then Mena, I should probably, get going. I'm so sorry about the mess." She turned around.

"Wait!" I took a pause as she turned around. "Can I at least get your number? I mean, you are new, you're going to need a friend to show you places."

"A friend huh?"

I cleared my throat. "Well I mean, yeah, if you want. I don't mind. And then maybe you can buy me the coffee you spilled on me to make up for me having to throw away a perfectly white shirt."

Nina scrunched her nose. "Well I guess that sounds...okay. I mean, not the ruining your shirt bit, but coffee sounds nice."

"So what do you say?"

Nina stood there silent for a minute. "I say..." She put on a thinking face, "this town is pretty small, so I'll see you around." She winked at me and walked away as I stood there.

Did I just get rejected? And I have coffee smell, gross. I sighed and rolled my eyes back. I swear love isn't made for me. I pulled out my phone and looked at my lockscreen. "How am I getting over you?"

I finally got home and headed up to my bedroom. A knock on my door startled me.

"Mena?" I heard my mom say as she gently opened the door. "How are you doing, honey?"

"I'm alright I guess, tired." I responded without looking up.

She proceeded to pick up some dirty laundry. "Wow, what's this mess?" She grabbed the white shirt.

"Oh, some girl spilled her coffee on me. It's nothing, she was okay, I mean, I was okay. I mean, she was confused and distracted and yeah." I tried to stop my rambling as I realized my mom was looking at me like a crazy person.

"Alright... how's Naomi doing?"

"She's okay, I think."

"You haven't checked with her Mena?"

"Mom she was the one who messed up. I have to give her space, I need space."

"Mena sweetie." She grabbed my hand. "I understand that, but she has a past..." I turned my head.

"How do you know about—"

"Small town... look, the point is, you should talk, get a better understanding of everything. I'm not saying be together, I'm just saying check on each other. You both are good listeners. You can help her... she can help you."

"I don't need helping mom, I'm fine."

"I don't mean it like that, I just mean, everyone needs to talk about things every once in a while. You won't go to a psychologist, you won't talk to me. I'm just saying, talk to someone alright?"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever mom. I'm fine, besides, I need to focus on my future right now." My mom sighed.

"I love you."

"I love you too mom."

"Take it easy, it'll all work out, I promise." She placed a kiss on my forehead and walk out of my room.

I threw myself back on my bed, closed my eyes and eventually dozed off.

The next morning I woke, brushed my teeth and quickly got dressed. "Shit I'm late." Quickly I ran out the door and started sprinting until someone honked at me.

"Hey, hold it there mister. Where you headed?" I was shocked to see Nina yelling at me from her car.

"Well, I gotta get to school in less than 20 minutes." I chuckled as I got closer to her car.

"Well, what a coincidence, so do I." She smirked at me. "Hop on."

I got into her car and we sped off. "So... how'd you end up here?"

"I used to live here as a kid, my parents got divorced, had to move away. I've lived everywhere. But everywhere can be..."

"Tiring." I interrupted her.

"Yeah... so my mom decided to move back and well my dad lives here still so I guess it worked out. Towns changed a lot though, I hardly know anyone."

"Well, now you know someone." I smiled at her as she parked.

"I guess I do don't I?"

"Come on we're going to be late." I hopped off her car. "What's your first class?"

"Biology, Room 45, the teacher's name is—"


"Yeah, how'd you know?"

I sighed. "I just do. Look, you just go in and to the left twice."

"Alright, thank you! I'll see you at lunch?"


"Maybe? You're that kid?"

"Who?" I laughed.

"The one that's to cool to eat."

"Nah, I just don't always get hungry... but I guess for your first day here we can eat."

"Alright, I'll take it."

"Still waiting on that coffee though."

Nina rolled her eyes. "Don't push it. Look I gotta go, see you at lunch, Mena." She winked at me.

"See you then." I gazed at her and headed the other direction to class."


Look's like Mena found a new girl...how do you think Naomi will react?

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Love you guys <3
tw: desertsmoon

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