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Naomi's POV

I slowly walked to my table at the lunch room to see if I could spot him.

"Any sign of him?" Asked Nasim as I sat down. I sighed and accommodated my plate on the table.

"Nope...Am I crazy or could he just be avoiding me?" I said looking down.

"Naomi please, why on earth would he do that? He's probably just out sick or something, or maybe he doesn't like to eat lunch here. Stop overthinking so much."

"But, but what if he got scared or something, or like maybe he felt everything happen to quick—" I stopped my words, as I caught a glimpse of him. "Wait, there he is." I said. I tried looking at him and making eye contact as he turned around with his plate. Signaling over to him, I smiled, only that smile faded, as he looked down and went the other way.

"What the heck was that?" Nasim asked in an angry tone. I felt my stomach twist into knots, my palms getting sweaty and my eyes water.

"I should've known not to be so stupid..."

"Nay, c'mon there has to be a reasonable explanation."

"Explanation as to what? Explanation as in "Hey I made out with the girl and I never want to talk to her again?" I'm done, they're all the same, jerks." My voice trembled as those words came out of my mouth, I could feel my eyes watering as I sprinted out of the cafeteria and out of the school.

I walked and walked until I reached an empty spot in the park. My legs gave out and I collapsed into the ground in tears. I could feel my breath getting shorter by the minute. Not a second went by until I realized I was mid-anxiety-attack. I couldn't even remember the last time I had, had one. I quickly focused on trying to control my breathing patterns, and control my hands, which at this point were shaking as if I was put in a freezer.

Out of nowhere, I felt someone hug me from behind. "Breathe I've got you. Just breathe." I recognized Nasim's comforting voice, which had consoled me plenty of times before. It wasn't long before I felt my breath even out. "You have to take it easy, honey, breathe into your nose and out your mouth.

I followed as she gave me directions and I controlled my crying. Finally, I managed for words to come out of my mouth. "It's not fair Nasim, why me? I don't understand, why did God choose me out of all people to live such a horrible life, I don't hurt anyone, I try to be the best I can be, I'm a good student and a good daughter, I just want to be happy and I can't do that, why is it so hard?" Tears streamed down my face as I let all my feelings out.

"Oh Naomi, you're so beautiful and amazing, I just wish you could see yourself how others see you, please don't ever speak of yourself like you have no value, you have so much life ahead of you, yes you've hit a few bumps, but God gives his hardest battles to the strongest soldiers." She said as she hugged my tightly.

"I don't feel so strong right now Nasim, I just want to go home and sleep, can you please take me home." I said as I pulled back from her hug. She looked at me and wiped my tears away.

"Okay, it's fine let's just take you home..." We both got up and walked over to my house, which to my surprise was empty. I went in and laid on the couch with a blanket on me. Nasim sat there and playing with my hair until I peacefully dozed off into sleep.

Nasim's POV

I watched Naomi fall asleep with countless tear tracks on her face. I couldn't understand what was going on, all I knew was that none of it made sense. Pulling out my phone I open up my messages and text Will.

"Hey babe, I need a favor asap."

"Sure thing babe, what's up?"

"I need for you to find a guy and to get him over somewhere so I can talk to him."

"Did someone hurt you Nas, I swear I'll kill them."

"Nooooo but they did hurt Naomi, I need to find out what's going on. Please just help me out. The guy's name is Mena, it's the new kid at school remember, the one with the curls."

"Ahh, yeah I know who you're talking about, where do you want me to take him too?"

"I don't know somewhere public so he can't flip out or anything. I think the cafe would be good. Oh and don't mention it's for me, just tell him you wanna hang out with him or something."

"Alright, meet you there in 30."

"Thanks, babe, love you."

"Love you more b."

I closed my messages as I received that last text and slowly laid Naomi's head on the couch cushion. I walked out of her house and made my way to the cafe and waited. About fifteen minutes in I caught Will entering the cafe with Mena.

"Hey, babe." I said to Will as I approached them. I saw Mena's eyes widen. "Can you gives us a minute Will?" I asked.

"Sure thing babe, I'll go get you some coffee" He responded as he slowly walked away.

"So, care to explain why you're ignoring Naomi or was this just always part of your stupid little game?"

Mena's face made a questionable expression. "Me? Ignore her? You can't pin this on me Nasim."

"What do you mean I can't pin this on you, you complete disregarded her at the cafeteria today, the poor girl had an anxiety attack, I had to take her home." Mena's expression quickly changed.

"Wait, what? Is she okay Nasim?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Now she is, no thanks to you, don't ever go near her again." I said as I got up from my chair.

"Wait no, it's not—" I stopped him before he could say anything else.

"Stop it, Mena, you've done enough. Go back to your letter writing to some other girl." I said to him in an angry tone. Mena looked to the side, trying to hide the anger in his expression. He quickly got up and left the cafeteria. No one was going to hurt my best friend ever again.


Hey guys, sorry for the short update, I promise I'll try to write a bit more next time. The drama's just getting started so stay tuned for more :))))

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