Pretty Girl

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Naomi's POV

I hid behind the lockers with Nasim as she watched Mena. "What is he doing?" I whispered at her desperately.

"Shh hold on." She waved her hand at me. "He's... he's laughing? That's new. Wait? Who's that?"

I felt my heart sink. "Who's who?"

"No one. I mean, it's some girl but I'm sure its nothing." Nasim turned around and tried to pull me away.

"Wait, no hold on, let me see." She grabbed my arm.

"Naomi Grace, NO! You kissed Jordan and told him to move on."


"No buts! This could be good for him. I know you still like him, but until you figure your shit out you're not doing anything or getting involved with him."

I sighed. "I know. I just...I miss him Nas." I pushed my head back to the lockers.

"I know sweetie, but I mean it's not like you have no options Nay. Have you tried talking to Jordan again? He's still got time here."

"No... I don't want too okay. It's his fau—" I stopped myself from speaking. "It's my fault for being stupid, his fault for coming back with those intentions." I crossed my arms.

"Well Nay, I'd hate to say it but if you did what you did, there must be something there. It can't be all negative in your life you know? Just try it out. I mean who knows, maybe ya'll can just be friends with benefits, you have a little fun, he gets you for a while, it's a win win."

I rolled my eyes. "Look that sounds fun and tempting but it's not right."

"When do you have fun while doing whats right?"

"You're such a bad influence on me, remind me why we are best friends?"

"Because I'm fun. Now, you are going to go class, get home, have a makeout session with Jordan and there problem solved."

"Whatever can we please just head to class already?"

"Why are you such a nerd?"

I dragged her. "Let's go."

Nasim and I both sat down in our usual desks and began copying on our notebooks. Suddenly the teacher called on the class.

"Excuse me everyone, theres going to be new student joining us for the school year, your name is?"

"Nina." There stood a tall, brown haired girl. She was very pretty, exotic some might say. I looked back at Nasim, who hid her face. It then hit me.

"So that's my competition?" I mouthed to her.

Nasim didn't respond, she just nodded and continued her work. I couldn't even finish mine. Class ended and I was still in a bit of a shock. What if he liked her, what if he ended up loving her?

I walked out of the classroom speechless, emotionless.

"Hey are you okay?" Nasim caught me of guard.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just, I need a minute."

She put her hand on my shoulder. "Relax Naomi, who knows. Maybe she's his cousin or something."

"Nasim, Mena has great genes but that girl, could be a supermodel. I doubt they're cousins." I stopped at my locker and remembered what Nasim told me earlier. "You know maybe you are right, maybe I should have some fun. After all, I am single."

"Ahhh that's what I'm talking about!"

"It's actually perfect timing, my parents have a date night tonight and I think Josh is... well lets just say he's having his own fun." I cringed.

"Ew, gross. I thought he had a girlfriend back in college."

"Yeah, so did we. Apparently she was like nuts or something, I don't know."


"Yeah it's whatever I guess, the point is I'll be alone tonight."

"Which means...?"

"Which means I can talk to Jordan, no interruptions."

"Why don't you have sex with him?"

"Have sex with him? Like full out? I don't know..."

"But I mean, would you have sex with him?"

"I don't know, I don't think so. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to Mena, I know I told him to move on and all but—." I sighed.

"Nay come on, you know you did it because you cared for him. I'm sure he knows that."

"I don't know maybe he just thinks I'm a total bitch because I almost cheated on him."

"You didn't, you were on a breakup basically."

"Whatever... he hasn't even checked up on me or anything. I tried talking to him the other day and he basically walked away... maybe he's not who I thought he was."

"Or maybe you're just making up scenarios in your head to excuse the fact you're head over heels for him and you miss him."

"Or maybe I'm right Nas! Face it, boys will be boys."

Nasim rolled her eyes at me. "I guess we'll find out. Come on I have to go pee."

We both walked into the bathroom and stumbled upon the new girl who stood there fixing her hair. I stood next to her and looked at myself in the mirror while I waited for Nasim until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey do you have any chapstick?" The girl looked down at me.

"Oh I don't sorry." I responded startled.

"That's okay, sorry to scare you my lips are just killing me. I'm Nina by the way." She extended her hand.

"Yes I know, the new girl." I smiled awkwardly at her as I shook her hand.

"And you are?"

"Nay, sorry, I'm a bit, not myself today." The girl stood there looking at me. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, no, it's just, you seem familiar." Nina kept her eyes on me.

"I have one of those faces." I pressed my lips together and heard Nasim walking out of her stall. "You ready?" I asked her as I made eyes at her.

"Yup let's go." She ran out the bathroom.

"Well it was nice to meet you..."


"Nina, right, well I'll see you around I guess." I smiled once again and walked out. I swear these things only happened to me.


Oooo Naomi's jealous!!! The suspense begins!
Hope yall enjoyed!

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Love you guys!!
tw: eIenahoughIin (the L's are actually capitalized i's)

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