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Dear Mena,

Now it's my turn to write a letter to you... I'll never forget that first day of school. Who would've imagined that a letter falling out of my locker would've changed my life like it has.

I know I said I would think about it, about us, but right now it hurts so bad to think. It pains me to see you and not be able to hold your hand because I'm feeling nervous or kiss you because I want to escape the world... which is why I'm moving back home to London with my brother. I don't know why this took me so long to do, I should've done it back when the incident happened. I guess I was just not ready to take on such a big step like this.

Don't worry about my parents they'll be fine, I actually think they needed sometime on their own, as for Josh and I, I kind of missed my bro a bit already. Not to mention all my friends back home and my cousin Tiffany. I wish you could've met them all, it's kind of weird to think I'll finish School right where I started back in my home town.

I'm really going to miss you lot Mena. I can't wait for the time to be right for us, I can't wait to see you smile because you're genuinely happy with the world, I can't wait to call you mine again, but at the same time I don't want you to hold back. And as much as it might break me to say this, I don't want you to have to wait for me. If you find love anywhere along the way, let it happen. I promise,
I'll be okay.

Please, take care of Nasim for me, she can get a bit lost sometimes. Take care of Will, he's a real good guy to call a best friend. I promise I'll comeback soon and if I don't... trust its for good reason.

I love you lots,

"Naomi honey it's time!" I heard my mom shout from downstairs as I folded up the letter.

"I'm coming!" I quickly stood up and grabbed my purse before heading out of my room. For the last time I took a glance at my now extremely empty room. There was my life, a whole almost ten years of it all crammed into a now empty space. I waved at it goodbye before shut the door.

"Are you ready? Do you have everything?" I heard Nasim as me as I came down the stairs.

"I'm sure I have everything."

"I'm going to miss you so much." She hugged my tightly as she began to cry.

"I'm going to miss you too Nas." I tried holding back my tears. "Take care of yourself for me please."


"And you! If you break her heart I swear I'll swim the Atlantic to kick your ass."

Will chuckled as he went in to give me a hug. "Have a safe trip Naomi."

"Thanks Will."

"I don't really want to mention him right now but, is he not coming?" Nasim bit her lip.

"I— I didn't exactly tell him I was leaving." I handed Nasim my letter. "Give that to him for me please...It explains everything."

"I will... well then I think it's time."

"I think it is... oh my babygirl." I heard my mom say up from behind me.

I took in a deep breath as I turned to her. "I'm going to miss you mommy. Thank you for everything." I hugged her tightly. "You too dad, I love the both of you so much, thank you."

"Well love you more princess. Take care of yourself okay? And take care of your brother he's a bit of a crazy child but you knew that."

I giggled. "I will I promise... well I guess I gotta go, the Uber's about to leave me stranded so... I love you guys." I walked over and hopped in the car.

"Ready to go?" The uber driver asked.

"Yeah, all set."

"So where you going?"

I let out a breath. "Home, I'm going home."

"Well in that case then, I'll drive a bit slower so you can enjoy the view." I stared out the window and looked at my small town one last time. It felt ridiculous how many memories came flooding back in just seconds. Looking outside I tried taking it all in until suddenly I saw a familiar face.

"Wait! Can you stop the car for a second?"

"Um sure!" He pulled over.

"I just I need a minute." I quickly jumped out of the car and shouted. "Mena!"

He turned around surprised as I ran over to him. "Nay? What is it are you—"

Grabbing his face with my hands I pulled him in for a kiss. I could feel my stomach bursting into thousands of butterflies, my heart raising all in the span of seconds, I needed him. As soon as I let go I looked him in the eyes. "I love you okay? Remember that I really fucking love you."

"I love you too but are you okay?" Be grabbed my hand from his face.

"I'm fine, I just, I've got to go but remember that please. I really really love you."

"Where are you going?" He asked as I pulled back to go into the car.

"I'm sorry... I'll see you soon okay?"

"Wait Naomi, what do you mean—"

I quickly hopped back in the car. "Go."

"Are you sure?"

"Just go before I change my mind." I said to the driver as I held my tears back.

Once we finally reached the airport I got myself some tea and sat at the gate. My phone kept insistingly vibrating but I couldn't even look at it. Not while being here at least. Turning off my notifications I plugged in my headphones and popped in some music until it was time to board.

Before I knew it I was in the airplane on my way back to London. I'm not going to lie and say I felt perfectly fine... I was terrified but the fact that it was my home town made it less terrifying.

Sitting back on my chair I closed my eyes and finally, I was able to fall asleep.

Suddenly In LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora