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Mena's POV

Hugging my mom tightly I squeezed her goodbye. "I'm going to miss you guys so much."

"Oh we're going to miss you too honey. But it's alright in less than 2 months we're coming to visit and meet our adorable grandchildren. And Nay sweetheart, whatever you need, we're here. I'm here! We all are." She said looking back at my sisters.

Naomi quickly went to give her a hug, "Thank you so much, you guys mean the world to me. I love you all!" As they said their goodbyes I felt my phones alarm buzz.

"It's time Nay," Naomi nodded. "I'll see you guys soon okay?"

"Bye son," My dad hugged me one last time and whispered. "Take care of your girls, you've got three princesses on your hands." And just like that I picked up our last bags and walked to the terminal.

Before we knew it we'd boarded our plane and were halfway across the atlantic ocean. Naomi finally manage to fall asleep after hours of feeling the girls kick. The girls... felt so awesome to be able to say that.

Pulling out my scripts I began to highlight my part. Although it was small, it was only the beginning of what I had a feeling was about to come my way. But honestly... I didn't know if I wanted it now. I had to be a husband now and most of all I had to be a dad and honestly nothing sounded better...

After a long 7 hour flight, we finally landed in London which was surprisingly sunny yet still cold. Nay and I took an a taxi to our big new family home.

"So this is it?"

"Yup, this is it."


"Not bad for my nan's old house huh?" She giggled. "Come on,"

As we both walked inside the I let out a breath. White interiors, hardwood floors, a gorgeous staircase and a wide open concept kitchen. "Are you sure this belongs to your grandma?"

"Belonged yes. She never lived in it but I always loved it so she kept remodelling and when I came back last time she asked if I liked it like this because she wanted to gift it to me and Jordan and I said yes. Of course I didn't plan on ever leaving London but now I'm here so, it worked out! Actually you've got to meet Nan, she's the best. Such good food, ugh babies will love it." Naomi said as she sat in the staircase and sighed in relief. "Come here," I sat down next to her as she wrapped her arms around me, "Thank you for doing this,"

"Hey if it makes you happy I'm happy," I smiled. "And also, this is a pretty sick house to just have handed to you so—"


"Okay, Us." I chuckled. Out of the blue Naomi looked up to me and smiled. "What?"

"Come on, I've got a surprise for you," She stood up and ran downstairs.

"Where are you even going" I lost her in the dark, "Nay it could be dangerous down here," I heard her laugh before suddenly the lights shut on to reveal a huge tv and a gaming console.


"Wow, what is this?"

"Well it used to be Josh's old hang out spot with his mates but he doesn't exactly have hang out time now that he's with Shona so..."

"Wait Josh is married?"

"Gosh no, not yet at least."

"The more you know,"

"Well anyways, I was thinking we could turn this empty side to a little studio for me and a place to film your auditions for you. Not to mention its the perfect spot for a sick movie night."

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