The Stranger Who No Longer was a Stranger

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Mena's POV

I stared down at my cold cup of coffee, wondering what I did wrong. Who was this girl and why did I ever get so caught up in her? My mind wondered, what could I possibly do to make this right. Initially, writing a text seemed like a great idea, but the thought of figuring out her response immediately made me uneasy. I resorted once more to my best friend, the pen and pencil and I wrote: 

"Dear Naomi, 

I apologize if I did anything that made you uncomfortable on our first outing. I really, really want to make things right. To be quite honest with you, I didn't understand what happened, I don't know who you are or what you think I was told, but I can promise you from the bottom of my heart I would never do anything to hurt you. Would you consider giving me another chance? If not, it's okay. Regardless I want to let you know you're a beautiful girl, and whatever happened that made you not trust easily, I hope you can resolve. And if you ever do want to talk, as friends, of course, I hope you know you can trust me. Finally, I want to say thank you for agreeing to go out with a complete stranger. Maybe, some other time we can make it work. If you want to talk, I'll drop my number down below. 

                                                                                                                                            Sincerely, Mena. 


I folded the paper in half and made my way out. "It is now or never" I thought to myself and made my way over to Naomi's house to leave the letter I had written for her. 

Naomi's POV

I saw my mom as I made my way through the family room to go upstairs. "Hey Nay, why so dressed up?" She asked. 

Immediately I forced my expression to change. "No reason mom, just felt like dressing up and getting some coffee, that's all." I quickly responded. 

"Oh well you look really nice." She said as she looked over her glasses. 

"Thanks mom." I responded as I made my way upstairs and into my room. 

Immediately as I entered the tears flooded in my eyes. How could I be so stupid? I should've never gone out with him, I literally embarrassed myself. The frustration was overwhelming, so much so that my bodies immediate response was to shut down. 

I slept for about 30 minutes before the sound of something hitting my window woke me up. I walked out to my small balcony to find a small pebble and with a folded piece of paper attached to it. Inside, a letter from him. My stomach dropped, maybe he was different. Or maybe he wasn't and is trying to get to me like the rest. But something was different, something felt different. He wasn't like the rest, or at least like that one in particular who destroyed my ability to trust. Quickly a sensation of guilt came over me. Did I owe this guy an explanation? More so did I owe myself the ability, to be honest with someone else and myself in order to see if I could finally be happy? After a few seconds, I made the impulsive decision to text him. I opened up my phone and typed. 

"Hey, look I'm sorry things didn't go as planned. I guess I just believed it was crazy a guy like you could be interested in a girl like me. Could we maybe talk sometime? In private, someplace quiet. I think I owe you an explanation. Again, I really apologize for my outburst. And thanks for the coffee. It was really, really great to meet you. 

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