Just smile

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Mena's POV

I woke up with a bruised knuckle and a hurt arm. I may be strong but that guy's face was as hard as a brick. Quickly, I put a white t-shirt on and some jeans and headed downstairs.

"Morning." I heard my mom say as I walked past her in the kitchen. "Care to explain why you got home so late last night?"

I took a pause, "I'm sorry I lost track of time, I was throwing hoops with a friend. Won't happen again." I responded as I tried to avoid her but she grabbed my by the arm before I could.

"Okay then whats the part of the game in which you throw punches at each other?"

I closed my eyes and turned around, "It's nothing mom I just felt and hit my hand."

"Mena honey don't lie to me. Are you fighting again? You have to stop this is your fifth school in less than too years."

"I'm not fighting mom, just relax okay. It was just an accidents." I responded with attitude. Her eyes widened. "Look I'm sorry for yelling, I just want you to trust me okay. I promise I'm not doing anything wrong... actually, I met a girl who I kind of like a lot. I'm just trying to work things out with her. And I made a friend, like an actual guy friend. I'm doing okay I promise, just please let me figure everything out on my own. Give me a chance." I looked down as she came closer and put her small hand on my cheek.

"Alright sweetie. I'm sorry, I just... I worry you know. I do trust you, I promise." She took a pause. "If you want, you could invite the girl over, I'd like to meet her, I mean, if that's okay with you."

I raised my head and smiled. "I would love that, I think she would love that."

"Well what about tonight? I could make some steak."

"That sounds amazing, she'll love it." I said excitedly.

"Wow you really like her don't you?" My mom said and giggled.

"She's really different mom, she's... well she's beautiful. I really really like her." I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach. "Look I'm running late but I'll see you this afternoon?"

"Sure! Be safe, love you"

"Love you too mom." I shouted as I walked out the door.

The cold wind hit my face as I made my way to school. Today was going to be a good day, I had a feeling. I entered the school and headed to meet Naomi as we did every morning. From a distance, I could see her searching for her books in her locker. I walked up to her and gave her a delicate hug from behind.

"So how is the most beautiful girl in the world on this fine day?" I said and then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Geez you scared me. I'm okay, still a bit shaken up but okay. What about you? Why are you in such a good mood?" She asked curiously.

"Well, because today is going to be a good day, and today you are coming over to my house and my mom is going to make dinner and we're going to have a great time so please say yes. It'll be a good way to distract you mind!" She closed her locker and turned around.

"Dinner?" She said and made a face.

"C'mon Nay, it'll be fun I promise! If my mom gets weird or awkward I swear I'll pull an excuse out of my ass and we can go but please. Just this once." Naomi sighed and grabbed my hand.

"Fine. God what am I going to wear?" Her eyes widened.

I couldn't help but laugh, "Just wear whatever you'll be fine! C'mon lets head to class."

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