I'm not

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Mena's POV

I walked up to Will as Naomi held on to my arm. "You ready man?" He widened his eyes at me. "She knows."

Naomi looked up at hin and shrugged her shoulders. "Yup, so whats the plan?"

"Well she's in the bathroom right now but right as the game is about to start, I'll call her up to the court and do it in front of everyone, and here." He handed me the ring, "You're it down with Nay,"

"Alright, we good then."

"Yup just a few minutes and—"

"Few minutes for what?" Nasim said as she came up from behind Nay.

"Just boring boy stuff I don't even understand, come on lets sit!" Nay grabbed on to Nasim and dragged her to the bleachers.

"She's good."

I chuckled, "Yeah she is. So how are you feeling?"

"Honestly? I just feel ready to do it. I can't imagine my life without her man."

"I get the feeling," I responded taking a glance at Naomi, "I guess we'll both be waiting at the Isle soon."

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious, I don't know when exactly, but it's for sure her."

"Aw that's great man,"

"Yeah, but we'll talk about it later, go on get ready!"

"Alright, see you soon." Will ran into the lockers as I walked back to Nay and Nasim.

"It's about to start!"

"Gosh I'm so excited he's been waiting for this game for so long, it's all he's been talking about for the past two months."


"Oh yeah, I don't really get it but he says it's life changing so we'll see." I could see Naomi through the corner if my eye holding back her smile.

After about ten minutes the cheerleaders came in to perform, it was a huge spectacle. "And now, we present to you the Toronto Raptors!" The spokes man said.

"Here they come!" Nasim poked her head out and turned it as she realized Will came out alone holding a microphone.

"What's good Toronto?" The crowd cheered, "Now I know this isn't the norm but for tonights game, I'd like to bring a very special lady down to the court with me, Nas?" Will looked for her in the crowd. Nasim quickly went down the stairs and we followed. Walking upto Will she reached for her hand, "Nasim, I fell in love with you the second I laid eyes on you. You've been there every second, every day since we went out on our ice cream date. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and because you are, I want the privilege, if you met me, to spend the rest and I do mean the rest of our lives together. So, Best Man!" Running up to him I placed the ring on his hand. Will got down on one knee, "Will you marry me Nasim?"

"Yes!" Nasim couldn't stop crying but without hesitation she nodded her head in agreement. The crowd went wild as both shared a kiss.

"Well I think that settles it, play ball!" Will shouted at the microphone, "This ones for you babe!" He proceeded to go back to his team.

The game was a total success, Will scored the winning shot not to mention we won by a milestone. I'd say it was a perfect day. Nay and I walked out of the stadium and waited outside for Will and Nasim. "That was by far the cutest thing in the world." She said giggling.

"Yeah it was really cool that he did it in front of everyone. Kinda makes me wonder how I'm going to ask you to marry me." Naomi stopped walking and turned to me with a grin.

"You're asking me to marry you?"

"I mean unless you don't want to, in which case would make this relationship a waste of time." I laughed at her.

"Im being serious Mena!"

"I mean, maybe I am. Who knows?"

"You guys, lets go celebrate!" I heard Nasim shout from behind.

"Yeah man, theres a bar not too far along, our treat!"

"What do you say princess?" I asked Naomi.

"I say, tequila!" She shouted and ran to Nasim to give her a hug.

"Come on then girls, lets go then." Nay and I hopped into the car and drove to the bar. After a few long hours of drinks and shots we finally sat down to eat something.

Naomi's POV

Putting his arm around me, Mena pulled her closer to him and gave her a kiss. "I love you," he softly whispered into my ear.

"I love you too,"

"Damn all these drunk I love you's flying and I don't see you putting a ring on it Mena." Nasim said raising his eyebrow at him.

"Yeah man, its your turn, when are you putting a ring on your girl?"

Turning to Mena I smiled nervously, "Yeah when are you putting a ring on me?"

Mena's face went pale, he stuttered, "I'm not I mean—."

Suddenly I felt myself get insecure. "You're not?"


"No?" I got out from under him.

"No, no that's not what I meant."

I could feel my hands trembling as my anxiety arose, "I'm sorry I need a minute." Quickly I ran outside and took in a deep breath. "Calm down Naomi it's probably just all a miss understanding just breathe. I don't know if it was the mix of alcohol and my emotions but after a few I felt like my heart was being squeezed out of my chest. Pacing back and forth I bumped into Mena.

"Nay you've got to calm down." Without saying a word I nodded and took a deep breath.

"What took you so long?"

"I was paying, come on let's go home." As I gathered myself Mena drove us back to the apartment. Walking in I slammed the door behind me, he jumped. "Look I know you're mad but I—"

"You what Mena? Tell me, explain to me what you meant by "no" in there."

"Naomi come on let's not do this right now. You need to calm down and sober up." Mena tried getting closer to me.

"Just don't touch me right now," I took a step back, "Not until you give me an explanation."

"You just caught me of guard in there..."

"And? You could've said, no I don't know when but you just said no. Do you know how embarrassing that is?"

"I know and I'm sorry just please calm down, you're not thinking straight, let's talk about this in the morning, come on."

Looking up I held back my tears, I felt so confused, "Whatever,"


Yall didn't think it was gonna be easy right??

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