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Mena's POV

As I made my way to third period I spotted Naomi on her phone from afar. Rapidly I walked towards her and grabbed her hand.
Pulling her arm I dragged her in the janitors closet.

"Jeez you scared the life out me." Naomi got noticeably red as I stood closer to her.

"Hey." I grinned at her.

"Hey." She smiled confused at me. "Listen if it's about last night I—"

Her words were interrupted as I pinned her body against the wall and went in for a kiss. The kiss began getting more heated as I pulled her towards me and grabbed her ass. Her hands held on to my arms as she kissed me back. Suddenly I felt her giggle into my mouth. "You're crazy if you think I'm having sex with you in a closet."

"You look so good, it kind of makes me forget we're in a closet."

"Well you know what also makes me forget that I'm in a closet?"

"No, what?" I smiled at her.

"The fact that your exgirlfriend's brother wants to kill me and the fact that I'm going to be late for calculus."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. As she went to reach for the door, I jumped covered the handle with my body. "Wait, Nay, nothings going to happen okay, I promise." I cupped her face with my hands. "Trust me on this okay?" Naomi sighed as she caressed my hand with hers.

"I want to feel safe Mena but the truth is right now he's closer than ever...its terrifying." She rolled her eyes. "I wish I could just forget everything."

"I know Nay, look I just, I want you to talk to me okay. If anything happens, talk to me or talk to Jordan at least but talk to someone."

I saw her frown. "Jordan's leaving again on friday."

"Aw I'm sorry Nay."

"It's alright, I knew it was coming eventually I just didn't want it to happen so soon. But oh well, I guess it was time."

"You can always call him though..."

"You wouldn't mind?" Naomi turned her head.

"I guess I don't. I know he means a lot to you, hopefully in a non-kissy way but yeah. Just text him every once in a while. I'm sure he'll do the same."

"Yeah I guess so..." Naomi smiled and got closer to me. "You know this closet seems less bad by the minute."

"Oh really?" I said to her as she put her arms around my neck.

"Mhm, might be all the chemicals in the supplies." She giggled as she turned us the other direction, with her back to the door. As she leaned on to give me a kiss, I heard the door unlock. "Hah, got-cha"Naomi walked backwards into the hallway as she tried to help me catch my balance.

"What the hell was that?" I grabbed on to her.

I couldn't help but notice her laughing at me. "Gotta go to class, see you at lunch."

"You're such a nerd, by the way we're skipping after lunch."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure we are. Bye." She ran in the other direction. Oh Naomi, you and your perfect school records.

Naomi's POV
I got to my Calculus class only to notice the teacher hadn't even gotten to the classroom yet. As I put down my bag I pulled out my phone to next Nasim.



"I'm serious Nasim."

"What is it?"

"Should I have makeup sex with Mena?"

"Why wouldn't you I thought you were all fixed up?"

"I know, but should I just give in so quickly?"

"Naomi you're acting like you've never seen the guy naked."

I rolled my eyes. "That's not the point Nas. The thing is he seems like he wants it. And not gonna lie I wouldn't mind it right now but theres no where to do it anyways. And I'm not about to go have sex in the woods or something like a crazy person."

"Ew gross. I mean, you could always go to Josh's old apartment."

"Not a bad idea, but I haven't been there in years, I mean, Josh doesn't even stay there anymore. Although, my parents do send a cleaning lady every once in a while."

"See its the perfect spot and you could tell your parents your over at my house, easy."

"Hahah thanks Nas."

"No probs baby girl. Good luck tonight."

"Thanks I'll text you later love you!!"

"Love you most!"

I put down my phone as I saw the teacher come in. Class was slow, I usually liked my math but calculus I think just isn't really my thing . The teacher wrapped up pretty quickly, I'm guessing he realized no one understood what he was saying. I guess it's what I get for taking AP classes. Grabbing my phone I texted Mena.

"Hey wanna have some fun tonight?

"Depends... what kind of fun are we talking about?"

"Well you're going to have to tell your mom you're staying over at a friends house or something :)"

"I like what I hear."

"I'll tell you more about it at lunch ok?"

"Okayyyy I'll wait for you in the cafeteria."

Putting down my phone I quickly ran out to the cafeteria and spotted Mena from afar. As I walked towards him I felt someone pull my arm slowly.

"Well if it isn't the little town slut." Nina looked down at me. I immediately felt my anxiety levels rising. "You know it's funny how mysteriously life works don't you think? Especially with your Mena, glad I had my fun with him before you stole him back."

"You what with him?"

"Oh he didn't tell you? We had some fun in my car a few days ago. You know it's pretty sad, a little messed up chick like you going out with a guy like him. God knows what you put him through, jeez I can't imagine all that stress. He probably doesn't take you to public places does he? For sure he's scared you'll have a crazy episode like the crazy bitch you a—"

"That's enough Nina." I heard Mena coming from up from behind. "Leave her alone."

"Oh so now he's your superman. Pathetic." Nina rolled her eyes as she came closer to me. "You know I had to leave my home because of you? My parents divorced because of you, my life was ruined because you had to go around fucking my broth—"

"He said that's enough and I agree, leave her alone Nina." I heard as Nasim come up from behind me.

Nina laughed. "You're pathetic, you can't even defend yourself." She turned around and walked away.

I looked back at Mena with tears forming in my eyes. "It's going to be al—" Mena tried grabbing me.

"Don't talk to me, don't even touch me." I felt my voice get coarse as if I was about to lose it. "Just leave me alone okay."

Nasim ran after me as Mena looked back at me petrified. At this point I swear, I give up.


Hope you guys enjoyed! Please vote and comment it help me get my story out there <3

Love you guys
tw: eienahoughiin
insta: elenashoughlin

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