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Naomi's POV

I slowly walked into my parent's house with Mena alongside me. "Mom?" I shouted to see if she was there.

"Naomi is that you?" She rushed to the front door. "Oh gosh I was so terrified, how could you do something like that?"

"I'm sorry mom, I just didn't think you and dad would let me go..."

"Oh honey, I'm one thing, but your father, he's a whole other story."

I looked back at Mena with a scared face. "Where is Dad? I kind of want something I want to talk to you guys about."

"He's in his office, I'll get him for you." She left to go get him. I could feel my palms sweat as Mena stood beside me. It wasn't long before my father and mom were giving us both a death stare. "So, what is it that you have to talk to us about?"

"Okay, so we took a small trip and it was all very nice, so first I want to say I'm very sorry for not telling you, but I'm really glad I was able to go because..." I smiled at Mena and intertwined our hands. "Well because we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend, and you can ground me and I can be in trouble all you want because, for the first time in a really really long time, I'm genuinely so happy." I noticed my parents' expression change as Mena smiled at me. My mom covered her face with hands. "Please say something..."

"Oh! Welcome to the family, Mena!" She rushed over to hug him. I couldn't help but giggle at my mom's excitement. My dad approached him seriously.

"I have it on good authority you're a good kid, I trust you'll be good to my daughter as well." He shook his hand firmly.

"Trust me Sir, it's all I want. I am very much in love with her and I would never do anything that could hurt her."

I put my head on Mena's shoulder, "I love you my Meens."

"Love you most, princess." He gave me a kiss on the head.

"Oh forgive me for being so rude, would you like to stay over for lunch Mena?" My mom said to him.

"I'm sorry I'm going to have to pass, I'm waiting for my parents to get home and I promised I'd be there. Raincheck?"

"Of course, any time sweetheart."

"Thank you. Well I'll be on my way. It was very nice seeing both of you. Walk me out?" He smiled at me.

"Sure, be right back mom and dad." The nodded.

"So, that went surprisingly well." I put my arms on his shoulders.

"It did, didn't it? Although I wish you could stay." I pouted.

"I know, I'm sorry, my mom texted me I had to be home. But I'll see you at school tomorrow alright?"

"Alright, see you later babes." I gave him a small peck and went inside to find my parents both sitting on the counter waiting for me to come in. "Is everything alright?" I asked confused.

"Well for starters you're grounded for two weeks and you're going on birth control."

"Birth control? What? Mom that's ridiculous, come on."

"No but's, we're thrilled for you two and we love him but better be safe than sorry."

I groaned, "Birth control will make my butt explode, mom, can we think of any other sort of punishment?"

"If you keep complaining, I'll make it three weeks, birth control and no phone."

"Okay, nope. Birth control? Sounds fun, I'd love to turn into a Kardashian." I rolled my eyes as I turned around.

"I saw that, three weeks."

"But mom!"

"Wanna make it four?"

I sighed and went upstairs to put down my things. Grabbing my phone I laid down in my bed and texted Mena.

"Well, I'm grounded for three weeks and going on birth control but I'm keeping my phone so I guess it's okay."

"Damn three weeks? That's a long time. And birth control? How did they..."

"I don't know, I guess you really do glow after sex lol."

"Yeah, I guess that's it. But look do you think they'll let you come over for dinner this week? I kind of wanted to tell my parents."

"I'll ask, they don't seem THAT mad."


I put my phone down and proceeded to catch up on some homework.

Mena's POV

I noticed my dad's car as I pulled up to our driveway. Quickly I ran inside, but to my surprise the kitchen was empty. "Dad?" I yelled to see if they would respond.

"Bedroom!" I heard him yell back. I ran upstairs and into their bedroom, there sat my parents with serious looks on their faces.

"Hey, how was the weekend?" I smiled at them.

"Great, how about you and your lady friend?"

I felt myself go pale, "I'm sorry what?"

"You know if you want to bring a girl over at least don't keep her bra's."

My expression went blank as I tried thinking of something to say. "It was a prank, Will brought it over, I'm sorry. I swear nothing happened."

"Son, I was once your age you know...these hormonal changes your feeling can't be controlle—"

"Ew, gross Dad, nothing happened I swear. Like I said it was a prank."

"Okay whatever you say..." My mom looked at me mad, as she got up and signaled for me to go outside of the room. I walked out with her as she crossed her arms.

"You have to stop with this funny business, and all these girls? Make a choice, Mena."

"Woah, chill out mom! Like I said it was a prank and for your information, Naomi and I are back together and I was actually going to ask if we could have dinner again soon so she can meet Dad and Marian and Margo."

I noticed my mom sigh in relief. "Really?"

I couldn't hide my smile. "Yeah, she makes me really happy mom."

"That's the best news I've heard in so long, gosh I'm so happy!" She pulled me in for a hug.

I chuckled. "Yeah, so...dinner?"

"You got it! Let me know when she can come over!"

"Awesome, thanks mom."


Sorry for the late update, I've been feeling kind of off these last few days. I don't know if I'll keep consistently updating but I promise as long as my mental health lets me I'll update as much as I can. Thank you for being patient and for reading.  I love you guys.

- Valeria

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