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Mena's POV

I sat outside of my car as Naomi approached me.


"Hi," She said without looking up.

"Is everything alright Nay?"

Naomi looked up at me with tear filled eyes, "Can you just hold me for a second?" Softly I pulled her into my embrace; She cried into my chest for a good while until I felt her breathing even out.

"You know we're going to have to talk about this right?" I said gently caressing her hair.

She sat up and nodded. "I just, I'm confused Mena. I really care for you and being with you is amazing but I can't just break things up with Jordan like that, it hurts. I spent so much time in my life just wishing our relationship worked and it did yet, Jordan and I are in the middle of a discussion and here I am with you... I don't know, I really just don't understand."

"I mean, I have to ask...what exactly are we doing? Like, you and I?"Naomi turned to me and bit her lip nervously. "I need to know if this is pure sex or if we're really willing to give everything up for us I mean—"

"Part of me really wishes I could just throw in the towel and run away somewhere far with you but.."


"I can't afford to do that right now Mena. No matter how...deeply in love I may be with you."

"We're already sleeping together Nay I mean it can't get much worse than that."

"I know but he doesn't know that and Emily doesn't know that. It's not that simple." Grabbing Naomi's hand tightly I placed it on my cheek.

"I miss you, I want to be with you, and I'm willing to wait but sooner or later you're going to have to choose Naomi."

"I know..."

Gently smiling at her I pulled her closer to me, "Well in the mean time, what do you say we have some fun together?"

Naomi smiled up at me as she hugged me. "You're crazy Mena Massoud."

"Back at ya Naomi Scott. Now come on give me a kiss." Naomi giggled.

"Is that a command or a request?"

"Depends, what would you prefer it to be?"

"Little bit of both," Nay looked at my lips as she licked hers.

"You can't do that."

"Do what?" She grinned.

"That thing, where you look cute and sexy all at the same time. It makes me want to do things I can't do in public."

"You've got a point... come on." She rushed to get into my car.

"Come on where?"

"Well in the car for starters cause its freezing out here."

"Okay and now?"

"You're taking me home."

"What? Why I thought you didn't want to be there."

"Well I don't but I think a 21 year old running away from home is a pretty dramatic move. That and my mom would worry." She scrunched her nose. "I just have to figure out an explanation to give her on why I took the ring off and—"

"Wait you took the ring off?"

"I mean yeah, I took it off at the hotel and Jordan said to keep it and when I got home I just took it off. I wasn't exactly in the pretend your the perfect fiancé mood."

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