Should we?

413 7 1

Mena's POV

"So that should be everything!" Naomi said as she bent down to pick up a box.

"Hold up, you're crazy if you think you're picking that up." Grabbing it I placed it on the table on a taped it down. "Phew its done." I sat down as Naomi walked up to my and pulled me in for a hug. Her fingers softly ran through my hair as I placed a small kiss on her belly. "How are you feeling today? Heavier?"

"I'm feeling good, definitely heavier but good." She smiled.

"You know for carrying twins you certainly don't look like it."

"Yeah it's small isn't it? Maybe they're tiny too."

"You're not big yourself so they probably are tiny." I chuckled.

"Yeah probably... can you imagine, in just 3 months they'll be crying and not letting us sleep."

"In just a few days we're going to have a new home." I sighed, although I was excited I had to admit I was kind of nervous, it wasn't every day that one packed their bags to move to a whole new country.

"I know..." Naomi let out a breathe, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"All of this, I know you wanted to stay."

"Ahh its alright. Its just the memories you know, but I'm sure I'll love it over there."

"Are you sure you wanna go?"

"What do you mean? I've never been surer of anything in my life! Besides, we can make new memories."

"I love you,"

"I love you most, all of you,"

Naomi let out a small giggled, "Speaking of all of us, we're kind of hungry. How does sushi sound?"

"Oof way too good,"

"Go on and wash up, I'll order some."

"Is that your way of telling me I stink,"

"Nope its my way of telling you, I love you but I love you more when your clean."

Rolling my eyes playfully I stood up, "Alright, I'm going."

Quickly I headed over to take a shower. Naomi was right I needed it, and not just hygiene wise.  A warm shower was just what I needed after a long day to help me relax. Later I got out, fixed my curls, slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and threw myself in bed to check my cellphone. My eyes landed on on a text notification.

"Mena, we made plenty of dinner for tonight, Naomi and you should stop by! Love you guys!" My mom sent. As I smiled to my phone Naomi came into the room.

"Babe get dressed."

"What? Why?"

"Your mom called we're having dinner."

"I just read her text, how'd she call you so fast?"

"She texted you an hour ago and you didn't respond so she called me silly," she giggled as she sat next to me and started playing with my curls. Pulling up my phone I slid the text to the side, Nay was right. I didn't think my shower was that long.

"You know you doing that makes me just wanna stay in bed and sleep until next week with you."

"Let's not talk about sleep please, I can't remember the last time I had a decent night."

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